Obama Asks Supreme Court To Ax Ariz. Employer Sanction Law


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The Obama Administration has asked the Supreme Court to prohibit Arizona from enforcing a two-year-old measure—signed into law by former Governor Janet Napolitano—punishing businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Ironically, President Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary ardently supported the law when she signed it in 2007 though she refuses to comment on her boss’s campaign to eliminate it. Considered the nation’s toughest measure against businesses that hire illegal aliens, the Legal Arizona Workers Act requires employers to verify that employees are authorized to work in the U.S. Those caught hiring illegal workers are severely punished and can have their license revoked.

Legally challenged by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups, the law has been repeatedly upheld by lower courts. Last week the Obama Administration urged the Supreme Court to toss out those rulings by preventing Arizona from enforcing the measure because federal immigration law expressly preempts any state law imposing sanctions on employers hiring illegal immigrants.

The Arizona law disrupts "a careful balance that Congress struck nearly 25 years ago between two interests of the highest importance: ensuring that employers do not undermine enforcement of immigration laws by hiring unauthorized workers, while also ensuring that employers not discriminate against racial and ethnic minorities legally in the country," according to a brief filed by the administration.

Obama Asks Supreme Court To Ax Ariz. Employer Sanction Law | Judicial Watch

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. I mean Washington D.C. :confused:

So much for going after the employers. Hopeychangey?
wtf?? Punishing those who hire illegals is a huge step in the right direction and yet . . . . Barry says nay? Personally I'd like to see employers who hire illegals fined and jailed.
Zoom - the whole thing stinks. If you read the whole article the LAW HAS NEVER BEEN ENFORCED!!!! Perhaps people in AZ are ticked about that, but why on earth would Obama go after a law that hasn't hurt anyone? It is either a direct attack on AZ and/or a precedent for this future amnesty plan. Either way, you'd think the prez and the Supreme Court have a few more important issues to deal with right now.
Hey Mr President - can you find someone to plug the damn hole????
Zoom - the whole thing stinks. If you read the whole article the LAW HAS NEVER BEEN ENFORCED!!!! Perhaps people in AZ are ticked about that, but why on earth would Obama go after a law that hasn't hurt anyone? It is either a direct attack on AZ and/or a precedent for this future amnesty plan. Either way, you'd think the prez and the Supreme Court have a few more important issues to deal with right now.
Hey Mr President - can you find someone to plug the damn hole????

He will soon leave for Australia and Indonesia - as I said, a master at escaping to keep from taking care of the important things!!! He stuck around for his so-called health reform - let's see if he finds this oil spill serious enough to cancel his trips.
I doubt this is about the immigrants themselves but about a precedent being set that usurps federal law and the constitution of the united states if racial profiling is used. Sounds like the Fed does not want their powers, or the powers they think they have, to be usurped by the state...? then every federal law could be usurped by the States, is what they are probably trying to "protect"?

Regardless, the Supreme court has a conservative majority and there is no reason this ruling by the SC will come down in the favor of what the obama admin thinks!
wtf?? Punishing those who hire illegals is a huge step in the right direction and yet . . . . Barry says nay? Personally I'd like to see employers who hire illegals fined and jailed.

McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens - Local ...Jul 17, 2008 ... McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens, Two executives and the corporate owner of 11 northern Nevada McDonald's ...
McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com - Cached - Similar:clap2::clap2:
Obama's against punishing businesses who hire ILLEGALS? - Arizona ...10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: 4 days ago
If the businesses and employers is fined or punish some way, ... CEO's, and lobbyist have hired illegal immigrants to work for them because ...
www.city-data.com/.../990334-obamas-against-punishing-businesses-who-hire-2.html - Cached
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Townhall.com Blog : Meredith Jessup : Obama Opposes Penalizing ...The feds seized the business of, "The French Gourmet" in San Diego, CA in 2008 (Vegastracon made the additional .... $5 Million fine for hiring ILLEGALS. ...
townhall.com/.../d87da7d0-1397-49cf-b2a9-331b5001329c&comments=true - Cached
I still can't see anything wrong with hiring illegals. In fact it seems unconstitutional to forbid it.
I still can't see anything wrong with hiring illegals. In fact it seems unconstitutional to forbid it.

