Obama blames racism for his Approval ratings

I say again. Post the other half of the quote.

why should I? the first half is totally enough.
the other part is as useless as the first one if one is NOT blaming his drop in ratings on racism.
They should not have been there at all.

If they are - he DOES BLAME the drop in ratings on racism.
And therefore is an idiot.

His quote makes no mention of approval ratings.

his quote is useless if it is not an excuse for approval ratings.

and therefore it was made.
Ok, I'm convinced. You are batshit crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Imbecile ... if he were using that as an excuse for why his ratings have dropped, which he never actually said in that article ... he wouldn't have pointed out how there are also people who do like him because he's black. Do you understand how that cancels out the affect of negatively impacting his JAR?? I'm not sure you do because you really do come off as batshit crazed.

you, cretino cornuto, he WAS using that argument - the racism explanation for his dropping ratings.Otherwise there was absolutely no need for that asinine statement.
It has no relevance to his dropping ratings, yet that was his excuse.

yes, he IS. and you are singing along. the argument is as moronic as it can be but your narcissistic prez still used it - as it never can be that HE did something wrong, right :lol:
If you agree that there are folks who dislike him because they can't stand the idea of a black president, then you are in agreement with him..

And? That still does not have absolutely nothing to do with his dropping ratings, yet he explains those by racism.
I do not - therefore our agreement was very short lived.

Neither Obama nor myself are claiming his race is affecting his JAR. That you maintain we are simply because he pointed out that some people don't like him because of his race while others do like him just because of his race speaks more to your delusions than anything he or I have said.

Yes, HE IS.

Otherwise there was absolutely no need for that asinine statement.
It has no relevance to his dropping ratings, yet that was his excuse.

Holyfuckingshit :eusa_doh:

He said some people liked him for no reason other than he is black -- how does that lower his JAR??

If that were true, isn't it odd that 43 out of 44 blacks elected to Congress and the White House are Democrat?
Show that white liberal dominated districts send more blacks to Congress than white dominated Republican districts. Black dominated districts overwhelmingly send blacks to congress and white dominated districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress regardless of party affiliation. Your stat only shows that 90% of blacks are Democrats.

You have nothing.

Not that Democrats don't have their share of racists; of course, they do. But it's the Conservative south that was once largely Democrat, and now largely Republican, who are the most racist.

Data you pulled out of your ass based on wishful thinking is so persuasive. Hmmm...then again, maybe it isn't...
Typical of rightwingnuts, your math sucks. 42 out of 43 is not 90%, so n o, that is not what my stat shows.. Also typical of rightwingnuts, your common sense sucks. 90% represents how many blacks are democrats; which has nothing to do with how many Republicans vote for black Republicans. For example, in 2010, there were 32 blacks running for office as Republicans. Only 2 of them won.

I was a math major. My math is fine. What sucks is your logic. That 90% of blacks are Democrats does not logically lead to that 90% of elected blacks would be Democrat. What you did was a non-sequitur.

Also, you are comparing the number of black Republicans who RAN to the number of black Democrats who WON. Which is irrelevant and doesn't refute anything I ever said.

What I said was the black districts overwhelmingly send blacks to congress, and white districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress regardless of party, and that means that since black districts are overwhelmingly Democrat, they are sending black Democrats to congress. White Democrat districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress. If you have some data that addresses the actual point instead of subterfuge, get back to me.
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I wasn't responding to your question. I was trying to get a response from you after you wrote, "that quote is so full of typical leftist Democrat delusional self perception regarding what they are doing and who is against them that I don't see how you can possibly draw from it that he isn't blaming his ratings on race."

But it's nice to see you agree with him that there are folks who dislike him because he's black.

Of course there are, it's your assumption that they are dominated by Republicans that is self serving crap.
Moron, I made no such assumption. I even know a Democrat who wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black.

The only assumption I made in regards to Obama's comment is that he was 100% accurate and that he said nothing about race affecting his JAR, despite the loony right attacking him for it.

That so?

