Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!

And If I am offered a plan at work, in which I am and do have, you mean the ACA won't be of any use to me at all in order to help control exceedingly great and growing cost found in these policies ?

So the ACA is yet another vote purchasing scam being run by the democrat party ?
Sorry I didn't word my post very well, you can use the aca exchange but if you are offered health coverage at work you can't receive subsidies on the costs.

I don't know whether it is a vote purchasing scam, haven't really thought about it. I know ACA will be a wonderful benefit to me but your mileage may vary.
look on the bright side,riots, protests and general anarchy gets shit done. If that happens in 2014 messiah Obama may have to leave office early. I'm hoping it happens in 2013, why wait?
Don't worry, the media which is basically an arm of the democrat party, will give them cover and make the protesters look like crazy radicals just like they demonized the Tea Party.

Of course your right. The Sheeple will follow the liberal media and not question anything they say. It's an uphill climb, that's why we have to make any civil disobedience count.
I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.

I have made no personal attacks on you.

I expect the same courtesy.

There is NO income cap on being able to use the exchanges.

ANYONE can use them.

There is only a cap for the govt. subsidies and tax exemptions.
Of course your right. The Sheeple will follow the liberal media and not question anything they say. It's an uphill climb, that's why we have to make any civil disobedience count.

if you don't buy health insurance but get injured or sick, will you still go to the ER and accept their treatment without the ability to pay for it, knowing that some of it will be paid for by Medicaid and the rest paid for by the hospital & other patients through artificially inflated medical costs.....aka YOUR healthcare will be paid for by other people????????????????????
I accept the idea of civil disobedience against the ACA by not buying health insurance.

But if you do this, you should have the integrity if you get sick/injured to pay for your own medical care and emergency medical in FULL, and NOT rely on Medicaid or the charity of a hospital to pay for your needs!!!!!

otherwise, you're just a deadbeat supporting a Socialist system created by Ronald Reagan in 1986.
Where do you live? BCBS is a pretty big insurer, it is surprising most hospitals are rejecting that.
I advise everyone to check their new policies, even if they are offering a better price and lower deductibles, it's WORTHLESS. Your health insurance company will not tell you that things are no longer the same. Check and see which hospitals and doctors are accepting your policy as of man 2014. You will be very shocked. They basically upgraded me to their best plan available the "Platinum premier blah blah blah". My agent sent me an email the next day telling me the good hospitals around me aren't accepting me. The govt. can do many things, but they cannot force a hospital to accept who's insurance they feel won't pay them what they want. Many clinics had already rejected insurance many years ago due to this reason, but now the hospitals are falling in line as well. Imagine you get sick and end up in the emergency room of a hospital, and they reject you because your health insurance isn't acceptable. Or what if you're out of state and something happens happens? This is a disaster of epic proportions. We are looking at a different America in about a year.

Does the ACA change the law regarding emergency care?
I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.
There is no income cap on using state health exchanges, if you aren't offered a plan thru work you can use them.

Are you confusing being able to participate with qualifying for subsidies to reduce the cost?
On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more. Even so, if the hospitals are going to reject private insurance, what makes you think they're going to now accept govt insurance? Most good hospitals are private and they can choose who they want to accept or not accept. We're not talking about emergency care, which by law all hospitals have to provide treatment. And again, even then, they look at a person's insurance before they admit, because it determines the level and duration of the emergency care as well. To make it simple, a hospital will try to not treat a patient if it feels it cannot collect enough from your insurance.
Where do you live? BCBS is a pretty big insurer, it is surprising most hospitals are rejecting that.
I advise everyone to check their new policies, even if they are offering a better price and lower deductibles, it's WORTHLESS. Your health insurance company will not tell you that things are no longer the same. Check and see which hospitals and doctors are accepting your policy as of man 2014. You will be very shocked. They basically upgraded me to their best plan available the "Platinum premier blah blah blah". My agent sent me an email the next day telling me the good hospitals around me aren't accepting me. The govt. can do many things, but they cannot force a hospital to accept who's insurance they feel won't pay them what they want. Many clinics had already rejected insurance many years ago due to this reason, but now the hospitals are falling in line as well. Imagine you get sick and end up in the emergency room of a hospital, and they reject you because your health insurance isn't acceptable. Or what if you're out of state and something happens happens? This is a disaster of epic proportions. We are looking at a different America in about a year.

Does the ACA change the law regarding emergency care?
I don't think so, but they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance. In the real world that's how it is.
On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more. Even so, if the hospitals are going to reject private insurance, what makes you think they're going to now accept govt insurance? Most good hospitals are private and they can choose who they want to accept or not accept. We're not talking about emergency care, which by law all hospitals have to provide treatment. And again, even then, they look at a person's insurance before they admit, because it determines the level and duration of the emergency care as well. To make it simple, a hospital will try to not treat a patient if it feels it cannot collect enough from your insurance.

please post a link saying that no one earning more than $135,000 can buy insurance through the exchanges.

side question: why in the world would you NOT have health insurance, considering your income?

would you go without car insurance if you could?
Does the ACA change the law regarding emergency care?

No, the law Reagan signed in 1986 is still in effect.

No hospital can refuse to treat a patient due to an inability to pay.

That includes refusal of an insurance plan.
I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.

I have made no personal attacks on you.

I expect the same courtesy.

There is NO income cap on being able to use the exchanges.

ANYONE can use them.

