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obama birth certificate issue may not be dead...

There is no news on this case. I looked for info on:

Docketed: No. 12A606

Title: Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants - v. - Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State

Supreme Court of California - Lower Ct Case Nos.: (S207078)

DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.

:lol: SCOTUS must be busy laughing their ass off about this over drinks Friday night. :lol:

final word on tuesday.... but it's unlikely there will be a show trial, but this is significat progress.

i think the next round comes from arizona. any real course of action will come from lamar smith and the house judiciary committee.

SCOUTS dismissed this BS without coment.
There is no news on this case. I looked for info on:

Docketed: No. 12A606

Title: Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants - v. - Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State

Supreme Court of California - Lower Ct Case Nos.: (S207078)

DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.

:lol: SCOTUS must be busy laughing their ass off about this over drinks Friday night. :lol:

final word on tuesday.... but it's unlikely there will be a show trial, but this is significat progress.

i think the next round comes from arizona. any real course of action will come from lamar smith and the house judiciary committee.

SCOUTS dismissed this BS without coment.

Hey, let us k.ow how this turns out cause this could be the thi.g that brings him down. :)

this is the video that was scrubbed:

but it's back again:

it could be as simple as this
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if you viewed the full factcheck. org article, you would have seen that it was revised and updated in april of 2011, when Obama's long form was released and if you had read through the full article you also would have found the link for the full long form birth certificate.

When that link is clicked .... this is what you get from the barackobama.com -truth-team:

"Sorry, the page you're looking for isn't here."

Not very "informative" ... and what a joke ..... the "Truth Team".

Where do you think he was born and what legitimate proof do you have that he was born there?
That's where any logical person would start...

It's not our responsibility to prove where he was born ... it is HIS RESPONSIBILITY. I know he was obviously born .. because he exists .... where he was born ... and who his real parents are is on him to prove, not my job to disprove.

That's no proof of anything. I could have a street address in Hawaii and I live in Texas. Would a Hawaiian street address prove they lived there? Prove they were married? Prove who the father was? Where he was born? No ... no ... no ... and no.

the hospital that Obama was born in forwarded his birth certificate to the department of Health Registry 2 days after he was born, and the Hawaii Dept of Health Registry ran an ad, in their New Birth and Marriage section of the 2 Honolulu Newspapers noting his birth and the birth of all other children born that prior week in Honolulu, Hawaii, they did NOT post in this newpaper section of Marriages and births, the births of child NOT born in Honolulu, ONLY those children born in Honolulu....in august of 1961....that right there, seals the deal, with the copy of birth certificate long form just being the icing on the cake.

Absolutely untrue. Based on Hawaiian law ... ( the specific text of which has already been posted previously in this thread), a non-witnessed ...non-hospital birth can be registered with the Department of Health by mere testimony of either a parent or anyone else claiming to have "knowledge" of such a birth, which would generate the same birth announcement. And it was a known loophole that existed then, and still exists today that allows even foreign born children to claim Hawaiian birth status and US Citizenship ... with investigations finding thousands of examples of this very practice occurring commonly during the time frame of Obama's birth.

Far from anything remotely close to "sealing the deal" ... these birth announcements mean absolutely nothing. They are as valuable as a 50 year old coupon for the local grocery store. In fact, any birth certificate from the State of Hawaii that is not testified to by an attending physician's signature, stipulating the time, date and place of birth is as worthless as a three dollar bill.

And every trail that has been followed in this very detailed investigation comes up with inexplicable incidences that suggest foul play. For example, .... records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth, including the dates Aug. 1, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961. No other records were missing ... just those during that very week, and to think that is just a coincidence would be BRAIN DEAD. The only rational explanation for this is that those records would likely reveal documented evidence of the arrival of momma Obama and son (already born) that week from some foreign country of origin. There would be no other reason for someone to remove those records.

the long form is not a fake or a forgery, this is explained in many places on the internet and in the second link I gave you.

The clear evidence of forgery is presented right here in this very thread, and there is no denying it by anyone who is 1) honest or 2) not a drooling low grade moron.

Furthermore, all of the smoking guns, and inexplicable coincidences ... the stone walling by the White House and Hawaiian officials who refuse to certify the document presented ... the missing immigration card records for the week of Obama's birth .... the statements made by family claiming he was born in Kenya ... the likely forgery of the selective service registration card with the wrong format number .... the evidence of fraud is the size of Mt. Everest.

To sit there in the face of all of this and claim there is nothing out of sorts is absurdly idiotic. You might just as well declare that water isn't wet.

she got owned and had her ass handed to her on a platter from you.:clap2:
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Hey, let us k.ow how this turns out cause this could be the thi.g that brings him down. :)

this is the video that was scrubbed:

but it's back again:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1eHuIBjZWI&feature=player_embedded]NBC Reporter's Photo of Obama's Birth Certificate Doesn't Match White House Version - YouTube[/ame]

it could be as simple as this
but it's not simple or even correct.
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This is still going on ?????

Even Joe the Sheriff has moved onto the next conspiracy.

no, obama dropped his case against arpaio, the sheriff is moving forward with his investigation, now the supreme court is paying attention. try to keep up.

yeah but nothing will come of it because our courts ESPECIALLY the supreme court,is bought off and paid for.Politicians,ESPECIALLY presidents,get away with criems everyday we could never get away with.your living in a dreamworld if you think there will be any justice in this and Obama will be impeached.

I mean come on,thats four years overdue.Our corrupt courts will just drag it out for another four more years and he will be out of office and his crime of not being a us citizen will have been all forgotten about and americans will just forget about it and move on like they do with ALL presidents who commit crimes while in office.the courts protect them while in office and while out of office as well and the sheopel forget all about the criems they committed while in office and instead start focusing on the crimes the current president has committed.its the same pattern that goes on and on and on and has been the last several decades.

example.when Clinton was president,there was a new york times poll taken back then asking the american people who they thought was the most evil person of all time.Not surprisingly,Hitler came in at first.what WAS surprising though was Clinton came in second as a WRITE IN VOTE.at that time,he was the most evil and corrupt president of all time.anybody who googles in clintons crimes can see that for themselves.

But what was surprising to me was how they somehow forgot about all the crimes Nixon committed in office against the american people and what a mass murderer he was and how he put an evil dictater in power who murdered millions.He should have come in third but americans seem to have a short memory.:cuckoo: if they had that poll again now,I bet Clinton wouldnt even be on that list now.:cuckoo:
Why don't you people focus on true conspiracys that can bring down Eric Holder, Clinton & the FBI? Instead you dis-information agents chose to draw attention to this lie to damage the credibility of everyone who rebuffs government corruption.
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Why don't you people focus on true conspiracys that can bring down Eric Holder, Clinton & the FBI? Instead you dis-information agents chose to draw attention to this lie to damage the credibility of everyone who rebuffs government corruption.

we are.
Why don't you people focus on true conspiracys that can bring down Eric Holder, Clinton & the FBI? Instead you dis-information agents chose to draw attention to this lie to damage the credibility of everyone who rebuffs government corruption.

we are.

We are what? Dis-information agents?

The government arrested, tortured Kenneth Michael Trentadue to death without a trial. The government was found guilty in court & forced to pay $1.1 million to his family. This is the smoking gun of a true conspiracy folks. Eric Holder was involved under Bill Clinton. The federal government did the same thing to Alden Gillis Baker & Richard Lee Guthrie Jr. Yet no one talks about it because it is true. They distract people from real truth with birther fiction.
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