Obama administration the most corrupt in American history

I suspect that Executive Privilege was invoked to prevent exposing government informants and having their names published.

Republicans are very loosey goosey about protecting government agents, as Valery Plame can attest.
Thread summary:

According to the actual evidence, Obama has run one of the cleanest admins in history. Number of indictments ... zero, despite a flagrantly corrupt Republican congress desperately trying to dig up any speck of dirt.

Republicans are jealous of that, so they're making up crazy stories.

Some of them, in their conspiracy-addled minds, think that the fact that they have been no crimes simply proves the crimes have been covered up.

And some of the Republicans are just proud partisan hack liars. Seditious they are, putting their party before their country. The old Soviets communists and current Republicans are very much alike in that way.
I think what this really shows is how adamantly the conservative media in this country pushes conspiracy theories as factual storylines or legitimate corruption charges.

It's as if you don't need to prove anything or even have all the facts lined up...as long as there is the "possibility" that "maybe" a "cover up" is being "hidden from the public" "DID HE DO IT??" Find out at 8pm, 7 Central!

And all these right wingers are taking that stuff as their gospel truth and any information source that doesn't show conviction toward their conspiracy theories is "Liberal Media Bias"
Umm no it isnt. Plenty of Obama's people have been investigated.

If by "investigated" you mean put in front of a Republican led congressional committee, sure. However that amounts to little more then political games and tax paid advertisements of partisan attacks.
Thanks for admitting the meme was a lie.

No it wasn't, being questioned by a partisan committee that's out for political gain is not the same as being investigated for a court hearing. The Republicans can play any games they want with their House Majority, who's gonna stop them? It doesn't mean anything they do has credibility though.
They were investigated. The findings were sent up to Justice for prosecution. Justice stonewalled it. End of story.

Justice doesn't prosecute on the basis of politics, it prosecutes on the basis of evidence. No evidence, no prosecution.

I realize that Faux News keeps hammering on these "scandals" and claiming the MSM ignores them because they're all leftists but the reality is they aren't real scandals.

At best, your so-called scandals are dumb things some lower level guys did, like a guy at a Midwest IRS office searching the word "conservative" to ask questions about a non-profit status application, but there is no evidence of any political motivations at all. And there's no evidence that he did it at the behest or direction of the White House.

As time goes on, Republicans seem more and more desperate to pin something, anything on Obama. I think it's a credit to the man that he selected decent, honest people to work in his administration, and not the kind of opportunistic slime balls we saw with W or Reagan.
If you dont go looking for it, you wont find any evidence. How much investigation did they do in 3 days?
I think what this really shows is how adamantly the conservative media in this country pushes conspiracy theories as factual storylines or legitimate corruption charges.

It's as if you don't need to prove anything or even have all the facts lined up...as long as there is the "possibility" that "maybe" a "cover up" is being "hidden from the public" "DID HE DO IT??" Find out at 8pm, 7 Central!

And all these right wingers are taking that stuff as their gospel truth and any information source that doesn't show conviction toward their conspiracy theories is "Liberal Media Bias"
Yes, it's that vast rightwing conspiracy in the media. The same media whose members voted 98% for Obama and had their own forum where they discussed how to present him best.
lol. What a bunch of fucking losers you are.
Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.

When running for senator he opened up his opponents divorce records to smear him. He also sent his lawyers after the other folks running against him to get them thrown out of the race.
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And Obama told his justice dept not to investigate any of these cases. If the justice dept is corrupt there will be no justice and there hasn't been. At least in previous administrations and congress there was a belief in the rule of law, not so here.

Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.

When running for senator he opened up his opponents divorce records to smear him. He also sent his lawyers after the other folks running against him to get them thrown out of the race.

But that's demonstratable bullshit:

Dealing a blow to the U.S. Senate candidacy of Republican Jack Ryan, a California judge ruled that several sealed divorce records likely to embarrass the candidate and his ex-wife should be opened to the public.

Ruling on a request brought by attorneys for the Tribune and WLS-TV, Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider acknowledged that the resulting publicity from the disclosure would be harmful to the couple's son, a key argument Ryan had raised in seeking to keep the documents from public view.

Court sets release of Ryan apos s divorce file - Chicago Tribune

Your claims we false. You were repeating lies. And most of the nonsense you guys tell each other is similarly bullshit. You just don't have anyone among you fact checking these claims or questioning you on these accusations.

