Obama Administration Stacked Deck Against Christian Refugees


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After Obama helped out Hosni Mubarak, who while a dictator protected Christians in Egypt and kept terrorist factions from fighting each other and killing Christians, and helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over, Christians were targeted, rounded up, and murdered.

After Obama allowed ISIS a free-pass into Iraq, we witnessed ISIS round up THOUSANDS of Christians and then behead them, burn them alive.

Christians within Syria, ISIS' stronghold, have been targeted for slaughter...

Christian, arguably, are THE most endangered refugee in the entire ME; yet Obama insists there should be no 'religious test' to prioritize refugees to bring into the U.S. How about we prioritize refugees based on who is the most endangered? While young, military-aged male Syrians (18 - 40yo) WANT to and are eager to come to the US to get away from the fighting and terrorism (and to kill us, as promised ISIS infiltrators), Christians are actually fleeing their own slaughter!


Obama calls idea of screening Syrian refugees based on religion ‘shameful, defends White House Strategy
LINK: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/11/16/obama-calls-idea-of-screening-syrian-refugees-based-on-religion-shameful-defends-white-house-strategy/
- Obama is extremely empathetic to the plight of Islamic Extrem...er, Muslims

Obama savages Republican calls to give priority to Christian refugees from Syria
LINK: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/16/obama-attacks-republican-calls-priority-christian-refugees-from-syria
- They just happen to be THE most targeted / endangered refugees

No room in America for Christian refugees
LINK: No room in America for Christian refugees
No, the deck is not stacked.

Far fewer Christians than Muslims in the stack, bub.
We shouldn't let them in on religious grounds, either. What makes people think they cant lie about that, too?
I mean, there are reports of FORGED passports. Come on people!
No, the deck is not stacked.

Far fewer Christians than Muslims in the stack, bub.
That was kinda the point - there are far fewer Christians in the deck - when there should be more. Obama's affinity for Islamic Extremists / Muslims having him bringing over many young military-age Muslims eager to come here rather than more Christians who NEED to come here to avoid being slaughtered.
LINK: Refugee resettlement process leaves Syrian Christians in the cold

"President Obama declared Monday that there should be no religious test for refugees fleeing a bloody Syrian civil war and the expanding reach of ISIS, but critics contend the current refugee placement process is rigged against Christians.

While Christians accounted for about 10 percent of the Syrian population in 2011 and face greater peril as a religious minority in a mostly Muslim region, fewer than 3 percent of the 2,187 refugees relocated to the U.S. since January 2011 are Christians, and the percentage of Christians granted asylum in 2015 has shrunk below even 2 percent. The main reason appears to be that once Christians escape the Assad regime's barrel bombs and Islamic State's brutal caliphate, they must navigate a hazardous refugee process fraught with gangs, sex trafficking and bureaucratic bias.

“America was created as a land for religious freedom, and if these individuals are persecuted for their faith, we as a beacon of hope for the world should understand their pain more than anybody else,” Juliana Taimoorazy told FoxNews.com. Taimoorazy is a fellow at the Philos Project and the president of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council.

“We should take our history and what we’ve stood for into consideration and accept them,” she said."

My dear, welcome to 'Change', to 'Forward'! Didn't you get the memo? Obama has declared this country is no longer a Christian nation...and as such, we do not owe those persecuted Christians ANYTHING!' Besides, as Barry declared to the world as he spoke before the U.N. after 9/11/12, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam!"
Jihadis "expanding globally and plotting aggressively"...

McCaul: 60 ISIS Terrorist Plots Against Western Targets; 18 of Them in USA
November 19, 2015 | Far from being "contained," radical Islamic terrorists operating in Syria are "expanding globally and plotting aggressively," Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul told Congress on Wednesday. "ISIS is now responsible for more than 60 terrorist plots against Western targets, including 18 in the United States," McCaul said.
"Here at home, we have arrested more than 70 ISIS supporters over the last year. That's on average more than one per week, and the FBI says it has nearly 1,000 ISIS-related investigations in all 50 states. If this is not a war, then I don't know what is." McCaul spoke at a joint hearing with the House Foreign Affairs Committee on "The Rise of Radicalism." America cannot wait for terrorists to launch their next attack," he said. "We must respond immediately. We can start by securing the homeland." On Thursday, in an effort to close security loopholes, House Republicans plan to introduce a bill pausing the influx of Syrian and Iraqi refugees until background checks can be strengthened.

