Obama Attempting To Take Over Our Elections With Executive Order


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.
Crap, this is a commission to make recommendations to promote efficient elections and terminates 30 days after preparing a report. That's it.

If you think the federal government is nationalizing elections, you should be complaining about the federal election laws that have been in effect for nearly 40 years which actually regulate national elections or the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which regulates all elections local, state, or federal.

Mission. (a) The Commission shall identify best practices and otherwise make recommendations to promote the efficient administration of elections in order to ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay, and to improve the experience of voters facing other obstacles in casting their ballots, such as members of the military, overseas voters, voters with disabilities, and voters with limited English proficiency.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.

Did you even bother to read or comprehend the EO, or do you just lie in knee-jerk fashion.

This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

This is merely a commission designed to identify best practices with regard to ensuring all Americans are afforded the right to vote, and it conforms to existing elections law.

Obviously your concern has nothing to do with the president ‘taking over’ elections, rather your concern is that all Americans will have an opportunity to vote, including those whom you perceive to be ‘democratic voters.’

It’s hard to determine which is the greater idiocy, your paranoia or your partisanism.
So Bush could have used this power of POTUS to require Voter ID and match with Social Security number to keep the non-living from voting...the things I learn at USMB
The tanks are closing in! They're only a couple of blocks away from me as we speak!

The horror!!!

It won't be like that.

You have no idea how communists take power. But once they take power all of the sudden you realize that you screwed up when you believed they were on the level. Once your freedoms are gone nothing you can do can bring them back.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.

Did you even bother to read or comprehend the EO, or do you just lie in knee-jerk fashion.

This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

This is merely a commission designed to identify best practices with regard to ensuring all Americans are afforded the right to vote, and it conforms to existing elections law.

Obviously your concern has nothing to do with the president ‘taking over’ elections, rather your concern is that all Americans will have an opportunity to vote, including those whom you perceive to be ‘democratic voters.’

It’s hard to determine which is the greater idiocy, your paranoia or your partisanism.

First they start small and it turns into something more.

Fact is elections are in the control of states. Obama is sticking his nose into something that is none of his God Damned business.

It's like the way he took over GM and Chrysler. He still has total control of them yet he said "Nobody's talking about taking over private companies". Or the way the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt. It all seems so innocent at first, but then they start taking more and more power. Who's gonna stop them.
Obama started a commission to look into ways to decrease gun-violence around the first of the year. 3 months later look where we are.

Now he's saying he wants to do the same thing with elections.

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.

You're right, he should be working on a way to stop the cheating GOP House from redistricting instead.

Then pass a law making sure that everyone has voter I.D.s........

Obama carted in busloads of Somalis in Ohio to vote. Somehow they were able to vote during early voting. Voting machines were registering Romney votes as Obama votes in 5 states. Wonder how that happened.

Any politician that cannot win an election without pulling monkey-business cannot be trusted. He's never won an election fairly, never......

Executive Order -- Establishment of the Presidential Commission of Election Administration | The White House

Federal elections are run by the individual states. Obama signed an executive order Thurdsay attempting to change the way elections will be held from now on, essentially nationalizing elections.

One more step toward dictatorship.

You're right, he should be working on a way to stop the cheating GOP House from redistricting instead.

Then pass a law making sure that everyone has voter I.D.s........

Obama carted in busloads of Somalis in Ohio to vote. Somehow they were able to vote during early voting. Voting machines were registering Romney votes as Obama votes in 5 states. Wonder how that happened.

Any politician that cannot win an election without pulling monkey-business cannot be trusted. He's never won an election fairly, never......

I personally flew in almost 6,000 Cambodians to cast 3 ballots each in Ohio. Don't tell anyone though it's top secret.

I don't know how to account for the other 5,000,000 people who Obama won by. I heard the Virginia team was looking into submarining over some Filipinos. Maybe that accounts for the discrepancy.
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This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL , Federal elections are left to the States to run by THEIR laws taking into consideration the requirements of the Constitution. No State can be compelled by the federal Government to establish polling places EXCEPT by State law, determine election requirements except by the Constitution etc etc.

This Commission is Illegal. If the States allow this to stand they deserve the loss of their rights.
Fact is elections are in the control of states. Obama is sticking his nose into something that is none of his God Damned business.

Both the states and the federal government have an input into the election process.

In exercising power, the Congress may supplement the state regulations or may substitute its own[viii]. It may impose additional penalties for the violation of the state laws or provide independent sanctions. It has a general supervisory power over the whole subject.

The President is vested with the executive power of the nation. The presidential election and the vital character of its relationship to and effect upon the welfare and safety of the whole people is an important matter and Congress possesses power to pass appropriate legislation to safeguard such an election from the improper use of money to influence the result.

Regulation of Elections - Elections
this is a commission to make recommendations to promote efficient elections and terminates 30 days after preparing a report. That's it.
Thank you. The usual flock of irrational paranoid mental cases getting all worked up about whatever they can work their little pea brains into getting worked up about.

1. Unconstitutional

2. Dictatorial
I'd love to hear you explain how creating a commission to make recommendations for efficient elections is either unconstitutional or dictatorial.

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