Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

That pig certainly isn't kosher! I like that pork!
....but if you eat pig that would be cannibalism. :lmao:

I hear you were born on April 2; a day too late!

Pigs are one of the smartest animals. And a pig using a computer, that is a damn smart pig. Rather be a pig than a rat.
So how do you type with your piggy hoofs...while at the same time sucking penis. Do you work for the local circus? The smartest thing that came out of your Nazi mouth was a penis. :lmao:
....but if you eat pig that would be cannibalism. :lmao:

I hear you were born on April 2; a day too late!

Pigs are one of the smartest animals. And a pig using a computer, that is a damn smart pig. Rather be a pig than a rat.
So how do you type with your piggy hoofs...while at the same time sucking penis. Do you work for the local circus? The smartest thing that came out of your Nazi mouth was a penis. :lmao:

You rats have always had a dirty mind lol.
Pigs are one of the smartest animals. And a pig using a computer, that is a damn smart pig. Rather be a pig than a rat.
So how do you type with your piggy hoofs...while at the same time sucking penis. Do you work for the local circus? The smartest thing that came out of your Nazi mouth was a penis. :lmao:

You rats have always had a dirty mind lol.
300 million sperm cells, and you were the quickest?! Ha ha ha.
Fargin Nazi Iceholeman's baby picture. Awwwwww....how cute.

Well, Fargin Nazi Iceholeman did grow up to be quite a handsome feller. Jere he is out in the wild, he must have been the "apple of their eye":

The OP

I received an email yesterday to which I attributed a certain .....hyperbole.
But, upon research.....it's true.

Here is part of that email:
"I just wanted to write a post here outlining what Obama has been doing in the Middle East while America is rightfully preoccupied with the Obamacare tragedy. Yesterday, John Kerry went on Israeli TV and said that if Israel does not partition the country and create a" Palestinian state" (along borders that are indefensible) he will
1) make sure that Israel is isolated at the UN (that Israel will be declared an illegitimate state or a non state)
2) that he will work to ensure that Europe no longer trades with Israel, thereby strangling the Israeli economy and
3) he said that if "Israel does not comply, there will be violence against it".

1. "Secretary of State John Kerry appears to have shed the last vestige of a U.S. honest broker role in pursuing an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord....Kerry warned Israelis that the result would be a third intifada of terrorist attacks against Israel.
But that was just for starters.

2. In addition, Kerry said, Israel would be more internationally isolated, there would be increased calls for boycotts and divestment from Israel, and the advent of a Palestinian leadership committed to violence.

3. ....Kerry also denounced Jewish settlements in the West Bank as "illegitimate" and called for an end of the presence of "IDF soldiers perpetually in the West Bank."

4. ....Kerry's remarks fit perfectly with the Palestinian playbook. His anti-Israel outbursts were bound to play well in Ramallah and Amman."
Blog: Kerry Threatens Israel

5. "US Secretary of State John Kerry, using the bully tactics of his boss Barack Obama, warned Israel that if Israeli-Palestinian talks break down, there might be a third intifada. Kerry’s one-sided warning was even more astounding when this fact is thrown in the mix: two days before he shot off his mouth, a poll conducted by the Arab World For Research & Development showed that only 29% of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians would be in favor of a third intifada, even though 60% believe it could happen."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada - Townhall.com Staff 11/8/2013 9:05 AM

6. ".... despicable action by Kerry means is that Kerry has now tacitly given a green light for Palestinian terrorists to wage a third intifada against Israel....
Kerry’s threat came during a joint interview with Channel 2's Udi Segal and Maher Shalabi of Palestine TV.... said:

...I believe that if we do not resolve the issues between Palestinians and Israelis, if we do not find a way to find peace, there will be an increasing isolation of Israel, three will be an increasing campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel that has been taking place on an international basis..."

a. Of course, Kerry never mentions the Israelis’ aspirations to simply live in peace without the constant existential threat, but then, the same man who lied about Vietnam atrocities can’t exactly be someone who wants the truth."
Kerry Threatens Israel with Third Intifada

7. "...the Obama administration is working behind the scenes in tandem with the EU’s boycott of Israeli settlements, tying the seriousness of the EU’s future ban to Israel’s actions during current U.S.-brokered talks with the Palestinians, according to a senior Palestinian negotiator....Kerry is using the EU sanctions to blackmail Israel into complying with talks aimed at creating a Palestinian state that would include the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem.....cause incalculable damage to the Israeli economy.”

a. In July, the EU published guidelines that deny EU funds in the form of grants, prizes and financial instruments from going toward any Jewish entities in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights or eastern Jerusalem.
Report: Kerry threatening Israel with sanctions

Are there still folks who question where Obama's interests lie?
Isn't Israel strong enough to protect themselves? LOL
Sure is. When was the last time it didn't?

