obama birth certificate: yes or no

obama birth certificate ?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • no

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
Really. Have you known of any President who hasn't released his college transcripts when asked??

I don't.

smart ass.
Bush refused to release them. What was he hiding?? :ack-1:

I agree. But they were released anyway and he wasn't hiding anything.

Funny how no one has found a way to release Barry's transcripts. They sure found a way with Bush.
Exactly, he was hiding nothing. Which means, just because someone doesn't want to release their college transcripts, doesn't mean they're hiding anything.
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.

sorry, guy, I strongly beg to differ.

If you want to include internet news sites then there are hundreds of articles which take the time to investigate, sight all of the incongruities and faults with that which you are so sure is the truth.

No, your president is a phony and a liar. He was never born in Hawaii. I have read more than enough, but I have no zeal to make my case once again.

You could start with this inexplicable. A tale of two birth certificates

But if you really have an interest, WorldNetDaily.com is as thorough as all of your cowardly, fawning liberal mainstream media news sites combined X 100. This particular link lists over a hundred articles on the subject. I do not expect positive results in changing your mind, unfortunately.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.

sorry, guy, I strongly beg to differ.

If you want to include internet news sites then there are hundreds of articles which take the time to investigate, sight all of the incongruities and faults with that which you are so sure is the truth.

No, your president is a phony and a liar. He was never born in Hawaii. I have read more than enough, but I have no zeal to make my case once again.

You could start with this inexplicable. A tale of two birth certificates

But if you really have an interest, WorldNetDaily.com is as thorough as all of your cowardly, fawning liberal mainstream media news sites combined X 100. This particular link lists over a hundred articles on the subject. I do not expect positive results in changing your mind, unfortunately.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve
You can differ all you want -- no one has been able to prove Obama was born in Kenya and no one has been able to prove his Hawaiian birth record is anything less than authentic.
Elk v. Wilkins 112 U.S. 94 (1884)
“The distinction between citizenship by birth and citizenship by naturalization is clearly marked in the provisions of the constitution, by which ‘no person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president;’ and ‘the congress shall have power to establish an uniform rule of naturalization.’ Const. art. 2, 1; art. 1, 8. By the thirteenth amendment of the constitution slavery was prohibited. The main object of the opening sentence of the fourteenth amendment was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this court, as to the citizenship of free negroes, Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393 and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside. Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 36, 73; Strauder v. West Virginia 100 U.S. 303 , 306

This section contemplates two sources of citizenship, and two sources only: birth and naturalization. The persons declared to be citizens are ‘all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.’ The evident meaning of these last words is, not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction, and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.”

This section contemplates two sources of citizenship, and two sources only: birth and naturalization. The persons declared to be citizens are ‘all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.’

Elk recognized only two kinds of citizenship Natural born and Naturalized.

Since people born in the United States are not naturalized citizens- they are natural born citizens.
As Elk points out.

Elk CLEARLY states:
"all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States"

OWING NO ALLEGIANCE TO ANY ALIEN POWER. Everyone knows Obama was born a British Subject, so he was not eligible for citizenship!

Elk is an interesting case- regarding whether an Indian born within the United States- and owing allegiance to his sovereign tribe was born a citizen

Elk also clearly states:

Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States, members of and owing immediate allegiance to one of the Indiana tribes (an alien though dependent power), although in a geographical sense born in the United States, are no more "born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," within the meaning of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment,
than the children of subjects of any foreign government born within the domain of that government,
or the children born within the United States of ambassadors or other public ministers of foreign nations.

Note the distinctions there
Children of subjects of any foreign government born within the domain of that government
Obama was not born within the domain of any other government

Note again the distinction here:
or the children born within the United States of ambassadors or other public ministers of foreign nations.

Obama was not born to a foreign diplomat

What is not mentioned by the courts is what you claim- that a person born with citizenship in another country is not a citizen.

Matter of fact- Elk doesn't care about the citizenship of the person's parents at all.

