Obama approval hits new high .. on par with Reagan

It's not HIM that is so popular...it's the fact that he is LEAVING.

Obama approval hits new high .. on par with Reagan

In other news: The I.Q. of the American public at historic lows.

If Barack Obama wasn't black he would never have been elected, much less twice. He is a pox on this nation.
People don't like Hillary nor Trump, so it's not a surprise the lame duck gets a little bump from that.

The Millennials living in moms basement have always liked Obama, so that also explains the results.

The good news is, Obama is about to go and hopefully with him this pathetically growing economy.
(CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 55% in a new CNN/ORC poll, the highest mark of his second term, and matching his best at any time since his first year in office.

The new rating outpaces his previous second-term high -- reached just after a Democratic convention that extolled the successes of his presidency -- by one point, and hits a level he's reached just twice since the end of his first year in office: In January 2013 just before his second inauguration and in January 2011.

The new poll continues a streak in which Obama's approval rating has been at 50% or higher in CNN/ORC polls since February, a seven month run that is his longest since 2009. And taken together, Obama's approval ratings in 2016 average 51% so far in CNN/ORC polls, his best mark since that first year in office.

There are partisan differences, however. He's up 12 points among Democrats to 89% approval and 14 among independents to 56% approval, but his numbers have barely budged among Republicans, 11% approved in September 2015 and 13% approve now.

And there's a racial gap as well, with improvement coming among whites and Hispanics, but ratings of Obama holding steady among blacks. Among whites, his approval rating remains in negative territory but has climbed from 32% a year ago to 47% now. Non-whites have held mostly steady -- 68% approved then and 70% do now.

Among black voters, 86% approve in the new poll, combining last year's data for both September and October, the number was identical among blacks a year ago. Among Hispanics, Obama's approval rating stands at 68%, up from 60% in the combined data from last fall.

And in a further measure of the education rift among whites that's been highlighted by this year's presidential race, 55% of whites with college degrees say they approve of Obama's work as president vs. just 44% of whites who do not have degrees.

Obama's approval rating is well above President George W. Bush's numbers at this point in his term in office, and about on par with Ronald Reagan's numbers at this time in 1988.

He is just a hair behind Bill Clinton's 58% measure in October 2000. Both Clinton and Reagan saw their numbers rise above 60% after their successor had been elected and the transition had begun.

Obama approval hits new high - CNNPolitics.com

I didn't vote for him .. but truth is still the truth. He wins. :0)
Lemmings will follow anything... lol
Right his big win is so popular even Bill Clinton is attacking it. lmao Obama popular :laugh:

Your self-induced blindness is nobody's problem but yours.

Its sad that Obama is the black communities hero man talk about lame.

Let me point out something else that's going on in politics where you fit the pattern.

There is a growing divide among white Americans .. the educated .. and people like you .. the less educated. The less educated are easy to spot because they're blind. They can't see nor recognize reality .. they exist in a meme. They need the protection of race .. so they spend a lot of time talking stupid shit about other people.

Not that I expect that you can do anything about your condition .. you simply don't have the capacity to do anything about it. But the evolution of this country does not bode well for the blind.

:0) Go in peace.

No there isn't, you listen to far too much Democratic party propaganda. As for educated I likely paid more in just federal taxes than you earned all year. Some blacks will rise up out of servitude it doesn't look like you will be among them.

Again, a typically ignorant emotional response. I welcome that typical right-wing ignorance .. which again highlights the growing political divide between whites with brains and people like you .. which makes up the vast majority of Trump supporters.

Hit me back with more silly ass humor .. and I'll keep talking to other people with brains while I'm giggling at you. :0)
(CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 55% in a new CNN/ORC poll, the highest mark of his second term, and matching his best at any time since his first year in office.

The new rating outpaces his previous second-term high -- reached just after a Democratic convention that extolled the successes of his presidency -- by one point, and hits a level he's reached just twice since the end of his first year in office: In January 2013 just before his second inauguration and in January 2011.

The new poll continues a streak in which Obama's approval rating has been at 50% or higher in CNN/ORC polls since February, a seven month run that is his longest since 2009. And taken together, Obama's approval ratings in 2016 average 51% so far in CNN/ORC polls, his best mark since that first year in office.

