Obama Appointee To Activists: White House ‘Aggressively Engaged’ In Transgender Fight


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well as if we didn't already know this. Obama has been such a UNITER eh? your own DOE is pushing this on your children.

Obama Appointee To Activists: White House ‘Aggressively Engaged’ In Transgender Fight

Peter Hasson

9:06 AM 04/25/2016
A top Obama appointee in the Department of Education personally assured a group of LGBT activists that the White House is “aggressively engaged” in the fight to allow transgender students use whichever bathroom they please at school.

DOE Assistant Secretary for the Office of Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon delivered the good news at an LGBT summit hosted by the White House in Michigan last Thursday, where she gave the keynote address.

The event was co-sponsored by activist group Equality Michigan, which has led a statewide charge to allow schoolchildren choose their name, gender and bathroom, all without parental knowledge or input. Officials from seven different federal agencies attended the event, according to the Equality Michigan website.

Equality Michigan executive director Steph White blasted out a giddy email to supporters after the event, which she called “a great catalyst that will propel our collective work forward.” The email included an excerpt from Lhamon’s remarks, which White called “refreshingly clear.”

Speaking about the Obama administration, Lhamon told attendees: “We are serious. We are aggressively engaged. We will enforce Title IX.” The Daily Caller has filed a FOIA request with the Department of Education for Lhamon’s full remarks.

Under Lhamon’s guidance, the DOE’s Office of Civil Rights has ruled that schools will be in violation of Title IX if they do not permit transgender students to use the bathroom and locker rooms of their choice. The administration has made clear that giving private, single-user bathrooms is not a sufficient accommodation. That is: schools must allow boys who think they’re girls to shower and change alongside actual girls.

ALL OF it here
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/25/obama-appointee-to-activists-white-house-aggressively-engaged-in-transgender-fight/#ixzz46w23WzYo
Students can change their name without telling their parents? What could possibly go wrong with that?
Granny says, "Dat's right - dey's young an' impressionable...

Transgender Decree Undermines Privacy Rights of Other Students
May 13, 2016 | Today, the Obama administration issued a “decree” not simply banning discrimination against transgender people, but also effectively mandating affirmative accommodation of them in terms of things like access to locker rooms and bathrooms. Its reasoning is very dubious. Although it was addressed to schools and colleges, if its reasoning is accepted, it could lead to lawsuits against private employers under Title VII. Past bathroom disputes have led to costly lawsuits and substantial settlements against businesses.
The decree was issued pursuant to Title IX, a federal statute that only bans sex discrimination in education. The Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, where I used to work, now interprets the federal ban on sex discrimination as also covering discrimination based on gender identity: “Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of gender. A person’s gender identity may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth.” This interpretation is very strange, because one’s internal gender identity is not always the same thing as one’s sex. That’s why transgender people go to the trouble of getting a sex change: they are not the sex they want to be.


It’s also why legislation has been proposed in Congress to expand federal antidiscrimination laws to cover gender identity, rather than just sex. Congress has declined to pass such legislation, but now, the Obama administration has effectively legislated on its own, by decree, in violation of the Constitutional separation of powers, which vests legislative power in the legislative branch, not the executive branch. Private employers will also face pressure to follow the Obama administration’s demands, since the Obama administration’s reasoning is not education-specific, and could thus easily be extended from Title IX (governing schools) to Title VII (governing workplaces). Title IX and Title VII are often (but not always) interpreted the same.

This decree is bureaucratic overreaching, because Title IX forbids sex discrimination, not discrimination based on gender identity. And it forbids discrimination, not failure to accommodate. Courts have rejected efforts to convert federal antidiscrimination statutes into duties to affirmatively accommodate, as they made clear in upholding California’s ban on race and gender-based affirmative action against Title IX and Title VII preemption challenges. (See, e.g., Coalition for Economic Equality v. Wilson (1997)). While the Constitution may provide transgender people with certain additional rights, the Obama administration lacks jurisdiction over such matters under the Title IX statute.


See also:

'The Party of Science Ought to Know That Sex Is a Matter of Chromosomes'
May 16, 2016 | Columnist George Will says there are three "lessons" to consider in the Obama administration's "guidance" to public schools that they must start treating students "in a manner consistent with the student's gender identity" instead of their biological sex.
"The party of science ought to know that sex is a matter of chromosomes," Will told "Fox News Sunday." (The Obama administration frequently points to the "science" of climate change to push its clean energy agenda.) In the "significant guidance" issued on Friday, the Justice Department told public schools that "as a condition of receiving federal funds," they must treat boys as girls -- and vice-versa -- depending on a student's wishes. "This means that a school must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats other students of the same gender identity," the guidance said.

Will noted that the federal guidance is not mandatory, but it does allow the Justice Department to dodge the Administrative Procedures Act, which requires public hearings and public comment. "Three lessons here," Will said. "Most...public schools, every institution in America, is so tied in with federal money that as soon as they take the pieces of silver, they become appendages of the federal government and subject to this kind of unilateral executive edict. "Second, this is bound to be a stimulus -- and this is the good side of it -- to the growth of private education in this country. People say, we really don't want to be in public schools if they are manipulated this way.

"But, third, the most important thing about this is the manipulation of language. George Orwell's 1984 novel was a genius because it said that if government controls language, it has ultimate control. The '64 Civil Rights Act bans discrimination on the basis of sex. The administration is saying sex is a synonym for gender identity. Not true. "The party of science ought to know that sex is a matter of chromosomes. And the -- those advocating for transgender rights have been saying for years that indeed it is a matter of sexual gender identity that is not the same as sex. So what is sinister here is the -- is the president saying the language of the law simply doesn't mean what it says."

George Will: 'The Party of Science Ought to Know That Sex Is a Matter of Chromosomes'


White House Suggests ‘Just Putting Up Curtains’ Will Protect Privacy in Transgender Locker Rooms
May 13, 2016 – White House Spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Friday that the Department of Education issued specific suggestions today along with its directive that federally funded schools nationwide must allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms according to their "gender identity" and that one of those suggestions was "just putting up curtains" in school locker rooms.
“There are some school districts across the country that have sought to enhance the privacy of their students by making relatively minor changes to shared use facilities,” Earnest said. “In some cases that means just putting up curtains, so that people are, have more privacy when they are changing their clothes or taking showers in what had previously been shared use facilities.” The Department of Education and Justice Department issued guidance on Friday saying public schools nationwide must treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity – not their biological sex.

“The challenge here is not to isolate anybody. It is not to discriminate against anybody. It’s not to make anybody unsafe. It is actually to ensure that our schools are as inclusive and respectful and safe as they can possibly be, and that’s why the guidance that we’ve put forward includes tangible specific suggestions for how that can be achieved,” Earnest said. Earnest said putting up curtains in school locker rooms “is something that benefits all students, and that is what we are looking for – solutions that protect the safety and dignity of every single student in the school.”

When asked about the threat that schools who do not follow the government’s guidance on ensuring transgenders access to the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice, Earnest said it is his “strongly held belief” that most schools, school districts, and administrators “will welcome this guidance and will implement it.” “For those that don’t, there is an established process for them to raise any concerns that they may have. There is an established process for that, and we’ll go through it, but the vast majority of schools and school administrators will incorporate this advice as they confront the challenge of ensuring that they’re promoting the kind of respectful, safe learning environment that can ensure the success of all of their students,” he said.

White House Suggests ‘Just Putting Up Curtains’ Will Protect Privacy in Transgender Locker Rooms
I think Obama is getting close to making the big announcement: He's gay and Michelle is a tranny

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