"The Slaughterhouse cases follows Elk and it states:
"The first observation we have to make on this clause is that it puts at rest both the questions which we stated to have been the subject of differences of opinion. It declares that persons may be citizens of the United States without regard to their citizenship of a particular State, and it overturns the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction citizens of the United States. That its main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the negro can admit of no doubt. The phrase, "subject to its jurisdiction" was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States."

"Matter of fact- Elk doesn't care about the citizenship of the person's parents at all."

YES, IT 100% DOES, when it says:
"By the thirteenth amendment of the constitution slavery was prohibited. The main object of the opening sentence of the fourteenth amendment was to settle the question, upon which there had been a difference of opinion throughout the country and in this court, as to the citizenship of free negroes, Scott v. Sandford, 19 How. 393 and to put it beyond doubt that all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside. Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 36, 73; Strauder v. West Virginia 100 U.S. 303 , 306"

Maybe you missed where it said: "all persons, white or black, and whether formerly slaves or not, born or naturalized in the United States, and owing no allegiance to any alien power, should be citizens"

The ONLY way you can owe no allegiance to an alien power is to not a foreign parent to create that divided allegiance!
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.

sorry, guy, I strongly beg to differ.

If you want to include internet news sites then there are hundreds of articles which take the time to investigate, sight all of the incongruities and faults with that which you are so sure is the truth.

No, your president is a phony and a liar. He was never born in Hawaii. I have read more than enough, but I have no zeal to make my case once again.

You could start with this inexplicable. A tale of two birth certificates

But if you really have an interest, WorldNetDaily.com is as thorough as all of your cowardly, fawning liberal mainstream media news sites combined X 100. This particular link lists over a hundred articles on the subject. I do not expect positive results in changing your mind, unfortunately.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve

I will make the case for you, IT'S ALL RIGHT HERE: Obama Eligibility

I know the Obots hate facts and truth, so I know they won't look at the evidence, but the readers that WANT to know the TRUTH can read the evidence and follow the links to the Congressional Records and will see that I 100% prove my claims!

You Obots can keep your heads in the sand and keep denying it, but ignoring the evidence doesn't make it not true!

THE TRUTH ALWAYS PREVAILS and this will prevail. That's why it never dies and keeps coming up, OVER AND OVER. If it were false, it would die!
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.

sorry, guy, I strongly beg to differ.

If you want to include internet news sites then there are hundreds of articles which take the time to investigate, sight all of the incongruities and faults with that which you are so sure is the truth.

No, your president is a phony and a liar. He was never born in Hawaii. I have read more than enough, but I have no zeal to make my case once again.

You could start with this inexplicable. A tale of two birth certificates

But if you really have an interest, WorldNetDaily.com is as thorough as all of your cowardly, fawning liberal mainstream media news sites combined X 100. This particular link lists over a hundred articles on the subject. I do not expect positive results in changing your mind, unfortunately.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve
You can differ all you want -- no one has been able to prove Obama was born in Kenya and no one has been able to prove his Hawaiian birth record is anything less than authentic.
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.

The media won't look at the evidence. They are under the impression that you only need to be born here, yet they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to back up that assumption.

I have the evidence and it is undisputable, so how can you keep saying IF this of IF that, they media would have gone after it? THAT IS BULL, look at all the stuff they are covering up now, why would you believe them about this?

LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE and learn the truth for yourself and stop listening to people that have NO EVIDENCE, just opinions. It's really EASY to understand, check it out:
Obama Eligibility
Yes, it exists. He was born in Hawaii.

But that will never, never, never matter to the birfers. Ever. You could put them in a time machine and take them back to the Kapiʻolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961 and shove their faces down into Ann Dunham's crotch as Barack emerges, and they will swear on a stack of Bibles they are in Kenya.

Even though Ann Dunham never visited Kenya. Not before, during, or after Barack Obama's birth.

We're talking about some seriously hardcore willful delusion here.

So fuck 'em. Wipe your ass with a book publisher's circular and call it a day.

What else are you so confident about I wonder?

Yes, I am seriously hardcore willfully delusional. So are people who believe rocks turn into humans.

