Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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You are clueless. This is about total annihilation of the USA, not Sunnis or Shiites. See the previous post > # 531.

You sure about that? Your borders are wide open. You so sure your Government cares about your safety & security? Maybe the 'War on Terror' is a scam? Maybe your Government merely used 9/11 to usher in Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA Spying?

Maybe your Government wants another 9/11 to take more of your rights away? These wars will not make you safer. It's time for you to start questioning everything. It's time for all Americans to start doing that.

YES, I am SURE about that. The borders are open so the ruling govt can secure itself more VOTES. Kids in the 5th grade know that.

No, I don't think the govt (not all of it) cares about our safety. Many of them are idiots, who put their own person political interests above national security. This is also well-known.

No, the war on terror isn't a scam. Muslim lunatics have been fighting it from their deranged side for 1400 years, didn't you know ?

The time for me to start questioning everything was in 1956, when I was 10 years. I've never stopped since.

Cool, now question some more. A Government claiming to care about its Citizens' safety & security while keeping its borders wide open, should be seriously questioned. Does our Government want another 9/11? Sure looks like it. I'm now leaning towards believing the 'War on Terror' is a scam.

It seems Government just wants more power & control. It wants more Patriot Acts and NDAA's. It wants more spying on Citizens. I just don't see a serious concern for Citizens' safety & security. Leaving the borders wide open says it all. Just my observation anyway.
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And on a side note before i bail, the President bombed again without consulting Congress. That seems to have gone completely unacknowledged. How sad.

Not that I approve of it in any wise, but Public Law 107-243, the 2002 Iraq AUMF does seem to give the President cover as long he stays within the 60 day reporting deadlines of Section 4. If he goes beyond them, he is fair game.

Ron Paul authored a bill, HR 2605, 110th Congress, to sunset the Iraq AUMF in 2007, but it died. So it stays in effect until rescinded.
If Obama thought for a minute ISIS members would vote Democrat, we wouldn't be bombing them...
And on a side note before i bail, the President bombed again without consulting Congress. That seems to have gone completely unacknowledged. How sad.

The US and UK are more responsible for the plight of those people than anyone.
There should be no question that they do whatever it takes to protect them.
Nonsense, hyperbolic fearmongering at its silliest.

Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.

In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.
Ok, so you took hyperbole lessons from them. Still unimpressed.
Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.

Sorry, but the 19th century is long over. The United States lives in a globalized world and is heavily impacted by events over seas. That's why the United States was involved in World War I and World War II. The fact is, those two tragedies could have been prevented or had the damage they caused greatly reduced if the United States had a strong policy of active engagement and intervention back in the early part of the 20th century. That's why after World War II, the United States ended its previous policies of isolation for good and its NEVER going back because it CAN'T. The United States lives in a globalized world that growing ever more globalized by the day. Events in Northwest Iraq have an impact that can reach every part of the globe through the cut and restriction on natural resources. That's reality, that's the 21st century. Unless you are willing to return the United States to living like its in the 19th century, living like the Amish in Pennsylvania, there is no isolationist agenda that will work for the United States.
I agree with the bombing and I also think the Kurds are the only ones holding this country together. They are the only ones making ISIS back down. Our air strikes have given them time and confidence. If we can only get that idiot out as PM in Bagdad, maybe we can defeat these terrorist and send them back to the Hell they came from.
I agree with the bombing and I also think the Kurds are the only ones holding this country together. They are the only ones making ISIS back down. Our air strikes have given them time and confidence. If we can only get that idiot out as PM in Bagdad, maybe we can defeat these terrorist and send them back to the Hell they came from.
^ supports Obomb-a.

Yes the US Marines couldn't handle Obama's friends ISIS....its the Kurds...and way...

Liberals are the biggest fucking tools on the planet
I agree with the bombing and I also think the Kurds are the only ones holding this country together. They are the only ones making ISIS back down. Our air strikes have given them time and confidence. If we can only get that idiot out as PM in Bagdad, maybe we can defeat these terrorist and send them back to the Hell they came from.

WE ???? :lol::lol::lol:
Rand Paul and his last supporter crying in the wilderness: All we are saying is give peace a chance. What a hoot coming from a Republican Senator who wants to be President of fortress America.

Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.

"What would airstrikes accomplish?" he asked. "We know that Iran is aiding the Iraqi government against ISIS. Do we want to, in effect, become Iran's air force? What's in this for Iran? Why should we choose a side, and if we do, who are we really helping?"

Rand Paul Suddenly Goes Very Silent On U.S. Airstrikes In Iraq
I not only support the bombing, I say step it up.

What the president is doing now is just a drop in the water.It will achieve nothing it will save almost nobody.

It seems Hussein Obama has been dragged kicking and screaming into a battle he abhors, the battle against his Islamic terrorist blood brothers.
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I not only support the bombing, I say step it up.

What the president is doing now is just a drop in the water.It will achieve nothing it will save almost nobody.

It seems Hussein Obama has been dragged kicking and screaming into a battle he abhors, the battle against his Islamic terrorist blood brothers.

I bet he's pissed that he didn't get to blow the shit out of Assad---Isis could be in Damascus by now.
Yes. The Kurds being threatened was a game changer for me. The Kurds deserve our support.

And ISIS are a bunch of barbarian scum.
They make the NAZI's look like boy scouts. They make the Japs look like twinkle toed fags!

It's too bad they're not concentrated in area where a tactical nuke would be politically, or militarily effective.
Dip the bullets in pig's blood...............

Just saying............for ISIS.............

It will lead to the downing of an aircraft which will give the bastards their pretense for ramping up another war.

Yeah, and the 'beheading children' stories are just so far-fetched over-the-top. Preposterous War Propaganda for sure. They really will say or do anything to get us involved in more wars. Probably got those 'Rape Rooms' and are stealing little babies from incubators too.

Oh well, the Sheeple will believe anything i guess...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR4cgeJJPqg]?Kuwaiti baby incubator lies - YouTube[/ame]

No doubt we can rely on your impeccable sources of information to verify the truth.
Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.

Sorry, but the 19th century is long over. The United States lives in a globalized world and is heavily impacted by events over seas. That's why the United States was involved in World War I and World War II. The fact is, those two tragedies could have been prevented or had the damage they caused greatly reduced if the United States had a strong policy of active engagement and intervention back in the early part of the 20th century. That's why after World War II, the United States ended its previous policies of isolation for good and its NEVER going back because it CAN'T. The United States lives in a globalized world that growing ever more globalized by the day. Events in Northwest Iraq have an impact that can reach every part of the globe through the cut and restriction on natural resources. That's reality, that's the 21st century. Unless you are willing to return the United States to living like its in the 19th century, living like the Amish in Pennsylvania, there is no isolationist agenda that will work for the United States.

I can't agree with most of that.

How do events in Iraq today impact Americans? I believe they do not impact us one bit. However, since the US government has caused the current events because of it's intervention in Iraq, I do agree we need to do something to stop the bloodshed.

This is yet another reason why the US government should not have intervened in the first place...then all this shit would not be happening. The turmoil in much of the world today, is because of US gov intervention. Now we are in too deep thanks to foolish criminal politicians.

And to think the US gov intervened in WWI and WWII because we are 'globalized', is total bull shit. The US gov intervened in both those wars for nefarious reasons promoted by corrupt lying politicians.
Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.

Sorry, but the 19th century is long over. The United States lives in a globalized world and is heavily impacted by events over seas. That's why the United States was involved in World War I and World War II. The fact is, those two tragedies could have been prevented or had the damage they caused greatly reduced if the United States had a strong policy of active engagement and intervention back in the early part of the 20th century. That's why after World War II, the United States ended its previous policies of isolation for good and its NEVER going back because it CAN'T. The United States lives in a globalized world that growing ever more globalized by the day. Events in Northwest Iraq have an impact that can reach every part of the globe through the cut and restriction on natural resources. That's reality, that's the 21st century. Unless you are willing to return the United States to living like its in the 19th century, living like the Amish in Pennsylvania, there is no isolationist agenda that will work for the United States.

Wide open borders and endless war is the problem. A balanced Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy and secured border is the solution. If your Government really cared about your security, it would adopt that policy immediately. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. In fact, they'll actually make you less safe. It's time for a new path for our nation.
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