Obama approves of same sex marriage

The Obamessiah is in serious need of cash, his billion dollar campaign stash appears to be on the verge of eluding him. He is The One, afterall, so everybody should understand his vaccillation and not criticize him. After all, didn't he go three days without giving the Navy Seals the order to fire while the pirates held the barrel of a gun to the head of the Maersk Alabama's captain, the Seals eventually acting on their own without an order, and didn't he wait ten months before giving the order to take out bin Laden?
41% of West Virginia Democrats voted for an inmate of a Texas prison rather than Barack Obama. It was John Kennedy's victory in the West Virginia Democratic primary that catapulted his candidacy to national prominence in 1960.

Obama “evolves” to new fake position on gay marriage | Power Line


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Obama tells Robin Roberts of ABC.

Who cares of what Obama approves? Who appointed him God?

He's the Chief Executive. If you think really, really hard, it will probably come to you why it matters.

Really, are you kidding me?? Because he's the Chief Executive it makes a difference?? You probably just don't understand, President is not the boss, it's one of THREE branches of our government that have equal power. Oh durn, there's that EQUAL thing, right there in black and white!!
Once again the Emperor has no clothes.
He's the President of the United States, not a pitch man.
You believe in it? You are in a position to do something about it. Not pass the buck to the states.
Who cares of what Obama approves? Who appointed him God?

He's the Chief Executive. If you think really, really hard, it will probably come to you why it matters.

Really, are you kidding me?? Because he's the Chief Executive it makes a difference?? You probably just don't understand, President is not the boss, it's one of THREE branches of our government that have equal power. Oh durn, there's that EQUAL thing, right there in black and white!!

It's the bully pulpit

Obama stepping up makes it easier for others to step up. It all comes down to doing the right thing
Here's my typical day. Get up, chat with you wonderful folks for a bit, shower, kiss the partner and kids then head to work. 9 hours later I head off to a home cooked meal where I chat with the family about their day, make sure the kids do their homework, watch a little TV, kiss the kids goodnight, watch a little more TV and then head off to bed to start the whole process all over again.

Why doesn't my family deserve the rights, benefits and privileges of legal, civil marriage?

Your rights are the same as anybody else. Perhaps you want special rights.

Oh...so marriage is a special fundamental right...

I think maybe it's just YOU who is "special".
From 2000 until 2008 it was said at least a million times that George W. Bush just does what Dick Cheney tells him to do.

Reasonable to suppose now, that President Obama is just as much a puppet of Vice President Joe Biden as GWB allegedly was that of Dick Cheney.
I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

I didn't know the possibility existed for a couple of decades, then I was against it for a couple, and I've been for it ever since.
Why are civil rights so tough for Conservatives to support yet property rights hold such a valued regard for them? Can Americans enjoy too much freedom so far as Conservatives are concerned? If those Americans are rich, or just hold a little real estate, it seems Conservatives feel that there isn't enough freedom extended to them. Yet if those Americans are in the minority, racially, economically or socially, extending freedom to them is a difficult choice for Conservatives.
I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

I didn't know the possibility existed for a couple of decades, then I was against it for a couple, and I've been for it ever since.

Hey! I got post 510 on 5/10. How cool is that.


Anybody think I need more caffeine? Anybody? Anybody? ....... Bueller?
Why are civil rights so tough for Conservatives to support yet property rights hold such a valued regard for them? Can Americans enjoy too much freedom so far as Conservatives are concerned? If those Americans are rich, or just hold a little real estate, it seems Conservatives feel that there isn't enough freedom extended to them. Yet if those Americans are in the minority, racially, economically or socially, extending freedom to them is a difficult choice for Conservatives.

Do you think it's acceptable to protect all rights?
Why are civil rights so tough for Conservatives to support yet property rights hold such a valued regard for them? Can Americans enjoy too much freedom so far as Conservatives are concerned? If those Americans are rich, or just hold a little real estate, it seems Conservatives feel that there isn't enough freedom extended to them. Yet if those Americans are in the minority, racially, economically or socially, extending freedom to them is a difficult choice for Conservatives.

Do you think it's acceptable to protect all rights?
Yes. Do you think all Americans should be protected with all the rights guaranteed to all other Americans, with the exception of convicted felons and those judged to be mentally incompetent?
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Good article.

A long, slow contemplation, then a decisive turn, behind Obama's move to endorse gay marriage - chicagotribune.com

Hunter, an evangelical pastor and founder of the 15,000-member Northland church in the Orlando, Fla., area, told The Associated Press they spoke for about 15 minutes. "I said I disagreed with this decision," he said. "I said, more precisely, 'This is not how I read Scripture,' and he totally understood that. In the end, he was doing what he believed was right, what he thinks is authentic for him at this time in his life."

Hunter said the president acknowledged the decision could make it difficult for clergy to defend him in the face of criticism from Christian conservatives over a number of issues. "Those of us who love him and have invested into his life, he's very aware that this costs us something and that's something that I think weighs on him," Hunter said. "I don't abandon people because I don't agree with their decisions. But there will absolutely be blowback from his personal decision."
It took a long time for the country to rid itself of laws forbidding interracial marriage, which like same sex marriage bans were often defended by interpretations of the Bible. Gay marriage has been around only 8 years and I expect it will be many years before it's legal in all states. It's a huge change in our social mores, particular for our churches, but it will come just as did the freedom to marry between races and many other freedoms related to marriage.
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Why are civil rights so tough for Conservatives to support yet property rights hold such a valued regard for them? Can Americans enjoy too much freedom so far as Conservatives are concerned? If those Americans are rich, or just hold a little real estate, it seems Conservatives feel that there isn't enough freedom extended to them. Yet if those Americans are in the minority, racially, economically or socially, extending freedom to them is a difficult choice for Conservatives.

Do you think it's acceptable to protect all rights?
Yes. Do you think all Americans should be protected with all the rights guaranteed to all other Americans, with the exception of convicted felons and those judged to be mentally incompetent?

I am not finished with my question
What about those who like to have many spouses at the same time, or those who like to have sex with animals or someone who would like to marry someone who is under the age of 16? Shouldn't their rights be protected??
So do people get married out of love or are they just concerned about favorable secular laws. Why wouldn't civil unions work?
The obama campaign sure has raised a ton of dough after his announcement, but he may have just torpedoed himself in some important states for the election.
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

You are so gull able my dear BDBoop. The president said that same-sex marriage should be a states' issue.

Slavery was a states' issue before the civil war.

Abortion was a states' issue before Roe. Vs. Wade.

How can a civil right be banned in 30 states?

In other words, the president announced that he does NOT believe that gay marriage is a civil right. He only claimed that it was his personal belief that gays should be allowed to marry.

So why was the Tarney decision in Dred Scott become law? If slavery was a states right, why wasn't human freedom a more predominant right?

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