Among other things, the bill would require the heads of the FBI, Homeland Securitiy Department, and Director of National Intelligence to certify to Congress that each refugee "is not a threat to the security of the United States." The bill does not address the religion of the refugees, but critics say it targets Muslims, since the majority of Syrian refugees are Muslim. The White House issued a statement saying President Obama would veto the bill, because it would "unacceptably hamper our efforts to assist some of the most vulnerable people in the world, many of whom are victims of terrorism, and would undermine our partners in the Middle East and Europe in addressing the Syrian refugee crisis."

Current refugee screening includes photographs, fingerprinting, in-person interviews, and database checks -- where data exists and can be checked. Syria is not one of those places. The process takes around 18 to 24 months, the Obama administration says. McCaul on Wednesday said his committee has just released a new report on the counter-terrorism challenges associated with Syrian refugee flows. He said the results of the nearly year-long investigation are "sobering." "While we are proud of our humanitarian tradition of welcoming refugees into our country, this is a special case. The president's own intelligence and law enforcement officials have warned this committee of the risk involved with the Syrian refugee program and the high-threat environment and I -- I have to take them at their word.


See also:

Obama Mocks Republicans: ‘Now They’re Worried About 3-Year-Old [Refugee] Orphans’
November 18, 2015 | President Obama ridiculed Republicans Wednesday for objecting to his Syrian refugee admission plans, saying some GOP presidential candidates vow to be tough on Russia and terrorists but are “scared of widows and orphans.”
Speaking in Manila, where he is attending an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Obama said some of the same people opposing his plans to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees claim to be tough enough to deal with President Vladimir Putin or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL). “These are the same folks oftentimes who suggest that they’re so tough that just talking to Putin or staring down ISIL or using some additional rhetoric some how’s going to solve the problems out there,” he said. “But apparently they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion,” he said. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them during debates. Now they’re worried about three-year-old orphans. That doesn’t sound very tough to me.”

According to State Department figures, out of 2,216 Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. since the civil war began in 2011, 965 (43.5 percent) are under 14; 949 (42.8 percent) are aged between 14 and 40; and 302 (13.6 percent) are aged over 40.Of the 14-40 cohort, 470 are women and 479 are men. Following last Friday’s deadly terror attacks in Paris – and fears that one of the terrorists may have entered Europe posing as a Syrian refugee – more than 30 U.S. governors, mostly Republicans, have said they oppose allowing them to settle in their states, citing security concerns.

Several GOP presidential hopefuls have also spoken out against the refugee plans, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said given his lack of trust in the administration’s vetting abilities he did not Syrian refugees should be admitted – not even “orphans under five,” he added when that scenario was put to him by interviewer Hugh Hewitt. Others, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, called for priority to be given to Christians among the refugee applicants, due to the severity of the threats they face at the hands of ISIS.



'We Are Not Satisfied With the Way This Refugee Program Is Being Run Right Now'
November 19, 2015 The Obama White House on Wednesday said it will veto a House bill requiring a pause in the nation's refugee program until stricter security standards can be put in place to vet the people who want to come here -- particularly those from Iraq and Syria. "Look, we've all gotten the briefing," House Speaker Paul Ryan told Fox News's Sean Hannity Wednesday night.
"We had the FBI, the Homeland Security come and brief us in a classified briefing and an unclassified briefing. And we are not satisfied with the way this refugee program is being run right now. We don't think the security standards are nearly stringent enough, and we are not satisfied with this. That is why we're passing this bill tomorrow." Ryan said he can't understand why Obama would veto the bill. "We obviously know that ISIS wants to infiltrate the refugee population. That's very clear. So we need to put a pause on this program and have higher standards placed upon it so that we can verify on a person-by-person basis -- each and every single refugee -- whether or not they pose any security risk. And if they do and if we can, without a shadow of a doubt, prove that, then they shouldn't come here.'

Ryan said the pause in accepting Syrian and Iraqi refugees would last longer than six months. President Obama has promised to take in up to 10,000 Syrian refugees in Fiscal Year 2016. Hannity asked Ryan if Republicans would use their constitutional "power of the purse" to defund the refugee program, given Obama's veto threat. "Look, right now, Sean, I'm not going to take any options off the table. I'm not going to put any options on the table. I think we have a good case to make right now. We have important legislation to pass. I'm asking and encouraging Democrats to join us. I know the president's threatening vetoes because I think he's worried, frankly, that Democrats are going to vote with the American people, that they're going to vote with us."

Ryan said vetting refugees shouldn't be a partisan issue: "And so I don't want this to be Republicans versus Democrats. This is Americans. This is our national security. It shouldn't be politicized like the president is politicizing it. And that is why we're asking all of our colleagues to support fixing this, pausing this and getting this right." The bill the House is expected to pass on Thursday -- just before members return to their home districts for the Thanksgiving break -- does not say anything about religion.

