Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!

On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more.
I believe you're mistaken, their website gives the qualifications here: https://www.healthcare.gov/am-i-eligible-for-coverage-in-the-marketplace/

To be eligible for health coverage through the Marketplace, you:

must live in the United States
must be a U.S. citizen or national (or be lawfully present)
can't be currently incarcerate

Where did you see this 135k income cap, I've never heard of that.
It was probably the govt site. For those who think changing or "shopping" insurance is a viable option, be warned, many hospitals are only honoring "grandfathered" policies for people that had theirs as of for example 2010 or before. If you switch, then all bets are off.

Isn't this new health care system great? Just what Americans needed. Rest assured, we are going to look at these days as the glory days of health care in America. Things are going to move so fast, in about two years you will look back at today with nostalgia.
Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!
In less than five years?

That’s quite a feat.

It took GWB eight years to destroy the country; and after destroying it handed it over to Obama to fix the mess.

And the only current destroying going on is being done by House republicans, Boehner and the TPM in particular.
You call the mess in the Middle East, and this health care fiasco "fixing it"? :cuckoo:

You need to get off your party alliance horse and see what this guy has done. When a major hospital is rejecting blue cross or blue shield, that's a very bad sign. And a sure one that they know something you don't.
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It sounds he might be viewing a single policy's acceptance range and assuming that is universal to all health insurance plans or all offered by the state exchanges.

I believe it is expected that the breadth of care availability will narrow but implying all health insurance is worthless because of it might be a bit of a stretch. I'm somewhat curious about it, I wish their piece of shit website would get on track so I can explore a bit.
I don't think so. I have no pre existing conditions, not a smoker or heavy drinker and my weight and cholesterol are fine. My insurance is blue shield and two of the best and closest hospitals, one associated with a well known university and research facility, has announced that due to the new health care bill, as of 2014, Blue Shield can take a hike.

In other words, the shit has hit the fan. This is just the beginning.
FYI- hospitals were dropping BCBS before all of this.

Maybe their reimbursement schedule sucks. Get a new insurance company.

I have GHI/Emblem. Always accepted.
Obama and the Democrats have managed to destroy this country!
In less than five years?

That’s quite a feat.

It took GWB eight years to destroy the country; and after destroying it handed it over to Obama to fix the mess.

And the only current destroying going on is being done by House republicans, Boehner and the TPM in particular.


Bush destroyed the country????

When did this happen?
...The state exchanges will also be worthless. Does it say who does or doesn't accept them in your area? Are all hospitals, clinics, and doctors forced to treat you? No it doesn't. I have one of the best plans and they still didn't tell me that the major hospitals won't accept me. I had to find that out on my own, after they sent me a letter telling me how wonderful my new plan will be as of 2014. Ya right. You can find insurance for a $100 a month, what good is it, if nobody accepts it?

which hospitals have you contacted and found out that they would not accept you health insurance?

FACT: if you are in a life or death emergency, no hospital can turn you away and not treat you.

They all MUST treat you, save your life, and bring you to a stable point.

Only then can they ask about your health insurance.

They can ONLY transfer you to another hospital if another hospital has more appropriate facilities and mechanics for your condition.
Yes, they will treat you only in the ICU, then push you out the doors asap to wherever. You will not be able to stay in a room or get any further treatment once your vitals are normal and anything other than emergency treatment. They will literally kick your ass out because you are taking up room in an emergency center.

Do you really think if you walk into a hospital emergency room, holding your chest, they won't look at your health care and consider it, before they start treating you? If you do then you're kidding yourself. That's not how it works in the real world.
BCBS sucks.

Hospitals and doctors have been dropping them for years.

Since you have a nice income, buy yourself a nice insurance plan.

Emblem/GHI works for me.
FYI- hospitals were dropping BCBS before all of this.

Maybe their reimbursement schedule sucks. Get a new insurance company.

I have GHI/Emblem. Always accepted.
Not mine. Other insurance are being dropped as well. It's not only BCBS. My agent has told me to sit tight and see. Some other insurances will loose hospitals as of 2015. This is a lot bigger than anybody can imagine.
FYI- hospitals were dropping BCBS before all of this.

Maybe their reimbursement schedule sucks. Get a new insurance company.

