Obama at 50%

As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
Amazing how low the bar must be in order for your kind to get over it. You cheer like a small child at 50% (of course that's not true but you sure need it to be). Maybe time for some self reflection is in order?

Considering Bush had 27% approval at one time in his 2nd term, nearly double that is pretty remarkable.

Is the bar set low? Well, yeah. Given that Congress is not interested in working with him on behalf of the American people, that the 2016 election is already underway and his programs and policies are being examined closer than ever, and that he's essentially a lame duck since all he has is the power of EOs. I'd say his popularity is higher than it would be otherwise if the GOP would somehow formulate a plan and show up once in a while.

332-206. Reflect on that.
Damn so the last eight years has been nothing more than being more popular than Bush at his lowest point. That's a winner there. Congress was all democrat and he delivered you such awesomeness as obiecare, this booming economy, world peace, the oceans are sinking, Our debt is cut in half and somehow his failure in achieving anything good is someone else's fault. You know we could have had a fucking piglet put in office that achieved as much? As a matter of fact if we had we my not have actually had to deal with him and his favorite fat pig he married. She's oinking here way across the world as we speak. At our expense of course, snorting at the trough is hard work for someone like them.
The GOP kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in 2014, the threw the libs to the ground, stomped on them, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed...and still the Dem's talk shit its hilarious. :laugh: I kind of feel sorry for Obama his own party abandoned him in 2014 making him a lame duck. He probably stomps around the White House saying F me every time he thinks back on that election.

If you want funny you better go back and look at the voter turnout. 36.3% turnout of which Democrats picked up 18.1% of that vote. You can laugh all the way to November 2016 when Democrats will hand you your ass for about ten years. You have no candidate that will unite the party, you need the youth vote, the women vote, the gay vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, You have nothing going on that can seal the deal for you. All of that because you didn't listen to people who said if you want to win you need an immigration bill, you need gay marriage, equal pay for women, etc you ignored it all at your own peril and you can shake your head all you want but next time I hope you pay attention and listen.
And 18 of 24 Senate seats available in 2016 are currently republican. The Dems only need to pick up 5 for the majority.

Let me help you with your math, Dem's need to retain 6 senate seats AND take 5 more from the GOP. Considering they just got their asses handed to them even in some blue states and Obama is on his way out the door good luck with that.

Why is it that the GOP performs well when voter turnout is low, but doesn't do well when voter turnout is high?
Because there really aren't that many smart people out there. High turnout means high levels of stupid people. It's hard to compete when your base is retards.
The worst president in American history.

Actually the last poll, he was figured in at #16 but with his success with Obamacare and Gay Marriage he'll climb quite a bit higher.
True. History will look back fondly on Obama's Presidency. Quite the opposite of his predecessor.
You people are nuts if you think Obama is liked in this country. The people want Obamacare repealed. Just because the Supreme Court upheld it doesn't mean it's a good law. It's unconstitutional and Justice Roberts had to jump through hoops to make this language say tax and not mandate. He acted criminally and should be impeached!
There is a difference between unfavorable and despises. 50% of the American people despise Obama.

Not really. The adults in the room aren't happy with his presidency but they don't hate the guy. The immature haters who goose-step to hate radio make up the group who despises Big "O".
Don't let the door on your trailer hit your ass on your way out the door, Guber.
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
Amazing how low the bar must be in order for your kind to get over it. You cheer like a small child at 50% (of course that's not true but you sure need it to be). Maybe time for some self reflection is in order?

Considering Bush had 27% approval at one time in his 2nd term, nearly double that is pretty remarkable.

Is the bar set low? Well, yeah. Given that Congress is not interested in working with him on behalf of the American people, that the 2016 election is already underway and his programs and policies are being examined closer than ever, and that he's essentially a lame duck since all he has is the power of EOs. I'd say his popularity is higher than it would be otherwise if the GOP would somehow formulate a plan and show up once in a while.

332-206. Reflect on that.
Damn so the last eight years has been nothing more than being more popular than Bush at his lowest point. That's a winner there. Congress was all democrat and he delivered you such awesomeness as obiecare, this booming economy, world peace, the oceans are sinking, Our debt is cut in half and somehow his failure in achieving anything good is someone else's fault. You know we could have had a fucking piglet put in office that achieved as much? As a matter of fact if we had we my not have actually had to deal with him and his favorite fat pig he married. She's oinking here way across the world as we speak. At our expense of course, snorting at the trough is hard work for someone like them.

As long as people like you are pissed off, it is a sure sign that he is on the right path leading the nation. His popularity is just another clue for an idiot like you; that you have no choice other than to be obscene and attack his wife shows just how little is your so-called life.

