Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Since "ISIS is not Iraq" it might seem the left has already awarded recognition to The Caliphate.

Yes "it might seem" to be saying that to a non-thinking type of political hack but not to anyone dealing in reality.

But to play along with your semantically obscure stunt your point is also absurd because the poster that wrote 'ISIS is not Iraq' is advocating that ISIS should be bombed out of exustence.

And since you have found the bombing of ISIS (the newly recognized nation) to be the policy of "the left" which I presume you oppose, so where does that leave you?

Are you opposed to bombing ISIS if it were a caliphate or if it were a terrorist army that has invaded Iraq?

Tell us your position?
Since "ISIS is not Iraq" it might seem the left has already awarded recognition to The Caliphate.

Yes "it might seem" to be saying that to a non-thinking type of political hack but not to anyone dealing in reality.

But to play along with your semantically obscure stunt your point is also absurd because the poster that wrote 'ISIS is not Iraq' is advocating that ISIS should be bombed out of exustence.

And since you have found the bombing of ISIS (the newly recognized nation) to be the policy of "the left" which I presume you oppose, so where does that leave you?

Are you opposed to bombing ISIS if it were a caliphate or if it were a terrorist army that has invaded Iraq?

Tell us your position?
Jesus-H-Christ, but what kind of nit-picking phrase-disassembly is this?

ISIS - either as a political faction, a state-less militia, or as the irregular military of a pseudo-state wannabe in-the-making... in any of its possible incarnations... appears to be highly dangerous and eligible for eradication in the most thorough and fastest and most efficient and effective way possible.

Perhaps I'm missing some aspect of the earlier exchange, but does any of that shit really make any difference, when we clearly have an Enemy of Mankind in front of us, committing genocide in the actual and classical sense of the word, besieging women and children, and thirsty for the blood of the Infidel, and executing and beheading innocent non-believers?

Bomb the ever-lovin' shit out of those mutherphukkers and beat 'em back, away from those poor folks, and convince the bastards that they'll get worse if they come back anytime soon.
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Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

Robin Simcox | Why Europe and the United States Could be ISIS' Next Target | Foreign Affairs

Threats from ISIS (the new "buzz" word) are nothing more than threats. How are all those "thousands" of ragtops going to get here? Swim?

I don't live in fear of what "might" happen someday. I live in the reality that if Obama was truly concerned about "protecting" the American people then he would immediately seal and protect the southern border. He would promote individual liberty including ones right to keep and bear arms. Could ISIS defeat a nation of people who own guns and who knows how to use them? If Obama was truly concerned about the America people then he would do what he could to strengthen (rather than weaken) America's military infrastructure.

Let's fix America before worrying about some sand dune in bumf*** Egypt.
Anyone really sure they know what the goal is on this one? Looks like most support this, but do they really understand what they're supporting? I suspect most don't. I suspect they're just doing what the War Propaganda has conditioned them to do. More meddling isn't the answer in my opinion. Iraq is a Catch 22 for Americans at this point. The Sunnis aren't going away. ISIL is only a fraction of the overall Sunni Resistance there.

We took Hussein out and turned the country over to the Iranian-backed Shiites. The Sunnis see Maliki and the Shiites as American/Iranian Puppets. They will continue fighting. Time for us to cut our losses and allow the Iraqis to sort out their own problems. We've done enough damage over there.
As a Tea Partier I was against it from the start because I believed then (as I do now) that we have enough problems of our own to deal with.

Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet your only objected because you are concerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?

Are you saying you don't consider ISIS a real threat to America ?

Tell you what...
Call me when they get a Navy and an Air Force! Until then they are no major threat to the United States.
So how many of the far left posters here are going to condemn Obama for his illegal actions in Iraq?

Other than moronic trolling right-wing Americans on the internets, who the hell is calling our actions in Iraq right now illegal?

The Iraqi government asked us for help. The UN is on our side and preparing sanctions against those who harbor or support ISIS.

Over the last 24 hours we've saved the lives of countless thousands by our actions. No one in the world other than ISIS members and American right-wingers are bitching about it.