There is only a cap for the govt. subsidies and tax exemptions.
Excuse me, but it wasn't I that started a thread the other day, calling the Tea Party "terrorists" who are trying to stop Obama care and want to kill children, and ending it with a wish that they get hit by a car and die (and a few choice cuss words as well). Did you forget all of that?

The state exchanges will also be worthless. Does it say who does or doesn't accept them in your area? Are all hospitals, clinics, and doctors forced to treat you? No it doesn't. I have one of the best plans and they still didn't tell me that the major hospitals won't accept me. I had to find that out on my own, after they sent me a letter telling me how wonderful my new plan will be as of 2014. Ya right. You can find insurance for a $100 a month, what good is it, if nobody accepts it?
I accept the idea of civil disobedience against the ACA by not buying health insurance.

But if you do this, you should have the integrity if you get sick/injured to pay for your own medical care and emergency medical in FULL, and NOT rely on Medicaid or the charity of a hospital to pay for your needs!!!!!

otherwise, you're just a deadbeat supporting a Socialist system created by Ronald Reagan in 1986.
Actually quite the opposite, Ronald Reagan dismantled the socialist system. But maybe a little too extreme, which caused the Bush senior recession in 1991. Under a socialist system, the govt takes over your health care and then slowly invades every aspect of your life, your income, what you eat, how much water you use, how much and what kind of energy you use, how much waste you produce, how many days you work, what you drive, etc. until you're just a slave with an SS number to the system. This is where we're heading. I guess Marx was right. Slowly but surely the world is heading towards totalitarian socialist states.
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On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more.
I believe you're mistaken, their website gives the qualifications here: https://www.healthcare.gov/am-i-eligible-for-coverage-in-the-marketplace/

To be eligible for health coverage through the Marketplace, you:

must live in the United States
must be a U.S. citizen or national (or be lawfully present)
can't be currently incarcerate

Where did you see this 135k income cap, I've never heard of that.
I advise everyone to check their new policies, even if they are offering a better price and lower deductibles, it's WORTHLESS. Your health insurance company will not tell you that things are no longer the same. Check and see which hospitals and doctors are accepting your policy as of man 2014. You will be very shocked. They basically upgraded me to their best plan available the "Platinum premier blah blah blah". My agent sent me an email the next day telling me the good hospitals around me aren't accepting me. The govt. can do many things, but they cannot force a hospital to accept who's insurance they feel won't pay them what they want. Many clinics had already rejected insurance many years ago due to this reason, but now the hospitals are falling in line as well. Imagine you get sick and end up in the emergency room of a hospital, and they reject you because your health insurance isn't acceptable. Or what if you're out of state and something happens happens? This is a disaster of epic proportions. We are looking at a different America in about a year.

Does the ACA change the law regarding emergency care?
I don't think so, but they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance. In the real world that's how it is.

Emergency rooms do not boot people out because of insurance. Once you are outside of the ER, sure, but the ER is required to provide emergency care regardless of any payment or financial status.

People using the ER as a primary care facility is, in fact, one of the issues with medical costs in this country.

So if you are going to try and make a claim like that, it does not help your credibility with any other claims about the affects of the ACA.
...The state exchanges will also be worthless. Does it say who does or doesn't accept them in your area? Are all hospitals, clinics, and doctors forced to treat you? No it doesn't. I have one of the best plans and they still didn't tell me that the major hospitals won't accept me. I had to find that out on my own, after they sent me a letter telling me how wonderful my new plan will be as of 2014. Ya right. You can find insurance for a $100 a month, what good is it, if nobody accepts it?

which hospitals have you contacted and found out that they would not accept you health insurance?

FACT: if you are in a life or death emergency, no hospital can turn you away and not treat you.

They all MUST treat you, save your life, and bring you to a stable point.

Only then can they ask about your health insurance.

They can ONLY transfer you to another hospital if another hospital has more appropriate facilities and mechanics for your condition.
Also, even if a doctor or hospital doesn't accept your insurance, you can pay out of pocket first and then simply apply for reimbursement from your insurance.

Its called "out of network" and it works just fine.
Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!
In less than five years?

That’s quite a feat.

It took GWB eight years to destroy the country; and after destroying it handed it over to Obama to fix the mess.

And the only current destroying going on is being done by House republicans, Boehner and the TPM in particular.
And If I am offered a plan at work, in which I am and do have, you mean the ACA won't be of any use to me at all in order to help control exceedingly great and growing cost found in these policies ?

So the ACA is yet another vote purchasing scam being run by the democrat party ?
Sorry I didn't word my post very well, you can use the aca exchange but if you are offered health coverage at work you can't receive subsidies on the costs.

I don't know whether it is a vote purchasing scam, haven't really thought about it. I know ACA will be a wonderful benefit to me but your mileage may vary.
Doesn't make sense to me at all then, so otherwise If I am paying to much, then I get no help at all with a plan that I have at my work place ?

I don't qualify for anything, but rather I will be subsidizing others plans that may even be better than mine in all of this ?
It sounds he might be viewing a single policy's acceptance range and assuming that is universal to all health insurance plans or all offered by the state exchanges.

I believe it is expected that the breadth of care availability will narrow but implying all health insurance is worthless because of it might be a bit of a stretch. I'm somewhat curious about it, I wish their piece of shit website would get on track so I can explore a bit.
I don't qualify for anything, but rather I will be subsidizing others plans that may even be better than mine in all of this ?
Yes, although this can be offset by the fact most employers who offer health insurance do their own subsidizing of costs by covering a portion of it for their employees as a benefit.

Your mileage may vary.

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