Obama admitted he's a Muslim; and Trump/Carson are supposed to lie for him?

If he's a muslim why won't he be honest?
You mean you didn't know he's a liar?
If Obama was a Muslim, why wouldn't he just tell everyone that?
Because the time for him to "Evolve" isn't right yet.
First they have to make being a Muslim cool.

The biggest problem is all of this Islamic Terrorism getting in the way.
It makes it very difficult to pave the way for Obama's eventual admission of his belief in Islam.
I've seen no evidence from trump or Carson that they think Obama is a Muslim.

Till they do, I find this thread completely meaningless. Obama is the past. Let's go to the future.
Being Muslim is cool.
But if you're running for president, you'd better not say Obama is Muslim.
You might as well call him a pole-smoker.......which is cool too by the way.
Remember that one time when he had a beer with the guy that broke into his own house?

Muslims don't drink alcohol.

I bet you can find dozens of official photos of Obama eating various forms of pork, which is forbidden by Islam.

When's the last time anyone saw him drop onto a prayer mat facing Mecca thrice times daily?

I'm amazed that you guys have enough brain function to breathe and blink your eyes.
Muslims drink. Some of them even have their own stills.
Some of them are gay too. They just don't show it while the Sun is up. Some of those Shiites are real flamers once Allah goes to sleep.
Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'
He's worn band on wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle



Read more at Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’

How many Christians would be wearing a RING since, at least 1981 by available pictures that states....'There is no god but Allah'

Admits he's a muslim on video, wears a ring dedicated to allah.... mighty convincing evidence!
A testament to the utter stupidity of the Right.
Thank you.

The unphotoshoped ring

Perhaps the WND story is mistaken, the VIDEO of him declaring HIS MUSLIM FAITH is in his OWN WORDS! You ever make a mistake and call yourself a muslim???
Except Obama was talking about McCain's words about his faith.

He called it his MUSLIM FAITH and Stephanopoulos CORRECTED HIM, you idiot!
No, Obama was clearly saying that McCain was not spreading the false gossip that Obama practiced the Muslim faith.

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: You mentioned your Christian faith. Yesterday, you took after the Republicans for suggesting you have Muslim connections. Just a few minutes ago, Rick Davis, John McCain's campaign manager, said they've never done that. This is a false and cynical attempt to play victim.

SEN. OBAMA: You know what, these guys love to throw a rock and hide their hands.

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: But the McCain campaign has never suggested you have Muslim connections.

SEN. OBAMA: No. No. No. But I don't think that when you look at what is being promulgated on Fox News, let's say, and Republican commentators who are closely allied to these folks ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: But John McCain said that's wrong.

SEN. OBAMA: Listen, you and I both know that the minute that Governor Palin was forced to talk about her daughter, I immediately said that's off limits. And ...

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: And John McCain said the same thing about questioning your faith.

SEN. OBAMA: And what was the first thing the McCain campaign went out and did? They said, look, these liberal blogs that support Obama are out there attacking Governor Palin. Let's not play games. What I was suggesting — you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith
Obama practices Islam like he practices Christianity. Whenever he feels like it.
He hates Christians and Jews. He just doesn't hate Muslims like he does Christians and Jews.
If he's a muslim why won't he be honest?
You mean you didn't know he's a liar?
If Obama was a Muslim, why wouldn't he just tell everyone that?
Because the time for him to "Evolve" isn't right yet.
First they have to make being a Muslim cool.

The biggest problem is all of this Islamic Terrorism getting in the way.
It makes it very difficult to pave the way for Obama's eventual admission of his belief in Islam.
Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'
He's worn band on wedding-ring finger since before he met Michelle



Read more at Obama’s ring: ‘There is no god but Allah’

How many Christians would be wearing a RING since, at least 1981 by available pictures that states....'There is no god but Allah'

Admits he's a muslim on video, wears a ring dedicated to allah.... mighty convincing evidence!
ovey Vigil!!!