It's an overstatement to wonder if I care what you think, because my final words to you are that there is nothing you can teach me about anything; so off to ignore you go <plink>.
The GOP kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in 2014, the threw the libs to the ground, stomped on them, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed...and still the Dem's talk shit its hilarious. :laugh: I kind of feel sorry for Obama his own party abandoned him in 2014 making him a lame duck. He probably stomps around the White House saying F me every time he thinks back on that election.

If you want funny you better go back and look at the voter turnout. 36.3% turnout of which Democrats picked up 18.1% of that vote. You can laugh all the way to November 2016 when Democrats will hand you your ass for about ten years. You have no candidate that will unite the party, you need the youth vote, the women vote, the gay vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, You have nothing going on that can seal the deal for you. All of that because you didn't listen to people who said if you want to win you need an immigration bill, you need gay marriage, equal pay for women, etc you ignored it all at your own peril and you can shake your head all you want but next time I hope you pay attention and listen.
And 18 of 24 Senate seats available in 2016 are currently republican. The Dems only need to pick up 5 for the majority.

Let me help you with your math, Dem's need to retain 6 senate seats AND take 5 more from the GOP. Considering they just got their asses handed to them even in some blue states and Obama is on his way out the door good luck with that.

Why is it that the GOP performs well when voter turnout is low, but doesn't do well when voter turnout is high?
Because there really aren't that many smart people out there. High turnout means high levels of stupid people. It's hard to compete when your base is retards.

That was really a stupid reply, it was all conjecture with nothing to back yourself up. It figures, Bubba.
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
He's 50% white,50% black. And he's 50% clueless and 50% confused.
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?
He's 50% white,50% black. And he's 50% clueless and 50% confused.

332-206. Ends the confusion.

1/2 the country hates him and a quarter of his own party at any one time is at varying degrees of disappointment in him. To be at 50% right now is both a testament to him and the impotence of the GOP.
RCP has him at 46% he has gotten a bump from the Supreme Court decisions those will fade as the nation and medias attention moves on to other stories what's going on in Greece and and the Iran nuke negotiations to name a couple.
The worst president in American history.

Actually the last poll, he was figured in at #16 but with his success with Obamacare and Gay Marriage he'll climb quite a bit higher.
True. History will look back fondly on Obama's Presidency. Quite the opposite of his predecessor.
You people are nuts if you think Obama is liked in this country. The people want Obamacare repealed. Just because the Supreme Court upheld it doesn't mean it's a good law. It's unconstitutional and Justice Roberts had to jump through hoops to make this language say tax and not mandate. He acted criminally and should be impeached!

332-206. "You're likeable enough, Barack"

RCP has him at 46% he has gotten a bump from the Supreme Court decisions those will fade as the nation and medias attention moves on to other stories what's going on in Greece and and the Iran nuke negotiations to name a couple.

He'll top out at 53 now that he's on the warpath about people actually getting paid overtime for work they do past 40 hours....
RCP has him at 46% he has gotten a bump from the Supreme Court decisions those will fade as the nation and medias attention moves on to other stories what's going on in Greece and and the Iran nuke negotiations to name a couple.

He'll top out at 53 now that he's on the warpath about people actually getting paid overtime for work they do past 40 hours....
People already get paid overtime for work they do past 40 hours and by the way only one poll the CNN one showed him at 50%.
Obama couldn't even get his own party to turn out and support him, I think you should occupy your time with that question. He won re-election but the Dem's left him hanging handing both houses of congress to the GOP.
Lol after last week's conservative ass whupping THAT'S what you want me to occupy my time with?

No thanks Obama's done what he came to do and I expect a resounding win in 2016. Bush left the Presidency in exile, and he still hasn't come out of it. Obama will leave the Presidency with his pride intact.

What the gay marriage thing? lol Talk about your nothing burger. While you people occupy your time on meaningless crap like that we are destroying the union cash cow that underpins the Democratic party. As for Obamacare we want to keep that around until we finish using it to destroy Dem's in elections. You libs are nothing if not funny. :laugh:

Oh buddy you're priming yourself up for a HUGE let down... and in a thread about the strength of Obama's approval rating to boot. You better be praying to the heavens that they find something about Benghazi! :laugh:

When I see Democrat politicians in congress screaming at Obama because their constituents at home are screaming at them over Obamacare, when those Dem politicians force Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for Obamacare, and when that doesn't work and those Dem's lose anyway, well I about got a hernia laughing. :laugh:

The SCOTUS did the GOP a HUGE favor with their Obamacare ruling. Had it gone the other way that would have put the GOP in a very awkward position. The Dem's who own 100% of this turd Obamacare are desperate to get out from under it. The onus would have been on the GOP to pass a bill fixing this which gets their hands dirty on Obamacare and if they don't then the Dem's have a war cry over the GOP let 6 million people lose their health insurance. The GOP dodged one there thanks to the SCOTUS.

