Obama Apologizes To Castro!

The Washington Post editorial board really blasted Obama on this yesterday. After being a surrogate public relations agency for the Obama administration for the past six years, I guess this was too over the top for even WAPO:

IN RECENT months, the outlook for the Castro regime in Cuba was growing steadily darker. The modest reforms it adopted in recent years to improve abysmal economic conditions had stalled, due to the regime’s refusal to allow Cubans greater freedoms. Worse, the accelerating economic collapse of Venezuela meant that the huge subsidies that have kept the Castros afloat for the past decade were in peril. A growing number of Cubans were demanding basic human rights, such as freedom of speech and assembly.

On Wednesday, the Castros suddenly obtained a comprehensive bailout — from the Obama administration. President Obama granted the regime everything on its wish list that was within his power to grant; a full lifting of the trade embargo requires congressional action. Full diplomatic relations will be established, Cuba’s place on the list of terrorism sponsors reviewed and restrictions lifted on U.S. investment and most travel to Cuba. That liberalization will provide Havana with a fresh source of desperately needed hard currency and eliminate U.S. leverage for political reforms. . . .
Obama gives the Castro regime in Cuba an undeserved bailout - The Washington Post

Well he sucked off an Islamic King and has now kissed the ass of a tinpot Communist. What else could he do for the Peasantpimp of the Union States Hat-trick?
Former president Fulgencio Batista was a Dictator. Cuba is now Communist, just like China and North Korea.

Yet China has a permanent Most Favored Nation (permanent normal trade relations) status with the United States.

And it all started with Nixon opening relations with China.
The Right believes whatever the Right Wing Press says, no wonder they don't know what's going on.
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING
Nope...just like none of us wailed when Nixon opened up China.

You see "American Spring Stephanie"...we actually have a real-life example of a Republican President doing something similar and the Left not wailing about it.

Nixon opened up trade with China since there was a potential market to sell American goods to 800 million Chinese people. About 11 million Cubans who earn $67 a month don't present much of a market.
Former president Fulgencio Batista was a Dictator. Cuba is now Communist, just like China and North Korea.

Yet China has a permanent Most Favored Nation (permanent normal trade relations) status with the United States.

And it all started with Nixon opening relations with China.

Yep and we have cheep crappy stuff to show for it.
I never did like what he did.
The Right believes whatever the Right Wing Press says, no wonder they don't know what's going on.
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING

No- I even thought it was a good idea when a Republican President did do it.

His name was Richard Nixon.

And the country was Communist China- not a pissant tin dictatorship next door.

Former president Fulgencio Batista was a Dictator. Cuba is now Communist, just like China and North Korea.

Semantics- if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc.
The Right believes whatever the Right Wing Press says, no wonder they don't know what's going on.
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING
Nope...just like none of us wailed when Nixon opened up China.

You see "American Spring Stephanie"...we actually have a real-life example of a Republican President doing something similar and the Left not wailing about it.

Nixon opened up trade with China since there was a potential market to sell American goods to 800 million Chinese people. About 11 million Cubans who earn $67 a month don't present much of a market.

So you are saying there is no moral reason for us to boycott Cuba, just that we won't make as much money from doing so?

Meanwhile- American farmers have been making money with opportunities denied to other American business's.....

Sales of U.S. agricultural products to Cuba peaked at over $710 million in 2008, before the recession, but fell to $350 million by 2013, according to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. Frozen chicken, soybeans and soy products, and corn are the main products Cuba now buys from the United States.

Former president Fulgencio Batista was a Dictator. Cuba is now Communist, just like China and North Korea.

Yet China has a permanent Most Favored Nation (permanent normal trade relations) status with the United States.

And it all started with Nixon opening relations with China.

Yep and we have cheep crappy stuff to show for it.
I never did like what he did.

Yet- you were the one saying that was what Democrats do.

But the first one to do it was a Republican.
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..
Former president Fulgencio Batista was a Dictator. Cuba is now Communist, just like China and North Korea.

Yet China has a permanent Most Favored Nation (permanent normal trade relations) status with the United States.

And it all started with Nixon opening relations with China.

Yep and we have cheep crappy stuff to show for it.
I never did like what he did.

How did you like it when Clinton made MFN permanent?

"Washington - China's Most Favored Nation status was unconditionally renewed by President Bill Clinton despite $3bn (pounds 2bn) of trade sanctions against Peking and a host of other tensions between the two countries.

Describing the extension for a further year of China's trade privileges as a "vote for America's interests, not a referendum on all China's policies", Mr Clinton declared that to deny MFN would further isolate Peking and make the entire east-Asian region more unstable."
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..
Neither Germany nor Japan attacked the mainland US, but they both had submarines in our waters and blew up our ships.
Cuba never attacked us.
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..

Germany declared war on the United States- and had already sunk an American destroyer.

Japan thought that the United States didn't think the United States could be warriers. The far right will never learn.
The Right believes whatever the Right Wing Press says, no wonder they don't know what's going on.
Conservatives are too immature to understand diplomacy or how adults act.

Conservatives as a general rule act like little scared children, it is why they cause so much destruction.

. no one care'S about your pyschobabble . If a Republican President had done this you all would WAILING
Nope...just like none of us wailed when Nixon opened up China.

You see "American Spring Stephanie"...we actually have a real-life example of a Republican President doing something similar and the Left not wailing about it.

Nixon opened up trade with China since there was a potential market to sell American goods to 800 million Chinese people. About 11 million Cubans who earn $67 a month don't present much of a market.

So you are saying there is no moral reason for us to boycott Cuba, just that we won't make as much money from doing so?

Meanwhile- American farmers have been making money with opportunities denied to other American business's.....

Sales of U.S. agricultural products to Cuba peaked at over $710 million in 2008, before the recession, but fell to $350 million by 2013, according to the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. Frozen chicken, soybeans and soy products, and corn are the main products Cuba now buys from the United States.

I indicated that the potential to market to 800 million people is a bit more of an opportunity than to 11 million people. As long as the Castro brothers rule over Cuba I would feel morally obligated to continue the boycott.
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..
Neither Germany nor Japan attacked the mainland US, but they both had submarines in our waters and blew up our ships.
Cuba never attacked us.

Based on the far left logic being displayed here, neither did Libya, but Obama started an illegal war there..

Nor did an African nation yet Obama is conducting illegal wars there..

So where is the outrage from the far left on that?
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Yet Germany never attacked the US and the US attacked them..

Also Japan was squeezed into war (much like what is happening with Russia now). The far left will never learn..

Germany declared war on the United States- and had already sunk an American destroyer.

Japan thought that the United States didn't think the United States could be warriers. The far right will never learn.

Once the far left rewrites history in order to fit their religious beliefs.

And of course the far left will see anyone that is not far left as far right.

Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1996 maybe Clinton should have go into Afghanistan and rooted him out then.

Like I said the far left will never learn..
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.

And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.

And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.
He has a lot more to apologise for than he actually did. What the US did to Cuba is ridiculous.
What do you mean what the U.S. did to Cuba is ridiculous? They sided with the Soviets wanting to nuke the United States.
Germany and Japan declared war on us in 1941 ... Germany wanted to nuke us but never got the bomb. We do have very close relations with both countries.

Both Japan and Germany unconditionally surrendered.

And because of that war the UN was born to prevent such things from ever happening again.

Has it worked?
Not as long as the Right fights the UN at every opportunity. The Right remains warmongers.

Says the far left drone that will not admit to Obama's illegal wars..

However according to your own words that means FDR was on the Right and JFK/LBJ was on the right!

Good for you for showing how far to the left you truly are..

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