Obama Apologizes To Castro!

Stop with the apologizing already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
What apologizing is that?

Could you list for me please, with credible sources, where Obama has apologized to anyone for anything...thanks
Why didn't Bush impose an embargo on China when he had the chance?

Why doesn't Obama?

So you concede that Obama is no worse than Bush was when it came to commerce with undemocratic regimes...

good for you.
That's what "community agitators" do. Barry spent the first year in office wasting time on a world "apology tour" for atrocities allegedly committed by the Country he was elected to represent.

Why can't' RWs ever, just once, post facts?

Instead, all we ever get from the same bunch of knee jerk fools are the same bunch of lies.

We have loosened our policies in the last 10 years, and the results have been nothing but positive- we sell food to Cuba- and dropping the blockade would bring great opportunities to American farmers- and help reduce hunger for the Cuban people. Fidel is going to die any day now, unless he already has and they just are getting him stuffed to animate like a display at Disneyland, and Raul is no spring chicken.

What's more, the whole reason why we shut out Cuba stopped existing over 20 years ago. The USSR is gone. The threat is no longer there.
It always struck me as very Un-American to have our government tell we the people that we could not go to Cuba.

We were free to travel to the Soviet Union or China or Yugoslavia- but Big Brother told us "Americans cannot travel to Cuba".

Why would the government ever tell Americans we cannot legally go to another country? Why would any Conservatives approve of that?
The Washington Post editorial board really blasted Obama on this yesterday. After being a surrogate public relations agency for the Obama administration for the past six years, I guess this was too over the top for even WAPO:

IN RECENT months, the outlook for the Castro regime in Cuba was growing steadily darker. The modest reforms it adopted in recent years to improve abysmal economic conditions had stalled, due to the regime’s refusal to allow Cubans greater freedoms. Worse, the accelerating economic collapse of Venezuela meant that the huge subsidies that have kept the Castros afloat for the past decade were in peril. A growing number of Cubans were demanding basic human rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly.

On Wednesday, the Castros suddenly obtained a comprehensive bailout — from the Obama administration. President Obama granted the regime everything on its wish list that was within his power to grant; a full lifting of the trade embargo requires congressional action. Full diplomatic relations will be established, Cuba’s place on the list of terrorism sponsors reviewed and restrictions lifted on U.S. investment and most travel to Cuba. That liberalization will provide Havana with a fresh source of desperately needed hard currency and eliminate U.S. leverage for political reforms. . . .
Obama gives the Castro regime in Cuba an undeserved bailout - The Washington Post
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.

And the Soviet Union stopped existing when exactly?

Russia is still not our friend.
They opened up their old spy intelligence base there in Cuba just recently.

sure Russia is our friend ... just think, Pooten' can rub elbows with his RW pals. How great would that be ?
The right's playbook on the post 60s left is to call them weak on defense.

And.. so the RIGHTWING generates constant stories about how the left appeases our enemies.

On the other hand, the right bases its appeal to voters on national security- which means they require a voting coalition who believes in their fabricated demons. Does anybody think the OP - given that he constantly posts biased garbage from suspect sources - even cares about the truth? He is so transparently fighting a propaganda war against Obama.
The Right believes whatever the Right Wing Press says, no wonder they don't know what's going on.
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING

No- I even thought it was a good idea when a Republican President did do it.

His name was Richard Nixon.

And the country was Communist China- not a pissant tin dictatorship next door.

Former president Fulgencio Batista was a Dictator. Cuba is now Communist, just like China and North Korea.
Do you think the OP knows about Reagan's support of a young Hussein or the Mujahideen in Afghanistan ... Or Nixon opening communist China?

He's merely trying to get a rise out of people. He's probably a young kid. My guess is that he can't be this stupid, and that he doesn't believe these moronic websites that are aimed at people who've never taken a college poly-sci or history course. I think weez been punk'd.
LOL! Obama blesses Castro!

Funny thing is, the idiot RWs don't even know Fidel is long dead and his sons are in their 80s.

Jeeeez, people - try some reality for a change.

Fidel is still alive and Raul is his brother. They are both in their 80's
Fidel and Raul are not the threat. The USSR was. And that threat died over 20 years ago.

I was responding to this statement.

"Funny thing is, the idiot RWs don't even know Fidel is long dead and his sons are in their 80s."

The USSR no longer exists, but I heard that Putin and Russia were still very much part of the game.
The Right believes whatever the Right Wing Press says, no wonder they don't know what's going on.
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING
Nope...just like none of us wailed when Nixon opened up China.

You see "American Spring Stephanie"...we actually have a real-life example of a Republican President doing something similar and the Left not wailing about it.
The USSR no longer exists, but I heard that Putin and Russia were still very much part of the game.
Cuba is no longer the client of Russia that it was under the USSR.

The threat is gone. And the threat was our reason for the embargo.

There is no reason any more.
The Washington Post editorial board really blasted Obama on this yesterday. After being a surrogate public relations agency for the Obama administration for the past six years, I guess this was too over the top for even WAPO:
The Post hasn't been a liberal newspaper for quite some some now. Calling it an Obama PR agency is laughable.
LOL! Obama blesses Castro!

Funny thing is, the idiot RWs don't even know Fidel is long dead and his sons are in their 80s.

Jeeeez, people - try some reality for a change.

Fidel is still alive and Raul is his brother. They are both in their 80's
Fidel and Raul are not the threat. The USSR was. And that threat died over 20 years ago.

I was responding to this statement.

"Funny thing is, the idiot RWs don't even know Fidel is long dead and his sons are in their 80s."

The USSR no longer exists, but I heard that Putin and Russia were still very much part of the game.

Pooten', Boner, Gayrahm and Turtle Boy can all lay on the tropical beach with their shirts off and rub sun tan oil on each other... I see a photo op in the making.

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