Obama blames racism for his Approval ratings

“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said

“Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black president,”

As a northerner now living in the south, It's clear that most of the hard core racists stayed with the Democratic party. The ones who defected are ones who think government is too large. It's almost funny to see the white redneck Democrats who still use the "N" word and won't sit with blacks blindly back the guy. I think blindness is what they have in common with the rest of the socialists of the Democratic party.
If that were true, isn't it odd that 43 out of 44 blacks elected to Congress and the White House are Democrat?
Show that white liberal dominated districts send more blacks to Congress than white dominated Republican districts. Black dominated districts overwhelmingly send blacks to congress and white dominated districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress regardless of party affiliation. Your stat only shows that 90% of blacks are Democrats.

You have nothing.

Not that Democrats don't have their share of racists; of course, they do. But it's the Conservative south that was once largely Democrat, and now largely Republican, who are the most racist.

Data you pulled out of your ass based on wishful thinking is so persuasive. Hmmm...then again, maybe it isn't...
That quote is so full of typical leftist Democrat delusional self perception regarding what they are doing and who is against them that I don't see how you can possibly draw from it that he isn't blaming his ratings on race.

Let's see, we hate Obama, we also hate Gore, Kerry, Pelosi and Reid. Now, what is the common denominator in that? Remember to form your response in the form of a question...
Perhaps you will answer ... is it true that some people don't like him because they can't stand the idea of a black president?

Thank you for forming your response in the form of a question!

The people I know who hate him for his color are Democrats who voted for him. You are a twisted people.

I wasn't responding to your question. I was trying to get a response from you after you wrote, "that quote is so full of typical leftist Democrat delusional self perception regarding what they are doing and who is against them that I don't see how you can possibly draw from it that he isn't blaming his ratings on race."

But it's nice to see you agree with him that there are folks who dislike him because he's black.
Perhaps you will answer ... is it true that some people don't like him because they can't stand the idea of a black president?

Thank you for forming your response in the form of a question!

The people I know who hate him for his color are Democrats who voted for him. You are a twisted people.

I wasn't responding to your question. I was trying to get a response from you after you wrote, "that quote is so full of typical leftist Democrat delusional self perception regarding what they are doing and who is against them that I don't see how you can possibly draw from it that he isn't blaming his ratings on race."

But it's nice to see you agree with him that there are folks who dislike him because he's black.

Of course there are, it's your assumption that they are dominated by Republicans that is self serving crap.
This is the entire quote...did anyone read it? It's a rather bland and common sense statement. Heck, it's almost certainly true, lol.

“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said in the article by David Remnick, appearing in the magazine’s Jan. 27 edition.

“Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black president,”

So, what he is saying is that people either like or dislike him because of race. Duh---the whole point of the thread.

You illiterate fuck that's not at all what he's saying. He's stating a fact -

SOME people dislike him for reasons of race; SOME people give him some benefit of the doubt for reasons of race.

That is indisputable.
if he won't blame it on a rce he would skip the race baiting altogether.
yet he did not.

which means that is what HE blames the sinking ratings on.

it can not be his lying, incompetent decisions and abysmal management of the country in all aspects - no way, it MUST be racism :lol:

however, he did not come out the closet and suddenly become gay in order to blame it on homophobia :D his racial background did not change.

I say again. Post the other half of the quote.

why should I? the first half is totally enough.
the other part is as useless as the first one if one is NOT blaming his drop in ratings on racism.
They should not have been there at all.

If they are - he DOES BLAME the drop in ratings on racism.
And therefore is an idiot.

His quote makes no mention of approval ratings.
while NYC has a heart attack claiming some theory, here is the actual words from the left wing new yorker:

Obama’s drop in the polls in 2013 was especially grave among white voters. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said.

David Remnick: On and Off the Road with Barack Obama : The New Yorker

so...despite NYC frothing at the mouth, the source is not rightwingers, but the leftwing rag itself.

now count to ten NYC, calm down...breathe deeply
As a northerner now living in the south, It's clear that most of the hard core racists stayed with the Democratic party. The ones who defected are ones who think government is too large. It's almost funny to see the white redneck Democrats who still use the "N" word and won't sit with blacks blindly back the guy. I think blindness is what they have in common with the rest of the socialists of the Democratic party.
If that were true, isn't it odd that 43 out of 44 blacks elected to Congress and the White House are Democrat?
Show that white liberal dominated districts send more blacks to Congress than white dominated Republican districts. Black dominated districts overwhelmingly send blacks to congress and white dominated districts overwhelmingly send whites to congress regardless of party affiliation. Your stat only shows that 90% of blacks are Democrats.

