Obama advisors seek rationed medical care

Dumb ass we have rationed health care now. If you cannot pay for health care insurance, you get to wait until you are sick enough to go the the emergency room, and if you don't die there, they might give you an aspirin or two for pneumonia.

All the industrial nations that have a real Health Care System, that is all of them but us, have longer life spans, and immensely better infant mortality numbers. Results count, and if you are not well covered in this country, you just as well be in a third world nation.
Strange thing. If you take the life statistics of Americans over the age of 65, they are as good as those of most Europeans and Canadians. Seems to have something to do with that being the age that Medicare starts. In fact, the statistics make a very good arguement for extending Medicare to the whole of our population, and just tell the present Health Insurance Thieves to take a flying leap.
Strange thing. If you take the life statistics of Americans over the age of 65, they are as good as those of most Europeans and Canadians.

That's one of my favorite statistics that rightwingers like to trot out: "Lower income Americans are in better health than comparable Canadians. Twice as many American seniors with below-median incomes self-report "excellent" health compared to Canadian seniors."

In other words, our Medicare (+Medicaid, since it sounds like they're potentially describing some dual eligibles there) is better than their Medicare.

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Health care is rationed right now. If you don't have the money you don't get health care. That is called economic rationing. People who can afford to get health care are affraid that their supply of health care will depleted by those who can't afford it. Life saving cancer drugs can cost over $1000.00 a month, if you can afford it you live if you can't you die. Republicans seem to be fine with this, economic Darwinism.
That's because government run health care relies on euthanasia, or simply letting the sick die to improve their statistics.

A nation that actively or passively assists the elderly to die rather than treat conditions is going to end up with a fairly healthy older population.

I have never had a problem with access to health care. I just pay the doctor myself. For very expensive care beyond my ability, I worked out a payment plan. Don't propose a scenario where if you don't have insurance you can't see a doctor. It's not true. The big objection isn't access, it's payment. People for the most part just don't think they should have to pay for medical care.
Health care is rationed right now. If you don't have the money you don't get health care. That is called economic rationing. People who can afford to get health care are affraid that their supply of health care will depleted by those who can't afford it. Life saving cancer drugs can cost over $1000.00 a month, if you can afford it you live if you can't you die. Republicans seem to be fine with this, economic Darwinism.

Or, you can go to City of Hope, the cancer center at Cedar's Sinai, Johns Hopkins or any one of the myriad charities (supported by rich people) to get your treatment.

I had a skin problem on my hand. The medication cost $1,200 a TUBE! My doctor filled out a form indicating that I had no insurance and got a code number from the manufacturer. The pharmacist used the code instead of insurance information and the medication was provided by the maker.

This crap that there is no access to medical care is just BS. It comes from people who choose not to pay for medical care. They believe they shouldn't have to pay for their own medical care OR, really, extend themselves to apply for it.
That's because government run health care relies on euthanasia, or simply letting the sick die to improve their statistics.

A nation that actively or passively assists the elderly to die rather than treat conditions is going to end up with a fairly healthy older population.

I have never had a problem with access to health care. I just pay the doctor myself. For very expensive care beyond my ability, I worked out a payment plan. Don't propose a scenario where if you don't have insurance you can't see a doctor. It's not true. The big objection isn't access, it's payment. People for the most part just don't think they should have to pay for medical care.

A completely baseless claim. No, the government does not rely on euthanasia. You are being ridiculous.

You have never been very sick, if you can make this claim.
Or, you can go to City of Hope, the cancer center at Cedar's Sinai, Johns Hopkins or any one of the myriad charities (supported by rich people) to get your treatment.

Assuming you can get there. :cuckoo:

As for the "supported by rich people", we see the conservative worship of the rich showing up again...;)

I had a skin problem on my hand. The medication cost $1,200 a TUBE! My doctor filled out a form indicating that I had no insurance and got a code number from the manufacturer. The pharmacist used the code instead of insurance information and the medication was provided by the maker.

This crap that there is no access to medical care is just BS. It comes from people who choose not to pay for medical care. They believe they shouldn't have to pay for their own medical care OR, really, extend themselves to apply for it.

In other words, I'm paying for your selfish refusal to get insurance.

The cost of that cream that you got for free is passed on to me, a person who has maintained health insurance for my family, in good times and bad, so that I would not be a freeloader like you.
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Health care is rationed right now. If you don't have the money you don't get health care. That is called economic rationing. People who can afford to get health care are affraid that their supply of health care will depleted by those who can't afford it. Life saving cancer drugs can cost over $1000.00 a month, if you can afford it you live if you can't you die. Republicans seem to be fine with this, economic Darwinism.

Or, you can go to City of Hope, the cancer center at Cedar's Sinai, Johns Hopkins or any one of the myriad charities (supported by rich people) to get your treatment.

I had a skin problem on my hand. The medication cost $1,200 a TUBE! My doctor filled out a form indicating that I had no insurance and got a code number from the manufacturer. The pharmacist used the code instead of insurance information and the medication was provided by the maker.

This crap that there is no access to medical care is just BS. It comes from people who choose not to pay for medical care. They believe they shouldn't have to pay for their own medical care OR, really, extend themselves to apply for it.

The complaint isn't paying for medical care, or paying for medication. The complaint comes in when you do have to pay "$1,200 a TUBE!". I mean really $1,200.00...why? are the ingredients that rare? does it take a really long time to make? Is the supply and demand out of whack, are there only five tubes and a million people want it? $1,200 for a tube and the manufacturer gave it to you for free? how can they afford to do that unless the price is so over inflated that they can afford it. This is the problem with our health care system. Those who provide medication and services know that people will pay whatever it take to stay alive and well, so they jack the price up as high as they can go knowing that people will pay it, or just die trying.
Government health insurance...Great.

