Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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How are all those "thousands" of ragtops going to get here? Swim?

Get on a plane with a destination in Latin America and then cross our unsecured southern border.

Actually, it's much, MUCH easier than that....European trash that returns to their own countries (or hell, even Americans) who then travel here legally and begin operations.

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Since "ISIS is not Iraq" it might seem the left has already awarded recognition to The Caliphate.

Anyone surprised?

It's funny, but I recall (3-4) years ago watching Beck (when he was still on FOX), telling his viewers that a "Caliphate" was coming and it would begin sooner, rather than later. And, he also was saying that it would mark the beginning of a new World War. Go figure....

Looks as though he was right............
The US and the UK have total responsibility to protect those people.
Anyone really sure they know what the goal is on this one? Looks like most support this, but do they really understand what they're supporting? I suspect most don't. I suspect they're just doing what the War Propaganda has conditioned them to do. More meddling isn't the answer in my opinion. Iraq is a Catch 22 for Americans at this point. The Sunnis aren't going away. ISIL is only a fraction of the overall Sunni Resistance there.

We took Hussein out and turned the country over to the Iranian-backed Shiites. The Sunnis see Maliki and the Shiites as American/Iranian Puppets. They will continue fighting. Time for us to cut our losses and allow the Iraqis to sort out their own problems. We've done enough damage over there.

The West (the US, EU, Canada and Australia) should do everything possible to protect the Yazidis and beat the ISIS lunatics.
And why are you talking about war propaganda? Destroying the terrorist organisations (Hamas, ISIS, the Taliban etc.) will lead to worldwide stability.
Wake up Americans. Your Government is not concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It's a very sad scam. All Big Brother has done for you since 9/11, is grab more power and control over you. If he were concerned with your safety, he would have addressed our wide open borders after 9/11. But he didn't, and still hasn't. These wars aren't gonna make you safer. Only a balanced non-intervention policy and secured borders will. It's time to end Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and the Wars. That would be a good start to making us safer and restoring our freedom & liberty.
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Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

Robin Simcox | Why Europe and the United States Could be ISIS' Next Target | Foreign Affairs

Nonsense, hyperbolic fearmongering at its silliest.

Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.

In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.
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How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

Robin Simcox | Why Europe and the United States Could be ISIS' Next Target | Foreign Affairs

Nonsense, hyperbolic fearmongering at its silliest.

Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.

In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.

Yet our Government continues to leave our borders wide open. So is our Government really concerned with our safety? Is the 'War on Terror' really just Bullshite? Is Al Qaeda even real? Or does our Government want another 9/11? You have to question it all now.

It's just not logical to leave borders wide open if you really are concerned with Citizens' safety & security. It just doesn't add up. I'm actually shocked so few Americans see that.
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Nonsense, hyperbolic fearmongering at its silliest.

Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.

In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.

Yet our Government continues to leave our borders wide open. So is our Government really concerned with our safety? Is the 'War on Terror' really just Bullshite? Is Al Qaeda even real? Or does our Government want another 9/11? You have to question it all now.

It's just not logical to leave borders wide open if you really are concerned with Citizens' safety & security. It just doesn't add up. I'm actually shocked so few Americans see that.

How many of those involved in the 9-11 attacks came across the Mexican boarder?
Nonsense, hyperbolic fearmongering at its silliest.

Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.

In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.

Yet our Government continues to leave our borders wide open. So is our Government really concerned with our safety? Is the 'War on Terror' really just Bullshite? Is Al Qaeda even real? Or does our Government want another 9/11? You have to question it all now.

It's just not logical to leave borders wide open if you really are concerned with Citizens' safety & security. It just doesn't add up. I'm actually shocked so few Americans see that.

The US Government leaves our borders unprotected and disarms out citizens. Not exactly like they are doing their hardest to protect us.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

Robin Simcox | Why Europe and the United States Could be ISIS' Next Target | Foreign Affairs

Threats from ISIS (the new "buzz" word) are nothing more than threats. How are all those "thousands" of ragtops going to get here? Swim?

I don't live in fear of what "might" happen someday. I live in the reality that if Obama was truly concerned about "protecting" the American people then he would immediately seal and protect the southern border. He would promote individual liberty including ones right to keep and bear arms. Could ISIS defeat a nation of people who own guns and who knows how to use them? If Obama was truly concerned about the America people then he would do what he could to strengthen (rather than weaken) America's military infrastructure.

Let's fix America before worrying about some sand dune in bumf*** Egypt.

You got some correct ideas, and some wrong ones.

1. Yes, Obama should seal the southern border (and deport ALL illegal aliens)

2. Yes he should promote individual liberty including ones right to keep and bear arms.

3. Yes, he should strengthen, not weaken, America's military.

4. Yes, ISIS could defeat a nation of people who own guns and who knows how to use them. They could do that bit by bit, in various ways > by repeating the 9/11 massacre by repeating the Fort Hood massacre, by repeating the Beltway Sniper killings, by repeating the Boston bombing, etc. In addition they could blow up a nuclear bomb in a large heavily populated city, or multiple nukes in mltiple cities, as called for in the infamous al Qaeda "American Hiroshima" communique/doctrine. The could also attack and kill millions of people in multiple cites (quite easily actually) with poison gas, and do the same with contagious biological weapons.

