Obama Bombs Iraq: Do you Support It?...

Do You Support Obama Bombing Iraq

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Well if he keeps asking he obviously missed the explanation on another thread. That is on him and he will need to search for it.

Thus the far left will do everything they can to back Obama's illegal air strikes in Iraq.
You didn't explain how it was illegal, because it isn't illegal, but feel free to continue to lie.

He doesn't need to explain! He's a Party member and is from the Ministry of Truth!

Remember the Party Slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength!

He's watching!

And yet another far left Obama drone that will not denounce the illegal actions of Obama in Iraq.
The sale of the war began early:

Despite a lack of evidence that the meeting took place, the item was cited by administration officials as high as Vice President Dick Cheney and ended up being reported so widely that two-thirds of Americans polled by the Council on Foreign Relations believe Iraq was behind the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Copyright 2002 CBS. All rights reserved.
Selling The Iraq War To The U.S. - CBS News

After the deaths, Cheney shrugged it off, he made 3 million of course:

It didn't help the White House when Vice President Dick Cheney, asked by ABC News about polls showing that two thirds of Americans believe the war isn't worth fighting, replied, "So?" Doesn't he care what Americans think? "No," Cheney replied, "I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls." His remarks struck antiwar leaders at home as insensitive and dismissive.

The Big Cheney Shrug-Off - US News
I think the people who vilified Bush are hypocritical when they stand behind Obama's warmongering.
Evil, warmonger Bush has miraculously morphed into righteous, warmonger Obama. Penn and Teller couldn't-a done it better.

Bush is evil. Bush bombed the government of Iraq when it was in full cooperation with UN inspectors. And then evil Bush sent in the infantry to overthrow and occupy Iraq without the slightest preparation for what to do after regime change. Tens of thousands died, were wounded and lost their property.

There was no genocide going on in Iraq at the time of the US invasion. Saddam Hussein kept the Christians and Yazidis safe. There was no al Qaeda or terrorist activity going on.

That is evil Bush's legacy.

Obama is targeting some very evil militants that are terrorizing innocent Iraqis on a fairly large swath of Iraq.

If you think hitting those terrorist with air strikes is evil you are sick.

If you think hitting those terrorists is identical to what Bush started in Iraq you are stupid. There can be no doubt about that.
Evil, warmonger Bush has miraculously morphed into righteous, warmonger Obama. Penn and Teller couldn't-a done it better.

Bush is evil. Bush bombed the government of Iraq when it was in full cooperation with UN inspectors. And then evil Bush sent in the infantry to overthrow and occupy Iraq without the slightest preparation for what to do after regime change. Tens of thousands died, were wounded and lost their property.

There was no genocide going on in Iraq at the time of the US invasion. Saddam Hussein kept the Christians and Yazidis safe. There was no al Qaeda or terrorist activity going on.

That is evil Bush's legacy.

Obama is targeting some very evil militants that are terrorizing innocent Iraqis on a fairly large swath of Iraq.

If you think hitting those terrorist with air strikes is evil you are sick.

If you think hitting those terrorists is identical to what Bush started in Iraq you are stupid. There can be no doubt about that.

Oh yes.. because the militants who targeted the Kurds when Booooosh invaded , weren't really evil.. they just played evil actors on the interwebz newz..

The Kurds were gassed in 1988, Reagan did -0-:

The Halabja chemical attack (Kurdish: Kîmyabarana Helebce کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە), also known as the Halabja Massacre or Bloody Friday,[1] was a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War in the Kurdish city of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan. The attack was part of the Al-Anfal campaign in northern Iraq, as well as part of the Iraqi attempt to repel the Iranian Operation Zafar 7. It took place 48 hours after the fall of the town to Iranian army and Kurdish guerrillas.

The attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injured 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians.[1][2] Thousands more died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.[3] The incident, which has been officially defined as an act of genocide against the Kurdish people in Iraq,[4] was and still remains the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history.[5]

The Halabja attack has been recognized as a separate event from the Anfal Genocide that was also conducted against the Kurdish people by the Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein.[6] The Iraqi High Criminal Court recognized the Halabja massacre as an act of genocide on March 1, 2010, a decision welcomed by the Kurdistan Regional Government. The attack was also condemned as a crime against humanity by the Parliament of Canada.[7]

Halabja chemical attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kurds were gassed in 1988, Reagan did -0-:

The Halabja chemical attack (Kurdish: Kîmyabarana Helebce کیمیابارانی ھەڵەبجە), also known as the Halabja Massacre or Bloody Friday,[1] was a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War in the Kurdish city of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan. The attack was part of the Al-Anfal campaign in northern Iraq, as well as part of the Iraqi attempt to repel the Iranian Operation Zafar 7. It took place 48 hours after the fall of the town to Iranian army and Kurdish guerrillas.

The attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injured 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians.[1][2] Thousands more died of complications, diseases, and birth defects in the years after the attack.[3] The incident, which has been officially defined as an act of genocide against the Kurdish people in Iraq,[4] was and still remains the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history.[5]

The Halabja attack has been recognized as a separate event from the Anfal Genocide that was also conducted against the Kurdish people by the Iraqi regime under Saddam Hussein.[6] The Iraqi High Criminal Court recognized the Halabja massacre as an act of genocide on March 1, 2010, a decision welcomed by the Kurdistan Regional Government. The attack was also condemned as a crime against humanity by the Parliament of Canada.[7]

Halabja chemical attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who really gassed the Kurds?

I can post links too LIBERAL

No one knows who gassed the Kurds, but they were gassed.. period.. We can always make the case for war when it comes to the "peace loving religion of islam."
I was convinced by these two leading Democrats. They disagreed with you as well.

- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

I am not fooled by your lie by ommission. Do you see those three dots (...) at the end of the Kerry statement you are half citing:

"So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

Why did you quote Kerry only on half of his statement?

So post the rest of what Kerry said after those three dots and then tell me you agree with him.

Will you do that or run?

Also Sen Clinton was correct in October 2002 to vote yes to authorize force if necessary because at that time there were no UN inspectors in Iraq and Saddam Hussein was openly in violation of international law.

I agree with her vote and speech in October 2002 and condemn Bush's March 2003 decision to force an end to those succeeding inspections and start a war.

I got the quotes from Snopes. If you want to see what else Kerry said, merely type or copy this sentence "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ..." into your search engine and read to your hearts content.

I don't need to see what else Kerry said. I have read it. Unlike you I don't cite half a sentence to bolster my arguments. And unlike you I fact check my cites by going to actual full text when it is available.

You've given me your answer. You don't care what was actually said in context. You accept what someone cuts up and puts on line.

If that's the way you conduct business, then your credibility is quite suspect.

You are not even curious as to what Kerry fully said. And that is typical coming from Obama bashers.
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Evil, warmonger Bush has miraculously morphed into righteous, warmonger Obama. Penn and Teller couldn't-a done it better.

Bush is evil. Bush bombed the government of Iraq when it was in full cooperation with UN inspectors. And then evil Bush sent in the infantry to overthrow and occupy Iraq without the slightest preparation for what to do after regime change. Tens of thousands died, were wounded and lost their property.

There was no genocide going on in Iraq at the time of the US invasion. Saddam Hussein kept the Christians and Yazidis safe. There was no al Qaeda or terrorist activity going on.

That is evil Bush's legacy.

Obama is targeting some very evil militants that are terrorizing innocent Iraqis on a fairly large swath of Iraq.

If you think hitting those terrorist with air strikes is evil you are sick.

If you think hitting those terrorists is identical to what Bush started in Iraq you are stupid. There can be no doubt about that.

And the far left propaganda rules over reality..
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Evil, warmonger Bush has miraculously morphed into righteous, warmonger Obama. Penn and Teller couldn't-a done it better.

Bush is evil. Bush bombed the government of Iraq when it was in full cooperation with UN inspectors. And then evil Bush sent in the infantry to overthrow and occupy Iraq without the slightest preparation for what to do after regime change. Tens of thousands died, were wounded and lost their property.

