Obama at 50%

Personally I could care less about Barry's numbers.

That fuck will be gone shortly and good god damned riddance.
The worst president in American history.

Actually the last poll, he was figured in at #16 but with his success with Obamacare and Gay Marriage he'll climb quite a bit higher.

Edited to correct ranking to #18 New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Lincoln at No. 1 Obama at 18 Kennedy judged most overrated - The Washington Post
LOL. A radical leftist rag rates Obama favorable citing gay marriage, What a surprise. Even Iowa was for gay marriage long before Obama or Hillary. We've got video. LOL.
Associated Press June 30, 2015 — 10:51am WASHINGTON — Consumer confidence showed a solid gain in June following a modest increase in May, supporting the view that strong job gains are giving a boost to the overall economy. The ... (Associated Press)
Consumer Confidence Index Rises To 101.4 In June, Solid Gain Pointing To Future Growth

Associated Press June 30, 2015 — 10:51am WASHINGTON — Consumer confidence showed a solid gain in June following a modest increase in May, supporting the view that strong job gains are giving a boost to the overall economy. The ... (Associated Press)
Consumer Confidence Index Rises To 101.4 In June, Solid Gain Pointing To Future Growth
We get the June jobs report on Thursday. I expect it will lead to liberals enjoying Independence Day more and USMB nutters eating more sour grapes.
The unemployment numbers are fudged . 47 million on food stamps. 97 million out of work. 45% and higher unemployed blacks. Dismal numbers.
If you want funny you better go back and look at the voter turnout. 36.3% turnout of which Democrats picked up 18.1% of that vote. You can laugh all the way to November 2016 when Democrats will hand you your ass for about ten years. You have no candidate that will unite the party, you need the youth vote, the women vote, the gay vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, You have nothing going on that can seal the deal for you. All of that because you didn't listen to people who said if you want to win you need an immigration bill, you need gay marriage, equal pay for women, etc you ignored it all at your own peril and you can shake your head all you want but next time I hope you pay attention and listen.

By all means tell us why Dem's stayed home on election night and hung Obama out to dry? Were Dem's too lazy to vote? He had 2 more years to accomplish something big and the Dem's kicked Obama right in the nards on election night.

Historically Democrats sit out midterms. Read any article following that November victory of yours. Off hand I'd say Obama has done pretty well for himself as a lame duck imagine what he will do with 17 more months to go.

Still waiting to hear why you people threw Obama under the bus in 2014. Hell in 2012 with Obama on the ballot you people only managed to scrape back 6 of the 56 seats in the House you lost in 2010.

I'll throw you a bone since you are struggling to answer. The GOP didn't beat you, the American people rejected you.

bingo, THE AMERICAN people rejected everything they stood for with Obama only in office for SIX miserable years. they won't ever accept that. they think the people is still in love love love love love with them and Obama

I'm fine with the left living in denial. I can't wait for their excuses when they are again rejected in 2016. The only wild card is the GOP establishment and RINO's, they ARE dumb as a brick and it wouldn't be the first time they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
You are gonna be so much fun in 2016.
Then there's this....

Monday, June 29, 2015

Twenty-six percent (26%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending June 25.

This finding is down two points from 28% the week before and ties the low for the year first reached in April. From late December through the beginning of March, 30% or more of voters said every week that the country was heading in the right direction, but the weekly findings have fallen back into the mid- to high 20s since then.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) now believe the nation is headed down the wrong track, up two points from a week ago.

A year ago at this time, findings were identical, 26% to 67%.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports
Thank you for this true representation of presidential favorability. 26% represents hard core Democrats. Proof that Americans despise ObamaNation. All of it will be dismantled when we get a decent Republican conservative President in 2017.
Last edited:
I've always said: when the truth comes out about him. the people are going to be SHOCKED and sickened they voted for him. more than they are now, that they took away Congress from him and his party of snake commies
The truth has already come out about him. We warned America that Obama was a communist sympathizer who hates America and white people.
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
Sorry but more people still disapprove of this horrible president.

"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 38% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11."
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

"% Approve % Disapprove
06/27-29/2015 46% 50%"

Gallup Daily Obama Job Approval
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
Amazing how low the bar must be in order for your kind to get over it. You cheer like a small child at 50% (of course that's not true but you sure need it to be). Maybe time for some self reflection is in order?
"Mr. Obama’s job approval rating stands at 46.4 percent, his highest mark in nearly two years, according to a recent Gallup survey. The figure puts him in the company of President Reagan, whose approval rating also hovered around 46 percent at the same point in his presidency.

Mr. Obama is far above President Bush, whose rating sunk to 35 percent during his 25th quarter in office. But Mr. Obama trails President Clinton, who held 64 percent approval ratings at this point in his term."

Read more: Obama equals Ronald Reagan popularity as economy gas prices boost job approval - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

So, now, more popular than Reagan at the same point of his presidency; much more popular as Bush and trails the last great Democratic President, Clinton by 14%.
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
50 percent, you say? THAT'S A LIE!!!

According to a Bible-compliant Fox News scientific poll, gay imam Barry HUSSEIN Soretoreo has an approval rating of -666 percent.
Ooops. The Moonbats are going to have an aneurysm.

Ooops. The Moonbats are going to have an aneurysm.

View attachment 43741

Gee, shows Obama @50%...enjoy your aneurysm.

Shows him at 46.4%....averages confuse the typical left loon. As do percentages

The loons are generally incompetent at the Maths.

They are generally incompetent at life, that's why they need government to provide for them and tell them how to live

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