Pleading with voters to vote for her

Jon Huntsmann, if you listened to him had some very good ideas. Just for an example, folks who were here on visas would get a driver privilege card (that said--NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES; not a drivers license. It was a middle-of-the-road measure to make sure that these folks were not registering to vote for example but allowed them to work in Utah. Romney had a great idea too. He said that if one of the agencies in the Executive branch had a regulation that was going to cost X amount of money (I forget the details), Congress would have to enact the regulation as a law. Sounds sane to me. Say what you want about Mormons or whatever.

Our primary system is about as close to a bad joke as you can get. Two small states that are less diverse than a menu at Baskin Robbins gets to essentially pick what candidates are “viable” or not. We need to overhaul that and have 5 “super Tuesdays” In January-May (or February-June)...The first Tuesday of each month, have 10 states in one region of the nation cast votes at one time. You’ll have urban areas, farms, factories, seaports, military bases, blacks, Hispanics, whites, Asians, tens of millions of voters hearing the messages; not a few thousand in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Just reading this forum will give away massive lessons. We know for a fact that if 100 post to this forum, there will be many groups that assemble among themselves to vote up or down on issues. Huntsman was a good legislator. If this group wanted to poll itself, this forum I mean, before Trump or Harris were picked, it is clear up to a dozen candidates would now be running as opposed to 2 of them. Each of us has varying views. We do not agree with the others. I come at this having some background in voting on Government issues. I know how hard it is to come to a conclusion. Harris for example lost her bid to be president even after she beat up on Joe Biden. Biden never did more than chair a few committees. Even then he knows more about Congress than your typical poster here knows. I put trust in Trump for several important reasons. First he was president. I looked at his record and learned it was very excellent. He worked hard for the public. He was not helpful to unlawful migrants. They should never have a say anyway. They show up from places unlike the USA. They are here for work. Work for them is fine with me. We have programs to sign them in. But this crap of them raiding us is wrong. I got a food delivery here in Idaho yesterday and the driver did not even speak broken english. But he has a brand new car though it is tiny. How the hell did a food delivery person, not able to communicate, manage to carry food to me from the restaurant. We are not a charity for illegals.
Clinton was a senatir and SOS for one term. Biden was a ong time senator, and 2 term VP. He was more quaified than Clinton. And Harris has had nearly 40 years of public policy experience at every level of government. If you were looking to resumes to hire people instead of personalities or idelogies, you may not be talking as you are.
They have experience and no leadership, sorry more to being a good President than living off the public taxpayers.
Jon Huntsmann, if you listened to him had some very good ideas. Just for an example, folks who were here on visas would get a driver privilege card (that said--NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES; not a drivers license. It was a middle-of-the-road measure to make sure that these folks were not registering to vote for example but allowed them to work in Utah. Romney had a great idea too. He said that if one of the agencies in the Executive branch had a regulation that was going to cost X amount of money (I forget the details), Congress would have to enact the regulation as a law. Sounds sane to me. Say what you want about Mormons or whatever.

Our primary system is about as close to a bad joke as you can get. Two small states that are less diverse than a menu at Baskin Robbins gets to essentially pick what candidates are “viable” or not. We need to overhaul that and have 5 “super Tuesdays” In January-May (or February-June)...The first Tuesday of each month, have 10 states in one region of the nation cast votes at one time. You’ll have urban areas, farms, factories, seaports, military bases, blacks, Hispanics, whites, Asians, tens of millions of voters hearing the messages; not a few thousand in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Rank voting in the primaries might help get better leaders.

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