Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!

Found some stats here: FASTSTATS - Doctor Visits
Percent of adults who had contact with a health care professional in the past year: 82.6%

Percent of children who had contact with a health care professional in the past year: 92.6%

Given those numbers I find it very hard to believe that a relatively small percentage of people have used the healthcare system in MA since 2006.
So basically, this whole health insurance mandate is a fraud, especially if it's purchased on the exchanges. It's just a worthless piece of paper that just says "you have health insurance", but in reality, you're not going to get any quality care, nor will it be acceptable to most hospitals.
I doubt this, you can't possibly have enough information to draw conclusions like this.

I understand you're frustrated but it seems you keep taking bits and pieces of unconfirmed information and deciding it can be applied across different states and thousands of insurance policies.
Here we go. This is why the state exchanges are worthless:

St. Rose Dominican Hospitals rebuffed by Obamacare plans | Las Vegas Review-Journal

If you already have coverage with St. Rose in your network and you’ll keep your plan after January, the system should still be an option for you. But if you’re one of hundreds of thousands of uninsured Southern Nevadans and you’re buying a plan for the first time, you might not be able to visit the system for a non-emergency without paying most or all of the cost. Aetna spokeswoman Anjanette Coplin said the company won’t say why some hospitals are in and others are out of some smaller-network plans.

It’s especially going to be the case with networks in exchange-based plans, he said, because the exchange is designed to make coverage affordable for individual buyers. Shrinking the network is one way to keep new, mandate-laden plans accessible.
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Again, providing a link to a hospital doesn't support the claim that health exchanges are worthless.
Found some stats here: FASTSTATS - Doctor Visits
Percent of adults who had contact with a health care professional in the past year: 82.6%

Percent of children who had contact with a health care professional in the past year: 92.6%

Given those numbers I find it very hard to believe that a relatively small percentage of people have used the healthcare system in MA since 2006.

Which brings me back to my previous statement. "They must be giving people psych drugs in Massachusetts in order for them to approved of 28% of patients waiting months for healthcare."

I have never had to wait a day in my life for a healthcare professional. How can they think 28% waiting over a month for one is a good thing??? There is polling bias in this somewhere.
For those who think changing or "shopping" insurance is a viable option, be warned, many hospitals are only honoring "grandfathered" policies for people that had theirs as of for example 2010 or before. If you switch, then all bets are off.

When a major hospital is rejecting blue cross or blue shield, that's a very bad sign. And a sure one that they know something you don't.

At this time, due to Obamacare, many health insurance companies are discontinuing their individual health care plans.

but in reality, you're not going to get any quality care, nor will it be acceptable to most hospitals. It's like getting the minimum car insurance which the state mandates you to have, just to be able to drive a car legally. But the insurance itself isn't worth much.

I advise everyone to check their new policies, even if they are offering a better price and lower deductibles, it's WORTHLESS. Your health insurance company will not tell you that things are no longer the same. Check and see which hospitals and doctors are accepting your policy as of 2014. You will be very shocked.

I have one of the best plans and they still didn't tell me that the major hospitals won't accept me. I had to find that out on my own, after they sent me a letter telling me how wonderful my new plan will be as of 2014. Ya right. You can find insurance for a $100 a month, what good is it, if nobody accepts it?

I promised I would return to this thread after I actually had experience signing up for healthcare on the exchange, which I now have since we retired in January and just signed up.

Our experience was nothing like all this effort you put into advising it would be where the insurance would be worthless due to lack of plans/hospitals/doctors. We were given a choice of 121 health insurance plans offered by 13 different insurance companies. We chose a Blue Cross & Blue Shield PPO, since we travel a lot and it has a nationwide network. Searching locally we found at least 200 doctors within 25 miles that are in this network (that was most results a search would show) and 11 major hospitals in the area along with dozens of other medical facilities.

Our premium is $373/month, that is with a $124 subsidy.

You mileage may vary disclaimers:

- We live in metro area of one the largest cities in the United States, which certainly affected helped availability of doctors/facilities
- Despite retiring we're still early to mid 40s have no kids and are non-smokers, this helped monthly premium
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For those who think changing or "shopping" insurance is a viable option, be warned, many hospitals are only honoring "grandfathered" policies for people that had theirs as of for example 2010 or before. If you switch, then all bets are off.

When a major hospital is rejecting blue cross or blue shield, that's a very bad sign. And a sure one that they know something you don't.

At this time, due to Obamacare, many health insurance companies are discontinuing their individual health care plans.

but in reality, you're not going to get any quality care, nor will it be acceptable to most hospitals. It's like getting the minimum car insurance which the state mandates you to have, just to be able to drive a car legally. But the insurance itself isn't worth much.

I advise everyone to check their new policies, even if they are offering a better price and lower deductibles, it's WORTHLESS. Your health insurance company will not tell you that things are no longer the same. Check and see which hospitals and doctors are accepting your policy as of 2014. You will be very shocked.

I have one of the best plans and they still didn't tell me that the major hospitals won't accept me. I had to find that out on my own, after they sent me a letter telling me how wonderful my new plan will be as of 2014. Ya right. You can find insurance for a $100 a month, what good is it, if nobody accepts it?

I promised I would return to this thread after I actually had experience signing up for healthcare on the exchange, which I now have since we retired in January and just signed up.