Read the constitution. It does not guarantee you a job nor makes it one of the Rights legal OR illegal....but there is something very wrong to be hiring illegals when there are no jobs for americans or for those who enter llegally.
The Obama Administration has asked the Supreme Court to prohibit Arizona from enforcing a two-year-old measure—signed into law by former Governor Janet Napolitano—punishing businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Ironically, President Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary ardently supported the law when she signed it in 2007 though she refuses to comment on her boss’s campaign to eliminate it. Considered the nation’s toughest measure against businesses that hire illegal aliens, the Legal Arizona Workers Act requires employers to verify that employees are authorized to work in the U.S. Those caught hiring illegal workers are severely punished and can have their license revoked.

Legally challenged by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups, the law has been repeatedly upheld by lower courts. Last week the Obama Administration urged the Supreme Court to toss out those rulings by preventing Arizona from enforcing the measure because federal immigration law expressly preempts any state law imposing sanctions on employers hiring illegal immigrants.

The Arizona law disrupts "a careful balance that Congress struck nearly 25 years ago between two interests of the highest importance: ensuring that employers do not undermine enforcement of immigration laws by hiring unauthorized workers, while also ensuring that employers not discriminate against racial and ethnic minorities legally in the country," according to a brief filed by the administration.

Obama Asks Supreme Court To Ax Ariz. Employer Sanction Law | Judicial Watch

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. I mean Washington D.C. :confused:

So much for going after the employers. Hopeychangey?

Napolitano, Holder and obie wan all need to be impeached. That's my final conclusion. Anti American A-Holes every single one of them
How can someone without a valid Social Security number file a tax return? Or is that just a requirement of Americans for crying out loud? In fact, can't Americans go to jail for tax evasion?

Wait til amnesty. Obamacare, welfare, section 8 housing, unemployment,Social Security, etc. Who will pick the tomatoes then?
How can someone without a valid Social Security number file a tax return? Or is that just a requirement of Americans for crying out loud? In fact, can't Americans go to jail for tax evasion?

Wait til amnesty. Obamacare, welfare, section 8 housing, unemployment,Social Security, etc. Who will pick the tomatoes then?
The IRS doesn't care if you're an American or not. They merely collect money.
wtf?? Punishing those who hire illegals is a huge step in the right direction and yet . . . . Barry says nay? Personally I'd like to see employers who hire illegals fined and jailed.

McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens - Local ...Jul 17, 2008 ... McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens, Two executives and the corporate owner of 11 northern Nevada McDonald's ...
McDonald's Franchisee Fined $1M for Hiring Illegal Aliens - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com - Cached - Similar:clap2::clap2:

Glad to read this but they also need to jail them as well. Just paying a fine is too easy.
Ravi - they need a SS# and they need to file whether they owe or not. To say the "IRS does not care" is just plain silly. Their auditors carry guns.
if you broke the laws to get to this country and are continuing to break the laws by being here illegally....you have no fricken right to a job

Ravi - they need a SS# and they need to file whether they owe or not. To say the "IRS does not care" is just plain silly. Their auditors carry guns.
They can get a TIN number. Or alternately, the employer can use backup withholding on them.
They should get of this racist law because they're going to target Latinos, they will not ask any white people for papers to see if they're US citizens or illegal European immigrants.
They should get of this racist law because they're going to target Latinos, they will not ask any white people for papers to see if they're US citizens or illegal European immigrants.

Enough of this silliness. They will not target latinos or anybody else - they will stop people who commit traffic violations and if they see something fishy, they will take the steps necessary. Kudos to AZ!! More states should follow suit.
Zoom - the whole thing stinks. If you read the whole article the LAW HAS NEVER BEEN ENFORCED!!!! Perhaps people in AZ are ticked about that, but why on earth would Obama go after a law that hasn't hurt anyone? It is either a direct attack on AZ and/or a precedent for this future amnesty plan. Either way, you'd think the prez and the Supreme Court have a few more important issues to deal with right now.
Hey Mr President - can you find someone to plug the damn hole????

chanel, it is not just the AZ law which has gone unenforced. Not one dollar of fines, nevermind any criminal charges, were extracted from any American business for hiring illegal labor during GWB's administration. There has been no noticeable change in US policy in this regard under Obama.

American business profits derived from lack of workplace safety measures and minimum wage violations are fueling a profit that is estimated to run in the Billions. It is at the heart of our illegal alien crisis and a betrayal of the American people. The business owners who engage in this wretched exploitation of Mexico's poor and corrupt American communities in the process need to be fined until bankrupted and then imprisoned for life.

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