Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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I agree with the bombing and I also think the Kurds are the only ones holding this country together. They are the only ones making ISIS back down. Our air strikes have given them time and confidence. If we can only get that idiot out as PM in Bagdad, maybe we can defeat these terrorist and send them back to the Hell they came from.

The Kurds are a minority there. And they're hated by the Turks, Arabs, and Iranians. Any victories for them will be victories for them alone. And they'll likely be temporary ones. The Turks will never allow them to gain too much power or independence. In fact, Turkey is extremely angry with us right now for backing the Kurds. I see a major conflict between them at some point.

The Sunni see any Shiite leaders as American/Iranian Puppets. So another 'Regime Change' isn't gonna solve the problems. They're not gonna quit fighting. ISIL makes up only a small fraction of the Sunni resistance. So a Civil War will be raging there for many years to come. Our constant meddling comes with a hefty price. Both in human life and in treasure.
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Yes. The Kurds being threatened was a game changer for me. The Kurds deserve our support.

And ISIS are a bunch of barbarian scum.

Don't count on our Government helping the Kurds too much. The countdown to sell-out has begun. The Turks will not tolerate the Kurds growing too powerful or gaining their own independent State. The decision will have to be made at some point whether to appease a longtime ally or sell the Kurds out. My bet is on selling the Kurds out.

Personally, i'd like to see the Kurds get their Homeland though. They do deserve it. They've been slaughtered for years by the Turks, Arabs, and Iranians. And they've always fought with us bravely. But unfortunately, i believe our Government values its tight relationship with Turkey more. The Kurds will get sold out eventually.

It will lead to the downing of an aircraft which will give the bastards their pretense for ramping up another war.

Yeah, and the 'beheading children' stories are just so far-fetched over-the-top. Preposterous War Propaganda for sure. They really will say or do anything to get us involved in more wars. Probably got those 'Rape Rooms' and are stealing little babies from incubators too.

Oh well, the Sheeple will believe anything i guess...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR4cgeJJPqg]?Kuwaiti baby incubator lies - YouTube[/ame]

No doubt we can rely on your impeccable sources of information to verify the truth.

It is the truth. Do some research yourself. The 'Stealing babies from incubators' story was a war propaganda farce. That's been proven. Just as these 'Beheading children' stories are now. It's all about demonizing to the extent the American Sheeple will support anything. But hey, it does work. I won't deny it. Big Brother's been doing it for many many years. It's a proven winner.
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Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.

Sorry, but the 19th century is long over. The United States lives in a globalized world and is heavily impacted by events over seas. That's why the United States was involved in World War I and World War II. The fact is, those two tragedies could have been prevented or had the damage they caused greatly reduced if the United States had a strong policy of active engagement and intervention back in the early part of the 20th century. That's why after World War II, the United States ended its previous policies of isolation for good and its NEVER going back because it CAN'T. The United States lives in a globalized world that growing ever more globalized by the day. Events in Northwest Iraq have an impact that can reach every part of the globe through the cut and restriction on natural resources. That's reality, that's the 21st century. Unless you are willing to return the United States to living like its in the 19th century, living like the Amish in Pennsylvania, there is no isolationist agenda that will work for the United States.

The next time this country sustains a major terrorist attack the so called isolationists will be the one's screaming the loudest for intervention.
Yeah, and the 'beheading children' stories are just so far-fetched over-the-top. Preposterous War Propaganda for sure. They really will say or do anything to get us involved in more wars. Probably got those 'Rape Rooms' and are stealing little babies from incubators too.

Oh well, the Sheeple will believe anything i guess...

?Kuwaiti baby incubator lies - YouTube

No doubt we can rely on your impeccable sources of information to verify the truth.

It is the truth. Do some research yourself. The 'Stealing babies from incubators' story was a war propaganda farce. That's been proven. Just as these 'Beheading children' stories are now. It's all about demonizing to the extent the American Sheeple will support anything. Hey, it does work. I won't deny it. Big Brother's been doing it for many many years. It's a proven winner.

There is no research to back up your half wit claim about these people.
Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.