Our experience was nothing like all this effort you put into advising it would be where the insurance would be worthless due to lack of plans/hospitals/doctors. We were given a choice of 121 health insurance plans offered by 13 different insurance companies. We chose a Blue Cross & Blue Shield PPO, since we travel a lot and it has a nationwide network. Searching locally we found at least 200 doctors within 25 miles that are in this network (that was most results a search would show) and 11 major hospitals in the area along with dozens of other medical facilities.

Our premium is $373/month, that is with a $124 subsidy.

You mileage may vary disclaimers:

- We live in metro area of one the largest cities in the United States, which certainly affected helped availability of doctors/facilities
- Despite retiring we're still early to mid 40s have no kids and are non-smokers, this helped monthly premium

Hah! After searching we finally found a health insurance company that provided coverage, of course at a higher cost. And as of this month, my insurance rates have been jacked up by 30% and the same with everybody else I know.

Wait till the other shoe drops when they start cracking down on businesses. That's the big one. Remember, they pushed it back so that it doesn't affect the November elections.
On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more.
I believe you're mistaken, their website gives the qualifications here: Marketplace Eligibility for Health Insurance Coverage HealthCare.gov

To be eligible for health coverage through the Marketplace, you:

must live in the United States
must be a U.S. citizen or national (or be lawfully present)
can't be currently incarcerate

Where did you see this 135k income cap, I've never heard of that.
It was probably the govt site. For those who think changing or "shopping" insurance is a viable option, be warned, many hospitals are only honoring "grandfathered" policies for people that had theirs as of for example 2010 or before. If you switch, then all bets are off.

Isn't this new health care system great? Just what Americans needed. Rest assured, we are going to look at these days as the glory days of health care in America. Things are going to move so fast, in about two years you will look back at today with nostalgia.

I suppose you think what we had before was better? "People unable to get insurance due to pre-existing conditions (but you don't care about them), college students not being able to afford insurance but unable to stay on parents insurance plan (but you don't care about them, either) being dropped from an insurance company because you've used it to much (but the hell with them) and middle class people who couldn't afford any worthwhile insurance plan, but were making to much to qualify for Medicaid (oh, if your state even still has it)....yeah, "YaY" for the Republicans.
On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more.
I believe you're mistaken, their website gives the qualifications here: Marketplace Eligibility for Health Insurance Coverage HealthCare.gov

To be eligible for health coverage through the Marketplace, you:

must live in the United States
must be a U.S. citizen or national (or be lawfully present)
can't be currently incarcerate

Where did you see this 135k income cap, I've never heard of that.
It was probably the govt site. For those who think changing or "shopping" insurance is a viable option, be warned, many hospitals are only honoring "grandfathered" policies for people that had theirs as of for example 2010 or before. If you switch, then all bets are off.

Isn't this new health care system great? Just what Americans needed. Rest assured, we are going to look at these days as the glory days of health care in America. Things are going to move so fast, in about two years you will look back at today with nostalgia.

I suppose you think what we had before was better? "People unable to get insurance due to pre-existing conditions (but you don't care about them), college students not being able to afford insurance but unable to stay on parents insurance plan (but you don't care about them, either) being dropped from an insurance company because you've used it to much (but the hell with them) and middle class people who couldn't afford any worthwhile insurance plan, but were making to much to qualify for Medicaid (oh, if your state even still has it)....yeah, "YaY" for the Republicans.

What we had before needed improvement, for example the pre existing conditions could have been added.

Other than that Obama just caused many to loose their insurances policies that they wanted to keep (you don't care), pay much more for what they had before (Democrats sucking more blood and money out of the middle class), and hospitals and doctors rejecting insurance from people they previously accepted. Not to mention turned the IRS into a health insurance enforcement arm of the federal govt, and expanding the IRS with an additional 250,000 more agents just to oppress people even more. Ever wondered why there are so many ads on TV and radio for attorneys and accountants to help people with up 'Audits'? Yup..."wealth and healthcare redistribution" in action.

Yay Democrats, just keep sucking the blood of hard working Americans. Tax tax tax. Audit audit audit.
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Not to mention turned the IRS into a health insurance enforcement arm of the federal govt, and expanding the IRS with an additional 250,000 more agents just to oppress people even more.


IRS budget woes shrinking staff threaten to derail agency - FederalNewsRadio.com

"IRS was unable to make up for the shortfall only by reducing travel, training and contract spending, TIGTA reported. So, the agency halted hiring agencywide, only replacing departing employees in special cases. The agency also offered buyouts and early retirements to further trim its workforce size. All told, IRS now has 5,000 fewer employees this tax season than last, TIGTA said. At the end of 2012, the IRS workforce — 97,717 employees — had dropped 9 percent from 2010 levels."

Internal Revenue Service - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Employees 89,500 (2014)

So you are saying this government agency with 90k employees (lower than in 2010) has added 250k agents due to ACA? How is that possible?
Wait till the other shoe drops when they start cracking down on businesses. That's the big one.

I'm not so sure man, 16 months ago you were railing about how ACA policies would be worthless since no hospitals take them and how this country would look in a year. Then I had no problems signing up, getting a policy that with broad acceptance and at reasonable cost.

Maybe we'll bring this thread back in another year and see if you had any more luck with latest "wait till" prognostication.

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