Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!

Right now if you go on the insurance exchange sites, it will say "no match" for any insurance plan when you try to match it with a hospital in your area.
Have you actually seen this happen? It seems like you had a private insurance policy that wasn't accepted at your local hospitals, not one from the exchange sites, so I'm wondering if you're just making some assumptions or exaggerations here. The aca registration site still isn't working for most, you are one of the few who managed to register and compare plans on it?

Interesting since Congress will get their insurance through the exchanges. They make more than $135,000.
It isn't interesting, there is no income limit and I don't know why Roudy is claiming there is.
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Never made that claim. But if your situation requires that you stay in a hospital room for a few days before you can be released, then out you go. They're not going to offer anything extra like precautionary testing etc and run up a bill they can't collect. We all know that "emergency" isn't a black and white thing.

The big hospitals are in bed with the insurance companies, don't kid yourself. We are watching the beginnings of a revolution including lots of chaos and lawlessness. Welcome to the America envisioned by Obama 5 years ago. Kickoff began when health care came into effect. I don't think the Repubs are going to stop this, the insurance companies have already called it in favor of the Democrats as we can see.

What you said is 'they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance.'.

I agreed that outside of the ER, insurance/payment is important. Everything I've seen based on the law and heard from multiple ER nurses is that payment is rarely, if ever, considered in treating emergencies. And precautionary testing IS used, often overused, from what I've heard. There is more concern about the threat of a lawsuit than the cost of a CT when an X-ray is enough. And apparently many people have learned how to game the system to get ER care when they don't really need it as a way to avoid paying for primary care.

I have no doubt that hospitals can be as tight-fisted as anyone. When it comes to the ER, however, almost everything I have seen and heard indicates it is a place that individual insurance considerations are not important.
Once you're in, yes. You're not looking at it realistically. It has nothing to do with my insurance or your insurance. This is going to be everyone's problem. Let's say you are a family of three and one member gets an illness which the best doctor for it is affiliated with a certain hospital, and another member gets a different illness, that you prefer treatment with another doctor what works in another facility. But because of your insurance, you may or may not be able to use the doctor you want because the hospital they are affiliated with doesn't accept the insurance. Wouldn't you rather have the choice to go the best doctor or hospital that are known for treatment of certain illnesses? This is not only about "emergency care", you know.

I was only responding to your comments about emergency care. I'm not making any comments about other aspects. :)
How does a hospital dropping BCBS have anything to do with "Obama and the Democrats"?
Hospitals have sent notices that they are rejecting not only BCBS but other insurances as well, because of Obama care. Right now if you go on the insurance exchange sites, it will say "no match" for any insurance plan when you try to match it with a hospital in your area.

Democrats brought this bill forward and shoved it down the throats of Americans. And we are seeing its fruits now.

Yeah, that didn't happen. Just checked.

Have you seen these "notices"? Where are you getting your information from?
Just talked to someone last night that said she went to the exchange site and virtually every hospital said "no match" for the plans she choose for herself and her family. I can only assume it depends which exchange site you are going to. But as we can see this is a big mess that Americans did not call for. Millions of Americans like me had no problems with our health insurance until today.
ObamaCare hasn't changed insurance company reimbursement schedules.

they do that themselves.

if a hospital or doctor decides to not accept a certain insurance, that's their choice. Its not related to ObamaCare.

ObamaCare doesn't change reimbursement schedules.

Obamacare forces working young healthy to subsidize poor older sick. This forces their cost to skyrocket. So insurance companies cut their young customer cost by using lower cost networks that have excluded the more expensive physicians. This lowers your choices of doctors & hospitals, increases your wait & travel time.
Right now if you go on the insurance exchange sites, it will say "no match" for any insurance plan when you try to match it with a hospital in your area.
Have you actually seen this happen? It seems like you had a private insurance policy that wasn't accepted at your local hospitals, not one from the exchange sites, so I'm wondering if you're just making some assumptions or exaggerations here. The aca registration site still isn't working for most, you are one of the few who managed to register and compare plans on it?

Interesting since Congress will get their insurance through the exchanges. They make more than $135,000.
It isn't interesting, there is no income limit and I don't know why Roudy is claiming there is.
I get my insurance through an agent. I don't have the time nor do I want to take the chance. Rather go with someone's who's business it is to know. The govt site has a maximum of $135,000 for you to qualify for subsidies. I saw that in the literature that was mailed to me by the insurance.

The important question is why are hospitals now refusing instances that were previously acceptable, because of Obama care? I thought if you were happy with what you had you just keep paying? Now the whole country is involved in this total mess. And it hasn't even started yet.
What you said is 'they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance.'.

I agreed that outside of the ER, insurance/payment is important. Everything I've seen based on the law and heard from multiple ER nurses is that payment is rarely, if ever, considered in treating emergencies. And precautionary testing IS used, often overused, from what I've heard. There is more concern about the threat of a lawsuit than the cost of a CT when an X-ray is enough. And apparently many people have learned how to game the system to get ER care when they don't really need it as a way to avoid paying for primary care.

