Obama Approval Ratings Continue to Plummet

Poor Obama,

I guess the "it's my way or the highway" approach and his unwillingness to even negotiate is not working. Over the last three days AP, Gallup, and Reuters have issued polls that show Obama's approval numbers dropping 8%, 16%, and 14% respectively.

From 9/23 through 10/10 his aggregate approval ratings has dropped 5.4%. However, the biggest declines have occurred over the last 3 days. It looks like the longer Obama refuses to negotiate or show any leadership whatsoever, the lower his numbers will go. He is close to Bush's lowest ever approval ratings. My guess is, if he keeps his current posture, he'll sink below Bush in the next week or so.

How is the Repugnant Congress doing poll wise :eusa_whistle:

How is the Democrat congress poll wise?

oh they are not doing that well but they are not in intensive care like Boehner's chump change:eusa_shhh:
Ahh I see the poll is for BOTH houses. So the Senate which is democrat is at 5 percent as well. And the President has a 53 percent disapproval number.
Poor Obama,

I guess the "it's my way or the highway" approach and his unwillingness to even negotiate is not working. Over the last three days AP, Gallup, and Reuters have issued polls that show Obama's approval numbers dropping 8%, 16%, and 14% respectively.

From 9/23 through 10/10 his aggregate approval ratings has dropped 5.4%. However, the biggest declines have occurred over the last 3 days. It looks like the longer Obama refuses to negotiate or show any leadership whatsoever, the lower his numbers will go. He is close to Bush's lowest ever approval ratings. My guess is, if he keeps his current posture, he'll sink below Bush in the next week or so.

How is the Repugnant Congress doing poll wise :eusa_whistle:

How is the Democrat congress poll wise?

per Gallup's latest:

More than six in 10 Americans (62%) now view the GOP unfavorably, a record high. By comparison, nearly half of Americans (49%) view the Democratic Party unfavorably. Roughly one in four Americans see both parties unfavorably.

Ahh I see the poll is for BOTH houses. So the Senate which is democrat is at 5 percent as well. And the President has a 53 percent disapproval number.

Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low
Falls 10 percentage points from September's 38%

Good night

I'll be back :dev3:
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LOL. 44.7% appoval.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

And, in the meantime, Congress approval, 10.5%. Less than a quarter than that of the President.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

Wow.....please end this abortion of a thread. The op looks like a fool.

#welfarequeen just stop fool.

Girlfriend, you did look at the numbers, right? You see Barry is dropping like a stone. What about that don't you understand?
LOL. I can remember you fruitloops talking about the "Pinko Punk" in the Whitehouse in the early '60s. President Obama is actually a bit to the right of most of the Democratic Party.

You mean his handlers are to the Right of the DNC, which is like a motorboat with a broken throttle navigating hazardous waters? What is the real difference here? Rate of change? Rate of conversion? Rate of transformation? Rile up the masses with Faery Tales and lies, while trying to keep a lid on things, while poor management skills compound the problems, making the past look like a picnic in comparison? Someone needs to be the Grown Up, here. It's going to be a long wait, things will be getting much worse, before there is any adjustment in course.
Really? Looks like the market likes the idea of a GOP capitulation.

You fools hardly realize just how close to real disaster you have been playing. Put the nation in default, cause a Second Great Republican Depression, and there will be Republican Party headquarters on fire in many states. You see, the First Great Depression was created by GOP foolishness concerning economics, as was the Great Republican Recession of 2008. However, this economic debacle would result from the deliberate actions of the GOP simply because of a law they don't like, and haven't the votes to change.

There are a great many middle class American Citizens out here that just managed to muddle through the 2008 debacle without losing everything. But they now have no reserves left. And if they now lose their homes because of deliberate actions of the GOP, the result will be very ugly for the GOP and many of the members of the feckless party.
What's really unusual is Rasmussen gave him 51% approval...

Don't worry, like Clinton's number they will go up when this is over. He will look like a hero, and the GOP will look like spoiled brats.
That 37% approval number that all the usual suspects got so excited about turned out to be an outlier.

Every major poll since then has the President's approval rating higher. His approval average is above where it was a month ago.

And remember the rightwing's old fav, Rasmussen? His latest has Obama at 51% approval.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

It amazes me that people cannot read. Since you seem to border on illiteracy, I'll spell it out for you as clearly as possible. The Real Clear aggregate of all polls for Obama is:

Obama Approve = 44.6%

Obama Disapprove = 50.3%

Obama has dropped 5.7% from 9/23 through 10/10.
That 37% approval number that all the usual suspects got so excited about turned out to be an outlier.

Every major poll since then has the President's approval rating higher. His approval average is above where it was a month ago.

And remember the rightwing's old fav, Rasmussen? His latest has Obama at 51% approval.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

I honestly don't care what Obama's approval rating is at. The economy is chit, he spends more on wars/military than Bush, his deficits are bigger and the nation is far more divided.

Obama's whole Presidency is about blaming everyone else why things sucks while simultaneously trying to claim Obama has done great things.

An example, Obama spend 788 billion to avoid a recession, fails, the recession get's far worse... then claims he saved us from a depression. That is how you credit someone for doing a horrible job, and in Obama's case it happens over and over and over and over again.
That 37% approval number that all the usual suspects got so excited about turned out to be an outlier.

Every major poll since then has the President's approval rating higher. His approval average is above where it was a month ago.

And remember the rightwing's old fav, Rasmussen? His latest has Obama at 51% approval.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

It amazes me that people cannot read. Since you seem to border on illiteracy, I'll spell it out for you as clearly as possible. The Real Clear aggregate of all polls for Obama is:

Obama Approve = 44.6%

Obama Disapprove = 50.3%

Obama has dropped 5.7% from 9/23 through 10/10.

That's the division thing, you either love Obama and hate everyone that dislikes him, or you hate Obama and everyone that likes him. Obama is losing the independents and even many in his own party, and appealing only to the crazy blind fanbois or flat out ignorant welfare babies.
That 37% approval number that all the usual suspects got so excited about turned out to be an outlier.

Every major poll since then has the President's approval rating higher. His approval average is above where it was a month ago.

And remember the rightwing's old fav, Rasmussen? His latest has Obama at 51% approval.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

It amazes me that people cannot read. Since you seem to border on illiteracy, I'll spell it out for you as clearly as possible. The Real Clear aggregate of all polls for Obama is:

Obama Approve = 44.6%

Obama Disapprove = 50.3%

Obama has dropped 5.7% from 9/23 through 10/10.



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