It is illegal, not one far left poster has been able to provide a legal basis for it.

Since Obama is on vacation and the DNC has to send their programmed talking points to Canada to make it to it's loyal followers I suspect we have to wait til Monday or Tuesday before we get the far left talking point to explain that away.

All the far left blog sites tell you that the Iraq's did not want the US there and now here we are bombing their country again. So did all those far left blog sites lie?

Obama on every aspect of this doing it illegal. However since when has Obama worried about the Constitution or doing things that are legal. He did the same thing in Libya and got a way with it.

However this is more about a bump in the polls vs doing anything else. Obama was not going to be upstaged by the world leader Putin.
Yes, I mean it is not like a terrorist can get on a boat or plane and come to the US.

<thumbs nose at ISIS>
Since "ISIS is not Iraq" it might seem the left has already awarded recognition to The Caliphate.

Yes "it might seem" to be saying that to a non-thinking type of political hack but not to anyone dealing in reality.

But to play along with your semantically obscure stunt your point is also absurd because the poster that wrote 'ISIS is not Iraq' is advocating that ISIS should be bombed out of exustence.

And since you have found the bombing of ISIS (the newly recognized nation) to be the policy of "the left" which I presume you oppose, so where does that leave you?

Are you opposed to bombing ISIS if it were a caliphate or if it were a terrorist army that has invaded Iraq?

Tell us your position?

So the far left is going to back Obama on his illegal operations in Iraq.

The name of the operation should be "To Give Obama a boost in the polls" Operation.

Notice it does not even have a operation name?
And for God's sake, end all funding & arming of Syrian Rebels immediately. ISIL is the deadly Blow Back on that. Stop the damn meddling. My God, your borders are wide open. These Wars aren't gonna stop the Al Qaeda Boogeyman or make your safer. If your Government really cared about that, it would stop all the meddling and secure our borders. The fact it hasn't secured our borders, tells the real story. Your Government isn't really concerned with Terrorism or your safety. It just wants more War so the Globalist Elite Fatcats can get richer and more powerful. Just ask VP Biden and his little brat son. They're getting pretty rich off the Ukrainian chaos, right?

It all makes you wonder if Al Qaeda was ever real at all. A Nation so concerned with Terrorism, leaves its borders wide open? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, huh? All Big Brother gave you was Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA domestic spying. Just took more of your rights away. It really does force one to consider the idea Al Qaeda was a scam all along. I don't see how Big Brother could really be concerned with Terrorism. If he were, he would have started with securing our border. Anyway, rant over. Enjoy your War Sheeple. Have a good one. :)
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Why should the US give a rat's ass about what is happening in Iraq?
The government is really hyping up the propaganda to get us re-involved in Iraq.
I wonder how far the Neocons will go.... Beheading babies no that is really over the top.

How does thousands of ISIS troops IN USA CITIES, killing thousands of Americans, knocking down tall buildings and special monuments (Mt Rushmore, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, etc), and having a field day with human shields sound to you ? Think it couldn't happen ? ISIS is openly threatening it, as Baghdadi said "See you in New York, and ISIS troops rant about flying the ISIS flag over the White House, on CNN every day. In June, ISIS did a witter campaign threatening to attack the US and Europe, and ISIS terrorists have already staged attacks in Europe.

So how soon might they be over HERE ? If Obama doesn't stop them, I see no reason why they couldn't be here in less than a month from now, in very large numbers, with lots of firepower, possibly even nuclear bombs, poison gas, and biological weapons.

Robin Simcox | Why Europe and the United States Could be ISIS' Next Target | Foreign Affairs

Threats from ISIS (the new "buzz" word) are nothing more than threats. How are all those "thousands" of ragtops going to get here? Swim?

I don't live in fear of what "might" happen someday. I live in the reality that if Obama was truly concerned about "protecting" the American people then he would immediately seal and protect the southern border. He would promote individual liberty including ones right to keep and bear arms. Could ISIS defeat a nation of people who own guns and who knows how to use them? If Obama was truly concerned about the America people then he would do what he could to strengthen (rather than weaken) America's military infrastructure.

