Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Well of course Jews were to blame. I could have told you that. It's always the Joooooos, for you Nazi dorks. Even when you have a leaking faucet. Ha ha.

So Goldman Sachs and their bought off lackeys in the Greek Government aren't to blame, who is?

Goldman Sachs gave obama $1,034,615 during the 2008 election cycle. and they were also bailout that same year and the CEO's were allowed to keep their bonuses

They were among his biggest supporters. The tentacles of this parasite reach everywhere in the West.
Nah, he stepped forward and financed Washington's revolution. That's why he was given the honor to sign.

No he didn't sign those documents. Where do you read this nonsense? Lending money doesn't make someone a hero, he didn't risk his life by signing the Declaration of Independence or being part of the Continental Congress, or fighting in any battles.

Plenty of people loaned money to the Continental Army, what makes him so amazing? Being a Jew?

No what's amazing is without his financing, Washington's revolution wouldn't have been possible. :clap:

His financing? He didn't give his own money, he sold bonds to the French and Dutch(so if you want to thank anyone, thank the French and Dutch Governments). Stop making some paper pusher out to be a hero and the savior of America. You are engaging in historical revisionism.
No he didn't sign those documents. Where do you read this nonsense? Lending money doesn't make someone a hero, he didn't risk his life by signing the Declaration of Independence or being part of the Continental Congress, or fighting in any battles.

Plenty of people loaned money to the Continental Army, what makes him so amazing? Being a Jew?

No what's amazing is without his financing, Washington's revolution wouldn't have been possible. :clap:

His financing? He didn't give his own money, he sold bonds to the French and Dutch(so if you want to thank anyone, thank the French and Dutch Governments). Stop making some paper pusher out to be a hero and the savior of America. You are engaging in historical revisionism.
Nah, that's just Neo Nazi revisionism.


Salomon (sometimes written as Solomon and Solomons in period documents) was a Polish-born Jewish immigrant to America who played an important role in financing the Revolution. When the war began, Salomon was operating as a financial broker in New York City. He seems to have been drawn early to the Patriot side and was arrested by the British as a spy in 1776. He was pardoned and used by the British as an interpreter with their German troops. Salomon, however, continued to help prisoners of the British escape and encouraged German soldiers to desert. Arrested again in 1778, he was sentenced to death, but managed to escape to the rebel capital of Philadelphia, where he resumed his career as a broker and dealer in securities. He soon became broker to the French consul and paymaster to French troops in America.

Salomon arrived in Philadelphia as the Continental Congress was struggling to raise money to support the war. Congress had no powers of direct taxation and had to rely on requests for money directed to the states, which were mostly refused. The government had no choice but to borrow money and was ultimately bailed out only by loans from the French and Dutch governments. Government finances were in a chaotic state in 1781 when Congress appointed former Congressman Robert Morris superintendent of finances. Morris established the Bank of North America and proceeded to finance the Yorktown campaign of Washington and Rochambeau. Morris relied on public-spirited financiers like Salomon to subscribe to the bank, find purchasers for government bills of exchange, and lend their own money to the government.

From 1781 on, Salomon brokered bills of exchange for the American government and extended interest-free personal loans to members of Congress, including James Madison. Salomon married Rachel Franks in 1777 and had four children with her. He was an influential member of Philadelphia’s Mikveh Israel congregation, founded in 1740. He helped lead the fight to overturn restrictive Pennsylvania laws barring non-Christians from holding public office. Like many elite citizens of Philadelphia, he owned at least one slave, a man named Joe, who ran away in 1780. Possibly as a result of his purchases of government debt, Salomon died penniless in 1785.

In 1941, the George Washington-Robert Morris-Haym Salomon Memorial was erected along Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago. The bronze and stone memorial was conceived by sculptor Lorado Taft and finished by his student, Leonard Crunelle. Salomon’s role in financing the Revolution and his willingness to take financial risks for the Patriot cause helped establish the new nation.