As for gay marriage that issue just vanished from the 2016 election, its over they got what they wanted. Now we get to focus on Obamacare, jobs, and the economy all three issues where the Dem's are on defense. So you have yourself a celebration but I couldn't be happier with the recent SCOTUS decisions. Hell yeah :eusa_dance:
Ahaha so you're happy because the supreme court saved your party's ass from 2 of multiple shitty stances it's taken?! Wow what a confidence booster! :rofl:
You will notice that all of the Republican candidates are saying marriage is between a man and a woman. They haven't backed down from that stance and the people of America are on the side of the Republicans. And One last thing: just keep up the rhetoric Democrats that you want churches taxed if they don't agree to marry gays.
There is a difference between unfavorable and despises. 50% of the American people despise Obama.

Not really. The adults in the room aren't happy with his presidency but they don't hate the guy. The immature haters who goose-step to hate radio make up the group who despises Big "O".
Don't let the door on your trailer hit your ass on your way out the door, Guber.
Obama shoved gay marriage and Obamacare down our throats And you think the American people don't despise him for that? Get a clue retard.
As predicted, the Obama express continues to gain popularity. Needless to say that the supreme court decisions helped. What has really been a boon to our President's popularity is the MIA GOP Congress. They did win in 2014...didn't they?

I heard Trump said motherfucker on live TV.
Lol after last week's conservative ass whupping THAT'S what you want me to occupy my time with?

No thanks Obama's done what he came to do and I expect a resounding win in 2016. Bush left the Presidency in exile, and he still hasn't come out of it. Obama will leave the Presidency with his pride intact.

What the gay marriage thing? lol Talk about your nothing burger. While you people occupy your time on meaningless crap like that we are destroying the union cash cow that underpins the Democratic party. As for Obamacare we want to keep that around until we finish using it to destroy Dem's in elections. You libs are nothing if not funny. :laugh:

Oh buddy you're priming yourself up for a HUGE let down... and in a thread about the strength of Obama's approval rating to boot. You better be praying to the heavens that they find something about Benghazi! :laugh:

When I see Democrat politicians in congress screaming at Obama because their constituents at home are screaming at them over Obamacare, when those Dem politicians force Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for Obamacare, and when that doesn't work and those Dem's lose anyway, well I about got a hernia laughing. :laugh:

The SCOTUS did the GOP a HUGE favor with their Obamacare ruling. Had it gone the other way that would have put the GOP in a very awkward position. The Dem's who own 100% of this turd Obamacare are desperate to get out from under it. The onus would have been on the GOP to pass a bill fixing this which gets their hands dirty on Obamacare and if they don't then the Dem's have a war cry over the GOP let 6 million people lose their health insurance. The GOP dodged one there thanks to the SCOTUS.

As for gay marriage that issue just vanished from the 2016 election, its over they got what they wanted. Now we get to focus on Obamacare, jobs, and the economy all three issues where the Dem's are on defense. So you have yourself a celebration but I couldn't be happier with the recent SCOTUS decisions. Hell yeah :eusa_dance:
Ahaha so you're happy because the supreme court saved your party's ass from 2 of multiple shitty stances it's taken?! Wow what a confidence booster! :rofl:
You will notice that all of the Republican candidates are saying marriage is between a man and a woman. They haven't backed down from that stance and the people of America are on the side of the Republicans. And One last thing: just keep up the rhetoric Democrats that you want churches taxed if they don't agree to marry gays.
Oh hi! Welcome to the 21st century.

Everything you said is wrong. :thup:
The GOP kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in 2014, the threw the libs to the ground, stomped on them, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed...and still the Dem's talk shit its hilarious. :laugh: I kind of feel sorry for Obama his own party abandoned him in 2014 making him a lame duck. He probably stomps around the White House saying F me every time he thinks back on that election.

If you want funny you better go back and look at the voter turnout. 36.3% turnout of which Democrats picked up 18.1% of that vote. You can laugh all the way to November 2016 when Democrats will hand you your ass for about ten years. You have no candidate that will unite the party, you need the youth vote, the women vote, the gay vote, the Black vote, the Hispanic vote, You have nothing going on that can seal the deal for you. All of that because you didn't listen to people who said if you want to win you need an immigration bill, you need gay marriage, equal pay for women, etc you ignored it all at your own peril and you can shake your head all you want but next time I hope you pay attention and listen.
And 18 of 24 Senate seats available in 2016 are currently republican. The Dems only need to pick up 5 for the majority.

