Obama backing off taking executive action on illegals until after the election ?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
We all know this whole idea of Obama taking executive action is all about energizing the Hispanic vote right before the election. It's looking like now however, that many Dim politicians are concerned of voter backlash.

As soon as the election is over, Obama will be right back at it however.

Obama Hints He’ll Delay Amnesty Until After Election

President Barack Obama hinted Thursday that he would delay his unpopular executive amnesty until after the critical November election.
“Our immigration system is broken and need to be fixed, and my preference continues to be that Congress act,” he said, echoing a familiar claim by advocates of greater immigration.
But he next suggested that Congress might act after the November mid-term elections. “Hope springs eternal that after the midterm elections, they may act,” he said.
And then he suggested he would wait until after the elections before deciding the scope of his planned unilateral amnesty.
“In the meantime [before the election], what I’ve asked [homeland security secretary] Jeh Johnson to do, is to look at what kind of executive authorities we have in order to make the system work better,” he stated.
Obama’s use of the phrase “in the meantime,” suggests that he won’t announce his amnesty until after the election.
Previously, officials have repeatedly said that Obama will act by the end of summer.
After his “meantime” comment, Obama briefly discussed his amnesty plans, which reportedly include granting work-permits to 5 million illegal immigrants, and also allowing companies to import guest-workers for jobs sought by Americans.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/28/obama-hints-hell-delay-amnesty-until-after-election/#ixzz3CFZ1vPl8
Numerous polls show those proposals are politically radioactive among swing-voters, Republicans, blue-collar voters and among many Hispanics, partly because many Americans are worried amnesty would harm their job opportunities and wages. GOP politicians such as Rep. Tom Cotton and Scott Brown are using the issue to boost their poll ratings.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/28/obama-hints-hell-delay-amnesty-until-after-election/#ixzz3CFZKIFV9

If the GOP had any nerve, they would finance 'sympathetic' la Raza advertisements that pushed the issue and told the public that Obama would do this anyway as soon as a lame duck Congress could be called, composed of known winners and losers in the House and Senate, impervious to public blow back for another 2-6 years.

That is how the conniving bastards ended DADT.

The real question is, 'When will the American People reclaim control of their own democracy from international corporations and Wall Street banks?' Till that is answered positively all the rest is merely window dressing.

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