Obama Apologizes To Castro!

He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..

Germany declared war on the United States- and had already sunk an American destroyer.

Japan thought that the United States didn't think the United States could be warriers. The far right will never learn.

Once the far left rewrites history in order to fit their religious beliefs.

And of course the far left will see anyone that is not far left as far right.

Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1996 maybe Clinton should have go into Afghanistan and rooted him out then.

Like I said the far left will never learn..

Oh you say so many things. Most have little to do with reality.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.

And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.

Says the far left drone that will not admit to Obama's illegal wars..

However according to your own words that means FDR was on the Right and JFK/LBJ was on the right!

Good for you for showing how far to the left you truly are..
Germany and Japan declared war on the US under FDR, would you have had him surrender?
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING
Nope...just like none of us wailed when Nixon opened up China.

You see "American Spring Stephanie"...we actually have a real-life example of a Republican President doing something similar and the Left not wailing about it.

Nixon opened up trade with China since there was a potential market to sell American goods to 800 million Chinese people. About 11 million Cubans who earn $67 a month don't present much of a market.

So you are saying there is no moral reason for us to boycott Cuba, just that we won't make as much money from doing so?

Meanwhile- American farmers have been making money with opportunities denied to other American business's.....

Sales of U.S. agricultural products to Cuba peaked at over $710 million in 2008, before the recession, but fell to $350 million by 2013, according to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. Frozen chicken, soybeans and soy products, and corn are the main products Cuba now buys from the United States.

I indicated that the potential to market to 800 million people is a bit more of an opportunity than to 11 million people. As long as the Castro brothers rule over Cuba I would feel morally obligated to continue the boycott.

So your morals can be bought?
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..

Germany declared war on the United States- and had already sunk an American destroyer.

Japan thought that the United States didn't think the United States could be warriers. The far right will never learn.

Once the far left rewrites history in order to fit their religious beliefs.

And of course the far left will see anyone that is not far left as far right.

Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1996 maybe Clinton should have go into Afghanistan and rooted him out then.

Like I said the far left will never learn..

Oh you say so many things. Most have little to do with reality.

Says the irony impaired far left drone that posts far left propaganda without question or hesitation..
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.

And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.

Says the far left drone that will not admit to Obama's illegal wars..

However according to your own words that means FDR was on the Right and JFK/LBJ was on the right!

Good for you for showing how far to the left you truly are..
Germany and Japan declared war on the US under FDR, would you have had him surrender?

That is what the far left wants us to do now? So why not then?

Bin laden declared war on the west naming the US specifically in his declaration in 1996, not much was done except kick the can down the road.

JAPAN, GERMANY & ITALY. Japan declared war on the US about 30 minutes after the bombing of Pearl Harbor began (Dec 7, 1941). The US declared war on Japan on Dec 8, and Germany and Italy declared against the US on Dec 11.

So we should have attacked Italy as well right?

More proof that the far left will never learn anything beyond their programming.

Also the US was helping the British long before they declared war on the US.

Japan was squeezed by having their resources cut off (much like what is happening in Russia).

Yet those like the Kennedy's admired both Hitler and Stalin.

The US is in Afghanistan (according to the far left the only one worth fighting) is that because Afghanistan declared war on the US?
. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING
Nope...just like none of us wailed when Nixon opened up China.

You see "American Spring Stephanie"...we actually have a real-life example of a Republican President doing something similar and the Left not wailing about it.

Nixon opened up trade with China since there was a potential market to sell American goods to 800 million Chinese people. About 11 million Cubans who earn $67 a month don't present much of a market.

So you are saying there is no moral reason for us to boycott Cuba, just that we won't make as much money from doing so?

Meanwhile- American farmers have been making money with opportunities denied to other American business's.....

Sales of U.S. agricultural products to Cuba peaked at over $710 million in 2008, before the recession, but fell to $350 million by 2013, according to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. Frozen chicken, soybeans and soy products, and corn are the main products Cuba now buys from the United States.

I indicated that the potential to market to 800 million people is a bit more of an opportunity than to 11 million people. As long as the Castro brothers rule over Cuba I would feel morally obligated to continue the boycott.

So your morals can be bought?

No but the hypocrisy you continue show can be programmed by your white rich far left masters..
The hamster sitting in the White house has been apologizing to the world since the very first day he took power.

So no, this does not surprise at all!

Yup, he apologizes to the worst people on earth. The things Castro did were evil. If Obama is going to apologize to him, he needs to apologize to those he bashed for waterboarding the terrorists. Castro did much, much worse to innocent people.
Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.

And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.

Says the far left drone that will not admit to Obama's illegal wars..

However according to your own words that means FDR was on the Right and JFK/LBJ was on the right!

Good for you for showing how far to the left you truly are..
Germany and Japan declared war on the US under FDR, would you have had him surrender?

That is what the far left wants us to do now? So why not then?

Bin laden declared war on the west naming the US specifically in his declaration in 1996, not much was done except kick the can down the road.

JAPAN, GERMANY & ITALY. Japan declared war on the US about 30 minutes after the bombing of Pearl Harbor began (Dec 7, 1941). The US declared war on Japan on Dec 8, and Germany and Italy declared against the US on Dec 11.

So we should have attacked Italy as well right?

More proof that the far left will never learn anything beyond their programming.

Also the US was helping the British long before they declared war on the US.