As a northerner now living in the south, It's clear that most of the hard core racists stayed with the Democratic party. The ones who defected are ones who think government is too large. It's almost funny to see the white redneck Democrats who still use the "N" word and won't sit with blacks blindly back the guy. I think blindness is what they have in common with the rest of the socialists of the Democratic party.
If that were true, isn't it odd that 43 out of 44 blacks elected to Congress and the White House are Democrat? Only 1 black is Republican. In the last Congress, there were 2 and in the 4 Congress' before that, there were none. In total, there have been only 6 black Republicans elected since the civil rights act in the 1960's.

Not that Democrats don't have their share of racists; of course, they do. But it's the Conservative south that was once largely Democrat, and now largely Republican, who are the most racist.

And what you just said is yet another non-sequitur that didn't contradict what I wrote. You're just posting responses based on the points you want to have been made.

In the south, and I've lived in Georgia and live now in North Carolina, in general, the people who switched from Democrat to Republican did it for two reasons. Guns and government growth. They got tired of Democrats who said what they wanted to hear in elections and then went to DC and blindly voted for Pelosi and Reid in contradiction to everything they campaigned on. Obama had little to nothing to do with it and it was well underway a decade before anyone knew who he was.

The black racist rednecks have stayed Democrat because their daddy was Democrat and their daddy's daddy was a democrat. And think about it. Think about the consistency in that. They don't let go of their party, they don't let go of their racist past.

It is the Democrats love of big government and hatred of gun rights that is costing you the south. The racists are overwhelmingly loyal to you. There just aren't enough of them anymore. The south is changing slowly, but it is changing. And northerners like me who come here are clearly expediting that.
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Unemployment among the Black community is almost double the statistics thrown out by Barry's boys. What has he done about it besides offer them more handouts?

Why don't you prove your claim before you rely on it to make demands of others? Prove that unemployment is almost 24% among the black community ....
Black unemployment among Blacks is consistently about double than for Whites.
Black unemployment rate is consistently twice that of whites | Pew Research Center That number never really was of any interest to Obama. Except for the odd reference when he was campaigning in front of a predominantly Black audience. I suspect very few of them believed anything Obama promised them. Not really. They had all been lied to all their lives as a matter of daily life in their own families and community listening to someone lie was like listening to some one take a leak in the other room. Means nothing.
The hilarious part of course will be watching Hillary dressed up in dresses with huge flower prints wearing huge matching hats when she 'goes to the Black S. Baptist well'. She'll also promise the Blacks that "Black unemployment will be my number one priority IF and only IF you-all get out and vote for me".
Bobo comments describe perfectly what idiots LIBs are.
He states some Whites don't like him b/c he's Black. That's true but the 'Whites'and most Blacks turned out and elected him not based on his past experience. Only b/c these morons believed what Bobo has been peddling his whole life: By the time he was four he knew instinctively how to 'play' on his skin color and every break he ever was given, by White LIB/Socialist/Marxists as he went through school then university system was as a result of him being the perfect candidate. A half Black with a Communist Black father who left him as a child (get the crying towels out) and a Communist White mother who made extra money being gang-banged' on Super 8 films who also couldn't be bothered to bring him up (get more crying towels). Our poor little 'not too Black' student who we know in our bones is going to want to emulate his long gone parents in an attempt to somehow earn their missing love by being a LIB/Socialist/Marxist just like they were.
Both the excuses Bobo makes for his personal failure as a President are lame.
"They don't like me b/c of my skin color". And they like me b/c of my skin color and are giving me a pass because of my skin color are the sort of logic a five year old would use to explain why he keeps showing the world how incompetent he is. At some point someone needs to explain to Bobo that it was HE who applied for the fucking job. He got the job using 'affirmative action' as his best reason to become the President and the fact he's a great Tele Promtor reader with a good set of teeth.
Obama will go down in US history as the first and last Black President and one who tried every way he could to earn missing Daddy's love by trying to turn the country into as close a Socialist country as he could.
why should I? the first half is totally enough.
the other part is as useless as the first one if one is NOT blaming his drop in ratings on racism.
They should not have been there at all.

