Obama administration the most corrupt in American history

It's the usual litany of made up shit: Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, none of which are real scandals, just shit right wingers have brayed about since they happened because they've got nothing better. 7 Benghazi investigations and what has been uncovered? Zip, nada, nothing.

Bush was far more corrupt, funneling billions to Haliburton which Cheney still held massive shareholdings in while VP.
Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Obama's is clearly the most corrupt. The Dems were out ot frame Reagan. Even so, what did they have on him? That he made foreign policy decisions they didnt like? That's pretty much it.
Obama is so guilty of corruption, and corruption for political gain, that it can only be denied by people who simply cannot be brought to understanding.
Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

You might want to take a few moments out of your schedule in order to check to see how many officials and former officials of the Reagan administration were indicted and tried for a variety of crimes. Of course, at this point in time, nothing needs to be said about Richard Milhous Nixon and his cadre of crooks. The folks in the Bush 41 administration were a pretty corrupt lot, as well. While you're at it, check for the number of Clinton officials while you're looking at the Obama folks. You won't find much in comparison.
Obama's is clearly the most corrupt. The Dems were out ot frame Reagan. Even so, what did they have on him? That he made foreign policy decisions they didnt like? That's pretty much it.
Obama is so guilty of corruption, and corruption for political gain, that it can only be denied by people who simply cannot be brought to understanding.


Nixon had an "enemies list" and used the IRS to go after them. Spiro Agnew was forced the resign because of kickbacks. Members of the Reagan Administration trades weapons for hostages.

Clearly the original poster wouldn't recognize a genuine scandal if it jumped up and bit him in the ass.
Nixon had an enemies list and wanted the IRS to go after them. They refused.
Agnew had to resign because of alleged kickbacks he took as governor.

Those things pale in comparison to Obama.
Obama keeps an enemies list.
Obama sent the IRS after his enemies.
Obama sent the FBI after his enemies
Obama used the Justice Dept to walk guns to Mexico to further his gun control agenda
Obama had the IRS leak confidential tax returns to the media
Obama had agencies share confidential data with outside advocacy groups.
Obama covered up a terrorist attack because it lessened his chances for re-election.
And that's just what we know about.


And Obama told his justice dept not to investigate any of these cases. If the justice dept is corrupt there will be no justice and there hasn't been. At least in previous administrations and congress there was a belief in the rule of law, not so here.


Gullible RWs are gullible.

Here's the difference. Senator Barry Goldwater went to Nixon that he should resign, because Republicans were not going to back him if there was a vote for impeachment.

The Nixon Administration and Watergate Nixon Resignation

Democrats never admit, or acknowledge their scandals, and cover up, and get away with it because the media won't even report the story. Even on this forum, liberal Democrats lie about what's going on with Obama.
You people are mindless partisans.

Also, if you think talking about other Presidents makes Obama less guilty, then you are logically impaired.
Reagan got accused of just as many. Plus over a hundred of his guys got indicted, convicted or needed pardons. How many of Obama's guys have been indicted, convicted or given pardons?

It is obvious to all but the willingly blind, that if you are an "Obama guy" with Eric Holder as Attorney General...you will never get indicted, or convicted, and so will not need a pardon.

That has been obvious for a long time to the rankest knave out there.

And, the total politicization of the Justice Department is one of Obama's most effective treasons.

I think encouraging the illegal invasion of our country, to score new Mexican votes for Democrats/Socialists...when he is sworn to stop it, is his worst treason...but the Courts have helped block that. Taking the Justice Department out of the fight for Justice has been his most effective treason, and if unchecked, is the beginning of true tyranny.

We have a Bolshevik serving as President. Its going to be a tough 19 months.
Arguing over which side is most corrupt...listen people you need to come to grips with the fact that our government is corrupt. With few exceptions these politicians are either already corrupt, in the process of being corrupted, or are being targeted for recruitment into the corruption. Its sad but there it is.
The American public got to see real Congressional Hearings live on TV. Those Hearings made it obvious and clear that the White House had gone out of control and was breaking laws. No matter how many administration staff fell on their swords, if the culprits were not brought to justice Reagan would have been impeached. Remember, you had officials admitting to crimes on live TV to escape imprisonment. There wasn't a debate about guilt. It came down to believing whether Reagan was telling the truth about not remembering or knowing about the misdeeds done under his command or not. There was no question about the staff members who admitted their crimes. The deal made with the Congress and the American people was that Reagan would be left alone, but all the criminals that surrounded him were not getting the same pass.
The Obama Presidency A Cacophony of Corruption - Breitbart

Ullysses Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon are each known for ONE scandal.

It is impossible to count Obama's scandals, but he has more scandals to his name than all previous President combined.

Liberals destroy their credibility defending Obama. If they were smart, they'd run away from Obama so as not to taint themselves with Obama's filth and slime.

All that article lists are Benghazi, IRS Targeting, Fast and Furious (lol...), Solyndra, and VA clinics as Obama's "scandals"

The problem with that is that none of them are scandals....they're literally ALL conspiracy theories that conservative media push out as truth. You at least need charges or indictments or direct evidence of some kind at LEAST for a scandal to be a legitimate scandal.

The Republican led House Select Committee actually found that the Obama Administration did no wrong doing in regards to Benghazi. The House Committee for the IRS investigation found (quote) "there was no intentional wrongdoing or political bias in the use of the criteria" meaning there wasn't any IRS conspiracy to begin with.

Fast and Furious is a ridiculous joke and it's pathetic that conservatives even still bring it up, if you know the details behind you you quickly realize what a joke it is, even for a conspiracy theory. It was made up by some nuthead who has no credibility to begin with.

That basically leaves Solyndra and the VA. The VA has been inept for decades upon decades so blaming that Obama is nothing short of absurd. Solyndra is cherry picking data to focus on the bad results and ignore the vastly more significant good ones.
I already provided proof, and you chose to denounce the source instead of reading it.
Proof? From a site found lying again and again? That's your proof? Next you'll be telling us the world is 6,000 years old, evolution is a lie, trickle down works and Iraq was a success.
The Justice Department was in on the corruption and covered up every law broken by the Obama administration. Holder was Obama's "wingman" while raping the Constitution.

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