Obama administration the most corrupt in American history

Absolutely, the MOST CORRUPTED, ugly, THUGGISH, nasty, vindictive. not just against Congress, but with WE THE PEOPLE. see when he closed off our National parks and Memorials over funding for his OscamCare and shut down the government
Absolutely, the MOST CORRUPTED, ugly, THUGGISH, nasty, vindictive. not just against Congress, but with WE THE PEOPLE. see when he closed off our National parks and Memorials over funding for his OscamCare and shut down the government

The American Public disagrees with you, the vast majority blamed Republicans for the shutdown, that's the main reason the GOP caved to Obama and Reid in the end.
Absolutely, the MOST CORRUPTED, ugly, THUGGISH, nasty, vindictive. not just against Congress, but with WE THE PEOPLE. see when he closed off our National parks and Memorials over funding for his OscamCare and shut down the government

The American Public disagrees with you, the vast majority blamed Republicans for the shutdown, that's the main reason the GOP caved to Obama and Reid in the end.

THE VAST. well they are uninformed thanks to that party you support that does nothing but LIE.
SO who had the authority to order our National Parks and Memorials shut down? I suppose you'll blame that on Republicans?
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

A long list of accusations by the rightwing propaganda machine does not equal corruption.
How dare we think he's the most Corrupted. but according to his Obots, the vast majority doesn't think so. Hey the VAST majority just voted his party out of Control of Congress just for the HELL OF IT
video at the site


Here They Are… Barack Obama’s FIVE BIGGEST LIES – Can You Guess Them? (Video)

June 11, 2015 by Jim Hoft 58 Comments

Have we ever seen a president more dishonest than Barack Obama?
Have we ever seen a president who could lie so often and with such ease?
After six years of Obama here are his five biggest and most outlandish lies.

1.) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan
Number of mentions: 37 times
As Obama was pushing the tremendously unpopular legislation now known as ‘Obamacare’, at least 37 different times he promised that – If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan. Even the liberal media could not ignore it. This was lie of the year in 2013. After cancellation letters were sent to 4 million Americans, the public finally realized his breezy assurances were wrong.

2.) With Obamacare we will reduce your insurance premiums by $2,500, per family per year
Number of mentions: At least 22 times

all of it here:
Here They Are... Barack Obama s FIVE BIGGEST LIES - Can You Guess Them Video - The Gateway Pundit

And the BIGGEST one of all: Where he put his hand on a Bible and swore to uphold our Constitution of these United States while Representing WE THE PEOPLE
Last edited:
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?

138 culpable members of President Reagan's Administration is a fact, it was not an effort to defame Reagan! It was and remains a spot on rebuttal to the OP.

Only partisan hacks continue to lie - as you prove most everyday - and the most egregious partisan hacks - like you - are proud loud members of the Crazy Right Wing.
Absolutely, the MOST CORRUPTED, ugly, THUGGISH, nasty, vindictive. not just against Congress, but with WE THE PEOPLE. see when he closed off our National parks and Memorials over funding for his OscamCare and shut down the government

The American Public disagrees with you, the vast majority blamed Republicans for the shutdown, that's the main reason the GOP caved to Obama and Reid in the end.

THE VAST. well they are uninformed thanks to that party you support that does nothing but LIE.
SO who had the authority to order our National Parks and Memorials shut down? I suppose you'll blame that on Republicans?

Well, you finally got something correct: Yes, the R's shut down the government.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?

138 culpable members of President Reagan's Administration is a fact, it was not an effort to defame Reagan! It was and remains a spot on rebuttal to the OP.

Only partisan hacks continue to lie - as you prove most everyday - and the most egregious partisan hacks - like you - are proud loud members of the Crazy Right Wing.
Bullshit. Examine what their supposed "crimes" were.
This is typical of libs. They cannot absorb more than one or two factoids and so base their arguments on that. There are significant differences between the Reagan era "crimes" and the Obama era "crimes", not least of which is that under Reagan no one was out for pure political gain.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?