If they are - he DOES BLAME the drop in ratings on racism.
And therefore is an idiot.

His quote makes no mention of approval ratings.

his quote is useless if it is not an excuse for approval ratings.

and therefore it was made.

What was the second half of his quote, that you insist on leaving out?
while NYC has a heart attack claiming some theory, here is the actual words from the left wing new yorker:

Obama’s drop in the polls in 2013 was especially grave among white voters. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said.

David Remnick: On and Off the Road with Barack Obama : The New Yorker

so...despite NYC frothing at the mouth, the source is not rightwingers, but the leftwing rag itself.

now count to ten NYC, calm down...breathe deeply

That proves he didn't say anything about the polls.

the new yorker reporter who interviewed him certainly thinks so.

take it up with them instead of ranting and raving to pubs, they didn't make it up.

So when the President said that some people give him the benefit of the doubt precisely because he's black...

...you say that is the President offering a reason as to why his polls aren't worse than they are?

That proves he didn't say anything about the polls.

the new yorker reporter who interviewed him certainly thinks so.

take it up with them instead of ranting and raving to pubs, they didn't make it up.

So when the President said that some people give him the benefit of the doubt precisely because he's black...

...you say that is the President offering a reason as to why his polls aren't worse than they are?


pay attention:

the NEW YORKER said it, yet, you don't say boo about them and instead focus on those who merely repeat what the new yorker said.

take it up with them, but is see you won't because they are liberal and get a pass.
Obama is the head race baiter in this country

JUST a horrible man to say these things about the people he represents AND what a horrible magazine to just let him go on without challenging his disgusting spew
You just hate him cuz he's black, or half white, or who knows what he is.

I can't stand him as a human being...I don't care if was pink

for him to use his (Skin color) to blame for his failures and why people can't stand him anymore is reprehensible
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the new yorker reporter who interviewed him certainly thinks so.

take it up with them instead of ranting and raving to pubs, they didn't make it up.

So when the President said that some people give him the benefit of the doubt precisely because he's black...

...you say that is the President offering a reason as to why his polls aren't worse than they are?


pay attention:

the NEW YORKER said it, yet, you don't say boo about them and instead focus on those who merely repeat what the new yorker said.

take it up with them, but is see you won't because they are liberal and get a pass.

The article in the New Yorker is an article, not a transcript of an interview. The article quotes the President as saying that some people may oppose him because of his race,

and some people may support him because of his race.

That's a wash; that is not the President blaming his approval rating on racism.
His quote makes no mention of approval ratings.

his quote is useless if it is not an excuse for approval ratings.

and therefore it was made.

What was the second half of his quote, that you insist on leaving out?

hey, bonehead, it does not matter what the second half is - it is USELESS if he is not blaming racism ( and favoring him only because of the sk9in color, which is the essence of the second part, is ALSO racism), as you, wingnuts are claiming.

in fact he WAS blaming his failing approval ratings on racism - no matter is it favorable racism or aversion racism.

And both him and all of you, brainless sycophants, can't grasp the simple truth that the number of those ( either way) has not changed, so it doe not influence his ratings - as the constant doesn't.
his quote is useless if it is not an excuse for approval ratings.

and therefore it was made.

What was the second half of his quote, that you insist on leaving out?

hey, bonehead, it does not matter what the second half is - it is USELESS if he is not blaming racism ( and favoring him only because of the sk9in color, which is the essence of the second part, is ALSO racism), as you, wingnuts are claiming.

in fact he WAS blaming his failing approval ratings on racism - no matter is it favorable racism or aversion racism.

And both him and all of you, brainless sycophants, can't grasp the simple truth that the number of those ( either way) has not changed, so it doe not influence his ratings - as the constant doesn't.

