Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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This is what happens you you pull out prematurely. However, yes I support the President in this. Those people need to be protected and this radical group needs to be exterminated...

...I'll wager he'll [Obama] go halfway....as he usually does.

The odds seem heavily stacked in favor of a half-assed outcome.

Hope that's wrong, but, somehow, I doubt it.
I think you're right.
I'm assuming by "containment" that Obama has drawn another red line in the sand that ISIS can hide behind but not cross over ? Here we go again.
What's the obum's plan? If he's just going to drop a few bombs and go home, that's not much of a plan. If he's going to drop aid to the people hiding in the mountains is he going to do it forever?

He hasn't named the mission. That's come under a lot of criticism because it implies that there is no mission. There's no goal, no plan, nothing. There is no direction. Which means that no matter what is done, will be done with the default end goal of failing.

Obama's Iraq aim: contain, not destroy, extremists - US News

If that's his plan, it is a very stupid plan. Really stupid.
America fixed it with our treasure. That's why we set the rules.

Fixed what? Bush decided to drive the Sunnis out of power in Iraq and hand power over to the Shiites by military force. Nether Bush nor Obama nor the most brilliant US generals could 'fix' the broken relationship between Sunni and Shiite within Iraq that arose from the 2003 invasion to find stockpiles of Chem/Bio
Weapons that were not there.

To fix what Bush broke - Sunnis would have to have been restored to power and Bush did not decide to do that.

What rules did we set? You need to clarify that one for sure.

Iraq was broken long before Bush took over. We took ovet Japan and Germany until they became stable. Read a history book. Obama made leaving Iraq a campaign promise.
Iraq is a clusterfuck created by the Bush family:

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a green light from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time.

That's a crock of shit. Are you also going to claim the Bush family also got SADDAM to ANNEX Kuwait and wipe it off the map forever a few days after Saddam invaded it 24 years ago. Did April Glaspie in any way shape or form allow, demand, suggest that Saddam annex a sovereign member of the United Nations?

How Bush 41 Tricked Saddam Into Invading Kuwait

Several Reasons Why Saddam Hussein Invaded Kuwait

The 1st Gulf War did not have to happen. Even if one chooses to excuse the 1st Gulf War - there is absolutely no excuse for the 2nd Gulf War - because Saddam was well-contained within the northern and southern no-fly zones established after the 1st Gulf War. The 2nd invasion by Bush 43 was clearly a war of choice - not necessity.

Nouri al-Maliki was the icing on the cake.

Stop al-Maliki brutality against civilians
Arm all sides of every sectarian group in the Middle East. Keep arming them over, and over again until the last one has been 'neutralized".
Clearly, most Americans aren't tired of war yet. Looks like they're addicted to it.

Yup. We love the vision of bombs blasting all over the globe. That wonderful, orange hue. The splash of body parts and blood splattering the side of some decimated building. An endless flow of tears from somebody's eyes -- anybody's eyes. As long as there is fear, death, mayhem, bloodshed, pain, and maimed bodies then we're satisfied (as long as we aren't the ones personally experiencing it). And Satan smiles.

Why you talking about John McCain and Lindsey Graham that way? They haven't met a war yet that they didn't like.

Yup ... or Hillary, Obama, Bush, Slick Willie, Carter, Nixon, the other Bush, etc., etc., etc. They've all sent troops, bombs, drones, or ships somewhere to fight someone. We're the globe's "Big Brother" Police State. It's what we do and it's become who we are. All the while our own nation is going to hell in a handbasket.
Yup. We love the vision of bombs blasting all over the globe. That wonderful, orange hue. The splash of body parts and blood splattering the side of some decimated building. An endless flow of tears from somebody's eyes -- anybody's eyes. As long as there is fear, death, mayhem, bloodshed, pain, and maimed bodies then we're satisfied (as long as we aren't the ones personally experiencing it). And Satan smiles.

Why you talking about John McCain and Lindsey Graham that way? They haven't met a war yet that they didn't like.