Let me help you with your math, Dem's need to retain 6 senate seats AND take 5 more from the GOP. Considering they just got their asses handed to them even in some blue states and Obama is on his way out the door good luck with that.

Why is it that the GOP performs well when voter turnout is low, but doesn't do well when voter turnout is high?

Why is it the Democrats threw Obama under the busy by not voting?
Lol after last week's conservative ass whupping THAT'S what you want me to occupy my time with?

No thanks Obama's done what he came to do and I expect a resounding win in 2016. Bush left the Presidency in exile, and he still hasn't come out of it. Obama will leave the Presidency with his pride intact.

What the gay marriage thing? lol Talk about your nothing burger. While you people occupy your time on meaningless crap like that we are destroying the union cash cow that underpins the Democratic party. As for Obamacare we want to keep that around until we finish using it to destroy Dem's in elections. You libs are nothing if not funny. :laugh:

Oh buddy you're priming yourself up for a HUGE let down... and in a thread about the strength of Obama's approval rating to boot. You better be praying to the heavens that they find something about Benghazi! :laugh:

When I see Democrat politicians in congress screaming at Obama because their constituents at home are screaming at them over Obamacare, when those Dem politicians force Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for Obamacare, and when that doesn't work and those Dem's lose anyway, well I about got a hernia laughing. :laugh:

The SCOTUS did the GOP a HUGE favor with their Obamacare ruling. Had it gone the other way that would have put the GOP in a very awkward position. The Dem's who own 100% of this turd Obamacare are desperate to get out from under it. The onus would have been on the GOP to pass a bill fixing this which gets their hands dirty on Obamacare and if they don't then the Dem's have a war cry over the GOP let 6 million people lose their health insurance. The GOP dodged one there thanks to the SCOTUS.

As for gay marriage that issue just vanished from the 2016 election, its over they got what they wanted. Now we get to focus on Obamacare, jobs, and the economy all three issues where the Dem's are on defense. So you have yourself a celebration but I couldn't be happier with the recent SCOTUS decisions. Hell yeah :eusa_dance:
Ahaha so you're happy because the supreme court saved your party's ass from 2 of multiple shitty stances it's taken?! Wow what a confidence booster! :rofl:
You will notice that all of the Republican candidates are saying marriage is between a man and a woman. They haven't backed down from that stance and the people of America are on the side of the Republicans. And One last thing: just keep up the rhetoric Democrats that you want churches taxed if they don't agree to marry gays.

The libs couldn't win the hearts and minds of the people so they won a court decision. Its going to suck to be them during the next election when the people get an opportunity to bitch slap them.
What the gay marriage thing? lol Talk about your nothing burger. While you people occupy your time on meaningless crap like that we are destroying the union cash cow that underpins the Democratic party. As for Obamacare we want to keep that around until we finish using it to destroy Dem's in elections. You libs are nothing if not funny. :laugh:

Oh buddy you're priming yourself up for a HUGE let down... and in a thread about the strength of Obama's approval rating to boot. You better be praying to the heavens that they find something about Benghazi! :laugh:

When I see Democrat politicians in congress screaming at Obama because their constituents at home are screaming at them over Obamacare, when those Dem politicians force Obama to go on national TV and take the blame for Obamacare, and when that doesn't work and those Dem's lose anyway, well I about got a hernia laughing. :laugh:

The SCOTUS did the GOP a HUGE favor with their Obamacare ruling. Had it gone the other way that would have put the GOP in a very awkward position. The Dem's who own 100% of this turd Obamacare are desperate to get out from under it. The onus would have been on the GOP to pass a bill fixing this which gets their hands dirty on Obamacare and if they don't then the Dem's have a war cry over the GOP let 6 million people lose their health insurance. The GOP dodged one there thanks to the SCOTUS.

As for gay marriage that issue just vanished from the 2016 election, its over they got what they wanted. Now we get to focus on Obamacare, jobs, and the economy all three issues where the Dem's are on defense. So you have yourself a celebration but I couldn't be happier with the recent SCOTUS decisions. Hell yeah :eusa_dance:
Ahaha so you're happy because the supreme court saved your party's ass from 2 of multiple shitty stances it's taken?! Wow what a confidence booster! :rofl:
You will notice that all of the Republican candidates are saying marriage is between a man and a woman. They haven't backed down from that stance and the people of America are on the side of the Republicans. And One last thing: just keep up the rhetoric Democrats that you want churches taxed if they don't agree to marry gays.
Oh hi! Welcome to the 21st century.

Everything you said is wrong. :thup:

Go ahead explain how in the liberal state of California BOTH blacks and Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage and the measure passed OOOOOOHHHHH SNAAAAAPPPPP!!!

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