Obama, and Biden are WORRIED SICK that When Elon buys Twitter he will UNLEASH TRUMP

What will happen here? Is Obama correct to be worried about a RETURN OF TRUMP
If he is worried, then you know that Twitter has been playing a one sided game this entire time and that its a game which effects elections. This clearly demonstrates why Twitter needs to be reigned in.
It would hurt the entire world to allow that vile psychopath back on Twitter to spread his lies, misinformation and propaganda.

If you don't listen to him, and fellow democrats don't listen to him, and independents don't give a shit... that leaves republicans who already believe him and support him. He isn't "hurting" anyone besides his own supporters theoretically. So who cares? Hamas, the Taliban and Hezbollah all have Twitter accounts. Where is your outrage over that?
What leftists call “misinformation” is truth that hurts Democrats.
Not sure of the endgame here but Mr. Musk is taking on an incredible amount of personal legal liability should he not exercise a similar policy towards misinformation.
And who defines misinformation? Is that any opinion you disagree with?
Not sure of the endgame here but Mr. Musk is taking on an incredible amount of personal legal liability should he not exercise a similar policy towards misinformation.

He's taking the company private, he can do pretty much whatever he wants with it. Twitter allowed Hamas, Hezbollah, Putin, the Ayatollah, and other terrorists free reign on their platform, and lefties like you loved it.

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