Obama..? At loss for words??? "Smartest" President.."uhhh..uh..uhhh..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
'Uhhh…Uh…Uhhh….People!' Obama at Total Loss for Words When Staff Forgets His Speech
President Obama strolled out to the podium today in San Jose, CA and was immediately at a loss for words. Not only did the President not have teleprompter, his aides forgot his speech.

“My remarks are not sitting here,” the President declared awkwardly. “I’m uhhh….people….oh goodness….uhhhh...folks are sweating back there right now.”

'Uhhh?Uh?Uhhh?.People!' Obama at Total Loss for Words When Staff Forgets His Speech - Fox Nation

This from the Smartest President EVER??????
Ah... but he can be excused... after all he as the famous Sargent-I-Know-Nothing- Schultz...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgcxGFmYyPs]Sargent Schultz - I know nothing, I am not here - I did not even get up this morning! - YouTube[/ame]
I turned it off because I could not tolerate one more lie from that evil slime. I'm sorry I did now. I'd like to see him squirm.
Not to self.. not only is he not the smartest President... he's not really all that smart.
Well, in all honesty, every President speaks from written notes or a written speech placed on the podium before him.

This does, however, illustrate the incompetence of the people around him.
Of course he's still smarter than Bush right bed wetters?

For all of these endless videos and soundbites I've seen/heard of this bumbling clown it pains me too know that there are people who still believe this asshole has any brains at all. All of these foaming at the mouth rabid sycophantic moonbats who can be counted on to robotically insult the intelligence of any prominent conservative, they're devoted to voting for and supporting some of the dumbest people ever to hold public offices.

They have no place at all commenting on anyone else's intellectual capacity.
Well, in all honesty, every President speaks from written notes or a written speech placed on the podium before him.

This does, however, illustrate the incompetence of the people around him.

I don't buy that. I'm involved in politics, have run for office. I have given many speeches and attended many more. I've been asked on the spur of the moment to get up and speak. I can speak for 10, 15 minutes. If it's a topic near and dear to my heart I could go on for hours. Most public speakers can. When you speak from your heart you don't need notes or a teleprompter. I've seen it done many times.

So I guess the lesson here is, no notes, no heart all you get is ummmmm, ahhhhhhh, and errrrrrrrrrrrrr.
So, staffers forgot to put his prepared remarks on the podium, and because he didn't have them memorized in the first place, he's the dumbest president ever?


Jesus H Christ, you people are a sad lot.
What's sad is that we have a President who is so ill prepared he can't remember the key points and speak without a Teleprompter.
President Obama strolled out to the podium today in San Jose, CA and was immediately at a loss for words. Not only did the President not have teleprompter, his aides forgot his speech.

“My remarks are not sitting here,” the President declared awkwardly. “I’m uhhh….people….oh goodness….uhhhh...folks are sweating back there right now.”

President Obama, who’s often mocked for an over-reliance on scripts, shifted uncomfortably smiling for several moments buying time. An aide sprinted out with a hard copy of the speech, tripping at one point, adding to the drama.

Read more: 'Uhhh?Uh?Uhhh?.People!' Obama at Total Loss for Words When Staff Forgets His Speech - Fox Nation

OMG.. How embarrassing. The Amateur hour with a DUMBASS who can't form a coherent sentence without someone holding his fucking hand. WOW..
So, staffers forgot to put his prepared remarks on the podium, and because he didn't have them memorized in the first place, he's the dumbest president ever?


Jesus H Christ, you people are a sad lot.
Why would he have to memorize anything, if he was able to just wing it and speak from the heart?

Oh, wait......

Or speak from his brain....

Obama is the unholy bastard offspring from Hell of the Tin Man and The Scarecrow!
So, staffers forgot to put his prepared remarks on the podium, and because he didn't have them memorized in the first place, he's the dumbest president ever?


Jesus H Christ, you people are a sad lot.
Why would he have to memorize anything, if he was able to just wing it and speak from the heart?

Oh, wait......

He's done that on occasion... Remember the bitter clinger speech? He was fully articulate and comfortable validating the hatred the left has for most of the people in the country. He shares that hatred.

I consider liberalism to be the politics of hate and envy.

So I hate them back, but I can never envy the pathetic miserable little sheep.
In all fairness he expected them to bring him the prepared remarks so he would not have started speaking only to have to stop again. So it was only a couple of minutes--less, until he started.
But it is true that when he has to speak spontaneously he dirt palms every time. This is because he isn't really passionate about anything other than holding power. And that doesnt look pretty.
So, staffers forgot to put his prepared remarks on the podium, and because he didn't have them memorized in the first place, he's the dumbest president ever?


Jesus H Christ, you people are a sad lot.

his prepared remarks? I doubt it. Each time it has happened he starts to "uhhh". I seriously believe most of the time he is given prepared remarks/speeches totally done by others than himself on subjects/circumstances he really knows little of- due to lack of interest, I don't know. He is pretty clueless unless he has been prepped before hand for such things as a debate, or it has to do with remarks to a left wing group on subjects that are near and dear to his heart.
So, staffers forgot to put his prepared remarks on the podium, and because he didn't have them memorized in the first place, he's the dumbest president ever?


Jesus H Christ, you people are a sad lot.

Perhaps you lefties shouldn't have had such a collective wet dream over him. You pumped him up to be the second coming and frankly, he's turned out to be quite mediocre at best.... there's nothing extraordinary about that man at all. Nothing.
So, staffers forgot to put his prepared remarks on the podium, and because he didn't have them memorized in the first place, he's the dumbest president ever?


Jesus H Christ, you people are a sad lot.

his prepared remarks? I doubt it. Each time it has happened he starts to "uhhh". I seriously believe most of the time he is given prepared remarks/speeches totally done by others than himself on subjects/circumstances he really knows little of- due to lack of interest, I don't know. He is pretty clueless unless he has been prepped before hand for such things as a debate, or it has to do with remarks to a left wing group on subjects that are near and dear to his heart.

If someone doesn't "prepare" his remarks he can't even address a room full of second graders. There's nothing remarkable about this clown.

I'd love to see his college records, that are of course sealed from the public. I'll bet they make Bush look like a Rhodes scholar.

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