Obama administration the most corrupt in American history

It's hilarious how Obamabots will fall on their swords rather than admit their hero can ever do wrong.
A corrupt Attorney General is not going to investigate crimes of the President who appointed him.
Why bother, you all won't read em anyway

New Documents Offer Glimpse into Criminal Investigation of Obama IRS Scandal - Judicial Watch

Obama Administration Refuses to Release Time Records of Key Attorney in IRS Scandal Investigation Politics US - Right Side News

Lois Lerner turned over a million pages of IRS info to the justice dept. an illegal act and a violation of law. Never prosecuted. Hell Hilary violated the law by not securing her server with classified information. As they say, Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies know more about Hilary's e mail than Americans do.

Once again, you libs claim innocence because the justice department looks the other way. The president has set the tone for lawlessness and lying and his minions just follow,his example, and our country is all the worse for,it.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
Reagan didn't have a corrupt Justice Department running interference for him. Obama does.
"The Justice Department" :lmao: the current J.D. is just another scam sham, the bitch wants to investigate FIFA rather than the corrupt B.O'Husseins admin. does anyone wonder why ??

another puppet whose strings are so fucking tangled in her own corruption she dances to the tune of "Hail B.O'Hussein". :up:
The Justice Department was in on the corruption and covered up every law broken by the Obama administration. Holder was Obama's "wingman" while raping the Constitution.
They had no choice. When the Zorots from Czmemorton arrived and declared themselves to the DoJ as the top space aliens Holder was forced to follow their instructions.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

Your post reminds me of some lyrics from an old Simon and Garfunkel song. It's The Boxer.

All lies and jest
Still, a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest

Why is it that conservatives seem to thrive on unsubstantiated statements which declare something to be unquestionably true with little or no evidence whatsoever to back it up?
Convincing liberals that Obama is corrupt is like trying to convince an atheist that there is a God.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
Because the truth doesn't support their unwarranted hate.
Obama's is clearly the most corrupt. The Dems were out ot frame Reagan. Even so, what did they have on him? That he made foreign policy decisions they didnt like? That's pretty much it.
Obama is so guilty of corruption, and corruption for political gain, that it can only be denied by people who simply cannot be brought to understanding.


Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.


And Obama told his justice dept not to investigate any of these cases. If the justice dept is corrupt there will be no justice and there hasn't been. At least in previous administrations and congress there was a belief in the rule of law, not so here.


Gullible RWs are gullible.

Check my sig line for proof.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

All that article lists are Benghazi, IRS Targeting, Fast and Furious (lol...), Solyndra, and VA clinics as Obama's "scandals"

The problem with that is that none of them are scandals....they're literally ALL conspiracy theories that conservative media push out as truth. You at least need charges or indictments or direct evidence of some kind at LEAST for a scandal to be a legitimate scandal.

The Republican led House Select Committee actually found that the Obama Administration did no wrong doing in regards to Benghazi. The House Committee for the IRS investigation found (quote) "there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria" meaning there wasn't any IRS conspiracy to begin with.

Fast and Furious is a ridiculous joke and it's pathetic that conservatives even still bring it up, if you know the details behind you you quickly realize what a joke it is, even for a conspiracy theory. It was made up by some nuthead who has no credibility to begin with.

That basically leaves Solyndra and the VA. The VA has been inept for decades upon decades so blaming that Obama is nothing short of absurd. Solyndra is cherry picking data to focus on the bad results and ignore the vastly more significant good ones.
They're not conspiracy theories,dufus. The evidence of wrongdoing is there. The Justice Dept set up an investigation of the Lois Lerner and the suppression of non profit groups and reported within 3 days there was nothing to see. They apparently didnt interview anyone. They didnt review any emails. It is difficult to see what they actually did do. The assistent DA assigned to the case was supposed to bring Lerner's perjury to a grand jury. He declined, even though that is his job. And retired the next day.
That is prima facie evidence of corruption.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

"By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

List of Reagan administration convictions.

Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So Far Obama Has a Pretty Clean Record The Independent Agenda

Why are Obama Haters LIARS?
It's pitiful that lib-tards have to go back 30 years to slander Reagan in order to excuse Obama.
So if Obama is the second most corrupt president, that makes it OK?
Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.
Where would Conservatives be without their conspiracy theories?

They are all over the conservative blogosphere...must be something to it
Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.
Where would Conservatives be without their conspiracy theories?

They are all over the conservative blogosphere...must be something to it

They are still trying to sort out the fact that

"terrorist attack"


"act of terror"

refer to the same thing.

Poor creatures. So much skull, so little grey matter.
Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.
Where would Conservatives be without their conspiracy theories?

They are all over the conservative blogosphere...must be something to it

They are still trying to sort out the fact that

"terrorist attack"


"act of terror"

refer to the same thing.

Poor creatures. So much skull, so little grey matter.
Don't forget John Kerry calling our troops terrorists
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

All that article lists are Benghazi, IRS Targeting, Fast and Furious (lol...), Solyndra, and VA clinics as Obama's "scandals"

The problem with that is that none of them are scandals....they're literally ALL conspiracy theories that conservative media push out as truth. You at least need charges or indictments or direct evidence of some kind at LEAST for a scandal to be a legitimate scandal.

The Republican led House Select Committee actually found that the Obama Administration did no wrong doing in regards to Benghazi. The House Committee for the IRS investigation found (quote) "there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria" meaning there wasn't any IRS conspiracy to begin with.

Fast and Furious is a ridiculous joke and it's pathetic that conservatives even still bring it up, if you know the details behind you you quickly realize what a joke it is, even for a conspiracy theory. It was made up by some nuthead who has no credibility to begin with.

That basically leaves Solyndra and the VA. The VA has been inept for decades upon decades so blaming that Obama is nothing short of absurd. Solyndra is cherry picking data to focus on the bad results and ignore the vastly more significant good ones.
They're not conspiracy theories,dufus. The evidence of wrongdoing is there. The Justice Dept set up an investigation of the Lois Lerner and the suppression of non profit groups and reported within 3 days there was nothing to see. They apparently didnt interview anyone. They didnt review any emails. It is difficult to see what they actually did do. The assistent DA assigned to the case was supposed to bring Lerner's perjury to a grand jury. He declined, even though that is his job. And retired the next day.
That is prima facie evidence of corruption.

Yes they are conspiracy theories...there isn't any evidence or proof or even likelihood that the administration did anything wrong with any of them.

They're all at the same level as saying GW Bush caused 9/11 intentionally. The only difference is when you have a Republican Congress out for blood it makes it a lot easier to set up phony committees to investigate nothing.
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