In August 1781, the Continental Army had trapped Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis in the Virginian coastal town of Yorktown. George Washington and the main army and Count de Rochambeau with his French army decided to march from the Hudson Highlands to Yorktown and deliver the final blow. But Washington's war chest was completely empty, as was that of Congress. Washington determined that he needed at least $20,000 to finance the campaign. When Morris told him there were no funds and no credit available, Washington gave him a simple but eloquent order: "Send for Haym Solomon". Solomon raised $20,000, through the sale of bills of exchange, and Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution.[6]
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Then as one who lives thirty minutes from Hollywood, I am accustomed to quality entertainment from the Jewish community along with their allies in the gay community. And, Muslims? Well, they are expendable.

Jewish control of the Hollywood and their support behind the homosexual lobby is very real though.
Jewish Leaders Behind The Homosexual and Lesbian Movement
Obama?s Homosexual Agenda & The Jews Behind It | Real Jew News
Who Controls Hollywood? | Who Controls America?

Man, you really are out of touch. I already pointed out the role Jews played in the American Revolution. Have we seen anything from you to verify your position? As usual "no." I really think you make this stuff up! One day soon you will be learning how much influence Jews will have over your future life in America, so just keep insulting them! Can you provide a list of Muslim accomplishments? Of course not, because there is none!

It will be entertaining to see you go down! :eusa_dance: :finger3: :banana:

Now here is a partial list of Jewish business interests in America. You will observe that Jewish power in Hollywood, and their longstanding alliance with the GLBTQ are minor in comparison with their banking interests. Bet you never heard of the Rothchild family either. Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I really do dislike low-information posters. We always have to catch them up, and when confronted with facts they deny them, but do not offer fact/links of their own.

List of Jewish American businesspeople - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Banking and finance


Food and retail

Newspapers and publishing

Real estate


Television, film and video

You do realize all this information is public record and available to anyone.

There is no conspiracy here.

Jews are just creative and enterprising.

If anyone knows for sure, it is we WASPs!

And we partner with Jews also.


Yes, it makes me smile too. Jews signed the Declaration of Independence, The U. S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

LOL. All the signers were White Christians(Almost all Protestant as well). Where do you hear such crap?
Religion of the Founding Fathers of America
Data on the Framers of the Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Jews have nothing to do with the founding of the US, at all. Organized Jewry has always been antagonistic to the principles the US was founded on.

:cuckoo: What an idiot "Proclaim liberty throughout the land" the U.S. was founded in part on the Biblical principles that G-d gave us through the Jews :cool:
Jews have nothing to do with the founding of the US, at all. Organized Jewry has always been antagonistic to the principles the US was founded on.

I am sure I speak for all of us, that we are tired of "catching you up on this topic." Clearly, you are not capable of comprehending this thread. You are simply not at our level. Now, asshole, read this and eat your words about Jews and Founding Fathers. Jews and the Founding of America | Pathways We are tired of you thoughtless noise.
I am sure I speak for all of us, that we are tired of "catching you up on this topic." Clearly, you are not capable of comprehending this thread. You are simply not at our level. Now, asshole, read this and eat your words about Jews and Founding Fathers. Jews and the Founding of America | Pathways We are tired of you thoughtless noise.
Okay big brain, since you know so much about jews, who made this comment...

Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.
And fascism is definitely not akin to this country's founding principles.
Then as one who lives thirty minutes from Hollywood, I am accustomed to quality entertainment from the Jewish community along with their allies in the gay community. And, Muslims? Well, they are expendable.

Jewish control of the Hollywood and their support behind the homosexual lobby is very real though.
Jewish Leaders Behind The Homosexual and Lesbian Movement
Obama?s Homosexual Agenda & The Jews Behind It | Real Jew News
Who Controls Hollywood? | Who Controls America?

Man, you really are out of touch. I already pointed out the role Jews played in the American Revolution. Have we seen anything from you to verify your position? As usual "no." I really think you make this stuff up! One day soon you will be learning how much influence Jews will have over your future life in America, so just keep insulting them! Can you provide a list of Muslim accomplishments? Of course not, because there is none!