I have no doubt that hospitals can be as tight-fisted as anyone. When it comes to the ER, however, almost everything I have seen and heard indicates it is a place that individual insurance considerations are not important.
Once you're in, yes. You're not looking at it realistically. It has nothing to do with my insurance or your insurance. This is going to be everyone's problem. Let's say you are a family of three and one member gets an illness which the best doctor for it is affiliated with a certain hospital, and another member gets a different illness, that you prefer treatment with another doctor what works in another facility. But because of your insurance, you may or may not be able to use the doctor you want because the hospital they are affiliated with doesn't accept the insurance. Wouldn't you rather have the choice to go the best doctor or hospital that are known for treatment of certain illnesses? This is not only about "emergency care", you know.

I was only responding to your comments about emergency care. I'm not making any comments about other aspects. :)
Yes, and most health care matters aren't handled at the ICU level, thank God.
ObamaCare hasn't changed insurance company reimbursement schedules.

they do that themselves.

if a hospital or doctor decides to not accept a certain insurance, that's their choice. Its not related to ObamaCare.

ObamaCare doesn't change reimbursement schedules.

Obamacare forces working young healthy to subsidize poor older sick. This forces their cost to skyrocket. So insurance companies cut their young customer cost by using lower cost networks that have excluded the more expensive physicians. This lowers your choices of doctors & hospitals, increases your wait & travel time.
Sounds like a great plan to destroy whatever health care we had in this country. This is why happens when you elect someone with absolutely zero business experience in office. Americans voted not him, not once, but twice. So now we are stating what we paid for, this mess. There is a reason why it was designed to go into effect now, and not before the 2012 elections. And we can see it right now. All the naive young voters, ideologically driven who voted for Obama, are now getting the shaft as we speak.
The govt site has a maximum of $135,000 for you to qualify for subsidies.
Interesting. Earlier when someone suggested if you don't like your current policy you should shop for a different policy with your state insurance exchange, but you claimed you couldn't because you make too much money.

So now you won't shop for a new insurance policy because you won't qualify for subsidies to offset the costs?
The govt site has a maximum of $135,000 for you to qualify for subsidies.
Interesting. Earlier when someone suggested if you don't like your current policy you should shop for a different policy with your state insurance exchange, but you claimed you couldn't because you make too much money.

So now you won't shop for a new insurance policy because you won't qualify for subsidies to offset the costs?
State insurance exchanges are even worse. Most of the hospitals and clinics do not accept them. And to qualify for a "discount" you have to make less than $94,000. Most people holding policies now are not even AWARE that the hospitals they've been using will no longer cover them as of 2014 and are in for a big surprise. This thing is going to collapse on its own weight.

My agent has called a major newspaper in our city, to tell them what is happening to people, and to report this catastrophe. It's a liberal POS Democrat propaganda arm paper as you can imagine, so naturally they will choose to keep it under covers as long as possible. Eventually more and more people will continue to come forward until it becomes too much to handle. Then all hell will break loose. I'd like to see Obama talk his way out of this one.
The govt site has a maximum of $135,000 for you to qualify for subsidies.
Interesting. Earlier when someone suggested if you don't like your current policy you should shop for a different policy with your state insurance exchange, but you claimed you couldn't because you make too much money.

So now you won't shop for a new insurance policy because you won't qualify for subsidies to offset the costs?
State insurance exchanges are even worse. Most of the hospitals and clinics do not accept them. And to qualify for a "discount" you have to make less than $94,000. Most people holding policies now are not even AWARE that the hospitals they've been using will no longer cover them as of 2014 and are in for a big surprise. This thing is going to collapse on its own weight.

My agent has called a major newspaper in our city, to tell them what is happening to people, and to report this catastrophe. It's a liberal POS Democrat propaganda arm paper as you can imagine, so naturally they will choose to keep it under covers as long as possible. Eventually more and more people will continue to come forward until it becomes too much to handle. Then all hell will break loose. I'd like to see Obama talk his way out of this one.
State insurance exchanges are even worse. Most of the hospitals and clinics do not accept them.
Did you try it? Like did you register with the online exchange and do a comparison, or are you just repeating things you've hard somewhere else, making assumptions, etc.?

As soon as I can get the site to work and do some research on my state exchange I'll certainly update this thread.

And to qualify for a "discount" you have to make less than $94,000.
First you said there is an income cap of $135k to use insurance exchanges, then it became $135k to get subsidies, now you're saying $94k for subsidies?

Most people holding policies now are not even AWARE that the hospitals they've been using will no longer cover them as of 2014 and are in for a big surprise.
What percentage of policies will no longer be covered?
State insurance exchanges are even worse. Most of the hospitals and clinics do not accept them.
Did you try it? Like did you register with the online exchange and do a comparison, or are you just repeating things you've hard somewhere else, making assumptions, etc.?

As soon as I can get the site to work and do some research on my state exchange I'll certainly update this thread.