There was no genocide going on in Iraq at the time of the US invasion. Saddam Hussein kept the Christians and Yazidis safe. There was no al Qaeda or terrorist activity going on.

That is evil Bush's legacy.

Obama is targeting some very evil militants that are terrorizing innocent Iraqis on a fairly large swath of Iraq.

If you think hitting those terrorist with air strikes is evil you are sick.

If you think hitting those terrorists is identical to what Bush started in Iraq you are stupid. There can be no doubt about that.

Your hatred for Bush has blinded you to the truth. The Democrats in congress voted to invade and take Saddam out. Wise up.
At least Bush asked Congress for a vote on war. Obama just jumped right in without bring proof to Congress at all. Not even an attempt.
Hmmm...I'm not exactly sure who the dipshit is that doesn't know how to use the quote function, so if it wasn't you - I apologize in advance. If, on the other hand, I will tell you this - Kiss my Black ass.

I don't give a fuck for your opinion and it means less than nothing to me. Now, as to the gentleman in the photo - that was my Father (then A Lt Col) who went on to become a Brigadier.

YOU a "combat" Veteran? Where and When? Me? 25th Infantry, January 1967 through November 1968 - Ashau Valley, Quan Tri and Le Won. 11B, 97B. Retired form the Army in 1986 as a CW4. Fuck you very much Rambo.

My Brother? US Marines - 3 tours Retired in 1987 as a Master Gunnery Sergeant.

You don't like my views - again - Kiss my Black ass.

Oh, and I just told you that you don't care Rambo. Don't like it? Tough shit .....You're are as full of shit as the other REMFs that inhabit this board.

Either you made a typo or your shit ain't flying too damn straight...23 straight months in country? You a REMF in civvies, Ramboette? Or the real deal? If you're the real deal, Kiss My White Ass and Welcome Home Brother!

I don't need to present my bona fides to you on your fucking demand asshole! I'm not a professional veteran like some folk! I got out of the Navy in Jul '68 after my 4 years were done with bits and pieces of a B40 still in my body from a little incident on the Perfume River west of Hue in '67. VA has me at 100% P&T for that and other shit linked to AO. I've made several pilgrimages to The Wall to see two good friends that never made it back to the World. 'Nuff said, shit for brains!

So for your sorry ass to presume to tell me that their sacrifice doesn't mean anything to me, you did, indeed, let your ass overload your mouth you fucking prick! Yet you just fucking ASSUME that since you're the only one with Red, White and Blue blood flowing in your veins, you are the only one with an emotional attachment to the fallen. What an ego-centric asshole you truly are!

Tough shit if you don't like the way I respond to your idiotic ranting. Sometimes I like to use colored text directly below the quote to save data bits. Don't like it, pound fucking sand soldier!

BTW, your Dad was a handsome man in that photo. No disrespect at all was directed toward him. My Dad was career AF also. WWII & Korea vet, SAC from 1948 on to 1965 with 28 at retirement as a CM/Sgt. One thing we can agree on I think is that we are both proud of our fathers. Let's leave it at that, for now, eh?

Yes. November 67. My bad. I'm 70 years old and occasionally make a typo. I'll be watching for yours to correct you. And, Yes, you do need to present your "bona fides" if you're going to challenge me, ass wipe. My Dad doesn't need your bullshit respect. He died 20 years ago.
Correct what? I've already told you I'm not a professional veteran, unlike yourself! I was not the one to challenge; that was YOU shit for brains, or have you conveniently forgotten what you wrote in your #296:

RandallFlagg said:
No, as expected, he [Obama, sic] pussed out and pulled the troops. Now, all the blood that was lost in that war was for nothing. It probably means nothing to you - but it means a hell of a lot to those thousands of families who lost Sons or Daughters or Husbands and Fathers. (emphasis added)

That was the challenge you made PERSONAL and directed at me, piss ant, which started this dance! Changing the narrative is easy if one wants to run away from an inconvenient truth of their making, you bloody mental eunuch! I only responded to it because you assumed you were on some higher plain because of your service, you pompous ass! So how can anyone be certain you aren't stealing another's valor with your claim of service? We don't, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and took your word, unchallenged, you petty creature!

