Obama Appoints Class Warfare Czar to Save New York


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May 22, 2012
Obama Appoints Class Warfare Czar to Save New York​

By: Daren Jonescu
November 18, 2012

Rahm Emanuel may have gone back to Chicago to manage the leftist thuggery farm team, but his spirit lives on in the Obama administration. Emanuel's famous dictum, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," is apparently informing Obama's handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Obama's clever use of Chris Christie to score "bipartisanship" points in the final days of the election campaign was just the beginning of the plan. On November 15, Obama, speaking in New York, announced his choice of a federal "point person" in dealing with the recovery efforts.

On the federal level, because this is going to be such a big job, I wanted to assign one particular person who would be in charge from our perspective, who would be our point person -- because FEMA basically runs the recovery process, it doesn't focus on the rebuilding. For that, we've got to have all government agencies involved. Janet Napolitano has done a great job with respect to DHS, but we thought it would be good to have a New Yorker who is going to be the point person. And so our outstanding HUD Secretary, Shaun Donovan, who used to be the head of the New York Housing Authority -- so he knows a little bit about New York and building -- is going to be our point person. And he's going to be working with the mayor, the governor, the borough presidents, the county officials to make sure that we come up with a strong, effective plan. And then, I'll be working with the members of Congress to do everything we can to get the resources needed to rebuild. And I have every confidence that Shaun is going to be doing a great job, and so people should feel some confidence about that.


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Articles: Obama Appoints Class Warfare Czar to Save New York
wonder what ole Shaun did for Obama to get this job?
someone else for the taxpayers to pay for

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