But my contention is simple. The media is far and away liberal and they have no desire to expose this fraud. The right media (fox) and politicians have always been very afraid of this issue because they would never get a fair shake in the public in an honest and thorough examination of the facts. So they backed off because there is no upside for them. The public is either naïve, ignorant or gullible for various reasons. Plus they find it hard to believe a forgery could be made, even though there is so much espionage and coverup in politics and govt I do not know why that sounds so implausible? The guy waited 2 1/2 years to produce it. What a scoundrel, holding the nation hostage and diverting focus away from important issues just to play his games. The guy let Hillary get the jump on him by not producing it during the 2008 campaign. That makes no sense. The guy is a known con artist and hides everything.

The point is this. If you or anyone else really wanted to know all of the facts about Barack and his birth, you could uncover a TON! But no one wants to know. No one wants to be shown they are wrong. They would rather join the crowd and look so accomplished and LOL at the birthers. I am so happy for all of you.

Here is just a sample of reports no one is really interested in:

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama




Report Obama s 1991 Literary Agency Described Him as Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii TheBlaze.com
Bullshit. I don't care how Liberal the media is, they're in the business to make money. And they would make a fucking fortune if it were proven Obama was born in Kenya. Compared to now where they're making practically nothing off of the birther idiocy. Not to mention, not all of the media is Liberal. There's Fox, there are plenty of conservative websites, there's AM radio, and even no e of them could prove that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Trump, with all of his money and resources, couldn't prove Obama was born in Kenya. There's a reason birthers are among the craziest in the nation.

sorry, guy, I strongly beg to differ.

If you want to include internet news sites then there are hundreds of articles which take the time to investigate, sight all of the incongruities and faults with that which you are so sure is the truth.

No, your president is a phony and a liar. He was never born in Hawaii. I have read more than enough, but I have no zeal to make my case once again.

You could start with this inexplicable. A tale of two birth certificates

But if you really have an interest, WorldNetDaily.com is as thorough as all of your cowardly, fawning liberal mainstream media news sites combined X 100. This particular link lists over a hundred articles on the subject. I do not expect positive results in changing your mind, unfortunately.
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve
You can differ all you want -- no one has been able to prove Obama was born in Kenya and no one has been able to prove his Hawaiian birth record is anything less than authentic.

Sorry but...
No one can prove that he was born in Hawaii. There is much more evidence that proves he was born in Kenya then Hawaii. If he was born in Hawaii, why did he have to forge a birth certificate?

Here's the Sheriff's kit with all the proof that the birth certificate is a computer generated forgery: Dropbox - SHERIFF S KIT

Here is the REAL Hawaiian birth certificate NOTICE THE BOTTOM LINE that says Birthplace: Kenya Per Grandmother. This is possibly the one that Obama forged his from!


Here is the real Kenyan Birth Certificate:


Here is the video of Lucas Smith in Kenya getting the birth certificate that has the raised seal and Hospital stamp (Lucas has never been charged with a forged document)

The Kenyan Ambassador to the US clearly stated that Obama's birthplace in Mombasa is a "Well known attraction"

Here is the Kenyan Parliament records where they claim Obama is a "son of the soil of that country" and that he is "not a native American"

Here is Michelle Obama claiming that Kenya is Obama's Home Country:

Obama's own Grandmother from Kenya claimed she was "PRESENT" when Obama was born and she's NEVER been to Hawaii or the US:

It goes on and on, MUCH MORE PROOF that he was born in Kenya!
Last edited:
Not to mention all the Articles that called Obama Kenyan-born...could they ALL be wrong, I DOUBT IT!



Doesn't matter any more. He served almost 8 years so whats the purpose either way?

Because when he's proven ineligible, anything with his name on it, including Supreme Court appointments & Obamacare, are all NULL & VOID. They won't even have to be repealed, then will just be void, as if it never happened, while Obama is put behind bars!
When even Ann Coulter calls it real, you have nowhere to go.

Ann Coulter
When even Ann Coulter calls it real, you have nowhere to go.
Ann Coulter LIES ALL THE TIME.....at least according to the left wing. Besides Obama's mother is an American citizen in any event so it does not matter.