And to qualify for a "discount" you have to make less than $94,000.
First you said there is an income cap of $135k to use insurance exchanges, then it became $135k to get subsidies, now you're saying $94k for subsidies?

Most people holding policies now are not even AWARE that the hospitals they've been using will no longer cover them as of 2014 and are in for a big surprise.
What percentage of policies will no longer be covered?
Please do update this thread, I am very interested how this whole mess turns out. Of course it will take some time

And don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger. I am not lying about about anything, just telling you what's probably happening to millions of Americans, as we are speaking. Of which the media is all hush hush about it, but they can keep it under the wraps for so long, and then it will explode in their faces

As I said I haven't been to any of the sites, and I am educating myself as well. However, the information I have from my agent and those that have is that A-to qualify for the govt subsidies, your maximum income needs to be $135,000 or less, and B-for you to get a discounted price on the state exchanges, you need to have a maximum income of $94,000. Which doesn't matter anyhow because the good hospitals and clinics in your area won't accept them.

At this time, due to Obamacare, many health insurance companies are discontinuing their individual health care plans. They will continue to offer group insurance to companies, of which the hospitals DO ACCEPT. So if you're not a business owner who can afford to insure yourself and at least 70% of your full time employees., you are left out in the cold. This will also cause two things to happen. Businesses will be firing more people to afford the health insurance, and, more full time employees will be seeing their pay and hours cut and / or become part time. Great, just what our economy needs.

So basically, this whole health insurance mandate is a fraud, especially if it's purchased on the exchanges. It's just a worthless piece of paper that just says "you have health insurance", but in reality, you're not going to get any quality care, nor will it be acceptable to most hospitals. It's like getting the minimum car insurance which the state mandates you to have, just to be able to drive a car legally. But the insurance itself isn't worth much.
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So basically, this whole health insurance mandate is a fraud, especially if it's purchased on the exchanges. It's just a worthless piece of paper that just says "you have health insurance", but in reality, you're not going to get any quality care, nor will it be acceptable to most hospitals.
I doubt this, you can't possibly have enough information to draw conclusions like this.

I understand you're frustrated but it seems you keep taking bits and pieces of unconfirmed information and deciding it can be applied across different states and thousands of insurance policies.

That is interesting since I didn't realize the MA healthcare was so widely approved of.

From your link:

The vast majority of Massachusetts residents are satisfied with their healthcare under the state's 2006 reform law, though costs and appointment wait times remain an issue, according to a new poll.

Eighty-four percent expressed satisfaction with their healthcare, citing the quality of the care or "good access," according to the Massachusetts Medical Society, a statewide physician group that conducted the poll.

Another three in four said accessing the healthcare they need is not difficult, though the share of patients who had to wait a month or more to see a primary care doctor was up 7 points since last year, to 28 percent.

The survey noted that the wait times were less of a problem for existing patients, or those that had seen a primary care doctor in the previous year, and for patients with serious conditions.

I'd rate current Obamacare as quite unsatisfactory, since I still can't log into their website.

That is interesting since I didn't realize the MA healthcare was so widely approved of.

I'd rate current Obamacare as quite unsatisfactory, since I still can't log into their website.

They must be giving people psych drugs in Massachusetts in order for them to approved of 28% of patients waiting months for healthcare. But of course only a small percent of the population actually use the healthcare system, so that is the reason the majority has not discovered how bad it sucks yet.
Really in 7 years only a small percentage have used healthcare? No checkups, no flu, no nothing?

What percentage do you think it is?
WASHINGTON—Following this month’s rollout of President Obama’s signature health care law, millions of uninsured citizens across the country praised the program for allowing them to become blindingly enraged at health insurance companies for the first time in their lives, sources confirmed. “I’ve been working two to three jobs without once qualifying for health insurance for as long as I can remember, and now for the first time ever, I’ll be able to fill out reams and reams of indecipherable forms and paperwork that will frustrate and anger me in ways I could never possibly imagine,” said Oregon man David Haddock, adding that he now has access to nearly 10 insurance companies that have staffs that will try to deny him benefits at every turn and make his life a living hell. “Come January 1, my wife and I will finally be unable to find a good doctor that’s in network, I’ll try to call our insurance provider to get an explanation, and then I’ll be on hold for an hour before I slam the phone down on the ground. It’ll be one of the happiest days of our lives.” At press time, Obamacare had already helped numerous citizens punch a hole in their computer monitors after the repeated failure of healthcare.gov. Obamacare Helps Uninsured Americans Become Blindingly Enraged At Insurance Companies | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Really in 7 years only a small percentage have used healthcare? No checkups, no flu, no nothing?

What percentage do you think it is?

5 percent of the population spends almost half of the total amount of healthcare dollars.
Of course the majority of healthcare dollars are spent by the chronically ill, but the percentage of money they spend is completely different than what I was interested in.

They had a survey of RomneyCare with positive results and you implied very few people in the survey have actually used it, I'd be curious to know how you arrived at that conclusion and what percentage of people in MA have used the healthcare system since implementation in 2006.

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