Obama Administration's crimes laid out.

ThunderKiss - can you add some original content to make the OP legit?
The OP is not legit. TK could write for a week and not make the case.
Feb 21, 2016 ... Until Obama signed an executive order lifting sanctions on Iran, all
Persian rugs had been banned and yet during the ban Obama owned many many persian rugs and had contacts with Iranians therefore using The lefts standards on associations Obama broke the ban and took illegal gifts and bribes from Iran.-oops

Rug Rag Advice for Obama Puppy Dog

This proves Obama made money from Iran through the guise of illegal acceptances of "rugs for favors" Persian rugs sold for huge amounts of money ($4.4 million for a couple of puppy pooped on persians-try saying that ten times real fast). This is highly illegal where is the media about this
"Rugs for favors scam"?
The "Barack Obama" Carpet: Sotheby's Sale N08503 Features Large & Rare Tabriz Silk

No way puppy soiled rugs cost that much, thus like the sale of his home money is funneled through decoy items & over payments.
Just call this "Rug Gate".

Another scandal Book Of Jeremiah noted & posted was worse:
Nadhmi Auchi, the Iraqi billionaire who took the oil for food money after Hussein's fall. Auchi was the man who paid for Obama's house in Hyde Park using Tony Rezko as the bag man (Rezko was a real estate agent and handled the transaction). Auchi was on trial in France for an embezzlement scandal some years ago.
Pattern of such dealings;
Auchi’s overarching ability is to spread money around politically and use it to leverage lucrative government and commercial contracts. His role as Saddam’s banker allowed him to build his GMH into the largest stockholder in BNP Parisbas , which, thanks to Auchi, became the trough for the U.N. Oil-for-Food scam. (A researcher for the Volker Report on the U.N. Oil-for-Food program confirmed that, while Auchi’s name never appeared in the report, his fingerprints were evident across the program; French political pressure prevented its inclusion in the report).
Auchi was found guilty in 2003 of taking a million dollar kickback in the Elf-Aquitaine scandal in France, the largest corruption case in French history.
His influence with successive presidents of France assured that he was only given a suspended prison sentence and a several million dollar fine. He returned to England unscathed.
A good indicator of Auchi’s methods of operation and reach can be found in David Ignatius’s 1994 novel, The Bank of Fear , where the main antagonist is based wholly on Auchi. The novel reflects the history of the two decades after 1980 when Auchi was the unacknowledged but actual financial front man for Saddam in Europe. Ignatius had started to write an expose of Auchi and his dealings, but decided that the British libel laws made a novel a wiser alternative.
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