Obama And Erdogan

TownHell? LoL!! :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of columnists that have poor fact check records.

Whenever some moron can't dispute the message, they carp about the messenger.
Raise your paw.

Clearly, you are the intellectual rival of one of those insects that could exist on a basic level even if their heads were cut off.
TownHell? LoL!! :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of columnists that have poor fact check records.

Whenever some moron can't dispute the message, they carp about the messenger.
Raise your paw.

Clearly, you are the intellectual rival of one of those insects that could exist on a basic level even if their heads were cut off.

Possibly your pithiest post to date. Plenty of time to edit and gum it up with your usual 2,000 word cut and paste from Winglandia!

By that logic Trumpybear is the father of 70 Million refugees now.

Figures at a Glance

You low-life Liberals will do anything to shield your lord and master, the one you called god, Jesus, the messiah.

Unlike my documentation, which indicated Obama policies the cause of 65 million refugees wander the earth, ....

....nowhere in your link do we find the name Trump.

As well in your npr article there was no mention of Obama as the cause at all. Just the total number of displaced persons in the world. Which they got from UNHCR in 2016.

Watch me put a cork in your pie-hole:

"What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees
Europe's governments have a responsibility to solve the refugees and migrant crisis in line with their international obligations.
At the Leader’s Summit on Refugees in September, President Obama urged governments to do more to help the 65 million refugees and displaced people around the world today—the largest number of people driven from their homes by war and conflict since World War II. “History will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment,” Obama said at the September summit."
What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees

Check the date of the article, drone.

Nothing in there that claims Obama is responsible for the 65 million displaces persons in the world either.

What's the date of that article.

As if that makes a difference. There were 65 million displaced persons in the world then and there are 70 million now.
You low-life Liberals will do anything to shield your lord and master, the one you called god, Jesus, the messiah.

Unlike my documentation, which indicated Obama policies the cause of 65 million refugees wander the earth, ....

....nowhere in your link do we find the name Trump.

As well in your npr article there was no mention of Obama as the cause at all. Just the total number of displaced persons in the world. Which they got from UNHCR in 2016.

Watch me put a cork in your pie-hole:

"What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees
Europe's governments have a responsibility to solve the refugees and migrant crisis in line with their international obligations.
At the Leader’s Summit on Refugees in September, President Obama urged governments to do more to help the 65 million refugees and displaced people around the world today—the largest number of people driven from their homes by war and conflict since World War II. “History will judge us harshly if we do not rise to this moment,” Obama said at the September summit."
What Obama Should Tell the EU on Refugees

Check the date of the article, drone.

Nothing in there that claims Obama is responsible for the 65 million displaces persons in the world either.

What's the date of that article.

As if that makes a difference. There were 65 million displaced persons in the world then and there are 70 million now.

What was the date of the article?

Who was President of the United States on that date?

Whose policies were in effect on that date?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
Whose policies were in effect on that date?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

That doesn't make Obama's policies responsible for the entire 65 million any more that Trump's policy are responsible for today's 70+ million. I think it's safe to say that the cumulative effect of our foreign policy since the end of WWII has created a great deal of displaced persons in the world.

I never use vulgarity.

Never.....maybe, in the car, alone, in rush hour traffic......maybe.

But you pass out petty insults on a regular basis.
Obama wasn't even a senator yet when Rumsfeld, Cheney and others
designed our foreign policy script for the Middle East. Obama and Hillary
definitely made a big problem much worse
, namely with covert actions in Syria
and Libya, but also arming Saudi Arabia against Yemen and then Somalia, the Congo and elsewhere. Not to mention Central America, sanctions on Venezuela...
Whose policies were in effect on that date?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

That doesn't make Obama's policies responsible for the entire 65 million any more that Trump's policy are responsible for today's 70+ million. I think it's safe to say that the cumulative effect of our foreign policy since the end of WWII has created a great deal of displaced persons in the world.

I never use vulgarity.

Never.....maybe, in the car, alone, in rush hour traffic......maybe.

But you pass out petty insults on a regular basis.

Yeah, it does.

That's why you keep crawling back to hide it.
"Meanwhile, the Muslim invasion of Europe continues. Turkey has opened the floodgates. “European states will perish and economies will crash”

Turkish president Recep Erdoğan is resolved to hasten the inevitable. An extortionist of the first rank, Erdoğan is demanding huge sums of money from the European Union to keep Turkey’s borders closed to prevent Muslim refugees from crossing into Europe, especially Greece. Not having received the cash he demands, Erdoğan has opened the floodgates to allow hordes of Muslim refugees to cross the Turkish border into Greece and other parts of Europe.

Turkey’s Interior Minister, Süleyman Soylu, has declared that without more free money from the European Union, Turkey will allow an unchecked flood of Muslim refugees to cross into Greece.

The refugees are being called “Syrian” refugees due to the war underway there. However, Greek authorities are reporting that most of the so-called refugees are from Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, not Syria. They are also reporting that 95% of the refugees are young, able-bodied males, not families in search of refuge from the war."
Meanwhile, the Muslim invasion of Europe continues. Turkey has opened the floodgates. "European states will perish and economies will crash" ⋆ Powdered Wig Society

Democrats must be applauding.

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