138 culpable members of President Reagan's Administration is a fact, it was not an effort to defame Reagan! It was and remains a spot on rebuttal to the OP.

Only partisan hacks continue to lie - as you prove most everyday - and the most egregious partisan hacks - like you - are proud loud members of the Crazy Right Wing.
Bullshit. Examine what their supposed "crimes" were.
This is typical of libs. They cannot absorb more than one or two factoids and so base their arguments on that. There are significant differences between the Reagan era "crimes" and the Obama era "crimes", not least of which is that under Reagan no one was out for pure political gain.

Only a fool would claim any presidential administration has no member out for personal and political gain".

Trusted Criminals White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society - David Friedrichs - Google Books
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?

138 culpable members of President Reagan's Administration is a fact, it was not an effort to defame Reagan! It was and remains a spot on rebuttal to the OP.

Only partisan hacks continue to lie - as you prove most everyday - and the most egregious partisan hacks - like you - are proud loud members of the Crazy Right Wing.
Bullshit. Examine what their supposed "crimes" were.
This is typical of libs. They cannot absorb more than one or two factoids and so base their arguments on that. There are significant differences between the Reagan era "crimes" and the Obama era "crimes", not least of which is that under Reagan no one was out for pure political gain.

Only a fool would claim any presidential administration has no member out for personal and political gain".

Trusted Criminals White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society - David Friedrichs - Google Books
You must be a fool then.
OK, let's concede Reagan's administration was more corrupt that Obama's.
That makes Obama's Administration the Second Most Corrupt in History. Do you fell better now that youv'e "won"?
"Obama administration the most corrupt in American history"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.
How about some of his scandals????

Obama Scandals and Controversies - List

Benghazi Controversy
Questions about how the Obama administration handled the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 and 12, 2012, dogged the president for months. Republicans portrayed this as an Obama scandal but the White House dismissed it as politics as usual.

IRS Scandal
The IRS scandal of 2013 refers to the Internal Revenue Service's disclosure that it had targeted conservative and Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny leading up to the 2012 presidential election between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney.

AP Phone Records Scandal
The U.S. Department of Justice secretly obtained telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press wire service in 2012.

The move was described as a last resort in a leak probe, but it nonetheless outraged journalists, who called the seizure a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into The AP's news gathering operation.

Illegal Immigrants and Obamacare
Does it or doesn't it? Does the health care reform law known as Obamacare insure illegal immigrants or not?

Obama has said no. "The reforms I am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally," the president told Congress.

That's when one member of Congress famously retorted: "You lie!

Are Illegal Immigrants Covered Under Obamacare

The question of whether Obama’s health care reform legislation provides coverage for illegal immigrants has been the subject of some debate over the years, largely because of their ability to still get treatment in emergency rooms.

U.S. Rep. Steve King, a Republican from Iowa, claimed in a 2009 written statement that Obama's health care reform law would provide coverage to 5.6 million illegal aliens because the government would not verify the citizenship or immigration status of those receiving taxpayer-funded health benefits.


Why He Was Called the Food Stamp President
President Barack Obama was called the racially charged nickname "food stamp president" at various times during his two terms in the White House because the number of Americans enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program rose dramatically while he was in office.

And here's another list!!!!!

The NEW Obama Scandals List conservativeamerican.org

Hillary Clinton Benghazi scandals can be found here.
"Obama administration the most corrupt in American history"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.
How about some of his scandals????

Obama Scandals and Controversies - List

Benghazi Controversy
Questions about how the Obama administration handled the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 and 12, 2012, dogged the president for months. Republicans portrayed this as an Obama scandal but the White House dismissed it as politics as usual.

IRS Scandal
The IRS scandal of 2013 refers to the Internal Revenue Service's disclosure that it had targeted conservative and Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny leading up to the 2012 presidential election between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney.

AP Phone Records Scandal
The U.S. Department of Justice secretly obtained telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press wire service in 2012.

