Obama Administraton Fumbled On Keystone XL Oil Pipelin Projct!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Obama Administration blew it on the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline project allowing the State Dept to delay until 2013 a decison on the permit approvals for this pipeline over their desire to reroute this pipeline around the ogallala aquifer in the Sand Hill regions of Nebraska. The bottom line is that a responsible White House would conclude America absolutely needs this pipeline which would transport oil from the Canadian Tar Sand region where it would be produced to America's Gulf Coast refineries providing lower cost oil to America there should be no doubt this project must go through. America in a very short period of time could be faced with gasoline exceeding $4.00/gallon and one can't even have confidence it won't break the $5.00 per gallon limit over the next two years. Today the price of a barrel of oil is approximately $100 and the U.S. economy is not in good shape we have the housing market in the basement, the critically important banking industry is still sick, unemployment is at an extremely high 9%, the super-committee doesn't have the character to meet its 1.2 trillion deficit cutting goals without accounting gimmicks which if the rating agencies act with integrity means the U.S. will lose its triple AAA credit rating which will prohibit many sovereign debt buyers from buying U.S. treasuries which will cause these bonds interest rates to rise thus increasing America's "interest" rates and Europe is just beginning to experience the outer bands of a depression grade economic hurricane involving sovereign debt where these countries aren't even talking about the only practical solution which is the distressed countries force their own people to buy the countries bonds all this meaning that if America and the world economies stop operating in the present bad range and go to a good range oil prices will rise dramatically as oil demand increases. The world and America could readily see $120 barrel oil and even $150 barrel oil. Large swaths of the American people will experience severe hardship if gasoline exceeds $4.00/gallon and if gasoline hits $5.00/gallon American executives as extremely sharp as they are at producing earnings won't be able to overcome this oil problem and their stock prices will drop dramatically and the American economy will falter. Any competent economist will tell you that the American economy is still vulnerable to the price of oil and will be for the foreseeable future. This means that America needs this Canadian oil we need it desperately it is not something to play around with political leaders of America if responsible will secure this good supply of oil for the American people. Once the price of gasoline hits these catastrophic thresholds price relief offered by Canadian oil will be at minimum two years away the time needed to build the Keystone XL pipeline but it will probably be too late at that point because Canada will likely have chosen the smart play and built a pipeline from the tar sands region to the west coast and from there be shipping their oil to oil hungry countries in Asia which will take away America's pricing leverage for this oil.

It is somewhat understandable in a post Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill world that government authorities would take one last look at trying to protect the Nebraska aquifer if at all possible but the manner of their effort is indefensible. It's been reported in the media that TransCanada has agreed to reroute the pipeline around the sands hill region and the state government of Nebraska is on board with the decision even agreeing to pay for the needed studies. What is a real tragedy and egregiously wrong is that the State Department has not risen to the occasion as TransCanada and Nebraska officials have the State Department won't change its 2013 timetable. Pursuant to state department officials prior statements the only questions relating to permit approval for this pipeline relates to this 250 mile section through the sand hills, certainly the greatest country in the world a country that deems itself second to none economically has a government which can determine if a 275 mile pipeline is safe and lawful in a sooner time period than 13.5 months? This Keystone Pipeline XL project will create an enormous number of jobs and generate an enormous amount of revenue for the many Midwestern states which the pipeline will traverse with America still suffering deep wounds from the 2007/2009 recession, the worst recession in the prior seventy-five years, and this enormous economic relief at hand for this region of America certainly the Federal Government can do better than an arbitrary at minimum thirteen month timetable certainly this isn't the best the Federal Government can do! Might I suggest the State Department reconsider its position here!

Around two weeks ago when this deferral announcement on the Keystone XL pipeline was made the media made it seem like the environmentalists won this great victory they won the Superbowl of environmentalist contests. All these environmentalists and their media facilitators are acting like a bunch of damned fools over this Obama Administration inaction. The expansion of the refineries in the Tar Sands regions of Canada is still going to take place and the waste ponds are still going to be produced you haven't stopped the pollution you haven't protected the environment the Prime Minister of Canada sent this message to you loud and clear when after the State Department 2013 timetable announcement the Prime Minister essentially said Canada has to now explore selling this oil in Asia! As a matter of fact all you idiot environmentlists have done is thrown away an opportunity for America to really protect the Canadia/America enviroment from this industry for the U.S. state department could have used its leverage as the government of the buyers of this tar sand oil to persuade the Canadian government to stop the creation of these waste ponds that leech toxic chemicals into water bodies affecting both countries and to use the latest technologies to stop air pollution affecting both countries. Great Job Environmentalists!

Don't worry American environmentalists you aren't the only country's fools America has the energy expert fools. In the last couple of days, the company Enbridge has purchased a major stake in the Seaway oil pipeline which runs from Cushing Oklahoma to Gulf Coast Oil refineries and with its other partner plans to reverse the oil flow making the pipeline flow from Cushing to the Gulf Coast which will solve the problem of the oil glut that has existed for quite awhile at Cushing. Many of America's energy experts are saying this Seaway development provides a strong reason for the Obama Administration to not approve the Keystone XL pipeline because one of the selling points of Keystone is that its route goes through Cushing to the Gulf Coast which would allow it too alleviate the glut and now Seaway can handle that role. These people are imbeciles, the seaway development means that Midwest oil refiners will be paying more for oil and Midwest oil consumers will be paying more for gasoline and diesel fuel, prior to this Seaway move this Midwest region essentially had their own regional oil market created by the oil glut at Cushing now with the Seaway move this regional market is done away with these Midwest end-users and consumers are going to have to compete in the world market this asset of theirs has been taken away from them this hurts these Midwesterners economically. If Keystone XL goes through this will bring an additional 400,000 to 500,000 barrels of oil per day to the Midwest from the Tar Sands region of Canada this will return that Midwest region's oil supply advantage and thus their good pricing situation. The Democrats are making a clear mistake in not having this Keystone XL pipeline go through and time will prove this out. This Keystone issue is so important that if a genie appeared to President Barack Obama and said I''ll grant you one of two wishes you can have this Keystone XL project go through in a great manner and be built within two years or you could have your $450 billion stimulus bill that failed in Congress be resurrected and be enacted into law. If President Barack Obama was doing what would be in the best interest of the American people he would choose the Keystone wish, the price of oil is that important to the American economy - don't believe it, time will definitely tell!
It was no fumble...It was blatant pandering to the enviroloons.

The only job that the Dick-in Chief gives a shit about is his own.
It was no fumble...It was blatant pandering to the enviroloons.

The only job that the Dick-in Chief gives a shit about is his own.
And portraying his weakness to the tyrants in the world...but hey? He went on a world apology tour in 2009 that solidified that, didn't he?

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