Sorry, but the 19th century is long over. The United States lives in a globalized world and is heavily impacted by events over seas. That's why the United States was involved in World War I and World War II. The fact is, those two tragedies could have been prevented or had the damage they caused greatly reduced if the United States had a strong policy of active engagement and intervention back in the early part of the 20th century. That's why after World War II, the United States ended its previous policies of isolation for good and its NEVER going back because it CAN'T. The United States lives in a globalized world that growing ever more globalized by the day. Events in Northwest Iraq have an impact that can reach every part of the globe through the cut and restriction on natural resources. That's reality, that's the 21st century. Unless you are willing to return the United States to living like its in the 19th century, living like the Amish in Pennsylvania, there is no isolationist agenda that will work for the United States.

The next time this country sustains a major terrorist attack the so called isolationists will be the one's screaming the loudest for intervention.

Only a matter of time. Wide open Borders and endless interventions? Of course there's gonna be another major attack. But does your Government really care? I don't think so. In fact, i'm now inclined to believe our Government wants another attack. Why else would a Government leave its borders wide open after such a horrific attack like 9/11?

All Big Brother did after 9/11 was take more of your rights away. All he gave you was 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on you. All, while leaving our border wide open. Make any sense to you? So yes, there is gonna be another major attack. But that's all on you Big Brother-worshipping Interventionists. So don't try blaming those of us who wanted to go in a different direction. All future attacks are on you guys. We tried to warn you that endless war and wide open borders is a recipe for disaster. But most of you just wouldn't listen. A humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy and secure borders is the answer.
Sorry, but the 19th century is long over. The United States lives in a globalized world and is heavily impacted by events over seas. That's why the United States was involved in World War I and World War II. The fact is, those two tragedies could have been prevented or had the damage they caused greatly reduced if the United States had a strong policy of active engagement and intervention back in the early part of the 20th century. That's why after World War II, the United States ended its previous policies of isolation for good and its NEVER going back because it CAN'T. The United States lives in a globalized world that growing ever more globalized by the day. Events in Northwest Iraq have an impact that can reach every part of the globe through the cut and restriction on natural resources. That's reality, that's the 21st century. Unless you are willing to return the United States to living like its in the 19th century, living like the Amish in Pennsylvania, there is no isolationist agenda that will work for the United States.

The next time this country sustains a major terrorist attack the so called isolationists will be the one's screaming the loudest for intervention.

Only a matter of time. Wide open Borders and endless interventions? Of course there's gonna be another major attack. But does your Government really care? I don't think so. In fact, i'm now inclined to believe our Government wants another attack. Why else would a Government leave its borders wide open after such a horrific attack like 9/11?

All Big Brother did after 9/11 was take more of your rights away. All he gave you was 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on you. All, while leaving our border wide open. Make any sense to you? So yes, there is gonna be another major attack. But that's all on you Big Brother-worshipping Interventionists. So don't try blaming those of us who wanted to go in a different direction. All future attacks are on you guys. We tried to warn you that endless war and wide open borders is a recipe for disaster. But most of you just wouldn't listen. A humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy and secure borders is the answer.

Doing nothing is certainly easier than making decisions, that's for sure. But then you have to take the consequences inaction, and that can produce a profound political backlash as well.
No doubt we can rely on your impeccable sources of information to verify the truth.

It is the truth. Do some research yourself. The 'Stealing babies from incubators' story was a war propaganda farce. That's been proven. Just as these 'Beheading children' stories are now. It's all about demonizing to the extent the American Sheeple will support anything. Hey, it does work. I won't deny it. Big Brother's been doing it for many many years. It's a proven winner.

There is no research to back up your half wit claim about these people.

The 'Stealing babies from incubators' story was a war propaganda farce. That has been proven.
The next time this country sustains a major terrorist attack the so called isolationists will be the one's screaming the loudest for intervention.

Only a matter of time. Wide open Borders and endless interventions? Of course there's gonna be another major attack. But does your Government really care? I don't think so. In fact, i'm now inclined to believe our Government wants another attack. Why else would a Government leave its borders wide open after such a horrific attack like 9/11?