You seem upset that someone would challenge you? Tough Shit. This conversation was about NOW - not 40 years ago, dumbass. I don't give a hoot in hell what you did or didn't do. This is about NOW and the FUTURE - got it? The VC pose no threat to the US. The terrorist Army ISIS DOES. You'd better learn how to deal with that.
Of course you don't care what I did or didn't do, which goes to the point of your narcissism; berating others in your subjective eye so you can rise above them IN YOUR OWN PETTY MIND is your pathetically sick objective. I'm not upset at all if someone challenges me with cause and proper forms of address. That's life you ignorant shit! But when YOU initiate a personal attack loaded with invectives and pejoratives based on your faulty and baseless assumptions, and then double down on that bullshit to deflect from your gaff, expect me to respond in kind with both barrels each and every time! The 40 years ago, and ISIS nonsense you are trying to conflate with this didn't figure into your quote I referenced in your #296, or in any part of your #440. Too fucking poor to pay attention with that 70 year old bankrupt mind, Chief?

Oh yes.. because the militants who targeted the Kurds when Booooosh invaded , weren't really evil.. they just played evil actors on the interwebz newz.. FUCKING DOLT

When did I say Ansar al Islam was not evil. You should not make things up and then call people fucking dolts based upon your fabrications.

And you are the dolt because Ansar al Islam did not target the Kurds 'when' Bush invaded Iraq. Ansar sl Islam targeted Kurds long before Bush invaded Iraq. They were not based in an area that Saddam Hussein controlled. They were based under the Northern No-Fly Zone. The UK or US bombers could have hit their camps anytime. There was no need to ground invade Baghdad to wipe out Ansar al Islam as the following history of the Peshmerga and their rołe in OIF explains.

I had no problem with Bush bombing terrorists anywhere they were after the 9/11/01 attacks. I supportef everything Bush did in Afghsnistan, bombs and ground invasion and all. It was great to see terrorists die. It was great to see Ansar al Islam terrorist scatter or die

I did not support Bush pulling so much out of Afghanistan and forcing UN inspectors out of Iraq in order to attack Iraq, however.

So you have misrepresentef my position on Kurdish region terrorists and shown you know little about what happened around the time of the US blitzkrieg into Baghdad in March 2003.

Ansar al Islsm in Kurdish held territory was wiped out quite quickly as of April 2003:

. In any case, the joint Kurdistani-U.S. attacks from 21 March to 12 April 2003 defeated thirteen Iraqi divisions, prevented Iraqi forces from reinforcing their southern defenses, captured strategic airfields throughout northern Iraq (Robinson, 340 cited in Lortz, 68), and reduced the ability of the Ansar Al-Islam to terrorize the Kurdish population in Iraq.

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A little more;

In sheer peer manner, the cooperation between the peshmergas and the U.S SFG was far closer than the peshmerga-CIA relationship. Upon the arrival of the SFG in January 2003, the peshmerga became an integral part of the Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), especially in uprooting the Ansar Al-Islam from Kurdistan.

The destruction of Ansar al-Islam was beneficial to both the U.S. and Iraqi Kurdistan. For the U.S. SFG, the removal of Ansar Al-Islam, on the one hand was a token of friendship given to the Kurds, and it destroyed a vital part of the al-Qaeda network on the other hand. As for the peshmergas, the elimination of Ansar Al-Islam was critically needed to nullify any future threat to peshmerga operations during the forthcoming liberation of Iraq and beyond.

