Obama approves of same sex marriage

And so we see how the Right Wing choses to greet the president's decision to do right by his fellow Americans. Trot out the Rovian tactic used in 2004 and call it a flip flop.

He was agin it before he was for it.

JUNE 2011: "The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer

Barry always does exactly what he finds to be most politically expedient at the moment.
Obama wants the gay peoples votes, this is why he has supported gay marriage. Its all about what obama wants and needs. Don't be fooled by this con artist......get smart. If people can't see through this muslim by now, i don't know when they ever will. Everything he does is for his own gains, not yours or anyone else's. I can read him like a book!!!!!!!!
And so we see how the Right Wing choses to greet the president's decision to do right by his fellow Americans. Trot out the Rovian tactic used in 2004 and call it a flip flop.

He was agin it before he was for it.

JUNE 2011: "The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer

Barry always does exactly what he finds to be most politically expedient at the moment.

1) link to the quote
2) So are you saying that nobody is allowed to change their mind about anything?
3) There are at least two threads on here (if they haven't been merged) where the right-wing kooks are saying that his 'coming out' in favour of gay marriage is going to cost him votes. So which is it? Pandering to voters or costing him votes?
He did flip flop on this one.

I remember seeing him on National TV stating that he believed marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Not surprising that he changed his tune.
And so we see how the Right Wing choses to greet the president's decision to do right by his fellow Americans. Trot out the Rovian tactic used in 2004 and call it a flip flop.

He was agin it before he was for it.

JUNE 2011: "The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer

Barry always does exactly what he finds to be most politically expedient at the moment.
Don't you value wisdom in your decision makers? Isn't a sign of wisdom the ability to see the right thing and then do it?

Or do you prefer rigidity and strict adherence to a constantly narrowing ideology? If so, I suggest you look into Islam as a faith best suited for your unique style of, well we'll call it 'thinking'.
Nothing wrong with flip flopping if you change your mind...shows signs that you are willing to engage when new facts emerge...

so what NEW facts emerged to light up Obama's light bulb moment.:lol:

If you bothered to watch the whole interview you'd know why. My bet is you watched Fox news, which gave you the sound bites instead of the whole story...
I'm not Researching it... But did he say he Support Same Sex Marriage as a matter of National Law, or did he do the States Rights Dance and say if a State wants to make Same Sex Marriage Legal they can?...


And so we see how the Right Wing choses to greet the president's decision to do right by his fellow Americans. Trot out the Rovian tactic used in 2004 and call it a flip flop.

He was agin it before he was for it.

JUNE 2011: "The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer

Barry always does exactly what he finds to be most politically expedient at the moment.
Don't you value wisdom in your decision makers? Isn't a sign of wisdom the ability to see the right thing and then do it?

Or do you prefer rigidity and strict adherence to a constantly narrowing ideology? If so, I suggest you look into Islam as a faith best suited for your unique style of, well we'll call it 'thinking'.

I see you are attempting to move the goal posts.

Did Obama flippy flop, or not?

You need to do much, much better.

I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.
I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

What's next? Maybe we could allow people to marry more than one person???

Why not?
I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

What's next? Maybe we could allow people to marry more than one person???

Of course, because if we allow citizens to own guns, they will shoot someone, right? See how that "slippery slope" works?

And why not allow people to marry more than one person if they are all of consenting age? We don't limit the number of children someone can have, why limit the number of spouses? If you can support more than one spouse emotionally and financially, more power to you!

Is there a big push to have plural marriages recognized?
I've known quite a few people in my life whose view on marriage equality has "evolved" over time. (my in-laws are just one example of this) It usually involves getting to know actual gay people in committed relationships.

What's next? Maybe we could allow people to marry more than one person???

Why not? its already happening anyways, the people that can keep more than 1 wife just don't register for marriage certificates for them, I used to sleep with a cougar in California that was married to a rich Jewish guy in LA, she was his second wife he kept her in the house with him and everything, he just didn't get a marriage certificate.
I think it would be great if same-sex marriage was all the country had to worry about.

Interesting that the President is being praised for really what amounts to the following:
-He has said that what his supporters believe to be a "civil right" is an issue of "states rights." Not typical for a civil rights issue.
-Did anyone really believe this wasn't his "personal" stance?
-I would imagine very small percentage of homosexuals don't support Obama already.

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