It will be entertaining to see you go down! :eusa_dance: :finger3: :banana:

Now here is a partial list of Jewish business interests in America. You will observe that Jewish power in Hollywood, and their longstanding alliance with the GLBTQ are minor in comparison with their banking interests. Bet you never heard of the Rothchild family either. Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I really do dislike low-information posters. We always have to catch them up, and when confronted with facts they deny them, but do not offer fact/links of their own.

List of Jewish American businesspeople - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Banking and finance


Food and retail

Newspapers and publishing

Real estate


Television, film and video

You do realize all this information is public record and available to anyone.

There is no conspiracy here.

Jews are just creative and enterprising.

If anyone knows for sure, it is we WASPs!

And we partner with Jews also.


You are proving my points for me, lol. Are you a secret white nationalist just trolling?
Actually Beachboy proved Iceholeman is a Nazi troll that's fulla shi'ite. :clap:
Then as one who lives thirty minutes from Hollywood, I am accustomed to quality entertainment from the Jewish community along with their allies in the gay community. And, Muslims? Well, they are expendable.

Jewish control of the Hollywood and their support behind the homosexual lobby is very real though.
Jewish Leaders Behind The Homosexual and Lesbian Movement
Obama?s Homosexual Agenda & The Jews Behind It | Real Jew News
Who Controls Hollywood? | Who Controls America?

Man, you really are out of touch. I already pointed out the role Jews played in the American Revolution. Have we seen anything from you to verify your position? As usual "no." I really think you make this stuff up! One day soon you will be learning how much influence Jews will have over your future life in America, so just keep insulting them! Can you provide a list of Muslim accomplishments? Of course not, because there is none!

It will be entertaining to see you go down! :eusa_dance: :finger3: :banana:

Now here is a partial list of Jewish business interests in America. You will observe that Jewish power in Hollywood, and their longstanding alliance with the GLBTQ are minor in comparison with their banking interests. Bet you never heard of the Rothchild family either. Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I really do dislike low-information posters. We always have to catch them up, and when confronted with facts they deny them, but do not offer fact/links of their own.

List of Jewish American businesspeople - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Banking and finance


Food and retail

Newspapers and publishing

Real estate


Television, film and video

You do realize all this information is public record and available to anyone.

There is no conspiracy here.

Jews are just creative and enterprising.

If anyone knows for sure, it is we WASPs!

And we partner with Jews also.

Nothing but net.

No what's amazing is without his financing, Washington's revolution wouldn't have been possible. :clap:

His financing? He didn't give his own money, he sold bonds to the French and Dutch(so if you want to thank anyone, thank the French and Dutch Governments). Stop making some paper pusher out to be a hero and the savior of America. You are engaging in historical revisionism.
Nah, that's just Neo Nazi revisionism.

The American Revolution: Haym Salomon

Salomon (sometimes written as Solomon and Solomons in period documents) was a Polish-born Jewish immigrant to America who played an important role in financing the Revolution. When the war began, Salomon was operating as a financial broker in New York City. He seems to have been drawn early to the Patriot side and was arrested by the British as a spy in 1776. He was pardoned and used by the British as an interpreter with their German troops. Salomon, however, continued to help prisoners of the British escape and encouraged German soldiers to desert. Arrested again in 1778, he was sentenced to death, but managed to escape to the rebel capital of Philadelphia, where he resumed his career as a broker and dealer in securities. He soon became broker to the French consul and paymaster to French troops in America.

Salomon arrived in Philadelphia as the Continental Congress was struggling to raise money to support the war. Congress had no powers of direct taxation and had to rely on requests for money directed to the states, which were mostly refused. The government had no choice but to borrow money and was ultimately bailed out only by loans from the French and Dutch governments. Government finances were in a chaotic state in 1781 when Congress appointed former Congressman Robert Morris superintendent of finances. Morris established the Bank of North America and proceeded to finance the Yorktown campaign of Washington and Rochambeau. Morris relied on public-spirited financiers like Salomon to subscribe to the bank, find purchasers for government bills of exchange, and lend their own money to the government.