You have nothing.

Not that Democrats don't have their share of racists; of course, they do. But it's the Conservative south that was once largely Democrat, and now largely Republican, who are the most racist.

Data you pulled out of your ass based on wishful thinking is so persuasive. Hmmm...then again, maybe it isn't...
Typical of rightwingnuts, your math sucks. 42 out of 43 is not 90%, so n o, that is not what my stat shows.. Also typical of rightwingnuts, your common sense sucks. 90% represents how many blacks are democrats; which has nothing to do with how many Republicans vote for black Republicans. For example, in 2010, there were 32 blacks running for office as Republicans. Only 2 of them won.
or Herman Cain

or Dr. Benjamin Carson?

or Allan West !?!

Stupidest argument........ever.

greatest retort ever...so original and full of facts

It was not a retort, idiot. It was an observation.

The "liberals are racist against black people because they don't support black right wing nutjobs" argument is retarded. Granted, the "we should ban cars and bathtubs because they cause lots of deaths" and the "we need ID to buy beer but not to vote" arguments are not far behind.

You assholes are just not deep thinkers. Own it.
Thank you for forming your response in the form of a question!

The people I know who hate him for his color are Democrats who voted for him. You are a twisted people.

I wasn't responding to your question. I was trying to get a response from you after you wrote, "that quote is so full of typical leftist Democrat delusional self perception regarding what they are doing and who is against them that I don't see how you can possibly draw from it that he isn't blaming his ratings on race."

But it's nice to see you agree with him that there are folks who dislike him because he's black.

Of course there are, it's your assumption that they are dominated by Republicans that is self serving crap.
Moron, I made no such assumption. I even know a Democrat who wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black.

The only assumption I made in regards to Obama's comment is that he was 100% accurate and that he said nothing about race affecting his JAR, despite the loony right attacking him for it.
Aren't his low approval ratings were Bush's fault? You mean he finally has a problem he can't blame on Bush? Maybe if he would start making decisions based on being an American instead of being some Socialist dictator he would have a higher approval rating.


Pull yourself away from that thriving sports bar for a sec and tell us about who brings up Bush at the USMB.

Good day.

The difference being, this is a valid point and not merely a standardized deflection. Again, my whole thing was to get away from nonsense deflections and devolving all convos to Obama vs. Bush. I'm not going to apologize that you think that's such an abhorrent thing.
Aren't his low approval ratings were Bush's fault? You mean he finally has a problem he can't blame on Bush? Maybe if he would start making decisions based on being an American instead of being some Socialist dictator he would have a higher approval rating.


Pull yourself away from that thriving sports bar for a sec and tell us about who brings up Bush at the USMB.

Good day.

The difference being, this is a valid point and not merely a standardized deflection. Again, my whole thing was to get away from nonsense deflections and devolving all convos to Obama vs. Bush. I'm not going to apologize that you think that's such an abhorrent thing.

First, I never think things are abhorrent. I think things are stupid a lot, though.

You see a valid point in that? Funny. I see a nutter adding another fork to the 5 year old strawman that sore loser nutters have built. I see yet another nutter trying to bring Bush into the discussion.

I await your thoughtful thread calling out your fellow nutters for this poor form.
Stupidest argument........ever.

greatest retort ever...so original and full of facts

It was not a retort, idiot. It was an observation.

The "liberals are racist against black people because they don't support black right wing nutjobs" argument is retarded. Granted, the "we should ban cars and bathtubs because they cause lots of deaths" and the "we need ID to buy beer but not to vote" arguments are not far behind.

You assholes are just not deep thinkers. Own it.

it was retort, just not a very intelligent one.

nanananana, youi're dumb

Pull yourself away from that thriving sports bar for a sec and tell us about who brings up Bush at the USMB.

Good day.

The difference being, this is a valid point and not merely a standardized deflection. Again, my whole thing was to get away from nonsense deflections and devolving all convos to Obama vs. Bush. I'm not going to apologize that you think that's such an abhorrent thing.

First, I never think things are abhorrent. I think things are stupid a lot, though.

You see a valid point in that? Funny. I see a nutter adding another fork to the 5 year old strawman that sore loser nutters have built. I see yet another nutter trying to bring Bush into the discussion.

I await your thoughtful thread calling out your fellow nutters for this poor form.

Of course that's what you see. You think any 'right wing' point is a 'nutter' point. That's what makes you a running joke on USMB.
while NYC has a heart attack claiming some theory, here is the actual words from the left wing new yorker:

Obama’s drop in the polls in 2013 was especially grave among white voters. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said.