There are partisan differences, however. He's up 12 points among Democrats to 89% approval and 14 among independents to 56% approval, but his numbers have barely budged among Republicans, 11% approved in September 2015 and 13% approve now.

And there's a racial gap as well, with improvement coming among whites and Hispanics, but ratings of Obama holding steady among blacks. Among whites, his approval rating remains in negative territory but has climbed from 32% a year ago to 47% now. Non-whites have held mostly steady -- 68% approved then and 70% do now.

Among black voters, 86% approve in the new poll, combining last year's data for both September and October, the number was identical among blacks a year ago. Among Hispanics, Obama's approval rating stands at 68%, up from 60% in the combined data from last fall.

And in a further measure of the education rift among whites that's been highlighted by this year's presidential race, 55% of whites with college degrees say they approve of Obama's work as president vs. just 44% of whites who do not have degrees.

Obama's approval rating is well above President George W. Bush's numbers at this point in his term in office, and about on par with Ronald Reagan's numbers at this time in 1988.

He is just a hair behind Bill Clinton's 58% measure in October 2000. Both Clinton and Reagan saw their numbers rise above 60% after their successor had been elected and the transition had begun.

Obama approval hits new high - CNNPolitics.com

I didn't vote for him .. but truth is still the truth. He wins. :0)

The less he does...the more popular he becomes? People are simply glad to see him go before he gives us more "winners" like ObamaCare!
Personally, Obama was the lesser of two evils in both the 2008 and 2012 elections. He was certainly a better choice than a senile old white warmonger or a rich white oligarch who was completely out of touch with the middle and lower classes.

Basically, President Obama has done a little bit of good, such as setting the bare bones framework for national healthcare, speaking out against police violence and gun violence, etc. He's faced tons of gop obstructionism, and could have done more without the tea party doing everything they could to oppose him out of pure racism and hate.

However, I highly dislike Obama's provocation of Russia, his drone strikes, and his military adventurism overseas (which is still less violent than what the Republicans want to do, but not by much.) He also hasn't done nearly enough to end U.S spying on its own citizens, and overall, is far too moderate and too willing to compromise for my tastes. He doesn't go far enough on condemning the far-right christian fundamentalism which still plagues wide swathes of this country

Even when he talks about things I agree with him on, such as ending police violence against people of color and passing common sense gun laws, he is too willing to be cowed into submission by the gop, instead of using his executive powers to actually get something done besides for talking about these problems.

Overall, I'd give President Obama a score of 65, or a D-, aka barely passing. This may seem like a very low score, but this is absolutely astronomical compared to previous presidents such as Bush (who I'd give a solid zero/F-), or his Republican challengers such as Romney or McCain, both of whom probably would have also gotten much lower scores.

The sad thing is, he's still one of the better president's we've ever had. Says a whole lot about the sorry state of our country, and the racist, misogynistic, bigoted demons in our history which have held our country back for too long.
Right his big win is so popular even Bill Clinton is attacking it. lmao Obama popular :laugh:

Your self-induced blindness is nobody's problem but yours.

Its sad that Obama is the black communities hero man talk about lame.

Let me point out something else that's going on in politics where you fit the pattern.

There is a growing divide among white Americans .. the educated .. and people like you .. the less educated. The less educated are easy to spot because they're blind. They can't see nor recognize reality .. they exist in a meme. They need the protection of race .. so they spend a lot of time talking stupid shit about other people.

Not that I expect that you can do anything about your condition .. you simply don't have the capacity to do anything about it. But the evolution of this country does not bode well for the blind.

:0) Go in peace.

No there isn't, you listen to far too much Democratic party propaganda. As for educated I likely paid more in just federal taxes than you earned all year. Some blacks will rise up out of servitude it doesn't look like you will be among them.

Again, a typically ignorant emotional response. I welcome that typical right-wing ignorance .. which again highlights the growing political divide between whites with brains and people like you .. which makes up the vast majority of Trump supporters.