Japan was squeezed by having their resources cut off (much like what is happening in Russia).

Yet those like the Kennedy's admired both Hitler and Stalin.

The US is in Afghanistan (according to the far left the only one worth fighting) is that because Afghanistan declared war on the US?
We did fight in Italy.
And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.

Says the far left drone that will not admit to Obama's illegal wars..

However according to your own words that means FDR was on the Right and JFK/LBJ was on the right!

Good for you for showing how far to the left you truly are..
Germany and Japan declared war on the US under FDR, would you have had him surrender?

That is what the far left wants us to do now? So why not then?

Bin laden declared war on the west naming the US specifically in his declaration in 1996, not much was done except kick the can down the road.

JAPAN, GERMANY & ITALY. Japan declared war on the US about 30 minutes after the bombing of Pearl Harbor began (Dec 7, 1941). The US declared war on Japan on Dec 8, and Germany and Italy declared against the US on Dec 11.

So we should have attacked Italy as well right?

More proof that the far left will never learn anything beyond their programming.

Also the US was helping the British long before they declared war on the US.

Japan was squeezed by having their resources cut off (much like what is happening in Russia).

Yet those like the Kennedy's admired both Hitler and Stalin.

The US is in Afghanistan (according to the far left the only one worth fighting) is that because Afghanistan declared war on the US?
We did fight in Italy.

We did fight in France, (Did France declare war on the US?)
In the 60's we did fight in Cuba (see bay of pigs).

Do you have a point or just mincing words to suit your far left agenda?

So in other words you have nothing except far left programming that you are trying to defend, yet can not when faced with reality.
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.

Says the far left drone that will not admit to Obama's illegal wars..

However according to your own words that means FDR was on the Right and JFK/LBJ was on the right!

Good for you for showing how far to the left you truly are..
Germany and Japan declared war on the US under FDR, would you have had him surrender?

That is what the far left wants us to do now? So why not then?

Bin laden declared war on the west naming the US specifically in his declaration in 1996, not much was done except kick the can down the road.

JAPAN, GERMANY & ITALY. Japan declared war on the US about 30 minutes after the bombing of Pearl Harbor began (Dec 7, 1941). The US declared war on Japan on Dec 8, and Germany and Italy declared against the US on Dec 11.

So we should have attacked Italy as well right?

More proof that the far left will never learn anything beyond their programming.

Also the US was helping the British long before they declared war on the US.

Japan was squeezed by having their resources cut off (much like what is happening in Russia).

Yet those like the Kennedy's admired both Hitler and Stalin.

The US is in Afghanistan (according to the far left the only one worth fighting) is that because Afghanistan declared war on the US?
We did fight in Italy.

We did fight in France, (Did France declare war on the US?)
In the 60's we did fight in Cuba (see bay of pigs).

Do you have a point or just mincing words to suit your far left agenda?

So in other words you have nothing except far left programming that you are trying to defend, yet can not when faced with reality.
We fought in France with the French.
We fought Fascism in Italy.
What's your problem?
Why wasn't Joanne Chesimard included in the deal?
She should have been part of the package that Obama agreed to.

Now, if Harry Reid were an astute politico, his Vegas casino buddies would be first in line for the emerging business opportunities soon to premier in Havana.

Just say'n....


Obama began the phone call with Castro with what he described as 15 minutes of opening comments. It was the first conversation between the heads of state in both countries since 1961.

"I apologized for taking such a long time," Obama said. Castro responded by reminding Obama that the American president was still young enough to beat Castro's brother, former Cuban president and revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, who once gave a 7-hour-long speech.

Stevie is mad because Obama talked with Castro and is still upset that a black man got elected President.
I'm curious - what do you think of Ben Carson?
The hamster sitting in the White house has been apologizing to the world since the very first day he took power.

So no, this does not surprise at all!

In this case, he 'apologized for taking such a long time' during their phone call.

Which apparently sufficient to initiate all sorts of panty bunching among conservatives.

Obama began the phone call with Castro with what he described as 15 minutes of opening comments. It was the first conversation between the heads of state in both countries since 1961.

"I apologized for taking such a long time," Obama said. Castro responded by reminding Obama that the American president was still young enough to beat Castro's brother, former Cuban president and revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, who once gave a 7-hour-long speech.

Stevie is mad because Obama talked with Castro and is still upset that a black man got elected President.
Race has nothing to with it. It's about him subverting Article 2 Section 1 as a non-natural born Citizen.

Save of course, he didn't. And you have no idea what you're talking about.
The hamster sitting in the White house has been apologizing to the world since the very first day he took power.

So no, this does not surprise at all!

Yup, he apologizes to the worst people on earth. The things Castro did were evil. If Obama is going to apologize to him, he needs to apologize to those he bashed for waterboarding the terrorists. Castro did much, much worse to innocent people.

Obama apologize for taking so much time on the call. What does that have to do with how 'evil' the Castros are?

You did read the source article, right?

Ok, I am going to go out on a limb here.

My prediction is that Obama's strategic objective is to have Cuban software engineers immigrate to the US so that they can fix the Healthcare.gov web site.


Ok, I am going to go out on a limb here.

My prediction is that Obama's strategic objective is to have Cuban software engineers immigrate to the US so that they can fix the Healthcare.gov web site.


Your time line is about a year off. Its already fixed.

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