Obama approves of same sex marriage

I think he changed his mind. You know people do that, particular those with any intelligence.

First of all, I said nothing about a flip-flop, so back off on that insinuation.

It has nothing to do with intelligence unless you are talking about the intelligence of people that can see through the pandering for votes.
Changing your opinion has everything to do with intelligence.

Question is, did he really change his mind or is he only pandering to the base.

I don't think he changed his mind. I pointed out a youtube video earlier where he stated that he believed marriage was between a man and a woman but that he felt that a homosexual couple should be allowed marry.

He hasn't changed his mind at all. In fact, the quote that started this OP doesn't really state anything different than what he stated in the past. I'd say, he's pandering.

I edited my post to be more clear, scroll up and read it.
Company provided heath insurance is not a right.

I thought about that after I put it in. Its too late to change it, but you are right, it is not a right.

Can I revise my statement now?

I do still believe there are rights given to married couples that are not extended to homosexual couples.

My feelings about homosexuality aside, I do not believe the U.S. Government should involve itself in religious concepts such as judgment of sin nor do I believe that the U.S Government should play favorites among citizens. Under U.S. law my homosexual neighbor should have the same rights that I have and I don't really care if the only right they don't have is the right to have a legal document that states they are a legally "married" couple.

And I don't think the government should be involved in marriage one iota. It's none of their damn business, heterosexual or homosexual.

What have you done to get the government out of marriage?
I think he changed his mind. You know people do that, particular those with any intelligence.

First of all, I said nothing about a flip-flop, so back off on that insinuation.

It has nothing to do with intelligence unless you are talking about the intelligence of people that can see through the pandering for votes.
Changing your opinion has everything to do with intelligence.

So if you were getting heart surgery and the surgeon kept changing his mind about what would be the best approach, you would think he was MORE competent and intelligent?

I think I would change heart surgeons.
I thought about that after I put it in. Its too late to change it, but you are right, it is not a right.

Can I revise my statement now?

I do still believe there are rights given to married couples that are not extended to homosexual couples.

My feelings about homosexuality aside, I do not believe the U.S. Government should involve itself in religious concepts such as judgment of sin nor do I believe that the U.S Government should play favorites among citizens. Under U.S. law my homosexual neighbor should have the same rights that I have and I don't really care if the only right they don't have is the right to have a legal document that states they are a legally "married" couple.

And I don't think the government should be involved in marriage one iota. It's none of their damn business, heterosexual or homosexual.

What have you done to get the government out of marriage?

Vote for Ron Paul?
He is changing to inspire young voters, he has to get them to the polls or he is toast.
I agree, that is why I have supported the idea of "civil unions" for so long. We are not going to get the government out of the business because of the revenue production, but they should have nothing at all to do with the religious institution of marriage.


Why even go that far?

Why not make it a contract that specifies who has what obligations and duties and privs and limits, along with specified penalties if a divorce ensues?

Makes more sense to me.

As to whether something is marriage or not, the government should just putt out.
But they can't GET said license, therefore.

Pretty sad when you have to twist semantics to make your case. "Oh, none of us has a right to get married." Bullshit, what with all of us getting married, n'all.
Tough fucking shit....There's still no right to a license.

Nobody is stopping anyone from drawing up their own common law marriage contracts.

Same-sex couples have a 14th Amendment right to access a given state’s marriage law; the exact same law opposite sex couples have access to. Anything less than that is a violation of that right. Otherwise this is yet another failed ‘separate but equal’ argument.
He is changing to inspire young voters, he has to get them to the polls or he is toast.

Yeah, with all the new job opportunities he has given them, I am sure that they will rush right on out there in the rain sleet and snow to cast their votes for the wonderful economic job Obama has done.

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But they can't GET said license, therefore.

Pretty sad when you have to twist semantics to make your case. "Oh, none of us has a right to get married." Bullshit, what with all of us getting married, n'all.
Tough fucking shit....There's still no right to a license.

Nobody is stopping anyone from drawing up their own common law marriage contracts.

Same-sex couples have a 14th Amendment right to access a given state’s marriage law; the exact same law opposite sex couples have access to. Anything less than that is a violation of that right. Otherwise this is yet another failed ‘separate but equal’ argument.


Just more judicial legislation from the bench.

That is the only way these ass hats can get their way; deny the people a voice and focus on unelected magistrates and judges to do their dirty work.
I agree, that is why I have supported the idea of "civil unions" for so long. We are not going to get the government out of the business because of the revenue production, but they should have nothing at all to do with the religious institution of marriage.


Why even go that far?

Why not make it a contract that specifies who has what obligations and duties and privs and limits, along with specified penalties if a divorce ensues?

