Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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As a Tea Partier I was against it from the start because I believed then (as I do now) that we have enough problems of our own to deal with.

Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet your only objected because you are concerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?
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As a Tea Partier I was against it from the start because I believed then (as I do now) that we have enough problems of our own to deal with.

Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet youn only objected because you are cincerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?

And the far left show why they are more dangerous than ISIS.
The problem with these polls is akin to: Are you with us or against us? If not with us, then you're with ISIL in this case.

It's a bit more complicated than that.

Any rational human being would grasp for irrational emotion and say put those god damned heathens in the ground, BUT they would also ask: How the fuck did we get here?
I don't believe legality makes any difference any longer.

To be fair, what war is legal?

Just saying.

1991 Iraq.
2003 in Iraq as apart of the continuation of 1991 in Iraq.

Not sure why you want to side with the far left and blur the lines of legality of things when something is truly illegal like Obama's incursion into Libya and now in Iraq in 2014.
And the far left would much rather have Saddam in power so they can believe that genocide would not happen under Saddam.

If you think Congress authorized war 'if necessary' in order to avert any potentential genocide if Saddam Hussein remained in power you would be wrong.

In your opinion the 'far left' must be wrong to oppose committing US troops to war to kill and be killed over a hypothetical case of genicide. Do you think it is right to start a war over non-existent genocide?
Not sure why you want to side with the far left and blur the lines of legality of things when something is truly illegal like Obama's incursion into Libya and now in Iraq in 2014.

There was nothing illegal about Libya. Obama participated as a UN member state as well as with NATO to enforce the NFZ over Libya that the UNSC authorized.

In Iraq right now it is not illegal to bomb terrorists there because the government of Iraq requests and authorizes it.

In 2003 GWBush invaded Iraq in defiance of the UNSC. The invasion was not authorized by the UN.

In 1991 GHW Bush drove Hussein's army out of Kuwait with UNSC authorization.

Just facts for you in case you ever decide to rely on facts in the future,
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So how many of the far left posters here are going to condemn Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq?

For anyone (left, center, right) to condemn Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq you must establish that his actions are illegal. On what basis and jurisdiction do you suggest Obama's actions in Iraq are not legal?
And the far left show why they are more dangerous than ISIS.

2/3 of Americans polled say invading Iraq was a mistake. A few weeks before the invasion of Iraq 54% polled Bush should give the inspectors more time and not invade unless the UN authorized it. So are over half of Americans far left and more dangerous than ISIS in your conjured universe?
So Obama has begun bombing Iraq. How do you feel about it? Do you support it?

FALSE QUESTION. Obama has not bombed "Iraq". In fact, his bombing is joining the Iraqi Air force which is also doing the same bombing that Obama is doing. They are working together, to bomb ISIS. ISIS is not Iraq.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

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Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Thunk it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

Could it be they're waiting for a more formal invitation?
And the far left show why they are more dangerous than ISIS.

2/3 of Americans polled say invading Iraq was a mistake. A few weeks before the invasion of Iraq 54% polled Bush should give the inspectors more time and not invade unless the UN authorized it. So are over half of Americans far left and more dangerous than ISIS in your conjured universe?

What will Americans (polled after ISIS is in the US attacking and killing) say ?, when they're not being used as human shields.
Since "ISIS is not Iraq" it might seem the left has already awarded recognition to The Caliphate.

Anyone surprised?

ISIS is not Iraq, it is not the Iraqi government trying to set up a caliphate.
And it doesn't mean that the left has awarded recognition to the caliphate, instead it means that they don't see ISIS as an official governing power, but as what they are: a terrorist organisation.

I'm surprised you made such a stupid claim to bash the left.
As a Tea Partier I was against it from the start because I believed then (as I do now) that we have enough problems of our own to deal with.

Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet your only objected because you are concerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?

Are you saying you don't consider ISIS a real threat to America ?
So how many of the far left posters here are going to condemn Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq?

Other than moronic trolling right-wing Americans on the internets, who the hell is calling our actions in Iraq right now illegal?

The Iraqi government asked us for help. The UN is on our side and preparing sanctions against those who harbor or support ISIS.

Over the last 24 hours we've saved the lives of countless thousands by our actions. No one in the world other than ISIS members and American right-wingers are bitching about it.
Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

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