Let's fix America before worrying about some sand dune in bumf*** Egypt.

Billions of dollars will probably be enough for a plane ticket.

ISIS has many Americans and Europeans in their group.....that means they can easily come back to the west to attack us just like the Boston bombers.

You kill them over there, trying to arrest them over here is too late.
As a Tea Partier I was against it from the start because I believed then (as I do now) that we have enough problems of our own to deal with.

Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet your only objected because you are concerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?

Are you saying you don't consider ISIS a real threat to America ?

It is quite obvious that the IS terrorists are a threat to anyone that does not submit allegiance to them. I don't. I hope every last one of them is killed, whether it be by US, Iraqi, Iranian, Russian, Syrian, Saudi or Israeli pilots. Or whether the are shot dead by Iraqi Government troops or Peshmerga, or Shiite militia bullets to their heads. They have justified their own extermination. Anyone opposed to killing these cockroaches ought to go join them then.
What is our objective, to bomb key targets and stop? To eliminate the enemy?

It is tough to support a military invasion or bombing or whatever you want to call it. I want to know our objectives, our exit strategy. I want to know if we are going into an all out war or a politically correct war.

We need firm leadership and guidance, otherwise we are wasting time, money, resources and lives.

Where were you during the Bush years?

What was our objective, what was the exit strategy? Was it an all out war or a politically correct fought war?

I am very consistent on the issue.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Are we? Would you call the Islamic State a sovereign country?

How does being Islamic make it not sovereign? This is irrelevant to my point anyway, it's not the United States, call it what you want.

Words are not attacking us and Iraq and Saudi Arabia are not the United States

Can you cite the section of the US Constitution you're drawing that quote from?


"provide for the common Defence."

In case you don't know, the Constitution is an enumerated document. So by the 10th amendment, any power not granted to the federal government is prohibited to it.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Defending Saudia Arabia and Iraq and going after people who talk and don't threaten us is not defense, and is therefore prohibited.

They are very much a threat to us. These are the very same people who have been using suicide bombs on us. On the World Trade Center and in Boston and all of our embassies.
What part of ISIS wants to raise the Islam flag in the White House are you not getting?
They want to force Islam in the whole world and kill all Jews and Christians.

Based on my research, 9/11 was an inside job:

9-11 Was An Inside Job - A Call To True Patriots
[ame=http://youtu.be/hWiusdy1miI]BEST 9/11 Documentary: If You Seek TRUTH, WATCH THIS - YouTube[/ame]
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You forgot the "If I don't support the bombing then I support the terrorists" option.

And how exactly do I or how can I support or not support something of which I have no control over?
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ISIS has many Americans and Europeans in their group.....that means they can easily come back to the west to attack us just like the Boston bombers.

You kill them over there, trying to arrest them over here is too late.

That was basically the Bush Doctrine.
Sadly, I feel compelled to support the bombing of ISIS.

I would have preferred to have a President whose feckless ignorance enabled the resurgence of Islamic Terrorism-Fascism, but here we are.

ISIS is engaged in a war against Western Civ - we should bomb them back to the stone age.
Did you oppose invading Iraq for moral reasons? You know because it is morally wrong to kill people that are no threat. It is morally wrong to start a war when there is a legitimate means to resolving the issues peacefully.

There had to be a real threat to justify invading Iraq. Yet your only objected because you are concerned about unresolved problems on the home front.

That is very interesting.

Was the left right then to oppose invading Iraq for any reason?

Are you saying you don't consider ISIS a real threat to America ?

It is quite obvious that the IS terrorists are a threat to anyone that does not submit allegiance to them
. I don't. I hope every last one of them is killed, whether it be by US, Iraqi, Iranian, Russian, Syrian, Saudi or Israeli pilots. Or whether the are shot dead by Iraqi Government troops or Peshmerga, or Shiite militia bullets to their heads. They have justified their own extermination. Anyone opposed to killing these cockroaches ought to go join them then.

That sounds just like the far left, yet you support the far left without question or hesitation.

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