You can't include the full quote because it destroys your argument.
Just another indication of Obama's weakness as a man. But really. What did anyone honestly expect from him? I mean really?
A 'charismatic' in love with himself. A touch of HPD present in all Blacks. A bred to the bone Communist. A 'Bi'. The first 'affirmative action' President. We all know how those 'affirmative action employees' turned out. A bunch of Black 'Takers'. A bunch of young White women somehow conflicted and attracted to 'Black men' and what's supposed to be waiting for them in their wet dreams.'
A promise to all Whites that if you vote for a Black man all your secret racist thoughts will be absolved.
Obama knew where every button was and he pushed them at the right times. The only problem for him was/is he is proving himself daily to be an embarrassment to his own party and the country.
Anyway. There will never be another Black President in the history of the US.
US voters: "We tried it. We didn't like it".
doesn't this make you want to elect another black person to be President? Maybe one who isn't a progressive puke like Sharpton and Obama...Shun that station of race baiters folks, PmsNbc...The majority of the people are already shunning the race baiter Obama that's why we are hearing this shit again
links with video at site


Al Sharpton Frustrated That Obama Doesn’t Use the Race Card Often Enough (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 9:40 AM

Race hustler Al Sharpton told the Morning Joe crew that he’s frustrated Obama doesn’t use the race card enough.

“He has lately I think started saying that. But he has never used race as the fact against him. Though many of us believe race has been a factor. So I think he’s been very consistently as long as I’ve known him and certainly as president. I think he wrongly is blamed for using a race card. But, I think many of us are frustrated he hasn’t brought up race as it relates to him more than he has.”

ALL of it here
Al Sharpton Frustrated That Obama Doesn?t Use the Race Card Often Enough (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
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They are out in full force people...pay attention
transcript and video at site

AWFUL! Rev. Jeremiah Wright at MLK Breakfast: Tea Party Is “2.0 Upgrade of Lynch Mobs” (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 11:06 AM

Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, gave a speech to a largely black crowd in Delaware on MLK Day. The vile Chicago pastor said the Tea Party is “a 2.0 upgrade of the lynch mobs.”

Reverend Wright spewed his toxic nonsense in Delaware yesterday at the 30th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Breakfast in Wilmington, Delaware.

Rather than rejecting his hate speech the crowd gave him a standing ovation.:

The crowd loved it and gave him a standing ovation.
Delaware Online reported, via The Last Tradition:
Show that white liberal dominated districts send more blacks to Congress than white dominated Republican districts. Black dominated districts overwhelmingly send blacks to congress and white dominated districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress regardless of party affiliation. Your stat only shows that 90% of blacks are Democrats.

You have nothing.

Data you pulled out of your ass based on wishful thinking is so persuasive. Hmmm...then again, maybe it isn't...
Typical of rightwingnuts, your math sucks. 42 out of 43 is not 90%, so n o, that is not what my stat shows.. Also typical of rightwingnuts, your common sense sucks. 90% represents how many blacks are democrats; which has nothing to do with how many Republicans vote for black Republicans. For example, in 2010, there were 32 blacks running for office as Republicans. Only 2 of them won.

I was a math major. My math is fine. What sucks is your logic. That 90% of blacks are Democrats does not logically lead to that 90% of elected blacks would be Democrat. What you did was a non-sequitur.

Also, you are comparing the number of black Republicans who RAN to the number of black Democrats who WON. Which is irrelevant and doesn't refute anything I ever said.

What I said was the black districts overwhelmingly send blacks to congress, and white districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress regardless of party, and that means that since black districts are overwhelmingly Democrat, they are sending black Democrats to congress. White Democrat districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress. If you have some data that addresses the actual point instead of subterfuge, get back to me.

Your logic is completely flawed. Black Republicans ran in 32 races. It doesn't matter what percentage of blacks vote Democrat -- we're talking about Republicans, not Democrats. Out of 32 races, only 2 were elected. That was in 2010. In 2012, only one was elected. Republicans don't elect blacks. Democrats do. That's why the first black president is a Democrat and not a Republican. That's why out of 43 blacks in Congress, 42 are Democrat.

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