Yup ... or Hillary, Obama, Bush, Slick Willie, Carter, Nixon, the other Bush, etc., etc., etc. They've all sent troops, bombs, drones, or ships somewhere to fight someone. We're the globe's "Big Brother" Police State. It's what we do and it's become who we are. All the while our own nation is going to hell in a handbasket.
Was the cost 4 Trillion $? I know you have 43 million on food stamps now, what was the number before the war.
This is a never ending spew of treasury and costly American lives.. NOT ONE American is worth the same religious fanatical war that has been raging for centuries now.. When is America and the neocon morons which now include Odumbo and his band of leftist warmongers, ever going to wake up and stop doing the same fucking thing over and over, expecting different results.. If you are willing to have a permanent presence in the Middle East, sacrifice America's sons and daughters on a daily basis, and run deficits out the ass, then step up now and say so... otherwise this is nothing more than Odummy trying to look as if he's doing something before Nov elections.
This is a never ending spew of treasury and costly American lives.. NOT ONE American is worth the same religious fanatical war that has been raging for centuries now.. When is America and the neocon morons which now include Odumbo and his band of leftist warmongers, ever going to wake up and stop doing the same fucking thing over and over, expecting different results.. If you are willing to have a permanent presence in the Middle East, sacrifice America's sons and daughters on a daily basis, and run deficits out the ass, then step up now and say so... otherwise this is nothing more than Odummy trying to look as if he's doing something before Nov elections.

Holy shit, for once you're making some sense.
This is a never ending spew of treasury and costly American lives.. NOT ONE American is worth the same religious fanatical war that has been raging for centuries now.. When is America and the neocon morons which now include Odumbo and his band of leftist warmongers, ever going to wake up and stop doing the same fucking thing over and over, expecting different results.. If you are willing to have a permanent presence in the Middle East, sacrifice America's sons and daughters on a daily basis, and run deficits out the ass, then step up now and say so... otherwise this is nothing more than Odummy trying to look as if he's doing something before Nov elections.

I agree with 98% of your post. I'm going to go shower now.
Can we just rename it Avoidistan? Contain terrorists? Really? Did he even think about that before it spilled out of his mouth? Let's just be merciful and bomb the people on the mountain and get it over with.
Whatever. The FACT of the matter is that Obama could have told What the fuck his name is to go eat shit. That asshole in the white house claims that we are a "nation of laws" while he REFUSES to enforce laws he doesn't "care for". So much for that line of bullshit.
Lay on your back, pound your heels on the floor and hold your breath! Why do you always write like a spoiled 10 year old screaming for his own spoiled way. Pathetic behavior!

Same damned thing with the SOFA. He could have told him "We TOOK" this country. We'll leave when we're damned well ready, so sit your ass down and shut the hell up" Or, as we told the Germans and the Japanese after WWII - We will leave when WE are ready.
Obviously, your avatar of that AF Major or Lt Col is not of you! Someone with that background would understand the absolute necessity for a SOFA AFTER sovereignty of the host Nation was returned with establishment of a new government as with, Germany, Japan and, yes, Iraq too. Get thee informed!

No, as expected, he pussed out and pulled the troops. Now, all the blood that was lost in that war was for nothing. It probably means nothing to you - but it means a hell of a lot to those thousands of families who lost Sons or Daughters or Husbands and Fathers. We are right back to where we started - but in this case, Iraq is being turned into an Islamic Terrorist state with designs on destroying YOU and ME. Good job.
The senseless blood sacrifice is on Bush 43's hands for not listening to Bush 41 and his admonition to not get involved in Iraq's civil war back in 1991. After May 1, 2001 and "Mission Accomplished" how did that go for the US to date? There was no reason to create another undefined Vietnam like war in the ME, or our entanglement in the growing conflict that ensued following the fall of the Hussein regime devolving into the predictable civil war.

And don't you fucking dare have the gall to tell this combat veteran that the blood of our fallen probably means nothing to me. I've been there and done that you sorry excuse for an asshole!! Watch what the fuck you're talking about before you let your ass overload your mouth, dipstick!