Israel wants it both ways.

It was cry about external threats, bleat and beat it's chest over perceived Arab (Muslim) Nations that are threats, while at the same time having a very National Military.

The Palestinian's have the self-same "Right To Exist" as Israel. Israel cannot continue to build settlements in the Occupied Lands.

Israel has it's own stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons (first developed with stolen U.S. Weapons Grade Uranium).

Israel can stand or fall on it's own.
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Isn't Israel strong enough to protect themselves? LOL
Sure is. When was the last time it didn't?

Than what's the problem here? America will look out for America, Israel for Israel.
America has long been in-love with the idea of Helping the Underdog.

And the Jews are the ultimate and the epitome of the term Underdog over the centuries.

This perception was solidified beyond all practical contestation by the slaughter of the Holocaust.

One might be tempted to trasnfer such Underdog Sympathies to the Muslim-Arab Palestinians...

Until one stops to think that the Arabs, at large, are a huge population compared to the Jews...

And that the Muslim Palestinians are, in the final analysis, merely part of that huge and self-sustaining demographic...

Not to mention that even the Arabs think the Palestinians are crazy and fence them off...

Even worse, the Palestinians and those who sympathize with them have been committing large-scale acts of terror against third parties for decades, far beyond their borders...

Worst of all, the 9-11 attacks appear to have been motivated, in part, by militants acting in sympathy with the Palestinians, killing 3,000 of our own innocents on that terrible day...

Americans don't take kindly to outsiders trying to dictate to us, whom we can be friends with, and whom we cannot, and whom we can have as allies, and whom we cannot...

All of which serves to set aside any Underdog Sympathies that America-at-large might otherwise have transferred from the Jews to the Muslims of Palestine...

That particular (and admittedly unlikely) window-of-opportunity closed on September 11, 2001, in New York, and Washington DC, and in the farm-fields of Pennsylvania...

Reversal of policy now would be to accord posthumous victory to Osama bin Laden...

Not gonna happen, if for no other reason than that we will not allow ourselves to be bullied into a foreign policy shift like that...

We're locked into a 'Gotta Keep Up Appearances' mode in our dealings with Israel, even if we did not want to, collectively... which we do, in truth - collectively.

The United States is largely populated and governed by Christians and by those with a strong Christian heritage and background, even if they are non-practitioners or non-believers themselves...

Christianity has far closer ties to Judaism than Johnny-come-lately Islam, and carries the centuries-old baggage of large-scale and enduring animosity between it and Islam; carrying no such baggage in connection with Judaism...

Generally speaking, and in the main, and despite all the persections and savagery directed by Christians against Jews over the centuries, and even within living memory...

Christians just like Jews better than they like Muslims, and our foreign policy will continue to reflect that...

The Administration du jour notwithstanding, it seems likely that there will be very little by way of practical and long-lasting shift in US foreign policy in connection with Israel...

And we will continue to view them as our favorite Classical Underdogs...

We will certainly let Israel take care of itself, and do most of its own heavy lifting, and continue to act as a barometer and tripwire and early warning system for us...

But the Israelis will continue to enjoy some modest arms-industry and logistics and collaborative allied intelligence support from the US, and a wink-and-a-nod from time to time, when the world presents them with otherwise insurmountable problems of one kind or another, and they bravely and defiantly hack through the Gordian Knot and make the problem go away...
So are they underdogs or can they take care of themselves?

They are underdogs.

And they can, by-and-large, take care of themselves.

But they're also grateful for some modest help from their best friend - the United States - to ease their burden just a bit.

And we - collectively speaking - have been, and are, and will continue to be - quite willing to extend a helping hand.

It's a drop in the bucket from a much deeper wallet.

This is an undeniable reality

It is not an Either/Or choice.
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Isn't Israel strong enough to protect themselves? LOL
Sure is. When was the last time it didn't?

Than what's the problem here? America will look out for America, Israel for Israel.
No problem. Israel and the Arabs are against any easing of sanctions or appeasing of Iran. They have a right to state their opinion.

Israel can turn most of Iran into charcoal in about half an hour, if it wanted to.
Isn't Israel strong enough to protect themselves? LOL
Sure is. When was the last time it didn't?

Israel wants it both ways.

It was cry about external threats, bleat and beat it's chest over perceived Arab (Muslim) Nations that are threats, while at the same time having a very National Military.

The Palestinian's have the self-same "Right To Exist" as Israel. Israel cannot continue to build settlements in the Occupied Lands.

Israel has it's own stockpiles of Nuclear Weapons (first developed with stolen U.S. Weapons Grade Uranium).

Israel can stand or fall on it's own.

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