Obama and Chinese leader look at new sanctions against Iran

You do realize that whatever promises made are NON BINDING, right?
Promise everything at the summit, but back home it will be business as usual.
Didn't Jimmy Carter impose sanctions on Iran and freeze their assets to release the American hostages?

:lol: Here is the result of Carter's bungling in the desert....

Resembles much of what his Presidency did to the country and what he singularly caused in the Middle East...death, instability and war for the next 50 years.
That's what you get when you send a peanut farmer to do a man's job.
You do realize that whatever promises made are NON BINDING, right?
Promise everything at the summit, but back home it will be business as usual.

Precisely correct. Bart Stupak learned that the hard way when Obama cancelled that executive order on abortion funding in the now widely known "Healthcare Bankrupts U.S. Treasury Act."
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This entire affair is just ego gratification and photo ops for The One.

If it were a real summit aimed at real objectives, Iran and Pakistan would have been agenda topics for the entire body.
The UN sanctions haven't worked in the past and sure won't work now no matter who is in the WH negotiating for em. They have no teeth. Anything with real teeth gets knocked down by Russia and China.

The are both in bed with Iran and are making money off Iran.

Don't think either country gives a rats ass about what the UN or USA wants. Don't thin they give a rats ass how Iran wants to use em either.

Don't think any of our leaders have the will or balls for military action in Iran so I think thats pretty much off the table despite the rhetoric.

Iran will get the Nuke as will NK and we will just have to hope that the nitwits don't plan to use em.

Anyone who places faith in the U.N. is either a) a fricken moron, or b) a goddam pussy!!!!
You do realize that whatever promises made are NON BINDING, right?
Promise everything at the summit, but back home it will be business as usual.

Bingo! We have a winner.

The linked article says Barry and Jintao agreed to have their diplomats work on "possible new sanctions" for Iran. Whadaya wanna bet ultimately agreeing to work on turns out to be no agreement whatsoever?

It's an international summit, the spotlight's on, so they say something positive. Anyone who thinks they'll come to an acceptable agreement is living in la-la land.
Good if we got China and Russia, other powers in the world, to be on our side with this.
Jintao isn't going to do a damn thing in Iran other than back a few meaningless sanctions that in no way whatsoever affect his country's financial investment in Iran's nuclear weapons program. Jintao's whole purpose is to secure oil for his country. Iran has a lot of oil. Jintao is building Iranian nuclear infrastructure and giving them dual use technology in exchange for oil. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE.

The really funny thing here will be when Jintao backs a sanction that forces Iranian "Barbie" dolls to wear bhurka's....Obama will say it's a major victory for world peace and the 24/7 news cycle will laud The Barry for his godlike powers.

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