Yeah it does matter, because a natural born citizen is born to citizen parents (PLURAL)
When even Ann Coulter calls it real, you have nowhere to go.
Yes, its a real forgery.
Created in Adobe Illustrator as a matter of FACT, and it has FIFTY ONE DIFFERENT LAYERS, so there is NO POSSIBLE WAY ON THIS PLANET that it can be a SCAN of something, so if you think that's a real certificate of birth, you are dumber than a fresh gob of SHIT.

Birthers are dumber than shit.

Really- dumber than shit.

Why the hell you idiots care about how many layers are in the scan posted on the internet- when the hard copy was viewed and handled by reporters- and one reporter took a photo of the hard copy and posted her copy on line.

And the State of Hawaii confirmed it all.

Doesn't matter how many layers idiot Birthers want to talk about- the fact that they are so confused by an image posted on the internet- when people saw the actual copy- and the State of Hawaii said it was legit just shows what shit for brains they are.

The birth certificate is irrelevant as to natural born citizenship. All you need to know is whether or not both parents were US citizens when the child was born. If so, the child is natural born. Obama was born a British Subject as his father was never a citizen, so Obama was ineligible for US citizenship at birth!
Doesn't matter any more. He served almost 8 years so whats the purpose either way?

Because when he's proven ineligible, anything with his name on it, including Supreme Court appointments & Obamacare, are all NULL & VOID. They won't even have to be repealed, then will just be void, as if it never happened, while Obama is put behind bars!
Won't happen. Put your passion towards the future on positive things, not fist waving at shit 8 years old.
does one exist ?? or does it just exist in the digital world...

we as a country will eventually need to know..

Obama Jokes About Birth Certificate During Kenya Visit

Who cares. He's the Pres. Live with it.
NO, he's the Usurper. He's not eligible to be Pres! Wake up and do some research!

And what exactly do you think you can do about it?
Well considering I've taken my case all the way to the Supreme Court and they denied it. Justice Thomas admitted they were evading the issue in this video (and they all laugh hahaha):

I've been to Congress about a dozen times to drop of my evidence and have hit at least 200 offices. I personally handed my evidence to Trey Gowdy & Jason Chaffetz, so they have it. Not sure why they do nothing! And I continue to wake people up on twitter & facebook and ANYWHERE else I can to get the truth out.

The whole govt is corrupt and they ONLY way we are going to get the truth out is if the people stand up and ALL go to DC OR their surrounding state house at the same time NATIONWIDE. We surround the White House and plan on staying for a couple days until we are heard!!
Doesn't matter any more. He served almost 8 years so whats the purpose either way?

Because when he's proven ineligible, anything with his name on it, including Supreme Court appointments & Obamacare, are all NULL & VOID. They won't even have to be repealed, then will just be void, as if it never happened, while Obama is put behind bars!
Won't happen. Put your passion towards the future on positive things, not fist waving at shit 8 years old.

LOLOL fist waving. Perhaps you don't CARE that we have an illegal President, BUT I DO and so do millions of others! I believe in this country and Constitution and I will defend it until the VERY END!

You are a very sad little American that could care less about our existence as a country! Disgustingly SAD!

Birthers do love them their Youtube.....

Meanwhile back to real sources
Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said.

I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and a
ttest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

Photo of certified copy of original birth certificate taken by Savannah Guthrie

That's the forgery! And even if it WERE real, Obama is still not a natural born citizen EVEN if he was born here. TOO BAD!
Doesn't matter any more. He served almost 8 years so whats the purpose either way?

Because when he's proven ineligible, anything with his name on it, including Supreme Court appointments & Obamacare, are all NULL & VOID. They won't even have to be repealed, then will just be void, as if it never happened, while Obama is put behind bars!
Won't happen. Put your passion towards the future on positive things, not fist waving at shit 8 years old.

LOLOL fist waving. Perhaps you don't CARE that we have an illegal President, BUT I DO and so do millions of others! I believe in this country and Constitution and I will defend it until the VERY END!

You are a very sad little American that could care less about our existence as a country! Disgustingly SAD!
Whatever. I know that nothing I can say will change anything but since you have the itch to do it yourself, by all means go for it.

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