Hit me back with more silly ass humor .. and I'll keep talking to other people with brains while I'm giggling at you. :0)

Meh it makes no difference to me how your life unfolds. There are many great black leaders, thinkers with genuine intelligence I respect, this Obama hack isn't among them. He's Greg Brady in the episode where Greg fits the suit.
CNN poll?
Obama approval hits new high .. on par with Reagan

In other news: The I.Q. of the American public at historic lows.

If Barack Obama wasn't black he would never have been elected, much less twice. He is a pox on this nation.

:0) .. which aptly demonstrates the low IQ you mentioned.

If Obama wasn't black .. he wouldn't be Obama, would he?

He was elected twice as black Obama .. and his approval is as high as your god-king.

Quite obviously whatever you think of him being a "pox" isn't at all relevant .. at all .. in the least. :0)

.. just sayin'
(CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 55% in a new CNN/ORC poll, the highest mark of his second term, and matching his best at any time since his first year in office.

The new rating outpaces his previous second-term high -- reached just after a Democratic convention that extolled the successes of his presidency -- by one point, and hits a level he's reached just twice since the end of his first year in office: In January 2013 just before his second inauguration and in January 2011.

The new poll continues a streak in which Obama's approval rating has been at 50% or higher in CNN/ORC polls since February, a seven month run that is his longest since 2009. And taken together, Obama's approval ratings in 2016 average 51% so far in CNN/ORC polls, his best mark since that first year in office.

There are partisan differences, however. He's up 12 points among Democrats to 89% approval and 14 among independents to 56% approval, but his numbers have barely budged among Republicans, 11% approved in September 2015 and 13% approve now.

And there's a racial gap as well, with improvement coming among whites and Hispanics, but ratings of Obama holding steady among blacks. Among whites, his approval rating remains in negative territory but has climbed from 32% a year ago to 47% now. Non-whites have held mostly steady -- 68% approved then and 70% do now.

Among black voters, 86% approve in the new poll, combining last year's data for both September and October, the number was identical among blacks a year ago. Among Hispanics, Obama's approval rating stands at 68%, up from 60% in the combined data from last fall.

And in a further measure of the education rift among whites that's been highlighted by this year's presidential race, 55% of whites with college degrees say they approve of Obama's work as president vs. just 44% of whites who do not have degrees.

Obama's approval rating is well above President George W. Bush's numbers at this point in his term in office, and about on par with Ronald Reagan's numbers at this time in 1988.

He is just a hair behind Bill Clinton's 58% measure in October 2000. Both Clinton and Reagan saw their numbers rise above 60% after their successor had been elected and the transition had begun.

Obama approval hits new high - CNNPolitics.com

I didn't vote for him .. but truth is still the truth. He wins. :0)

They really need to ask someone other than Democrats in these polls.
Obama approval hits new high .. on par with Reagan

In other news: The I.Q. of the American public at historic lows.

If Barack Obama wasn't black he would never have been elected, much less twice. He is a pox on this nation.

:0) .. which aptly demonstrates the low IQ you mentioned.

If Obama wasn't black .. he wouldn't be Obama, would he?

He was elected twice as black Obama .. and his approval is as high as your god-king.

Quite obviously whatever you think of him being a "pox" isn't at all relevant .. at all .. in the least. :0)

.. just sayin'
Let's get the facts straight he's half black, and Barry is a fucked up puppet for puppet masters… LOL
Obama approval hits new high .. on par with Reagan

In other news: The I.Q. of the American public at historic lows.

If Barack Obama wasn't black he would never have been elected, much less twice. He is a pox on this nation.

:0) .. which aptly demonstrates the low IQ you mentioned.

If Obama wasn't black .. he wouldn't be Obama, would he?

He was elected twice as black Obama .. and his approval is as high as your god-king.

Quite obviously whatever you think of him being a "pox" isn't at all relevant .. at all .. in the least. :0)

.. just sayin'
Let's get the facts straight he's half black, and Barry is a fucked up puppet for puppet masters… LOL

He's black .. but I can understand why you now want to claim half. :0)
Obama's approval rating is well above President George W. Bush's numbers at this point in his term in office, and about on par with Ronald Reagan's numbers at this time in 1988.
Except that Bush and Reagan were hammered relentlessly by the msm with numbers better than we have now (still) while they've been exalting obama. So it isn't the same.

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