Hmmm...I'm not exactly sure who the dipshit is that doesn't know how to use the quote function, so if it wasn't you - I apologize in advance. If, on the other hand, I will tell you this - Kiss my Black ass.

I don't give a fuck for your opinion and it means less than nothing to me. Now, as to the gentleman in the photo - that was my Father (then A Lt Col) who went on to become a Brigadier.

YOU a "combat" Veteran? Where and When? Me? 25th Infantry, January 1967 through November 1968 - Ashau Valley, Quan Tri and Le Won. 11B, 97B. Retired form the Army in 1986 as a CW4. Fuck you very much Rambo.

My Brother? US Marines - 3 tours Retired in 1987 as a Master Gunnery Sergeant.

You don't like my views - again - Kiss my Black ass.

Oh, and I just told you that you don't care Rambo. Don't like it? Tough shit .....You're are as full of shit as the other REMFs that inhabit this board.

Either you made a typo or your shit ain't flying too damn straight...23 straight months in country? You a REMF in civvies, Ramboette? Or the real deal? If you're the real deal, Kiss My White Ass and Welcome Home Brother!

I don't need to present my bona fides to you on your fucking demand asshole! I'm not a professional veteran like some folk! I got out of the Navy in Jul '68 after my 4 years were done with bits and pieces of a B40 still in my body from a little incident on the Perfume River west of Hue in '67. VA has me at 100% P&T for that and other shit linked to AO. I've made several pilgrimages to The Wall to see two good friends that never made it back to the World. 'Nuff said, shit for brains!

So for your sorry ass to presume to tell me that their sacrifice doesn't mean anything to me, you did, indeed, let your ass overload your mouth you fucking prick! Yet you just fucking ASSUME that since you're the only one with Red, White and Blue blood flowing in your veins, you are the only one with an emotional attachment to the fallen. What an ego-centric asshole you truly are!

Tough shit if you don't like the way I respond to your idiotic ranting. Sometimes I like to use colored text directly below the quote to save data bits. Don't like it, pound fucking sand soldier!

BTW, your Dad was a handsome man in that photo. No disrespect at all was directed toward him. My Dad was career AF also. WWII & Korea vet, SAC from 1948 on to 1965 with 28 at retirement as a CM/Sgt. One thing we can agree on I think is that we are both proud of our fathers. Let's leave it at that, for now, eh?
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Why you talking about John McCain and Lindsey Graham that way? They haven't met a war yet that they didn't like.

Yup ... or Hillary, Obama, Bush, Slick Willie, Carter, Nixon, the other Bush, etc., etc., etc. They've all sent troops, bombs, drones, or ships somewhere to fight someone. We're the globe's "Big Brother" Police State. It's what we do and it's become who we are. All the while our own nation is going to hell in a handbasket.
Was the cost 4 Trillion $? I know you have 43 million on food stamps now, what was the number before the war.

The cost of the Iraq war over the normal defense budget was less than the money laundering scheme called the Obama stimulus.

Obamcare will cost more and do nothing (except put health insurance and health care in the hands of the US government) than the war in Iraq.
I'll wager he'll [Obama] go halfway....as he usually does.

What are the two extremes of your 'half way' prediction? Is it dropping nuclear bombs on the sands of Iraq and Syria turning it all into glass, on one hand?

On the other is it surrendering Texas and some other Red State in exchange for a promise from IS terrorists to not invade California Illinois and New York and specifically not invade the White House at least until 2017?
The only extreme here would be you using your grey matter for the first time.

I see. There's no way we can know what the baseline is for your prediction, so it is a meaningless wanton attack on Obama.
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What are the two extremes of your 'half way' prediction? Is it dropping nuclear bombs on the sands of Iraq and Syria turning it all into glass, on one hand?

On the other is it surrendering Texas and some other Red State in exchange for a promise from IS terrorists to not invade California Illinois and New York and specifically not invade the White House at least until 2017?
The only extreme here would be you using your grey matter for the first time.

I see. There's no way we can know what the baseline is for your prediction, so it is a meaningless wanton attack on Obama.

So another far left poster that will not show their outrage for Obama's illegal airstrikes..

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