Obama approves of same sex marriage

I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

What's next? Maybe we could allow people to marry more than one person???

Why not? its already happening anyways, the people that can keep more than 1 wife just don't register for marriage certificates for them, I used to sleep with a cougar in California that was married to a rich Jewish guy in LA, she was his second wife he kept her in the house with him and everything, he just didn't get a marriage certificate.

If you marry someone and keep a mistress on the side, it is perfectly legal. It has been done for thousands of years.

But if you choose to formally acknowledge the second woman, you are breaking the law
What's next? Maybe we could allow people to marry more than one person???

Why not? its already happening anyways, the people that can keep more than 1 wife just don't register for marriage certificates for them, I used to sleep with a cougar in California that was married to a rich Jewish guy in LA, she was his second wife he kept her in the house with him and everything, he just didn't get a marriage certificate.

If you marry someone and keep a mistress on the side, it is perfectly legal. It has been done for thousands of years.

But if you choose to formally acknowledge the second woman, you are breaking the law

I don't know about that but many people have more than 1 wife, they just don't get a marriage certificate for it, they just do a ceremony or whatever and don't legalize it. If me and my wife have another woman living with us as another partner, what can the law really do?
I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

What's next? Maybe we could allow people to marry more than one person???

Of course, because if we allow citizens to own guns, they will shoot someone, right? See how that "slippery slope" works?

And why not allow people to marry more than one person if they are all of consenting age? We don't limit the number of children someone can have, why limit the number of spouses? If you can support more than one spouse emotionally and financially, more power to you!

Is there a big push to have plural marriages recognized?

The polygamists in Utah would like it to be legal, and the Muslims because in their faith they are allowed more than 1 wife, me personally I don't believe in marriage but if they want to do that I am ok with it.
More political bullshit from the "perpetual Campaigner"...
Someone should ask: "Mr President, if one of your daughters came to you and you wife and told you they wished to marry their lesbian lover( that they previously knew nothing of) would you approve?

That kind of question only scares homophobes.

And it smacks of the bigots of days past who opposed interracial marriage and thought they were being clever when they asked, "If your white daughter came home and told you she wanted to marry a black man, would you approve?"

Some things never change. Same bedsheet and burning cross, different day.

Obama is the product of an interracial marriage, so he would probably recognize your kind from a mile away.

Bullshit. The Catholic church supported civil rights for minorities, to include blacks.

They even support civil rights for homosexuals all except for marriage rights and any sanction of their sinful lifestyle.

But the militant Gay Mafia demand complete agreemennt with their lifestyle from everyone or else be damned as a homophobe.

Fuck those ass wipes. Most homosexuals I have known do NOT support legalized gay marriage. They correctly see it as an artifical wedge issue, and nothing more than political posturing. Civil union laws can and most often do give full rights as compared to marriage.

But it is approval they crave, not living in peace with everyone else.

No they don't and therein lies the problem/issue.

When politicians say they support civil unions but not marriage for people of the same sex, what do they mean? We find three main differences between civil unions and marriage as it's traditionally viewed:

The right to federal benefits. States that allow some type of same-sex union are able to grant only state rights. The Defense of Marriage Act passed in 1996 prohibits same-sex couples from receiving federal marriage rights and benefits.

Portability. Because civil unions are not recognized by all states, such agreements are not always valid when couples cross state lines.

Terminology. "Marriage" is a term that conveys societal and cultural meaning, important to both gay rights activists and those who don't believe gays should marry.
The Government Accountability Office lists 1,138 federal laws that pertain to married couples. Many in that long list may be minor or only relevant to small groups of citizens. However, a number of provisions are key to what constitutes a marriage legally in the United States:

Taxes. Couples in a civil union may file a joint state tax return, but they must file federal tax returns as single persons. This may be advantageous to some couples, not so for others. One advantage for married couples is the ability to transfer assets and wealth without incurring tax penalties. Partners in a civil union aren't permitted to do that, and thus may be liable for estate and gift taxes on such transfers.

Health insurance. The state-federal divide is even more complicated in this arena. In the wake of the Massachusetts high court ruling, the group Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders put together a guide to spousal health care benefits. GLAD’s document is Massachusetts-specific but provides insight into how health insurance laws would apply to those in a civil union in other states. In general, GLAD says, it comes down to what’s governed by state law and what’s subject to federal oversight. If a private employer’s health plans are subject to Massachusetts state insurance laws, benefits must be extended to a same-sex spouse. If the health plan is governed by federal law, the employer can choose whether or not to extend such benefits.