5. ISIS doesn't have to "get here". They are already here, according to various national security experts. And many of them are from countries that are visa exempt, so they can simply come here from those countries, no questions asked.
Anyone really sure they know what the goal is on this one? Looks like most support this, but do they really understand what they're supporting? I suspect most don't. I suspect they're just doing what the War Propaganda has conditioned them to do. More meddling isn't the answer in my opinion. Iraq is a Catch 22 for Americans at this point. The Sunnis aren't going away. ISIL is only a fraction of the overall Sunni Resistance there.

We took Hussein out and turned the country over to the Iranian-backed Shiites. The Sunnis see Maliki and the Shiites as American/Iranian Puppets. They will continue fighting. Time for us to cut our losses and allow the Iraqis to sort out their own problems. We've done enough damage over there.

You are clueless. This is about total annihilation of the USA, not Sunnis or Shiites. See the previous post > # 531.
Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet your only objected because you are concerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?

Are you saying you don't consider ISIS a real threat to America ?

Tell you what...
Call me when they get a Navy and an Air Force! Until then they are no major threat to the United States.

They don't need a Navy or an Air Force. You are also clueless. See Post # 531.
Yes, I mean it is not like a terrorist can get on a boat or plane and come to the US.

<thumbs nose at ISIS>

They can easily do that from visa exempt countries which they are nationals of. In addition, some of them are Americans, and are already here.
Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.

In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.

Yet our Government continues to leave our borders wide open. So is our Government really concerned with our safety? Is the 'War on Terror' really just Bullshite? Is Al Qaeda even real? Or does our Government want another 9/11? You have to question it all now.

It's just not logical to leave borders wide open if you really are concerned with Citizens' safety & security. It just doesn't add up. I'm actually shocked so few Americans see that.

The US Government leaves our borders unprotected and disarms out citizens. Not exactly like they are doing their hardest to protect us.

Makes you wonder if the 'War on Terror' really is Bullshite. Our Government clearly isn't concerned with our safety and security. It's left our borders wide open. You have to question everything now. Maybe our Government wants another 9/11. Who knows?
Anyone really sure they know what the goal is on this one? Looks like most support this, but do they really understand what they're supporting? I suspect most don't. I suspect they're just doing what the War Propaganda has conditioned them to do. More meddling isn't the answer in my opinion. Iraq is a Catch 22 for Americans at this point. The Sunnis aren't going away. ISIL is only a fraction of the overall Sunni Resistance there.

We took Hussein out and turned the country over to the Iranian-backed Shiites. The Sunnis see Maliki and the Shiites as American/Iranian Puppets. They will continue fighting. Time for us to cut our losses and allow the Iraqis to sort out their own problems. We've done enough damage over there.

You are clueless. This is about total annihilation of the USA, not Sunnis or Shiites. See the previous post > # 531.

You sure about that? Your borders are wide open. You so sure your Government cares about your safety & security? Maybe the 'War on Terror' is a scam? Maybe your Government merely used 9/11 to usher in Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA Spying?

Maybe your Government wants another 9/11 to take more of your rights away? These wars will not make you safer. It's time for you to start questioning everything. It's time for all Americans to start doing that.
And on a side note before i bail, the President bombed again without consulting Congress. That seems to have gone completely unacknowledged. How sad.
Anyone really sure they know what the goal is on this one? Looks like most support this, but do they really understand what they're supporting? I suspect most don't. I suspect they're just doing what the War Propaganda has conditioned them to do. More meddling isn't the answer in my opinion. Iraq is a Catch 22 for Americans at this point. The Sunnis aren't going away. ISIL is only a fraction of the overall Sunni Resistance there.

We took Hussein out and turned the country over to the Iranian-backed Shiites. The Sunnis see Maliki and the Shiites as American/Iranian Puppets. They will continue fighting. Time for us to cut our losses and allow the Iraqis to sort out their own problems. We've done enough damage over there.

You are clueless. This is about total annihilation of the USA, not Sunnis or Shiites. See the previous post > # 531.

You sure about that? Your borders are wide open. You so sure your Government cares about your safety & security? Maybe the 'War on Terror' is a scam? Maybe your Government merely used 9/11 to usher in Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA Spying?

Maybe your Government wants another 9/11 to take more of your rights away? These wars will not make you safer. It's time for you to start questioning everything. It's time for all Americans to start doing that.

YES, I am SURE about that. The borders are open so the ruling govt can secure itself more VOTES. Kids in the 5th grade know that.

No, I don't think the govt (not all of it) cares about our safety. Many of them are idiots, who put their own person political interests above national security. This is also well-known.

No, the war on terror isn't a scam. Muslim lunatics have been fighting it from their deranged side for 1400 years, didn't you know ?

The time for me to start questioning everything was in 1956, when I was 10 years. I've never stopped since.
Well, ISIS leader Baghdadi said "See you in New York", and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. You have some concrete evidence to show that those proclamations are invalid ? If so, let's hear it.
Do you have any proof that they are valid? Or are they just bravado of some insane musilum leader
In the meantime, a slew of national security experts have agreed with what I've said, and in much greater detail, with more facts and study behind them (not that any are really needed). For now I'll go with THEIR assessment, rather than your unsubstantiated hot air.

And you don't think national security experts are going to hedge their bet to protect their jobs?

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