From 1781 on, Salomon brokered bills of exchange for the American government and extended interest-free personal loans to members of Congress, including James Madison. Salomon married Rachel Franks in 1777 and had four children with her. He was an influential member of Philadelphia’s Mikveh Israel congregation, founded in 1740. He helped lead the fight to overturn restrictive Pennsylvania laws barring non-Christians from holding public office. Like many elite citizens of Philadelphia, he owned at least one slave, a man named Joe, who ran away in 1780. Possibly as a result of his purchases of government debt, Salomon died penniless in 1785.

In 1941, the George Washington-Robert Morris-Haym Salomon Memorial was erected along Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago. The bronze and stone memorial was conceived by sculptor Lorado Taft and finished by his student, Leonard Crunelle. Salomon’s role in financing the Revolution and his willingness to take financial risks for the Patriot cause helped establish the new nation.

Haym Solomon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In August 1781, the Continental Army had trapped Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis in the Virginian coastal town of Yorktown. George Washington and the main army and Count de Rochambeau with his French army decided to march from the Hudson Highlands to Yorktown and deliver the final blow. But Washington's war chest was completely empty, as was that of Congress. Washington determined that he needed at least $20,000 to finance the campaign. When Morris told him there were no funds and no credit available, Washington gave him a simple but eloquent order: "Send for Haym Solomon". Solomon raised $20,000, through the sale of bills of exchange, and Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution.[6]
Lol, so not only did this paper pusher not risk his life or shed blood for the nation, he was a bad money manager. The strikes are adding up against this guy.

There are many smart jews in control of our financial system, as BeachBoy pointed out, I guess he wasn't one of the smart ones! LOL.
His financing? He didn't give his own money, he sold bonds to the French and Dutch(so if you want to thank anyone, thank the French and Dutch Governments). Stop making some paper pusher out to be a hero and the savior of America. You are engaging in historical revisionism.
Nah, that's just Neo Nazi revisionism.

The American Revolution: Haym Salomon

Salomon (sometimes written as Solomon and Solomons in period documents) was a Polish-born Jewish immigrant to America who played an important role in financing the Revolution. When the war began, Salomon was operating as a financial broker in New York City. He seems to have been drawn early to the Patriot side and was arrested by the British as a spy in 1776. He was pardoned and used by the British as an interpreter with their German troops. Salomon, however, continued to help prisoners of the British escape and encouraged German soldiers to desert. Arrested again in 1778, he was sentenced to death, but managed to escape to the rebel capital of Philadelphia, where he resumed his career as a broker and dealer in securities. He soon became broker to the French consul and paymaster to French troops in America.

Salomon arrived in Philadelphia as the Continental Congress was struggling to raise money to support the war. Congress had no powers of direct taxation and had to rely on requests for money directed to the states, which were mostly refused. The government had no choice but to borrow money and was ultimately bailed out only by loans from the French and Dutch governments. Government finances were in a chaotic state in 1781 when Congress appointed former Congressman Robert Morris superintendent of finances. Morris established the Bank of North America and proceeded to finance the Yorktown campaign of Washington and Rochambeau. Morris relied on public-spirited financiers like Salomon to subscribe to the bank, find purchasers for government bills of exchange, and lend their own money to the government.

From 1781 on, Salomon brokered bills of exchange for the American government and extended interest-free personal loans to members of Congress, including James Madison. Salomon married Rachel Franks in 1777 and had four children with her. He was an influential member of Philadelphia’s Mikveh Israel congregation, founded in 1740. He helped lead the fight to overturn restrictive Pennsylvania laws barring non-Christians from holding public office. Like many elite citizens of Philadelphia, he owned at least one slave, a man named Joe, who ran away in 1780. Possibly as a result of his purchases of government debt, Salomon died penniless in 1785.

In 1941, the George Washington-Robert Morris-Haym Salomon Memorial was erected along Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago. The bronze and stone memorial was conceived by sculptor Lorado Taft and finished by his student, Leonard Crunelle. Salomon’s role in financing the Revolution and his willingness to take financial risks for the Patriot cause helped establish the new nation.