All Big Brother did after 9/11 was take more of your rights away. All he gave you was 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on you. All, while leaving our border wide open. Make any sense to you? So yes, there is gonna be another major attack. But that's all on you Big Brother-worshipping Interventionists. So don't try blaming those of us who wanted to go in a different direction. All future attacks are on you guys. We tried to warn you that endless war and wide open borders is a recipe for disaster. But most of you just wouldn't listen. A humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy and secure borders is the answer.

Doing nothing is certainly easier than making decisions, that's for sure. But then you have to take the consequences inaction, and that can produce a profound political backlash as well.

The next attack will dwarf 9/11. It's inevitable. But that's all on you Interventionists. We tried to warn you. Endless War and wide open borders is a deadly recipe for disaster. The result will be many dead Americans and the loss of more freedom & liberty.
It is the truth. Do some research yourself. The 'Stealing babies from incubators' story was a war propaganda farce. That's been proven. Just as these 'Beheading children' stories are now. It's all about demonizing to the extent the American Sheeple will support anything. Hey, it does work. I won't deny it. Big Brother's been doing it for many many years. It's a proven winner.

There is no research to back up your half wit claim about these people.

The 'Stealing babies from incubators' story was a war propaganda farce. That has been proven.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with this situation.
Only a matter of time. Wide open Borders and endless interventions? Of course there's gonna be another major attack. But does your Government really care? I don't think so. In fact, i'm now inclined to believe our Government wants another attack. Why else would a Government leave its borders wide open after such a horrific attack like 9/11?

All Big Brother did after 9/11 was take more of your rights away. All he gave you was 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on you. All, while leaving our border wide open. Make any sense to you? So yes, there is gonna be another major attack. But that's all on you Big Brother-worshipping Interventionists. So don't try blaming those of us who wanted to go in a different direction. All future attacks are on you guys. We tried to warn you that endless war and wide open borders is a recipe for disaster. But most of you just wouldn't listen. A humble Non-Intervention Foreign Policy and secure borders is the answer.

Doing nothing is certainly easier than making decisions, that's for sure. But then you have to take the consequences inaction, and that can produce a profound political backlash as well.

The next attack will dwarf 9/11. It's inevitable. But that's all on you Interventionists. We tried to warn you. Endless War and wide open borders is a deadly recipe for disaster. The result will be many dead Americans and the loss of more freedom & liberty.

A few more attacks on the scale of 911 and Americans would be falling all over themselves to shred what's left of the Constitution. I wonder who you would blame for that?
Doing nothing is certainly easier than making decisions, that's for sure. But then you have to take the consequences inaction, and that can produce a profound political backlash as well.

The next attack will dwarf 9/11. It's inevitable. But that's all on you Interventionists. We tried to warn you. Endless War and wide open borders is a deadly recipe for disaster. The result will be many dead Americans and the loss of more freedom & liberty.

A few more attacks on the scale of 911 and Americans would be falling all over themselves to shred what's left of the Constitution. I wonder who you would blame for that?

That's why i have to conclude our Government doesn't really care about Citizens' safety. It's merely using the 'War on Terror' to take freedom & liberty away from the People. All you have to do is look at what's happened since 9/11. Big Brother gave the People 'Security' in the name of 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on them. Yet he kept the border wide open. Government merely used 9/11 to seize more control.

And i now believe our Government is looking forward to another attack on our nation. It will use that attack to expand its control and justify its endless war agenda. It really is very sad & tragic.
The next attack will dwarf 9/11. It's inevitable. But that's all on you Interventionists. We tried to warn you. Endless War and wide open borders is a deadly recipe for disaster. The result will be many dead Americans and the loss of more freedom & liberty.

A few more attacks on the scale of 911 and Americans would be falling all over themselves to shred what's left of the Constitution. I wonder who you would blame for that?

That's why i have to conclude our Government doesn't really care about Citizens' safety. It's merely using the 'War on Terror' to take freedom & liberty away from the People. All you have to do is look at what's happened since 9/11. Big Brother gave the People 'Security' in the name of 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on them. Yet he kept the border wide open. Government merely used 9/11 to seize more control.

And i now believe our Government is looking forward to another attack on our nation. It will use that attack to expand its control and justify its endless war agenda. It really is very sad & tragic.

Yes, I can see that this is as far as your thinking takes you.
A few more attacks on the scale of 911 and Americans would be falling all over themselves to shred what's left of the Constitution. I wonder who you would blame for that?