Makes more sense to me.

As to whether something is marriage or not, the government should just putt out.

How does that make it any easier than a simple "civil union" certificate that grants all unions the same privileges?

I'm afraid the government has done too much putting out lately. Maybe they should just butt out? ;)

Edit: by the way, getting contracts written up require lawyers. Lawyers equal money. Are you a starving lawyer trying to drum up business? :D

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First of all, I said nothing about a flip-flop, so back off on that insinuation.

It has nothing to do with intelligence unless you are talking about the intelligence of people that can see through the pandering for votes.
Changing your opinion has everything to do with intelligence.

So if you were getting heart surgery and the surgeon kept changing his mind about what would be the best approach, you would think he was MORE competent and intelligent?

I think I would change heart surgeons.
He does not, as you say keep changing his mind on the issue. He announced that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his longstanding opposition on the issue. The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states’ deciding the issue on their own. I think this will serve him well in the election, although not a game changer.
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Rights groups worldwide see Obama gay marriage support as precedent, others charge politics - chicagotribune.com

MEXICO CITY (AP) — President Barack Obama's announcement Wednesday that he supports gay marriage boosted the hopes of gay rights groups around the world that other leaders will follow his example, though opponents denounced his switch as a shameless appeal for votes.

Several countries, including Canada, Spain and Argentina, allow same-sex marriage, but far more countries ban it and dozens even prohibit consensual same-sex relations. Gay-rights groups hope Obama's views will inspire more change.

"This is incredibly important, it's excellent news. The United States is a global leader on everything, and that includes gay rights," said Julio Moreira, president of the Rio de Janeiro-based Arco-Iris gay rights group. "This will force other nations like Brazil to move forward with more progressive policies."
Good article.

A long, slow contemplation, then a decisive turn, behind Obama's move to endorse gay marriage - chicagotribune.com

Hunter, an evangelical pastor and founder of the 15,000-member Northland church in the Orlando, Fla., area, told The Associated Press they spoke for about 15 minutes. "I said I disagreed with this decision," he said. "I said, more precisely, 'This is not how I read Scripture,' and he totally understood that. In the end, he was doing what he believed was right, what he thinks is authentic for him at this time in his life."

Hunter said the president acknowledged the decision could make it difficult for clergy to defend him in the face of criticism from Christian conservatives over a number of issues. "Those of us who love him and have invested into his life, he's very aware that this costs us something and that's something that I think weighs on him," Hunter said. "I don't abandon people because I don't agree with their decisions. But there will absolutely be blowback from his personal decision."
Changing your opinion has everything to do with intelligence.

So if you were getting heart surgery and the surgeon kept changing his mind about what would be the best approach, you would think he was MORE competent and intelligent?

I think I would change heart surgeons.
He does not, as you say keep changing his mind on the issue. He announced that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his longstanding opposition on the issue. The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states&#8217; deciding the issue on their own. I think this we serve him well in the election.

I believe he publicly supported gay marriage prior to running for POTUS.

But my comment was more directed at the assetion that changing your mind was a sign of intelligence, which (in moderation) it can be, but in extremes indicates incompetence and indecisiveness.
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Good article.

A long, slow contemplation, then a decisive turn, behind Obama's move to endorse gay marriage - chicagotribune.com

Hunter, an evangelical pastor and founder of the 15,000-member Northland church in the Orlando, Fla., area, told The Associated Press they spoke for about 15 minutes. "I said I disagreed with this decision," he said. "I said, more precisely, 'This is not how I read Scripture,' and he totally understood that. In the end, he was doing what he believed was right, what he thinks is authentic for him at this time in his life."

Hunter said the president acknowledged the decision could make it difficult for clergy to defend him in the face of criticism from Christian conservatives over a number of issues. "Those of us who love him and have invested into his life, he's very aware that this costs us something and that's something that I think weighs on him," Hunter said. "I don't abandon people because I don't agree with their decisions. But there will absolutely be blowback from his personal decision."

Hunter is an example of the pro-Obama vote that Obama just threw under the bus in favor of themilitant homosexual mafia.
JUNE 2011: "The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it. '

- White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer

Coming to the right decision?

I guess that would be based on who you ask..

I think it's funny, he throws out a bone and some people chew it up..
And so we see how the Right Wing choses to greet the president's decision to do right by his fellow Americans. Trot out the Rovian tactic used in 2004 and call it a flip flop.

Notice how they do not repudiate (thanks, Sarah) the decision as they cannot and hold any moral high ground. But Karl taught them how to react and besmirch. It's found in the Conservative Political Playbook Chapter 12, right behind the chapter describing how to call someone a Commie.

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