As Kurdish trust and confidence in American intentions established, PUK and KDP peshmergas were chosen by the U.S. as the best regional allies and were placed under the direct command of the U.S. Army (Lortz, 66). The PUK peshmergas were commanded by U.S. Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Kenneth Tovo and the KDP peshmergas were led by fellow LTC Robert Waltemeyer (Robinson, 301 cited in Lortz, 66).
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Obama is often blamed by rightwingers for not intervening enough.
Now that he does attack ISIS, all Obama bashers stand for non-intervention.

Evil, warmonger Bush has miraculously morphed into righteous, warmonger Obama. Penn and Teller couldn't-a done it better.

Bush is evil. Bush bombed the government of Iraq when it was in full cooperation with UN inspectors. And then evil Bush sent in the infantry to overthrow and occupy Iraq without the slightest preparation for what to do after regime change. Tens of thousands died, were wounded and lost their property.

There was no genocide going on in Iraq at the time of the US invasion. Saddam Hussein kept the Christians and Yazidis safe. There was no al Qaeda or terrorist activity going on.

That is evil Bush's legacy.

Obama is targeting some very evil militants that are terrorizing innocent Iraqis on a fairly large swath of Iraq.

If you think hitting those terrorist with air strikes is evil you are sick.

If you think hitting those terrorists is identical to what Bush started in Iraq you are stupid. There can be no doubt about that.

LOL. I just KNEW you "peace-luvin'" Libs would come out of the woodwork and defend Obama for doing EXACTLY what Bush did. Bomb Iraq!!! How do YOU spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?
Obama is often blamed by rightwingers for not intervening enough.
Now that he does attack ISIS, all Obama bashers stand for non-intervention.


Actually, I was totally opposed to the Iraqi invasion when Obama's double, Bush, did it. The only difference I see today is that the same Libs that opposed it then are all for it now.
Evil, warmonger Bush has miraculously morphed into righteous, warmonger Obama. Penn and Teller couldn't-a done it better.

Bush is evil. Bush bombed the government of Iraq when it was in full cooperation with UN inspectors. And then evil Bush sent in the infantry to overthrow and occupy Iraq without the slightest preparation for what to do after regime change. Tens of thousands died, were wounded and lost their property.

There was no genocide going on in Iraq at the time of the US invasion. Saddam Hussein kept the Christians and Yazidis safe. There was no al Qaeda or terrorist activity going on.

That is evil Bush's legacy.

Obama is targeting some very evil militants that are terrorizing innocent Iraqis on a fairly large swath of Iraq.

If you think hitting those terrorist with air strikes is evil you are sick.

If you think hitting those terrorists is identical to what Bush started in Iraq you are stupid. There can be no doubt about that.

LOL. I just KNEW you "peace-luvin'" Libs would come out of the woodwork and defend Obama for doing EXACTLY what Bush did. Bomb Iraq!!! How do YOU spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?

I support it now and I supported Bush too.
Both the liberals who are now all for the attacks as well as the neo-conservatives who are now against it are both hypocrite
LOL. I just KNEW you "peace-luvin'" Libs would come out of the woodwork and defend Obama for doing EXACTLY what Bush did. Bomb Iraq!!! How do YOU spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?

How do you spell I-D-I-O-T.

I have never been 'peace-luv in' when it comes to bombing/killing terrorists who kill and plunder in the name of Islam. I celebrate the dozen blown to hell yesterday in Iraq. The 200+ blown to hell yesterday in Afghanistan and every terrorist Clinton, Bush and Obama has killed since the first WTC bombing by those bastards. That includes OBL of course.

I wish Reagan would not have cut n run from the terrorists leadership that killed 230 US Marines in Lebanon. Now there was a wimp move to beat all.

But anyway, when you can show me any evidence that Obama is bombing Iraqi government targets in Iraq the past two days then you can start claiming he is doing EXACTLY what Bush did in 2003.

Until you can do that you are wrong about your 'exactly' crap.

Can you explain the difference between Obama authorizing the sale of 4000 Hellfire missiles to the government of Iraq while at the same time dropping bombs on terrorists in Iraq.

Can you imagine any scenario where Bush was supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein while at the same time bomb the government forces for using them.

You are one confused and disoriented Obama basher.
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