I have GHI/Emblem. Always accepted.
Not mine. Other insurance are being dropped as well. It's not only BCBS. My agent has told me to sit tight and see. Some other insurances will loose hospitals as of 2015. This is a lot bigger than anybody can imagine.

find out which insurance they do accept, and buy that insurance.

easy peesy japanesey.
Does the ACA change the law regarding emergency care?
I don't think so, but they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance. In the real world that's how it is.

Emergency rooms do not boot people out because of insurance. Once you are outside of the ER, sure, but the ER is required to provide emergency care regardless of any payment or financial status.

People using the ER as a primary care facility is, in fact, one of the issues with medical costs in this country.

So if you are going to try and make a claim like that, it does not help your credibility with any other claims about the affects of the ACA.
Never made that claim. But if your situation requires that you stay in a hospital room for a few days before you can be released, then out you go. They're not going to offer anything extra like precautionary testing etc and run up a bill they can't collect. We all know that "emergency" isn't a black and white thing.

The big hospitals are in bed with the insurance companies, don't kid yourself. We are watching the beginnings of a revolution including lots of chaos and lawlessness. Welcome to the America envisioned by Obama 5 years ago. Kickoff began when health care came into effect. I don't think the Repubs are going to stop this, the insurance companies have already called it in favor of the Democrats as we can see.
FYI- hospitals were dropping BCBS before all of this.

Maybe their reimbursement schedule sucks. Get a new insurance company.

I have GHI/Emblem. Always accepted.
Not mine. Other insurance are being dropped as well. It's not only BCBS. My agent has told me to sit tight and see. Some other insurances will loose hospitals as of 2015. This is a lot bigger than anybody can imagine.

find out which insurance they do accept, and buy that insurance.

easy peesy japanesey.
Not so easy. A policy here might not be acceptable "there". And vice versa. Or, they might accept one hospital but the other one in your area won't. And what makes you think there is someone in a hospital you can ask this information from?

Simplistic thinking.

This is the beginnings of a gigantic mess. Wait and see.
Ultimately, if anyone has destroyed this country, it's the apathetic couch potatoes, too busy with American Idol to bother with shyster politicians except when it comes time to sell their votes for welfare and food stamps. If we're to get out of this mess, we must limit the franchise to people with at least a minimal amount of requisite knowledge and common sense.

"Voting's the best revenge."--Barack Hussein Obama, mmmm mmmm mmmm.
I don't think so, but they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance. In the real world that's how it is.

Emergency rooms do not boot people out because of insurance. Once you are outside of the ER, sure, but the ER is required to provide emergency care regardless of any payment or financial status.

People using the ER as a primary care facility is, in fact, one of the issues with medical costs in this country.

So if you are going to try and make a claim like that, it does not help your credibility with any other claims about the affects of the ACA.
Never made that claim. But if your situation requires that you stay in a hospital room for a few days before you can be released, then out you go. They're not going to offer anything extra like precautionary testing etc and run up a bill they can't collect. We all know that "emergency" isn't a black and white thing.

The big hospitals are in bed with the insurance companies, don't kid yourself. We are watching the beginnings of a revolution including lots of chaos and lawlessness. Welcome to the America envisioned by Obama 5 years ago. Kickoff began when health care came into effect. I don't think the Repubs are going to stop this, the insurance companies have already called it in favor of the Democrats as we can see.

What you said is 'they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance.'.

I agreed that outside of the ER, insurance/payment is important. Everything I've seen based on the law and heard from multiple ER nurses is that payment is rarely, if ever, considered in treating emergencies. And precautionary testing IS used, often overused, from what I've heard. There is more concern about the threat of a lawsuit than the cost of a CT when an X-ray is enough. And apparently many people have learned how to game the system to get ER care when they don't really need it as a way to avoid paying for primary care.

I have no doubt that hospitals can be as tight-fisted as anyone. When it comes to the ER, however, almost everything I have seen and heard indicates it is a place that individual insurance considerations are not important.
Emergency rooms do not boot people out because of insurance. Once you are outside of the ER, sure, but the ER is required to provide emergency care regardless of any payment or financial status.

People using the ER as a primary care facility is, in fact, one of the issues with medical costs in this country.