Haym Solomon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In August 1781, the Continental Army had trapped Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis in the Virginian coastal town of Yorktown. George Washington and the main army and Count de Rochambeau with his French army decided to march from the Hudson Highlands to Yorktown and deliver the final blow. But Washington's war chest was completely empty, as was that of Congress. Washington determined that he needed at least $20,000 to finance the campaign. When Morris told him there were no funds and no credit available, Washington gave him a simple but eloquent order: "Send for Haym Solomon". Solomon raised $20,000, through the sale of bills of exchange, and Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution.[6]
Lol, so not only did this paper pusher not risk his life or shed blood for the nation, he was a bad money manager. The strikes are adding up against this guy.

There are many smart jews in control of our financial system, as BeachBoy pointed out, I guess he wasn't one of the smart ones! LOL.
So, to recap, not only are you an ignorant nazi asshole, but you also have reading comprehension problems. :cuckoo:
Nah, that's just Neo Nazi revisionism.

The American Revolution: Haym Salomon

Salomon (sometimes written as Solomon and Solomons in period documents) was a Polish-born Jewish immigrant to America who played an important role in financing the Revolution. When the war began, Salomon was operating as a financial broker in New York City. He seems to have been drawn early to the Patriot side and was arrested by the British as a spy in 1776. He was pardoned and used by the British as an interpreter with their German troops. Salomon, however, continued to help prisoners of the British escape and encouraged German soldiers to desert. Arrested again in 1778, he was sentenced to death, but managed to escape to the rebel capital of Philadelphia, where he resumed his career as a broker and dealer in securities. He soon became broker to the French consul and paymaster to French troops in America.

Salomon arrived in Philadelphia as the Continental Congress was struggling to raise money to support the war. Congress had no powers of direct taxation and had to rely on requests for money directed to the states, which were mostly refused. The government had no choice but to borrow money and was ultimately bailed out only by loans from the French and Dutch governments. Government finances were in a chaotic state in 1781 when Congress appointed former Congressman Robert Morris superintendent of finances. Morris established the Bank of North America and proceeded to finance the Yorktown campaign of Washington and Rochambeau. Morris relied on public-spirited financiers like Salomon to subscribe to the bank, find purchasers for government bills of exchange, and lend their own money to the government.

From 1781 on, Salomon brokered bills of exchange for the American government and extended interest-free personal loans to members of Congress, including James Madison. Salomon married Rachel Franks in 1777 and had four children with her. He was an influential member of Philadelphia’s Mikveh Israel congregation, founded in 1740. He helped lead the fight to overturn restrictive Pennsylvania laws barring non-Christians from holding public office. Like many elite citizens of Philadelphia, he owned at least one slave, a man named Joe, who ran away in 1780. Possibly as a result of his purchases of government debt, Salomon died penniless in 1785.

In 1941, the George Washington-Robert Morris-Haym Salomon Memorial was erected along Wacker Drive in downtown Chicago. The bronze and stone memorial was conceived by sculptor Lorado Taft and finished by his student, Leonard Crunelle. Salomon’s role in financing the Revolution and his willingness to take financial risks for the Patriot cause helped establish the new nation.

Haym Solomon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In August 1781, the Continental Army had trapped Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis in the Virginian coastal town of Yorktown. George Washington and the main army and Count de Rochambeau with his French army decided to march from the Hudson Highlands to Yorktown and deliver the final blow. But Washington's war chest was completely empty, as was that of Congress. Washington determined that he needed at least $20,000 to finance the campaign. When Morris told him there were no funds and no credit available, Washington gave him a simple but eloquent order: "Send for Haym Solomon". Solomon raised $20,000, through the sale of bills of exchange, and Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution.[6]
Lol, so not only did this paper pusher not risk his life or shed blood for the nation, he was a bad money manager. The strikes are adding up against this guy.

There are many smart jews in control of our financial system, as BeachBoy pointed out, I guess he wasn't one of the smart ones! LOL.
So, to recap, not only are you an ignorant nazi asshole, but you also have reading comprehension problems. :cuckoo:
Somebody call the wambulance for this guy. LOL


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