Some folks seem to like it!

Non-sequitur. If you're old with a heart condition you qualify for Medicare.
If you're over 65 you are eligible for Medicare.

Non-sequitur. Just because a program exists doesn't mean it's any great shakes. But it is the solution to the objection offered. I notice the person offering it has disappeared. I'd suggest doing likewise.
WalMart to cut healthcare coverage, fine smokers and raise premiums

Wal-Mart will no longer offer health insurance to new part-time U.S. employees who work fewer than 24 hours a week and will charge workers who use tobacco more for coverage as healthcare costs rise...it is also slashing the amount that it puts in employees' healthcare expense accounts by 50 percent.

Wal-Mart will now provide $250 for associates to use for healthcare expenses that are not covered, down from $500, and will provide $500 for families, down from $1,000.

Dumb ass we have rationed health care now. If you cannot pay for health care insurance, you get to wait until you are sick enough to go the the emergency room, and if you don't die there, they might give you an aspirin or two for pneumonia.

All the industrial nations that have a real Health Care System, that is all of them but us, have longer life spans, and immensely better infant mortality numbers. Results count, and if you are not well covered in this country, you just as well be in a third world nation.
Holy shit!
Everyone can afford health insurance.
Through your employer. In the private market. Low income or no income people are eligible for Medicaid.
For seniors, there is Medicare which they can supplement with private insurance. There is also long term care insurance. Workers are covered through worker's Compensation.
All public hospitals MUST admit and care for ALL patients without consideration for income or status.
Look genius even insured people do not get cadillac care.
No insurance coverage from government is even going to come close what private insurers provide today.
Obamacare is nothing but the creation of new bureaucracy. It is political. Obamacare is a new entitlement designed to attract new voters to the democrat party.
The Obamacare fans think the PPACA will give them free and on demand care.
No it does not.
Obamacare is just one giant 320 million person HMO.
DO you really think our federal government is going to give you a perfect unencumbered system free of bureaucracy and administrative nonsense that comes with every other government program?
People in other countries live longer because they eat healthier foods do not drive nearly as many motor vehicle miles as Americans, smoke less, have far less violent crime, Exercise more and by the grace of heredity, longevity.
WalMart to cut healthcare coverage, fine smokers and raise premiums

Wal-Mart will no longer offer health insurance to new part-time U.S. employees who work fewer than 24 hours a week and will charge workers who use tobacco more for coverage as healthcare costs rise...it is also slashing the amount that it puts in employees' healthcare expense accounts by 50 percent.

Wal-Mart will now provide $250 for associates to use for healthcare expenses that are not covered, down from $500, and will provide $500 for families, down from $1,000.
This is a bit disconcerting. Not the end of the world. Many other large firms have slashed coverage and other benefits much more heavily.
I do think that people who have vices should pay more for health insurance.
In fact, All of the Western European socialist countries have rules regarding habits and diet.
WalMart to cut healthcare coverage, fine smokers and raise premiums

Wal-Mart will no longer offer health insurance to new part-time U.S. employees who work fewer than 24 hours a week and will charge workers who use tobacco more for coverage as healthcare costs rise...it is also slashing the amount that it puts in employees' healthcare expense accounts by 50 percent.

Wal-Mart will now provide $250 for associates to use for healthcare expenses that are not covered, down from $500, and will provide $500 for families, down from $1,000.
This is a bit disconcerting. Not the end of the world. Many other large firms have slashed coverage and other benefits much more heavily.
I do think that people who have vices should pay more for health insurance.
In fact, All of the Western European socialist countries have rules regarding habits and diet.

That's a good argument for us to avoid it.
I think companies ought to be able to impose financial penalties. Don't like it? Work somewhere else. Like the gov't, which will never impose penalties like that.
Holy shit!
Everyone can afford health insurance.
Through your employer. In the private market. Low income or no income people are eligible for Medicaid.
For seniors, there is Medicare which they can supplement with private insurance.

You are discussing something that you have no clue about. No, everyone cannot afford health insurance.

Many employers don't offer insurance.

The private market can be too expensive.

Many people are low income, but not low enough to qualify for Medicaid.

There is also long term care insurance. Workers are covered through worker's Compensation.

Which requires that you get hurt at work.
All public hospitals MUST admit and care for ALL patients without consideration for income or status.

But that's not health care. Health care is comprehensive.

Look genius even insured people do not get cadillac care.

Again, again, again, people are not asking for Cadillac care. They are asking for decent care, so they can have decent health.

No insurance coverage from government is even going to come close what private insurers provide today.
Obamacare is nothing but the creation of new bureaucracy. It is political. Obamacare is a new entitlement designed to attract new voters to the democrat party.
The Obamacare fans think the PPACA will give them free and on demand care.
No it does not.
Obamacare is just one giant 320 million person HMO.
DO you really think our federal government is going to give you a perfect unencumbered system free of bureaucracy and administrative nonsense that comes with every other government program?

You've got that backward. The GOP is against it because it will draw voters to the Democratic party.

People in other countries live longer because they eat healthier foods do not drive nearly as many motor vehicle miles as Americans, smoke less, have far less violent crime, Exercise more and by the grace of heredity, longevity.

Side issues, fantasies, blaming.

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