Obama..Black & Wrong

The lies of Papa Obama have hurt him and the rest of the extreme left.

Americans want to to trust their President- Since the his healthcare lies will personally
impact millions of Americans- it can not be just spun away. He has lost that trust

Obama lied
American Trust and Healthcare plans died
They should've ended with dupes, it would have made franco proud. Lol
That's the best that you can do..

Oh well, I doubt anyone had great expectations for you anyway...:lol:

Coming from the author of this magnificent thread, I'll take that as a compliment. Fuckface :thup:

I hurt your "feelings" and now your striking out like a badly raised, spoiled child...so obviously I was correct.

Wrong again, dickwipe. I don't get my feelings hurt by anonymous assholes on the interwebz, Keep trying, though.
I hope this country doesn't keep heading down the road to full socialism and Obama/Democrats are wrong in believing America will...:eusa_pray:

The march towards socialism or communism, will be halted in 2014 when conservatives pick up many Senate seats, Lumpy, muh darlin`. :eusa_clap:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCqQRflUWd4]Learn to Speak Tea Bag - YouTube[/ame]
Coming from the author of this magnificent thread, I'll take that as a compliment. Fuckface :thup:

I hurt your "feelings" and now your striking out like a badly raised, spoiled child...so obviously I was correct.

Wrong again, dickwipe. I don't get my feelings hurt by anonymous assholes on the interwebz, Keep trying, though.

I prefer not wasting my time with you at all, you never offer anything of value, just a piss poor attitude and low class expressions..
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I hope this country doesn't keep heading down the road to full socialism and Obama/Democrats are wrong in believing America will...:eusa_pray:

The march towards socialism or communism, will be halted in 2014 when conservatives pick up many Senate seats, Lumpy, muh darlin`. :eusa_clap:

Never comrade
The extreme Left and Obama apologists will always fight your oppression.
We as Progressives will evolve our social market democracy into the utopia, we know it can be....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPKH4GHiihg]Socialist World Republic - Sozialistische Weltrepublik - YouTube[/ame]
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I hope this country doesn't keep heading down the road to full socialism and Obama/Democrats are wrong in believing America will...:eusa_pray:
You are quite mistaken if you think Obama is a Socialist. He isn't. If he appears to be you can attribute that to his political style. He knows how to rally popular support to solidify his position. But the fact is Obama is in the pocket of the bankers and Wall Street.

Obama is a young man with a young family and no personal fortune to ensure a comfortable future when he leaves Office. So he is not inclined to step on the toes of any entity or individual which or who will influence his future.

The bottom line is in spite of all of Obama's increasingly tiresome bullshit, the banks and finance industry continues to thrive while the People continue to stagnate economically.

Is from a lack of trying?

Please, Obama and the Democrats ran left as far and fast as they could when
they had both houses. Of course they paid for it by losing the House and it did leave them more extreme since
the Blue Dogs got kicked out.

If Papa Obama does appear 'socialist' enough for you, it is only because our political system is designed to slow things up
and stop attempts at quick changes. Socialism does not poll well, along with Liberal. Which is why the
reactionary left has gone to great lengths and attempts to call themselves, "Progressive" and use terms like 'social market democracy'.
They believe it will sell better.

Papa Obama is a millionaire several times over, so I doubt if his future is a concern to him. He is after all part of the 'one percent'.
Now, can he maintain the lifestyle that him and Michelle having been living while on the public dole after leaving office, probably not.

Besides, even if Papa Obama could come out of the "socialist closet" so to speak, would you really expect him to want less money or
live more frugally? Socialists leaders always speak a good game for the masses, but in reality they always take care of themselves.
Do you really think it would be equal, for all?

Even in the former Soviet Union, socialist leaders had the best houses, cars and used a different medical system. One only needs
to see how Papa Obama denies poor black kids from going to a private school by taking away their vouchers and still sends his
own daughters there, to see he would be no different from other socialist leaders of the past.

You are correct that he is a demagogue.

Agree, he is connected to big business. It is all part of the crony/corporate capitalism
crap they push in attempts to get their gov't plans in place as quickly, as possible.
In fairness, politicians from both sides push this crappy system on us. It is amusing
to hear people blame the 'free markets' for things, when we have not had true 'free markets' in
a long time, if ever.

The people continue to economically stagnate because, in spite of all the debt
Papa Obama has incurred for the US, the great plans of Central Planners, will never work as well
as intended. The money helped politicians and some of their corporate and union friends; but
it did little for the American people. Quite frankly, it would have done more good to take all
that money they spent and just thrown it out over the cities for people to randomly pick up
and use.

Papa Obama is not revolutionary in his socialist attempts; he doesn't have the intestinal
fortitude, for such a thing. What between his golf games and wagyu steak and vodka
martini parties, he is going to have an armed revolution? I can see it now
"Oh guys, let me finish this drink and I will be right there"

No Papa Obama is more of the boring garden variety, run of the mill leftists
like the Europeans. He prefers the slow approach
where like the frog boiled in water slowly will not jump out.
But it does not mean his policies are any less disastrous for the US.
It just allows him to muddy the waters, so to speak
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I hope this country doesn't keep heading down the road to full socialism and Obama/Democrats are wrong in believing America will...:eusa_pray:

I don't understand why you cons are so far off with how liberals think.

You aren't liberals.

So don't fucking tell me you think you are.

You are brown shirts. You live and breathe your government. You are who I railed against.

Don't dare call yourself a liberal. You would be a liar.
All the pubs have to do next year is roll the Hillary tape and the Obama lie machine.

Powerful stuff

at this point in time, one can only "prove" the left way is not working
we can all agree on that

The GOP will need to get into office to try and fix the mess the Left
and Papa Obama made
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I hurt your "feelings" and now your striking out like a badly raised, spoiled child...so obviously I was correct.

Wrong again, dickwipe. I don't get my feelings hurt by anonymous assholes on the interwebz, Keep trying, though.

I prefer not wasting my time with you at all, you never offer anything of value, just a piss poor attitude and low class expressions..

Says the new reigning king of USMB right-whiners. Thanks for the neg, btw. I love it that I get under your skin.
Wrong again, dickwipe. I don't get my feelings hurt by anonymous assholes on the interwebz, Keep trying, though.

I prefer not wasting my time with you at all, you never offer anything of value, just a piss poor attitude and low class expressions..

Says the new reigning king of USMB right-whiners. Thanks for the neg, btw. I love it that I get under your skin.

It's good to King..:thanks:

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