Obama approval hits new high .. on par with Reagan

Obama's approval rating is well above President George W. Bush's numbers at this point in his term in office, and about on par with Ronald Reagan's numbers at this time in 1988.
Except that Bush and Reagan were hammered relentlessly by the msm with numbers better than we have now (still) while they've been exalting obama. So it isn't the same.

Reagan was treated like a rock star by MSM .. but I have no problem with whatever you makeup to ease your tender sensitivities.
You can kiss my tender sensitivities. I was sober so remember the era better than you obviously do.

I couldn't care less about what you 'remember.'

We were booted the fuck out of Iraq .. the Afghanistan War has been a disaster from the beginning .. the Muhjadeen .. which Reagan and the CIA created and armed became Al Queda .. which was supposedly was behind 9/11.

The superpower that couldn't.
The Muhjadeen were rebel forces fighting the Soviets. Who had to give it up so did not go communist, which was a serious concern back then. Some went on to form al Queda, different group, different purpose.
(CNN)President Barack Obama's approval rating stands at 55% in a new CNN/ORC poll, the highest mark of his second term, and matching his best at any time since his first year in office.

The new rating outpaces his previous second-term high -- reached just after a Democratic convention that extolled the successes of his presidency -- by one point, and hits a level he's reached just twice since the end of his first year in office: In January 2013 just before his second inauguration and in January 2011.

The new poll continues a streak in which Obama's approval rating has been at 50% or higher in CNN/ORC polls since February, a seven month run that is his longest since 2009. And taken together, Obama's approval ratings in 2016 average 51% so far in CNN/ORC polls, his best mark since that first year in office.

There are partisan differences, however. He's up 12 points among Democrats to 89% approval and 14 among independents to 56% approval, but his numbers have barely budged among Republicans, 11% approved in September 2015 and 13% approve now.

And there's a racial gap as well, with improvement coming among whites and Hispanics, but ratings of Obama holding steady among blacks. Among whites, his approval rating remains in negative territory but has climbed from 32% a year ago to 47% now. Non-whites have held mostly steady -- 68% approved then and 70% do now.

Among black voters, 86% approve in the new poll, combining last year's data for both September and October, the number was identical among blacks a year ago. Among Hispanics, Obama's approval rating stands at 68%, up from 60% in the combined data from last fall.

And in a further measure of the education rift among whites that's been highlighted by this year's presidential race, 55% of whites with college degrees say they approve of Obama's work as president vs. just 44% of whites who do not have degrees.

Obama's approval rating is well above President George W. Bush's numbers at this point in his term in office, and about on par with Ronald Reagan's numbers at this time in 1988.

He is just a hair behind Bill Clinton's 58% measure in October 2000. Both Clinton and Reagan saw their numbers rise above 60% after their successor had been elected and the transition had begun.

Obama approval hits new high - CNNPolitics.com

I didn't vote for him .. but truth is still the truth. He wins. :0)

Its amazing how people are duped into believing. The perception of a great economy will do wonders to the oblivious who are caught up in their self centered narcissistic view of reality. The country is headed into the abyss and the people cheer. Astounding.
Will he get a plaque for this?

Naw .. just boatloads of money .. and a possible Supreme Court appointment.

The black guy's taking affirmative action to places it's never gone before ...

White people have soared to the heights of affirmative action and are still forging new frontiers especially after 400 years of unimpeded white affirmative action to give them a sizable headstart.

Tissue? Man up. Life's not easy. Your thought that being white changes that is ridiculous
Why would I need a tissue because whites needed 400 years of affirmative action? It just shows how weak you are.

How old are you? I'm doubting the 400 ...
This will help Clinton big time as the presidents favorability normally helps or hurts his parties candidate for the next president.

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