Simply another LIE. Don't you EVER check your sources? Or does it not matter? Are you gonna spread the lie as long as you think it helps your party....? Is this is your job and contribution in life? Or is this just what is fun for you??

here is a clear pic of his ring, close up.

It is not some ring praising alah... :lol:



snopes.com: Obama's Wedding Ring
This election isn't about that little man Obama. we need to stop letting them (THE MEDIA and now Both parties are in on this against Trump) take our elections and making them into nothing but stupid like this crap. first they did it with Latinos, now Muslims. NOW WAKE UP FOLKS
I know it is fun to speculate about Obama. Is he Muslim? Is he an American? What did he write about in College and law school and what were his grades? Who paid his tuition? Is he a homo?

I think that one thing, however, is beyond dispute: Obama is fucked up in the head. His mom and dad were mixed races. Neither parent wanted him. He was continually around some seedy types of people who hated America. He did not know whether he should be white or black. He dated a bunch of white chicks before Michelle, just like his communist daddy. Ghetto bitch Michelle convinced him to be a militant negro. He has never held a job; everything has been strangely handed to him his whole life. He has bloodsucking relatives in Kenya of dubious character that even Obama does not want to invite over for dinner. His name evolves over time, with the inclusion of the "all American" middle name "Hussein".

Obama is nuttier than a turd at a vegan restaurant. I'm surprised he has not flipped out and either gone postal or been apprehended running down Pennsylvannia Ave naked and crying.
Funny that when it suited the deranged because of the Reverend Wright, they insisted that Obama must certainly be a Christian.
I know it is fun to speculate about Obama. Is he Muslim? Is he an American? What did he write about in College and law school and what were his grades? Who paid his tuition? Is he a homo?

I think that one thing, however, is beyond dispute: Obama is fucked up in the head. His mom and dad were mixed races. Neither parent wanted him. He was continually around some seedy types of people who hated America. He did not know whether he should be white or black. He dated a bunch of white chicks before Michelle, just like his communist daddy. Ghetto bitch Michelle convinced him to be a militant negro. He has never held a job; everything has been strangely handed to him his whole life. He has bloodsucking relatives in Kenya of dubious character that even Obama does not want to invite over for dinner. His name evolves over time, with the inclusion of the "all American" middle name "Hussein".

Obama is nuttier than a turd at a vegan restaurant. I'm surprised he has not flipped out and either gone postal or been apprehended running down Pennsylvannia Ave naked and crying.

Let me guess. Your best friend is a black guy.

I know it is fun to speculate about Obama. Is he Muslim? Is he an American? What did he write about in College and law school and what were his grades? Who paid his tuition? Is he a homo?

I think that one thing, however, is beyond dispute: Obama is fucked up in the head. His mom and dad were mixed races. Neither parent wanted him. He was continually around some seedy types of people who hated America. He did not know whether he should be white or black. He dated a bunch of white chicks before Michelle, just like his communist daddy. Ghetto bitch Michelle convinced him to be a militant negro. He has never held a job; everything has been strangely handed to him his whole life. He has bloodsucking relatives in Kenya of dubious character that even Obama does not want to invite over for dinner. His name evolves over time, with the inclusion of the "all American" middle name "Hussein".

Obama is nuttier than a turd at a vegan restaurant. I'm surprised he has not flipped out and either gone postal or been apprehended running down Pennsylvannia Ave naked and crying.
oh sheesh! :lol::lol::lol:
you, be the one that is nutty!!!
Funny that when it suited the deranged because of the Reverend Wright, they insisted that Obama must certainly be a Christian.

Wright's a secret Muslim too, don'cha know.

There's no secret about anything. His religion is Black Liberation. and if you think they preach PEACE and LOVE. you all should research it. but this what Obama was raised on. who care now, the damage is done thanks to people like you who makes excuses for anyone who is a Democrat

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