After Obama helped out Hosni Mubarak, who while a dictator protected Christians in Egypt and kept terrorist factions from fighting each other and killing Christians, and helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over, Christians were targeted, rounded up, and murdered.

After Obama allowed ISIS a free-pass into Iraq, we witnessed ISIS round up THOUSANDS of Christians and then behead them, burn them alive.

Christians within Syria, ISIS' stronghold, have been targeted for slaughter...

Christian, arguably, are THE most endangered refugee in the entire ME; yet Obama insists there should be no 'religious test' to prioritize refugees to bring into the U.S. How about we prioritize refugees based on who is the most endangered? While young, military-aged male Syrians (18 - 40yo) WANT to and are eager to come to the US to get away from the fighting and terrorism (and to kill us, as promised ISIS infiltrators), Christians are actually fleeing their own slaughter!


Obama calls idea of screening Syrian refugees based on religion ‘shameful, defends White House Strategy
LINK: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/11/16/obama-calls-idea-of-screening-syrian-refugees-based-on-religion-shameful-defends-white-house-strategy/
- Obama is extremely empathetic to the plight of Islamic Extrem...er, Muslims

Obama savages Republican calls to give priority to Christian refugees from Syria
LINK: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/16/obama-attacks-republican-calls-priority-christian-refugees-from-syria
- They just happen to be THE most targeted / endangered refugees

No room in America for Christian refugees
LINK: No room in America for Christian refugees
No such thing as religious persecution according to Imam Obama.
First off the founding of ISIL happen under President Clinton and not during President Obama watch.

The rise of ISIL happen under Bush and not President Obama. ISIS joined Al-Qaeda in 2004 and left Al-Qaeda ranks in 2013, and that happened under both Bush and Obama watch.

So let get that straight first and not try to put the entire ISIL ordeal on one President because their creation and rise happened under three different Presidents that did not take the threat of ISIL to be serious enough.

As for the slaughtering of Christians and non-ISIL members is a great threat, but how do we know if someone is truly a Christian?

Giving them some form of a faith based test is just stupid because anyone can claim to be Christian and know the answers to the test, so there is no point to testing someone over their religion.

The fact remains that Syrian Refugees should not be permitted within the borders of this fine nation. They should be sent back to their country, and fight for their country, and if they refuse then they are shit out of luck.

The U.S. can bring the Christian Syrians to the U.S. and train them but they should be sent back to fight for their country freedom from ISIL and not given a place to live here.

If all the non-ISIL Syrians and Iraqis flee the region then it will be easier for ISIL to gain further control, and the people of that region need to grow a backbone and fight for their land and not be sniveling cowards that they have been acting like.

If this country was invaded I would not flee to Canada or Mexico for protection, but instead help the military ( U.S. for those that are not smart enough ) to repel the invading force, and dying doing so.

So in the end the cowards that are fleeing need to woman and man up and fight for their country!

Yes, many will die but if they believe that ISIL is a threat to their country and way of life then it is worth fighting ISIL to their death!
First off the founding of ISIL happen under President Clinton and not during President Obama watch.

Who ARMED them, SUPPLIED them, TRAINED TROOPS for them, allowed them to freely enter Iraq to take over much of the nation our military had liberated at great expense, who allowed them to slaughter men / women / children Christians without lifting a finger, called them the 'JV Team' as he ignored them, and JUST called their attacks on Paris - killing over 150 and wounding about as many - a 'SETBACK' while ADMITTING his 'strategy/policy' is 'incomplete'...since 2012.

Who said just hours before the Paris attack that 'The truth is it has been our goal from the start to CONTAIN them, and WE HAVE DONE THAT'?!

Who mocked Americans and their legitimate concerns about ISIS threat and promise to attack the US next, as they successfully did in France so soon after the attacks in Paris?

Who, so soon after the successful carrying out of their (ISIS) threat to attack Paris, declared he wanted to INCREASE the number of Syrian 'Refugees' coming here from 10,000 to close to 65,000...and despite admitting thoroughly vetting them would take 12-18 months, declaring he wants to bring that 65,000 into the US BY THE END OF THE YEAR?

Who, despite being unable to keep any of his ACA promises (won't cost a dime, will pay for itself, you can keep your plan...) is pissed because the American people don't trust him when he says the Syrian Refugees do not pose ANY threat?!

Just like Obama, you can TRY to blame anyone you want, go back in history and dig up guys who haven't been in office or around for decades, but the TRUTH is, OBAMA OWNS THIS! AND IF ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL ATTACK ON US SOIL HAPPENS OBAMA NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED AND SENT TO GITMO, NOT JUST IMPEACHED.[/QUOTE]

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