That's why i have to conclude our Government doesn't really care about Citizens' safety. It's merely using the 'War on Terror' to take freedom & liberty away from the People. All you have to do is look at what's happened since 9/11. Big Brother gave the People 'Security' in the name of 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on them. Yet he kept the border wide open. Government merely used 9/11 to seize more control.

And i now believe our Government is looking forward to another attack on our nation. It will use that attack to expand its control and justify its endless war agenda. It really is very sad & tragic.

Yes, I can see that this is as far as your thinking takes you.

Sadly, my prediction will likely become a reality. The next attack is going to dwarf 9/11. And Big Brother will use it to dismantle the Constitution and Liberty. So enjoy your Wars and wide open borders sheeple. But remember, you do reap what you sow.
I agree with the bombing and I also think the Kurds are the only ones holding this country together. They are the only ones making ISIS back down. Our air strikes have given them time and confidence. If we can only get that idiot out as PM in Bagdad, maybe we can defeat these terrorist and send them back to the Hell they came from.

The Kurds are a minority there. And they're hated by the Turks, Arabs, and Iranians. Any victories for them will be victories for them alone. And they'll likely be temporary ones. The Turks will never allow them to gain too much power or independence. In fact, Turkey is extremely angry with us right now for backing the Kurds. I see a major conflict between them at some point.

As i've said before on this site: Turkey better drop the "We hate Kurds" attitude and help because Turkey is on ISIS's hit list.
Our constant meddling comes with a hefty price. Both in human life and in treasure.

You and the Paul family a winning no minds.

Americans Support Air Strikes In Iraq, But Strongly Oppose Sending In Troops.

Americans back President Barack Obama's decision to begin conducting air strikes in Iraq, but strongly oppose sending American ground troops to fight the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans in the new poll supported Obama's authorization of air strikes against insurgents in Iraq, while 24 percent said they oppose the move. A similar percentage said they would approve of the use of drones. The air strikes brought a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, with 66 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of Republicans supporting the move. Independents expressed less positive opinions, with just half approving.

Approval of Obama's handling of the situation in Iraq has also risen modestly. Two months ago, just 33 percent of Americans approved, with 45 percent disapproving; in the most recent poll, views were about evenly split, with 42 percent approving, and 40 percent disapproving. His approval on Iraq rose 7 points among Democrats, and 9 points among independents and Republicans.

Americans are divided about whether the U.S. government has been aggressive enough in its response to the situation in Iraq. Thirty-six percent of those polled said the American government should respond more forcefully to insurgents in Iraq, while 16 percent said the response should be less aggressive. Another 22 percent said the U.S. government's response to insurgents in Iraq has been about right.

Desire for a tougher response, however, has exceeded support for actually sending in more troops. Only 15 percent supported sending American ground troops to fight the Islamic State, compared to 63 percent who opposed it. Americans were also opposed to sending American troops to assist Iraqi army units, though by a smaller margin of 45 percent to 30 percent.

Republicans were the most supportive of sending ground troops to Iraq, with 25 percent of Republicans endorsing the idea. By comparison, 12 percent of Democrats and 13 percent of independents said they would support sending American ground troops to fight ISIS.
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The next attack will dwarf 9/11. It's inevitable. But that's all on you Interventionists. We tried to warn you. Endless War and wide open borders is a deadly recipe for disaster. The result will be many dead Americans and the loss of more freedom & liberty.

A few more attacks on the scale of 911 and Americans would be falling all over themselves to shred what's left of the Constitution. I wonder who you would blame for that?

That's why i have to conclude our Government doesn't really care about Citizens' safety. It's merely using the 'War on Terror' to take freedom & liberty away from the People. All you have to do is look at what's happened since 9/11. Big Brother gave the People 'Security' in the name of 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive spying on them. Yet he kept the border wide open. Government merely used 9/11 to seize more control.

And i now believe our Government is looking forward to another attack on our nation. It will use that attack to expand its control and justify its endless war agenda. It really is very sad & tragic.

What exactly is "a war agenda" when Yezidis are prevented from a genocide? You forget that ISIS is actually the warmongering party here, not the USA.

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