So if you are going to try and make a claim like that, it does not help your credibility with any other claims about the affects of the ACA.
Never made that claim. But if your situation requires that you stay in a hospital room for a few days before you can be released, then out you go. They're not going to offer anything extra like precautionary testing etc and run up a bill they can't collect. We all know that "emergency" isn't a black and white thing.

The big hospitals are in bed with the insurance companies, don't kid yourself. We are watching the beginnings of a revolution including lots of chaos and lawlessness. Welcome to the America envisioned by Obama 5 years ago. Kickoff began when health care came into effect. I don't think the Repubs are going to stop this, the insurance companies have already called it in favor of the Democrats as we can see.

What you said is 'they will boot you out of there like a hot potato if the hospital doesn't accept your type of insurance.'.

I agreed that outside of the ER, insurance/payment is important. Everything I've seen based on the law and heard from multiple ER nurses is that payment is rarely, if ever, considered in treating emergencies. And precautionary testing IS used, often overused, from what I've heard. There is more concern about the threat of a lawsuit than the cost of a CT when an X-ray is enough. And apparently many people have learned how to game the system to get ER care when they don't really need it as a way to avoid paying for primary care.

I have no doubt that hospitals can be as tight-fisted as anyone. When it comes to the ER, however, almost everything I have seen and heard indicates it is a place that individual insurance considerations are not important.
Once you're in, yes. You're not looking at it realistically. It has nothing to do with my insurance or your insurance. This is going to be everyone's problem. Let's say you are a family of three and one member gets an illness which the best doctor for it is affiliated with a certain hospital, and another member gets a different illness, that you prefer treatment with another doctor what works in another facility. But because of your insurance, you may or may not be able to use the doctor you want because the hospital they are affiliated with doesn't accept the insurance. Wouldn't you rather have the choice to go the best doctor or hospital that are known for treatment of certain illnesses? This is not only about "emergency care", you know.
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How does a hospital dropping BCBS have anything to do with "Obama and the Democrats"?
How does a hospital dropping BCBS have anything to do with "Obama and the Democrats"?
Hospitals have sent notices that they are rejecting not only BCBS but other insurances as well, because of Obama care. Right now if you go on the insurance exchange sites, it will say "no match" for any insurance plan when you try to match it with a hospital in your area.

Democrats brought this bill forward and shoved it down the throats of Americans. And we are seeing its fruits now.
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I make too much money to qualify. Those are for bums like you who live on govt handouts, like you.
There is no income cap on using state health exchanges, if you aren't offered a plan thru work you can use them.

Are you confusing being able to participate with qualifying for subsidies to reduce the cost?
On the govt. site the highest income was $135,000, and I make more. Even so, if the hospitals are going to reject private insurance, what makes you think they're going to now accept govt insurance? Most good hospitals are private and they can choose who they want to accept or not accept. We're not talking about emergency care, which by law all hospitals have to provide treatment. And again, even then, they look at a person's insurance before they admit, because it determines the level and duration of the emergency care as well. To make it simple, a hospital will try to not treat a patient if it feels it cannot collect enough from your insurance.
Interesting since Congress will get their insurance through the exchanges. They make more than $135,000.
Check and see who in your area no longer accepts you as of 2014. That's the big elephant.

Yup - My insurance company reduced the number of doctors also & it went up 223%. I bought this plan because I covered the most doctors. Now they only cover the low rate ones. In rural areas you may have to drive to another town because the doctor across the street is not covered any more.

I have Assurant Health & they switched my provider network from Healthlink/Wellpoint to Cigna.
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How does a hospital dropping BCBS have anything to do with "Obama and the Democrats"?
Hospitals have sent notices that they are rejecting not only BCBS but other insurances as well, because of Obama care. Right now if you go on the insurance exchange sites, it will say "no match" for any insurance plan when you try to match it with a hospital in your area.

Democrats brought this bill forward and shoved it down the throats of Americans. And we are seeing its fruits now.

Yeah, that didn't happen. Just checked.

Have you seen these "notices"? Where are you getting your information from?
ObamaCare hasn't changed insurance company reimbursement schedules.

they do that themselves.

if a hospital or doctor decides to not accept a certain insurance, that's their choice. Its not related to ObamaCare.

ObamaCare doesn't change reimbursement schedules.

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