Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Iraq asked the coalition to leave three years ago. The job was done, and now the latest idiot in the WH wants to get us sucked back in. It's beyond moronic.

He doesn't want to go in. He wants it to fall. He's only acting because it's politically beneficial for him to do so.

It's not his fault we got out. That's true. That was the timeline established, although I'm sure that had the Iraqis asked us to stay, he wouldn't have done so.

I think you're talking BS. The USA commits airstrikes on the IS organisation to prevent the Yezidis from being slaughtered.
The IS wants to overthrow the Syrian and Iraqi government and set up a caliphate. The USA fights them and so indirectly does the job for the current governments there.
How exactly is that a policy of regime change?

'Regime Change' has caused this whole awful mess. And Christians have already been expelled in Iraq. But they lived in relative peace & prosperity before the Iraq War. So it's too late for 'saving.' The only logical way forward now, is to adopt a balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy. It's the only real hope for Peace for our Nation.

... so just let the Yezidis be killed by IS?

Not good we have boots on the ground just days after Obama said we wouldn't. The man is a class A liar.
Not good we have boots on the ground just days after Obama said we wouldn't. The man is a class A liar.

He's lost. Out of his league. He never was qualified to be President. In my opinion, he'll always be a useless Communist Organizer.
ISIS is far more dangerous than Alqueda ever was. The have the money, the weapons & the will to do just about anything if not put in check.

And they are reported to have the dam in Mosul under their control:

According to a senior Kurdish official, the militant fighters have been using U.S.-made weapons seized during fighting from the Iraqi army, including M1 Abrams tanks.
There had been conflicting reports about who controlled the dam on the Tigris River, with heavy fighting under way between ISIS fighters and Kurdish forces, known as Peshmerga. U.S. officials have warned that a failure of the dam would catastrophic, resulting in flooding all the way to Baghdad.


We need to arm the Kurds. They are fighting with old outdated Russian equipment while iSIS uses modern American equipment.

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