Social Security survivor benefits. If a spouse or divorced spouse dies, the survivor may have a right to Social Security payments based on the earnings of the married couple, rather than only the survivor’s earnings. Same-sex couples are not eligible for such benefits.

Other federal areas in which couples in civil unions don't have the same rights as married couples include immigration (a partner who's a foreign national can't become an American by entering into a civil union with someone) and veterans' and military benefits (only opposite-sex spouses have a right to pensions, compensation for service-related deaths, medical care, housing and the right to burial in veterans’ cemeteries). Gay couples, however, may actually benefit when applying for programs such as Medicaid or government housing that require low-income eligibility. A spouse’s income is included in such applications, but a same-sex partner’s income is not. One change has been made in federal law: A provision in the Pension Protection Act of 2006 allows same-sex couples to transfer 401(k) and IRA earnings to partners without penalty.

Brad Luna, director of communications at Human Rights Campaign, says there have been several unsuccessful lawsuits filed by same-sex couples who wish to receive federal benefits. “It’s going to have to take the repeal of DOMA or a federal civil union law that would grant them that kind of federal recognition,” he says.

FactCheck.org: What Is a Civil Union?

More at link.

I find it ridiculous that just because two people are of the same gender they cannot receive the same federal benefits that two people of opposite gender can. I mean, why?

The bolded, above, in what I posted? wth??? Srsly? :cuckoo:
He was agin it before he was for it.

JUNE 2011: "The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer

Barry always does exactly what he finds to be most politically expedient at the moment.
Don't you value wisdom in your decision makers? Isn't a sign of wisdom the ability to see the right thing and then do it?

Or do you prefer rigidity and strict adherence to a constantly narrowing ideology? If so, I suggest you look into Islam as a faith best suited for your unique style of, well we'll call it 'thinking'.

I see you are attempting to move the goal posts.

Did Obama flippy flop, or not

You need to do much, much better.


If Mittens flip-flopped on abortion then Barry has flip-flopped on gay marriage.

If Barry changed his mind/evolved/realized he was wrong on gay marriage then the same can be said of Mittens and his position on abortion.

Oh wait, that's not how they roll, is it?
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Here's my typical day. Get up, chat with you wonderful folks for a bit, shower, kiss the partner and kids then head to work. 9 hours later I head off to a home cooked meal where I chat with the family about their day, make sure the kids do their homework, watch a little TV, kiss the kids goodnight, watch a little more TV and then head off to bed to start the whole process all over again.

Why doesn't my family deserve the rights, benefits and privileges of legal, civil marriage?
Here's my typical day. Get up, chat with you wonderful folks for a bit, shower, kiss the partner and kids then head to work. 9 hours later I head off to a home cooked meal where I chat with the family about their day, make sure the kids do their homework, watch a little TV, kiss the kids goodnight, watch a little more TV and then head off to bed to start the whole process all over again.

Why doesn't my family deserve the rights, benefits and privileges of legal, civil marriage?

They do.
I am THRILLED. Dancing on the ceiling thrilled. He has just decided the battleground states.

I think it's going to be more than the battleground states--:cuckoo::cuckoo: I guess Joe Biden opened mouth--inserted foot about a week ago on this topic--and instead of Obama looking around--he decided to chew off his leg--to defend Biden in his comments. I don't know how they ever thought that the majority of Americans would be for gay marriage--when they're just starting to think about civil unions?

This is what happened in California on this issue in 2008--and a very liberal state at that.

Prop 8--a yes vote was against gay marriage.

The Public Policy Institute of California released a poll in December 2008 to shed some light on who voted for Prop 8, especially in light of widespread claims that relatively heavy support among black voters is what pushed Prop 8 to victory. 2,003 voters were polled from November 5–16.[113],[114]
On a stand-alone question, 47% were in favor of same-sex marriage, 48% were opposed and 5% were unsure.
85% of voters identifying themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians voted "yes".
Of non-evangelical Christians polled, 42% voted yes.
77% of Republicans in the poll voted yes.
65% of Democrats voted no.
85% of John McCain supporters voted yes.
30% of Barack Obama voters voted yes.
61% of Latinos voted yes.
57% of Latinos, Asians, and blacks combined voted yes.
62% of those without a college degree voted yes.