David Remnick: On and Off the Road with Barack Obama : The New Yorker

so...despite NYC frothing at the mouth, the source is not rightwingers, but the leftwing rag itself.

now count to ten NYC, calm down...breathe deeply

That proves he didn't say anything about the polls.
The difference being, this is a valid point and not merely a standardized deflection. Again, my whole thing was to get away from nonsense deflections and devolving all convos to Obama vs. Bush. I'm not going to apologize that you think that's such an abhorrent thing.

First, I never think things are abhorrent. I think things are stupid a lot, though.

You see a valid point in that? Funny. I see a nutter adding another fork to the 5 year old strawman that sore loser nutters have built. I see yet another nutter trying to bring Bush into the discussion.

I await your thoughtful thread calling out your fellow nutters for this poor form.

Of course that's what you see. You think any 'right wing' point is a 'nutter' point. That's what makes you a running joke on USMB.

When are you going to change the name of your failed attempt to compete with the Tavern? I mean....when you never have more than two people in a place...is it accurate to refer to it as a "sports bar"?

Maybe "sports bathtub" or "sports confessional" would work?
All the honkeys that voted for him like idiots but now don't like him because of numerous things....are "racists."

That is how liberals operate...
while NYC has a heart attack claiming some theory, here is the actual words from the left wing new yorker:

Obama’s drop in the polls in 2013 was especially grave among white voters. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black President,” Obama said.

David Remnick: On and Off the Road with Barack Obama : The New Yorker

so...despite NYC frothing at the mouth, the source is not rightwingers, but the leftwing rag itself.

now count to ten NYC, calm down...breathe deeply

That proves he didn't say anything about the polls.

the new yorker reporter who interviewed him certainly thinks so.

take it up with them instead of ranting and raving to pubs, they didn't make it up.
First, I never think things are abhorrent. I think things are stupid a lot, though.

You see a valid point in that? Funny. I see a nutter adding another fork to the 5 year old strawman that sore loser nutters have built. I see yet another nutter trying to bring Bush into the discussion.

I await your thoughtful thread calling out your fellow nutters for this poor form.

Of course that's what you see. You think any 'right wing' point is a 'nutter' point. That's what makes you a running joke on USMB.

When are you going to change the name of your failed attempt to compete with the Tavern? I mean....when you never have more than two people in a place...is it accurate to refer to it as a "sports bar"?

Maybe "sports bathtub" or "sports confessional" would work?

:lol: You were refuted and now it's time to take lame shots on another issue? I could care less what you think about the sports bar. People enjoy it, and your dogma has no bearing on that reality.
It has none. But then, Obama never claimed it did.

yes he did - by simply bringing race into the discussion about the ratings he did exactly that - blamed the drop in the ratings on the racism. otherwise there was no reason to bring it.
Ok, I'm convinced. You are batshit crazy. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Imbecile ... if he were using that as an excuse for why his ratings have dropped, which he never actually said in that article ... he wouldn't have pointed out how there are also people who do like him because he's black. Do you understand how that cancels out the affect of negatively impacting his JAR?? I'm not sure you do because you really do come off as batshit crazed.

you, cretino cornuto, he WAS using that argument - the racism explanation for his dropping ratings.Otherwise there was absolutely no need for that asinine statement.
It has no relevance to his dropping ratings, yet that was his excuse.

or you, like your idiot prez, suppose that those who dislike him because he is black did not know that 5 years ago?

you guys are ridiculously moronic.
Again, neither Obama nor myself are claiming his race is affecting his JAR.

yes, he IS. and you are singing along. the argument is as moronic as it can be but your narcissistic prez still used it - as it never can be that HE did something wrong, right :lol:
yes you ARE. he brought the race into the discussion of his dropping ratings and you are obsessing over it as is clearly shown by your moronic question "Is it true that some people don't like him because they can't stand the idea of a black president?" which you address to any poster in the thread :D
If you agree that there are folks who dislike him because they can't stand the idea of a black president, then you are in agreement with him..

And? That still does not have absolutely nothing to do with his dropping ratings, yet he explains those by racism.
I do not - therefore our agreement was very short lived.

Neither Obama nor myself are claiming his race is affecting his JAR. That you maintain we are simply because he pointed out that some people don't like him because of his race while others do like him just because of his race speaks more to your delusions than anything he or I have said.

Yes, HE IS.

Otherwise there was absolutely no need for that asinine statement.
It has no relevance to his dropping ratings, yet that was his excuse.

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