The move was described as a last resort in a leak probe, but it nonetheless outraged journalists, who called the seizure a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into The AP's news gathering operation.

Illegal Immigrants and Obamacare
Does it or doesn't it? Does the health care reform law known as Obamacare insure illegal immigrants or not?

Obama has said no. "The reforms I am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally," the president told Congress.

That's when one member of Congress famously retorted: "You lie!

Are Illegal Immigrants Covered Under Obamacare

The question of whether Obama’s health care reform legislation provides coverage for illegal immigrants has been the subject of some debate over the years, largely because of their ability to still get treatment in emergency rooms.

U.S. Rep. Steve King, a Republican from Iowa, claimed in a 2009 written statement that Obama's health care reform law would provide coverage to 5.6 million illegal aliens because the government would not verify the citizenship or immigration status of those receiving taxpayer-funded health benefits.


Why He Was Called the Food Stamp President
President Barack Obama was called the racially charged nickname "food stamp president" at various times during his two terms in the White House because the number of Americans enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program rose dramatically while he was in office.

And here's another list!!!!!

The NEW Obama Scandals List conservativeamerican.org

Hillary Clinton Benghazi scandals can be found here.
Libs have alkready admitted Obama's is among the top 2 administrations for scandal.
"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?

138 culpable members of President Reagan's Administration is a fact, it was not an effort to defame Reagan! It was and remains a spot on rebuttal to the OP.

Only partisan hacks continue to lie - as you prove most everyday - and the most egregious partisan hacks - like you - are proud loud members of the Crazy Right Wing.
Bullshit. Examine what their supposed "crimes" were.
This is typical of libs. They cannot absorb more than one or two factoids and so base their arguments on that. There are significant differences between the Reagan era "crimes" and the Obama era "crimes", not least of which is that under Reagan no one was out for pure political gain.

Only a fool would claim any presidential administration has no member out for personal and political gain".

Trusted Criminals White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society - David Friedrichs - Google Books
You must be a fool then.
OK, let's concede Reagan's administration was more corrupt that Obama's.
That makes Obama's Administration the Second Most Corrupt in History. Do you fell better now that youv'e "won"?

Of course not, corrupt ["having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain"] is not even in the picture of the mostly ridiculous allegations made by the Obama Haters, aka, the Crazy Right Wing.

I suppose the improper use of the English Language is one more example of the anti-intellectual movement in the thinking of you guys who represent the Crazy Right Wing.

I don't believe you're a fool so much as a dishonest partisan hack.
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?

138 culpable members of President Reagan's Administration is a fact, it was not an effort to defame Reagan! It was and remains a spot on rebuttal to the OP.

Only partisan hacks continue to lie - as you prove most everyday - and the most egregious partisan hacks - like you - are proud loud members of the Crazy Right Wing.
Bullshit. Examine what their supposed "crimes" were.
This is typical of libs. They cannot absorb more than one or two factoids and so base their arguments on that. There are significant differences between the Reagan era "crimes" and the Obama era "crimes", not least of which is that under Reagan no one was out for pure political gain.

Only a fool would claim any presidential administration has no member out for personal and political gain".

Trusted Criminals White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society - David Friedrichs - Google Books
You must be a fool then.
OK, let's concede Reagan's administration was more corrupt that Obama's.
That makes Obama's Administration the Second Most Corrupt in History. Do you fell better now that youv'e "won"?

Of course not, corrupt ["having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain"] is not even in the picture of the mostly ridiculous allegations made by the Obama Haters, aka, the Crazy Right Wing.

I suppose the improper use of the English Language is one more example of the anti-intellectual movement in the thinking of you guys who represent the Crazy Right Wing.

I don't believe you're a fool so much as a dishonest partisan hack.

Actually, according to a CNN poll, you are in the minority....

President s marks as manager take hit in new CNN ORC poll CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Monday morning also indicates that 53% of Americans now believe that Obama is not honest and trustworthy, the first time that a clear majority in CNN polling has felt that way.

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