74% of those who voted yes on Prop 8 considered the outcome of the vote to be "very important", while 59% of those who voted no attached the same level of importance to the outcome.[115]
California Proposition 8, the "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry" Initiative (2008) - Ballotpedia

Someone within the Obama reelection campaign really didn't look at these figures in California. You move into the midwest and south--and it's going to get a lot worse.

I imagine Obama finally got those 3 a.m. in the morning phone calls--and they were coming from hysterical democrats up for reelection in 2012.
obama was forced into it by Joe Biden. I'd hate to be Biden today! This is his last gaffe. obama is looking for a replacement on the ticket now.

No one should have been surprised at obama's evolution. He never wanted to say so that each side could pretend he supported them. When push came to shove, he was not going to alienate a grievance class of his base. Which may just lose him the election. Same sex marriage is not the kind of issue that people will use to make a decision. It is the kind of issue that people use to say "Enough. That's it, the last straw. Now I have no more reason to vote for him". Then of course, he followed up that stupidity by saying the military is fighting on his behalf.
Wait, let's look at the bigger picture. First I have no problem with Obama endorsing gay marriage however, why did he do it now?? What changed that made him make this announcement?

Having asked that question I find it quite amusing that while he is taking huge steps to take away states rights, he conveniently leaves this decision to individual states. OK!! :confused:

Last but not least, the government needs to stay out of our bedrooms, period. They need to stop the rhetoric on gay rights, birth control and abortion. Those are individual choices and the government shouldn't pay for any of it, shouldn't have any control over it and shouldn't take any stand. It's diversion from the real issues facing us, you know like jobs and the economy.

Personally I'd rather discuss the things that impact all Americans, not just some.
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Here's my typical day. Get up, chat with you wonderful folks for a bit, shower, kiss the partner and kids then head to work. 9 hours later I head off to a home cooked meal where I chat with the family about their day, make sure the kids do their homework, watch a little TV, kiss the kids goodnight, watch a little more TV and then head off to bed to start the whole process all over again.

Why doesn't my family deserve the rights, benefits and privileges of legal, civil marriage?

Your rights are the same as anybody else. Perhaps you want special rights.
Wait, let's look at the bigger picture. First I have no problem with Obama endorsing gay marriage however, why did he do it now?? What changed that made him make this announcement?

Having asked that question I find it quite amusing that while he is taking huge steps to take away states rights, he conveniently leaves this decision to individual states. OK!! :confused:

Last but not least, the government needs to stay out of our bedrooms, period. They need to stop the rhetoric on gay rights, birth control and abortion. Those are individual choices and the government shouldn't pay for any of it, shouldn't have any control over it and shouldn't take any stand. It's diversion from the real issues facing us, you know like jobs and the economy.

Personally I'd rather discuss the things that impact all Americans, not just some.

Yep! This is a distraction, he endorses gay marriage, then he threw the responsibility to the states so he doesn't have to deal with the issue. If he was a states rights guy it would be a fitting response, however he is objecting In the courts with states laws and wanting them overturned.

Let's talk about real impact issues, Obamacare, hmmm funny this burden isn't a states issue rather a burden to working Americans.

Let's talk unemployment.

Let's talk economy.

Let's talk real impact issues that effect all of us.
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

You are so gull able my dear BDBoop. The president said that same-sex marriage should be a states' issue.

Slavery was a states' issue before the civil war.

Abortion was a states' issue before Roe. Vs. Wade.

How can a civil right be banned in 30 states?

In other words, the president announced that he does NOT believe that gay marriage is a civil right. He only claimed that it was his personal belief that gays should be allowed to marry.
Here's my typical day. Get up, chat with you wonderful folks for a bit, shower, kiss the partner and kids then head to work. 9 hours later I head off to a home cooked meal where I chat with the family about their day, make sure the kids do their homework, watch a little TV, kiss the kids goodnight, watch a little more TV and then head off to bed to start the whole process all over again.

Oh. My. God. There's the Big Gay Lifestyle, right there in black and white, and it is EXTREMELY dangerous. Just look at it! :eek::eek::eek:

If gays get married, we will have to let killers go free!

If gays get married, then the terrorists win!

Every time two men get married, an angel loses his wings!
Does it matter that obama intended to lie (by omission) until he was reelected but Binden forced his hand?

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