If you have no interest in accuracy, then carry on. But if you genuinely want to make accurate claims, may I suggest that simply repeating what you've heard from other conservatives is a horrid way to do it.
Umm, no, it's factual truth.
Umm no it isnt. Plenty of Obama's people have been investigated.

If by "investigated" you mean put in front of a Republican led congressional committee, sure. However that amounts to little more then political games and tax paid advertisements of partisan attacks.
Thanks for admitting the meme was a lie.

No it wasn't, being questioned by a partisan committee that's out for political gain is not the same as being investigated for a court hearing. The Republicans can play any games they want with their House Majority, who's gonna stop them? It doesn't mean anything they do has credibility though.
They were investigated. The findings were sent up to Justice for prosecution. Justice stonewalled it. End of story.

ANd what was sent to justice for prosecution? Contempt of Congress charges?

You're speaking vaguely because you know when we get specific, your claims don't hold up.
"Obama administration the most corrupt in American history"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.
How about some of his scandals????

Obama Scandals and Controversies - List

Benghazi Controversy
Questions about how the Obama administration handled the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 and 12, 2012, dogged the president for months. Republicans portrayed this as an Obama scandal but the White House dismissed it as politics as usual.

IRS Scandal
The IRS scandal of 2013 refers to the Internal Revenue Service's disclosure that it had targeted conservative and Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny leading up to the 2012 presidential election between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney.

AP Phone Records Scandal
The U.S. Department of Justice secretly obtained telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press wire service in 2012.

The move was described as a last resort in a leak probe, but it nonetheless outraged journalists, who called the seizure a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into The AP's news gathering operation.

Illegal Immigrants and Obamacare
Does it or doesn't it? Does the health care reform law known as Obamacare insure illegal immigrants or not?

Obama has said no. "The reforms I am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally," the president told Congress.

That's when one member of Congress famously retorted: "You lie!

Are Illegal Immigrants Covered Under Obamacare

The question of whether Obama’s health care reform legislation provides coverage for illegal immigrants has been the subject of some debate over the years, largely because of their ability to still get treatment in emergency rooms.

U.S. Rep. Steve King, a Republican from Iowa, claimed in a 2009 written statement that Obama's health care reform law would provide coverage to 5.6 million illegal aliens because the government would not verify the citizenship or immigration status of those receiving taxpayer-funded health benefits.


Why He Was Called the Food Stamp President
President Barack Obama was called the racially charged nickname "food stamp president" at various times during his two terms in the White House because the number of Americans enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program rose dramatically while he was in office.

And here's another list!!!!!

The NEW Obama Scandals List conservativeamerican.org

Hillary Clinton Benghazi scandals can be found here.

These aren't scandals...they're conspiracy theories hoping to become scandals, which they won't. There are no investigations targetting the Obama administration, not even for Benghazi. There are no charges or convictions against the Obama administration either, which is a lot more than can be said of a lot of other administrations. Calling NSA and Iraq an Obama scandal is kinda hilarious though.

Obama is the least corrupt president we've had in decades.

Exactly. These are accusations that the republicans could never back up with facts. The IRS scandal?

Oh, they've *said* Obama was involved, that he used the IRS to target tea party groups. But when ask for evidence, what do you get?

Conspiracy insinuations. And exactly jack shit in terms of evidence. Its not that 'justice stonewalled it'. Its that conspiracy insinuations backed by nothing aren't the basis of criminal charges. You don't even have probable cause. You have a story that you can't back up.

And its that lack of evidence that separates accusations from evidence.
I think what this really shows is how adamantly the conservative media in this country pushes conspiracy theories as factual storylines or legitimate corruption charges.

It's as if you don't need to prove anything or even have all the facts lined up...as long as there is the "possibility" that "maybe" a "cover up" is being "hidden from the public" "DID HE DO IT??" Find out at 8pm, 7 Central!

And all these right wingers are taking that stuff as their gospel truth and any information source that doesn't show conviction toward their conspiracy theories is "Liberal Media Bias"

Exactly. There's no outcome that *can't* confirm their accusations. There's no method in which they can make a claim...and it isn't true. Even if they can find nothing to back their accusation, that's only because its been 'hidden'.
Harding was always my favorite, I mean two mistresses, one with child, the selling of VA materials, Teapot Dome, bribery and on and on. When Harding died his wife Florence burned Harding's papers for a couple of weeks. The Harding list seems endless, but we'll probably never know all. Some of the Harding papers were supposed to be released in 2014, I wonder if they were?

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